W .. V WAESAW E0ITOK v Subscription. Agent ? Advertising Solicitor : Dial 293-6 Call In Tour News Marriage , Mr. and Mrs. David Dixon Sparh man announce the marriage of their sister,: Margaret Carlton to 'Mr. 'Claude McCullen.. SundaV. Anrll 27th., 194Trat Citadel Square Bap tist Church, Charleston, S. C. Circles Meet Methodist Circles. Circle' No. 1 of the W9 of CS met Tuesday af ternoon In the home of Mrs. Gordon WesCat West 'Siding ' with the Chairman, Mrs. Sam J. '.: Powell presiding and 13 present. Mrs. Powell led the Bible study I and Mrs. J. K. Bea, Jr.utaughi the ' mission study book. The - hostess served a tempting congealed fruit ; salad course with cookies, nuts and iced tea. .... circle No. 2 was entertained in - the home of Mrs. W. E. Taylor on ; ' Tuesday hight with Mrs. Jimim McColman, as joint hostess: There were eight present and in the ab sence of the Chairman, Mrs. J -C j Thompson, Mrs. Q J. Sutton pre sided. Mrs. Hopton Smith gave the devotional and Mrs: Sutton taught the mission study, book.-The hos tesses served delicious strawberry shortcake with coffee. : ,- v Circle No. 3 met Tuesday night with Mrs. ; Clyde urratt with 11 present. Mrs. M. A. Smith presided and those giving a review' of the Bible Study were Mesdames G P. Pridgen, Milton West, and vMiss .Martha Lee Oakes. .. Miss Nellie Corbett taught" the mission study course which was most Interesting and the hostess, assisted tby- her iiiuuier, rars. a. u. Miaaieton, ser- -vea v surawDerry shortcake - with Coffee. . ;r. My.i:f: r?.-;. h Hospital r , Mrs, Willie Blackmore underwent a major operation Thursday morn ing in James Walker Hospital, and is getting along as well as could be expected. . .'V' 'km'i Musicians Arc On Air The "Melody Rangers", composed of Warsaw musicians, Bobby Glenn Powell, Herbert Lewis, Herman and Buddy Dail and "Red" Summerlin. are broadcasting each afternoon QBIVE WITH CAn COMET springy you want to get out and drive, To: insure saf e, enoyable driving let us give your car a burap?r to bumper chack-up Our (complete rfring service puts your car in A-l driving con I.:ion Grease, Oit,-BatteryrBrake Fluid, Rad i .tor Flushed, Wash,' Polish, etc. ' '- : at 4:15 over Station WIJBZ, in Clin ton. . ACi'l V;.' Personals rMiss Carolyn Carter, of MC Airy was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Johnson. ; - . Mrs. H.L. Stevens , has been In Kenansvllle ., part . of this week Kwith her mother, Mrs. L. A. Beas- ley v .'-sii-j Miss Mildred Johnson, of Golden boro spent the week end with! her mother, Mrs. . C. L? Johnson. ' Friends of Mrs. Ralph Apple white will tegret tb learn than the is confined to her home onPianlc Street. . Ajfi; ': Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shfpe haye mov ed, to Florida where they will make their h6me.:i:w:;vv;!,;',L :t,fi ':' Mr. and Mrs. L. R. CaUahaniand children, of Waynesvllle were week end guests of friends and relieves In Warsaw. V Mrs.? Margie Jones, mother of Mrs. Callahan, accompa nied them home for a visit--. Celebrates Her 'r Seventh Birthday Saturday afternoon, May, 1 10. from 8:30 - 5:00 o'clock Mm-Ralph Veach entertained In honor of her daughter, Lynn's 7th birthday. The home throughout was beau tifully decorated with sprlnr flow ers. ;li---r': :. 'fi The little folks enjoyed out-door games, directed by Miss Thelmi Swinson. Those attending wew Judy and Bill Rollins, Judy StancP, Thelma Jenkins and Linda Sharpe of Warsaw; Annie Woodwatyi tf Mt Olive; - Shelby u Jean Jones, Freddie-Revelle, Dessltt Lewhw Jr. James and Estelle Jones, Lewellvn Langston, Thelma Swinson, Marna. and H. W. Jones, Catherine Ander son and Shirley Beetle of Friend- snip community. At the conclusion of 4he games birthday cake: and ice cream-was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. .Jimmy Woodward and -Mrs. Rom Jarmon. ; ..F'j .; i'w ; "-.i- , Lynn received many useful and pretty gittfiA-i'ri, Other avests were Mesdames . G. Langston, Dessitt Lewis and J. W Jones, r?-- -.S-r t. '',. t-;, 7"t' :. Mrs., H S..'JCornesav and Mra Pete Nunn, mothers ol the class mascots, M J, Kornegay and Carle Nunn, entertained the senior clasi and their s teacher, . Miss Linda Cobb, at a' weiner roast Thursd?v evening at the home .of Mrs. Kor negay. After refreshments thev were presented theatre tickets. , Dinner Parly ; . Mrs. Allen Draushon and Mn L. B. Gardner, grade mothers hf the senior class entertainAd th Class and faculty at a lovely dinner party Friday evening at the home i ef II i I- of Mrs. Draughon. , Covers were laid for. forty A motif of red and white,-the' class- colors, was carried out in the appointments. The dining table : was i centered with a silver bowl of. American Beauty roses and each of. the Ightauxiliary tables held a center bowl of red roses. Chicken salad .plates, garnished with radish roses, hot rolls, straw berry shorteake and 4cd tea wer served. ' " . -. The agriculture teacher, Mr. Wat" kins, who recently returned from the hospital,) was-presented. a gift by the class. ' Kindergarten! Closes ' 1 Commejicement exercises for the pupils in , Mrs. Rr E. L. Wheless' kindergarten took plac0 May i. At tractive exhibits of the year's work were displayed . and refreshments served. As a special feature of the program, the pupils had made small baskets of green and yellow, paper ."filled them with miniature flowers and presented them to their mothers and friends. , : - Bible School PRESBYTERIAN w" "' A daily- vacation Bible School will be conducted at the Presbyter ian Church, - beginning1! Monday, May 19. School liours will he from 9 to 11:30 A M. Children from four years of age -Up are expected to at tend. Among those in charge will be Mesdames E. H. -Clarke, J.: C. Page, McGilvery1 Buck, Miss Nell Bowden and others. BAPTIST " - s Bible School ' wUI begin at the Baptist Church, Monday, May ic and continue through Friday. Open ing hour will be 8:30, closing at 11:30. The school will be conducted by the pastor. Rev. G. Van Stephens and Mr, Gilmer Beck, Assoclational Missionary. The Beginners' Depart ment will be in charge of Mrs. R. E. L. WhelesS;. Primary Depart ment, Mrs. Graham Phillips: Jun ior Department, Mrs. J. M. Jenkins; Intermediate Department, Mrs.. G. Van Stephens. , Church Directory Baptist Church: 9:49 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A, Vt: Worship Hour, sermon by4he pastor, Rev. G. V. Stephens. 7 P.M. - B. V. P. U.. . Presbyterian Church: . 10 A, M. Sunday School. 11 A. M. Worship Hour, sermon by the pastor, Rev. E. H. Clarke. 7 P. M. Young Peoples' League. , j Methodist Church: : 10 A. M. Sunday SchooL v 11 A. M. Worship Hour, sermon by the pastor, Rev. A. M. Williams. TP. M. Youth' Fellowship. Personals Y Mrs. Carrie Peele and Mr. and blrs. Edgar Hamilton of Magnolia are spending the week at Carolina Beach, - i Henry and Billy Farrior af-David son 'College were week end guests of; their parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. w. Farrior, Mr.-and Mrs. R. C. Pridgen, Jr., of Fayetteville and Mr. and Mrs. J, P4 Rogers, Jr., of Smith'ield were breakfast guests of Mrs. R. C. Pridgen; Sr., on Sunday. - -Mr. and Mrs. Vt; Pickett Visited ' their i daughter Mrs. Leon Uncle am Says "Want to kJMWne ef the iet gifts (on M UhcrT Seenrity! It's the kind i gift which makes every day ,-iirr's Day -mothers' dys' free 'nv financ.'at worry, and t-jed with 1 1 ! fldcocc at tii ability to meet oua id -o emerferrrles or achieve family Britt and .family in Mt. Olive on Sunday. - - ' Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton were guests of Mrs. Herbert Mid dleton and Mrs. 'C- W.- Surratt onSundaV" " ' Mrs. W. R. ' Blackmore is in the James. Walker. Hospital .where she underwent an operation for gallstones last Friday. Molly ' Hipp, . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. -R. .Hipp, ' is : being treated : for ear trouble in Dr. Sldbury's ;" Hospital at - Wrights- viue Beach. - - . :. Mrs. George Penney visited her mother in Raleigh 'over the week end. , ; Mr. and Mrs. Sam' Godwin spent Sunday with his mother in Dunn. Dr. andWrs. E. P. Ewers are v' iting her mother in Kentucky. , W. H. Hitchcock f vRalelKh and daughter, Miss Barbara of ECTC vxreen vine were at nome for the week end. Mr.; Hitchcock's mother Mrs..Lutie Hitchcock Of Columbia, S. C, is visiting -the family. Mr. and Mrs. UB. Albertson and Mrs. Lillian Quinn visited Mrs. Ai. bertson's mother, Mrs. Eddie Riven- bark in Rose Hill. Sunday. -Miss Marguerite Korneeav of th. Clinton school faculty spent the week end with ,her parents. After her school closes on May 30, she will go to Peabody Collece to stu dy for her Master's degree. Mr. and Mrs.- . W.-A. Patterson and Billie of Mt OUve. Miss r.nr, Garner and nephew, Howard Moss Will Be In Friday, -S- - A"Xs To Demonstrate The llev ( Ti:5 UIW ,CEltbPHANE-LIKE FINISH FOR mzzyims - HrttWoroo"lro.r.iit.Th.p.rft CMCff tubtj for Utarior or omiMo m, A tmeoth, tg QC hMd Knltk rjMt wiBaol orS or cMs or omIi T J ' Free ONE PINT OF REDUCER WITH EACH QUART PURCHASED WARSAW APPLIANCE CO. WABSAW.N.C. 17 eek-End Specials ; WE DELIVER ANYWHERE IN WARSAW ; From 11 in the morning 4 in the afternoon Dressed Fryers Duff's Hot Roll Mix Brec.'ifast Bacon 5c Matches TIHS WEEK-END' A A BRANDED SfTt 11 of Frank linton were Sunday guest of Dr. and Mrs. C. V. Garner and family. , Mr.-and Mrs. William Yost of Chapel Hill and Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Gatiin of Tarboro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Best . Miss Kathryn Bowen of Raleigh School of Commerce and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Newton of Wilmington were guests Sunday of Mrs. Mable Waters and Mrs. W. N. Bowen. i ; Miss Eula-Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Powell, "Mr. and Mrs. Luke Powell and' Mrs. Lou Seaby of Gastonla are oh a tour, by auto. through the Western States and the vhbhv bases. Mrs. R. E". t Wheless and niece. Mrs. Harrison StaUings of Green vlUe, S. C, left Saturday for Roa noke Rapids and Franklin, Va . af ter spending last week at Carolina Beach. . Mrs. James Avent and Mrs. A B. Baines of Wilson were week end guests of Mrs. Annie Cox and Mrs. Ralph Honeycutt Mr. and Mrs. Claude Murray a,d Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bloss of Wilming ton were guests Sunday of Misses Sallie. Maggie, and Nell Bowden. The Rev. Eugene Clarke and Mrs. Clarke are visiting relatives in GcJdsboro. Miss Mary Carlton, R.N. of the Naval Reserve stationed in Charles ton, S. C, is spending a vacation with her parents. Mr. and u Bruce Carlton. - ', Miss Marv Middleton of Wilming iepresentative Our Store May 16th autos - nmmat Lbjc Lb.-57c 23c Lb.52c 3 boxes JOc "7 STEER' BEEF 71 : ton spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Middleton. -v Miss Mattie Williams and brother Rob Mack Williams of Greensboro were week end guests of Miss Annie Ross Williams and Dr. J. M. Will iams. " . . - . ' Edward L. Boyette, Chief Pharm acist mate, stationed in Orange, Te, xas is spending 30 idays leave with bis" parents, Mr. and Mrs' L. A. Boyette. ' : Miss Bertha Isley of Raleigh is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Penney. Mrs.. R. E. West, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. D. ( Pollock, has gone to Tabor City to visit her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Pincr. . Mr. R. E. West of Raleigh wa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Poll ock -over the week end. 'Baptismal services were conduc ted in the Warsaw Baptist Church Sunday evening by the pastor th? Rev. G. Van Stephens. Thirty-tv.o were -baptised for the Waisaw church and three for Lanefield. Card Of Thanks We wish to take this means ' thank our many friends for the kindnesses shown .luring the recf-nt illness and death of our husband and father. Mrs. Daniel E. Todd and Family. &l remember yon . . . wifh May in 1 C$ n your hoae) $4.95 HATSBY GAGE tf II , lis. ' mat p-v (Hi fli Jji VTm 1 r-rm D Si pmvs i - n Hnl , 'fikfi 'J,-- Ujj5-g-Ji:r.si - .. iQi C "..; 1 : i) Oh, una mk j : Z1 ' ,C5Y '1 Ar rvr -4t r J-:--. 1 rait Tobacco Curor PLAY SAFE: Buy Paits Tobacco Curer and Tobacco Flues from J. C. RUSS and be satisfied. Brick - Lime - Cement - Mortor Mix Flue Eyes - Mortar - Grate Barrf -Furnace Doors - r - ' . Gyp Lap For Tobacco Barns - Uncle 5am Says Here Is a sale sign, friend, which ffers ynu a safe, sure, profitable pnrohase lor your future. Wherever you see it at yonr bank postofflos r where you worb-stop, look and -acL By sctioo I mean Joining the Payroll Bavinra Plan. Or It you are s professional mun o woman or' self-employrd ask your bank about the Bond-a-rionto Plan by which yea co bay Savings Bonds automatical- ' ly oat of money in your checking account. Yonr Uncle Sam sees ysa In this Minnie Man symbol, became every time yon bny another Savings Bond yon are standing; guard ever the seenrity of yourself and family. u. 1 rttnrf Uiprtmnl oooalwaj0 your eyes . . . 1 ... nd Spring In yovr fcoatV fo $7.95 - ' FOR EVERY AGE ' Hi ins. Where do yon i"y uas ( Tint's Msimn'e as t' J. it 1 I ! J. C. HMSS C. r ily