. THE. DUPLIN TIMES Published Meb Friday In Kenansviile. N. C. County Seat of ' DUPLIN COUNTY V' ' , ' ' Editorial business and printing plant. -Kenansviile. N. C. , 1. HOBERT GRADY.' EDITOR OWFR - i ' Entered at the Post Office, Kenansviile. JM. C - " ,. , .,' ., , , as second class matter. J , i TELEPHONES V' , v .t Kenansviile, 27-7 vi ' ; . ; Warsaw, 353-6 . ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES; $3.00 per year la Duplin County; I3J0 per year year outside Duplin County, In North Carolina: 14-00 per year outside North Carolina, except to Men in V. s. . Armed Forces, Anywhere. $3.00 per year. ' ' . ' ' v .'Advertising rates furnished on request. A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, economic and agricultural interests of Duplin County. SSSntt Cardlinn r:i&-ci( Ad ft-Win;) ' tpfntivo Hw York Oikaa DH 0 i Civil Service Exams Are Announced ' Examinations for willing Arch "Itlet anri TTfcrhunv V.nfinApr nnsi ; tions were announced today by the . U. S. i Civil Service Commission. .. The Archivist positions are in the National Archives and the War De partments in Washington, D. C. and vicinity; at Hyde Park, N. Y., i and in Navy establishments throimh 1 out the States. The Highway Engin eer positions ' are in the Public Roads Administration, and are lo cated throughout the country. Information and application forms may be obtained in this vi cinity from .Mr. Fred Baars, loca ted at the Warsaw Postolticc in Warsaw or the Fourth Civil Service Regional Office, i Winston-Salem. North Carolina.' ; Two From Duplin On Honor Roll The names of 161 students ma king an average of two on their work for the winter quarter at East Carolina Teachers College an ' included on the honor roll for that period have been announced. In cluded in the list of those receiving recognition for high scholastic standing are Thomas F. Booth, a freshman from Rose Hill, and Miss Margaret F. Carr, sophomore from Wallace. ' j,f r ' A 15 it, . it 1 r ; 1: mm QUINN McGOWEN COMPANY WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA DAT PHONE l-M-1 NTTB --fl-l Funeral Directors Embalmers Ambulance Service -K3 HOUSE WIRING - We Have The Equipment .(. Refrigeratior and Appliance Repair ' V " Prompt Service Anywhere ' DUPLI1I ELlCTRIC COMPAIIY Rose Hill Phone 331 Warsaw Phone 2701 H. 1, SOVTHERLAND, Prop. Licensed Electrician AT HOME Oil THE FARM WITH- THE CTY COUSIN I'll! IIIICT tWWIW. 1W " "I NEW YORK When Paul Antosio, tinsmith, slipped "the first vote" into th UNO ballot box which be had just made, it was a plea that echoed prayers of religious people everywhere. "May God be with every member of the United Nations Organi sation," the messago read, "and through your noble efforts bring fast ing peace to us all all over the world." : Thousands of churches, regarding civic responsibility as a stew ardship, are encouraging prayerful study of the United Nations pro gram. The Methodist lay-activition leaders, as one part of the denomination's Crusade for Christ, arc" making this a mid-winter em-ohaaia. J NoiTo Overgraze Thier Cattle WARSAW FISH'MARKET ' 't . t St ' t'L CRKATOas Alf D ilAINXAENKtiS OF LOWBH ; " PRICES ON QCALTTY SKA FOODS r ,. .H,S-;:i.-i'.-MfH--. (Heart Dow to A 4 P) BoOh 'WholeMto aad Befall DBE8STN0 bM roar aTfah sc Know Toar WBlta BmrOett IbsMtOH WARSAW, N. CI WK OJEUVEB f Auction Sale Every Thursday Wallace Livestock Wallace Unless care is taken to let cat tle get accustomed to the new for age crops, losses by bloat may be come serious according to Dr. J. F Foster, at State College., Bloating, usually caused by hur ried eating and gorging of a new kind of pasture, is due to an excess ive accumulation of gases in the rumen or paunch. It results in a pronounced swelling on the left side, and may occur suddenly and grow continually worse until fatal. Regardless of the severity of the case, the animal should be kept under observation. I Do not turn livestock on pasture I 1 ....til thn In mi XUr U1B iUl Llitic UilVIA m u w dew has dried ofi. Give the an'mals a feed of grass hay before they a. 1 turned on pasture. Allow the stock to grpze for oly about thirty min utes tor the first day, and increase the time that amount for the next four or five days or until stock be comes accustomed to the pasture. ';: 4-,: D5H?CARIT0N i WARSAW, : INSURANCE AGENCY Life Fire - Storm - Automobile, etc. Telephone 3496 . WwsavN.C. ' I have seen two-aeaded calves on exhibition,: but I hurried over -to r.Iattin Coisnl when Xhoti-d tbout those Soamese Twin Baby Chicks. ' S,eems that a young girl had bought a lot of baby chicks from a local hatchery for her 4-H Club work and when she examined them at home, there was this chick - or these chicks - cheeping away in a high-keyed duet! ' . " - rue aescrtption given me was that th echicks were grown together at the breast, had two heads, four feet and four wings. I remember the first thought that came to me was that if this duplex chicken is ever put on the market, it will only lead me to getting twice as many hecks and wings! - - Then I got to wondering if both chickens would each lay one egg, or if one chicken would lay two eggs. Then I envisioned a whole flock of such chickens, and recall ing what the Extension, poultry specialists have 1)een saying about culling non-layers, one tight spot after another came to my mini Suppose one chicken wanted to eat mash while 'the other was bent only on getting to the nearest water pan. Though only naif as many nests would be required, one hen might be inclined to lay while the other would rather be out plucking at worms.'W ' ' '. . " Then there is the problem of getting up, and going to-roost This would be particularly acute, even if they both timed their bed-time habits, and .- considerable effort would be required to synchronize four wings and four feet in the at tempt. -i:-.:--i'-.i.V ;--W:;-t--,, t- Dressing this double-breasted chicken would not be too difficult, perhaps, but I'm sure that Wiling it - or them - would, have to be reckoned with Jn a different way ' Always : .chicken-hearted about such things, I don't know if I could ever bring myself to kill two mem bers of the same family with one blow, and any other i procedure would be certain death! . State College Answers Farm Questions Q. What causes hens to lay rough shelled eggs? i A. The rough shells are due to uneven distribution of calcium and water throughout the shell and dif ferences in the size -of the shell pores. Probably heredity has little to do-in this case, but a bird laying such an egg usually will lay similar eggs throughout its life. - .:, Q. Where can I obtain blueprint of bee hives and frames? . , ' M u . . . i 'tr t..ncy ."i (or quick relief from itching caused by eczema. Uilete foot, tcljiei, pimple and other itiim rondittom. tiw rnirr, cxmling, medicated, lutu.J D.D. D.PRUCHIPTION. A doctor formula. Gnaaelen nnd tainlei. Soothe, comfort and quickly calm Interne Itching. 85c trial botua prove t, or money back. Don t suffer. Alc your drugxUt today (or D. D. D. ruaitCHirTluti, - A. See your Extension Service County Farm Agent. , Q. When is the proper time: to cut alfalfa for hay? A. Alfalfa should be cut in earlv blossom stage (about 1-4 flowers open) : as the greatest yield' per acre of protein is obtained at this stage.- - , - At least three and in most cases four cuttings .can be made each season. The last cutting should fca early enough, to allow the -.alfalfa to- make 6 to 10 inches 'of uew growth before the f ir;4 killing frost. This fall - growth ; period iii necessary in order for. the alfalfa r to store enough food in the roots for winter survival, and vigorous growth the following spring. State College Hints To Homemakers ... . .. ;... ' Tha energy ttudies show - that standing takes 14 percent more en ergy than sitting. Therefore, a sim ple obvious rule for saving strength in housework is: Sit while ironing, polishing silver, peeling potatoes or preparing other vegetables or fruits; hand-mixing bread, cake, etc. Many housewives have reported ironing as their most tiring task be cause of long hours of standing. Yet they continue to iron on foot because they believe it makes the job go faster. This is true only If the board Is the wrong height for sitting. ,i ' Too often the only seat is a high stool where the worker must perch With feet dangling and without back support and bend uncomfortably over work. TYNDAU FUNERAL HOME . m mount ouvb . lirtJ Association ; . v Pfcea 70 1 ' FnnaraJ Directors, iCanbalmer Ambulance Service, dmv or night Dr. H. V. Colv.dl ' OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted, Next Door To Cavenauth ; t .- Chevrolet Company Permanent Office In WALLACE, X. C. A. J. CAVENAUGII Wallace, N. C. " JEWCLLU " D1AMONPS WATCHES WATCH AND JEWELRY ' REPAIRING & ENGRAVING C$0000000000 Ve Cure tkz The Year Rcr.d WE HAVE, -FOR IMMEDIATE '. , ..... ... v ' DELIVERY CONTAINERS FOR ; Strawberries n Vegetables AND. v. Fruits STOUT'S Frozen Food Locker Company : r WALLACE, N. C. : PHONE 264-6 oooonooonnnn 1 WARSAW, N. Wriaa" . Nature may endow you with breathtaking beauty, lovely : curvaceous; figure. She may be- -ato gifta on you that make you brilliant actress, a leader In year class at college, sought after at dances, or a cnarmlng wife and mother. Yes, Nature may do all this. And yet you may find your face ' mockingly slapped if you suffer these distressing symptoms, -which so many -unfortunate girls and women do. , SortMihlna You ShovU . Not Jake About! , Fo If female functional monthly c -nrbances are causing you to , en& from pain, nervous dis- ' t uss and feel weak, restless, so '; t -nnky and Irritable, that you . . . t iiost turn into a "she-devil' r i such days thw is sokithiwo i J sHODiwil joks ABOxn. Start -t away try Lydla E. Pink s Vegetable Compound to . ? r h symptoms. It's fa- : ' ?. "s i ; " rose. And don't ' f ffs "StffcJ-Mnrstk'' 1 ..:.;. ' ft ' such an egg usually will lay similar " V" i . 1111 . . ' 1 rAr C -3il esgs throughout its life. . . ' ' . . , v , 1 - SY-. r W. E. Bartlett & Sen . tT!tlSth r" ; HFy . ' " Warsaw, N. C. . . f y: ::' :, '' 'vS rrl B1r,U8ht ! FOR rOULiits' AND ALL STOCK . ' S yOCVFLANCSE blLER FOR V ? I . . . ' SrZ ! . ..iii. .-... ' ' " . ' . IP. ' . .V..'" H '' . . '.-... . i I Ko, ! fviJyJiLh-. i! ""f Dine And Dance. 0"rV 'l ;'.: -J HOVDY CLUB I 42 rl i ' -jm . i. 7 p- meeungs ana personal visits,' th;. ! , - I I Q7 MT"ft.VBt fciiwnrt .- ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAYS SATURDAY NITES . X 4-. , -i I " P Mc'y pat4 and , exna. These that don't toa the Una Si . . . . , forget Plnkham's Compound Bon non than relieve suclt mont.hjy pain. This great medV cine also relieves accompanying nervous tension, irritability, those tired-out, mean plck-oa everyone' feelings when due tm this cause. Taken regularly thruout the month Pinkham Compound helps build up resis tance against such distressa Very sensible thing to do. Just see if you, too, don't remarkably bene;. J A3 csstoW.. .- ATTENTION If Aiiy OneAVank A 1947 PlymouJh, Ford, Or Chevrolet -1 Have Them In Stock. -V: K You Have An Old Car You'd Like To Trade, Bring It With You. Terms If Desired. . Phones: Office 3336 Residence 2266 Lewis Motors c. AletawisU are mighty dad te o CdVi Bevrlee Btadm. Tt tafsway always cleanly swept, OeilliU kept afeelr aainted, and tte offlea and rest rooms Mtt aad " Are report4 to the author itiea, liauaaa, AM M41 AimscII "PeTT- at -: meetings and personal-visits,' the: brewers encourage retailers of bees . te maintain clean, law-abiding tav- Those that don't toe the line It's aot only te idea. The paay that sapplfaa Bdi 41 aad gasoline Jnafata em eartata ataav ard. -aet jot ta the ukwm of the staciea, but n the i aersiee that Ed readers. It's tlte the brewers' proreta ef Saf-Eesn!Uoii.Tl5roi' "s -t Trent where I sit, it's Just com- business sense to see that the product which you sell is handled by responsible) courteous people ahwugh attractive outlets,. It wins the good will and the gratitude of. the community. on.; . ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY NTTES Celebrate Your Anniversaries, Birthdays And Other Occasions With Us.' The Club Is Available On Monday Nitcs To Private Parties Call 't Ccunty 2701 For II( ?frvr'-:s " T J- 117 - -