Ll4llO 1 ,J, i - -. 3 I CLASSIFIED RATES Two cento per wore;, minimum -chart of 50c Unless you have - an aeeonnt with as please send , money, stamps money order ' a check with ads. Farmers: nae the Times Classified ads: If job hare, anything to sell T. A. TURNER AUD COMPANY A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL" PINK mix, N. c. or exchange, or -want to buy, . we will accept produce for payment, - , 8KB MB and miss meat to do your auto body fender repairs, alao replace rear brakes glaaeae with mow Shatter Proof glass, - ... . v A. -CI HOLLAND ( , KKN ANSVIIXK. IF TOTJB PBOPEBST BURNS OB IS DAMAGED OTHERWISE, WILL YOU BE FULLY PRO TECTED T R. W. BLACKMORE, Agent, Rellabl Insurance Service Warsaw, North Carolina i ... - - f it PH1LCO . Jfa 1ADI0 PHONOGRAPH I s Jg. Full size, Tilt-Front '"' I cabinet, glorious - I Sjjfc; tone. Plays 12 records 7 fSS' automatically. Stand- ' if n' sort wave" Medi$QQ50 EASY I ' J77 1 s ' TERMS - 1995 PhilcO 200 Amazing value! AC DC, built-in aerial, dynamic speaker. I Do Plumbing and Heat ing Work of All Kinds. I have had 2 years experience In U. S. Navy as Ship Fitter and three years plumbing work with W. D. Sams Plumbing & Heating, in Nor folk, Va., and one year maintenance of PX at Langley Field, Va. Se or Phone Phone 226-1 GEO. P. PR1DGEN Warsaw N. C. PLUMBING Experienced In Plumbing Work OF ALL KINDS No Job Too Large; None Too Small See Me For First Class Work At Reasonable Prices BEN B. WILLIAMSON KENANSVILLE, N. C. PAINT YOUR HOUSE NOW -Paint is becoming more plentiful. I now have a man available full time to paint your home and out buildings with spray gun, the most economical way.- A. C. HOLLAND, Kenansville, N. C MA drilled well to the moat satisfactory water supply. Write for quotation, giving ' distance and direction from' your Post Office. ' HEATER WELL COMPANY. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA SpeoUlUcs, and Lay Call on its - C E. QUINN - KENANSVILLE. 1 colete :l!15UnAi:CE ; ; COMPLOE SElTICS l ; Real Estate Bonds Rentals Warsaw Real Estate ft Ins. Co, ROBERT L. WEST Office Phone: 2121 Res: 26S-I ' ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO K30LLIT, r ' IN ONE HOUR. . IF NOT PLEASED, your 55c back. Ask any - druggist for this STRONG fungicide. TE-OL. Made with BO percent alcohol. It PENE TRATES. Reaches and kills MORE germs faster. Today at Kenansville Drag Company In Kenansville., : 5r30-5t FOR SALE Peanut meal, .Cotton Seed Hulls, Cotton Seed meal :,- J.'T. HUDSON'S GIN, Warsaw. 6-13-6t. o v. . . t- v . . WE HAVE on hand for side dress ing crops: , Royster . 3-9-4 Tob acco Fertiliser for tobacco. Swiff Vigoro Plant Food for Tobacco & Corn,. Also Royster's 3-12-6 for General Crops. C. iVQUINN - KENANSVILLB . 6-3-41 e . , - . . - i -; ' If you have life" insurance prob lems, contact JAMES G. DICKSON & SON, General Agents, Security Life A Trust Co., 2 Acme TUAt .. Wilmington, N. C. - e-e-4i pd. - -J... FOR SALE: Steel Body V Ton Trailer. Slightly used. See J. A. RACKLEY at R & P Groceteria In Warsaw. 5-23-2t e I ' I v- MBS. A. B HICKS, . f ttahaarhitloBt Aa-aat Garden Club Colton Seed Meal Bag -$3.50 Cotton Seed Hulls Bag - $1.25 DUPLIN SUPPLY CO. D.J.RIVENBARKProp Warsaw, N. CV' - for your ALL-CCO? DAQVESTEH.. : rr j. Your beat inaunuoa agaSnac last at during Aarveat rush 5 our 24 POINT INSPECTION aad AH-Caop HarraMat repair service. Often , ao detect vom parts in advance saw ye a breakdown in the field. ' Our Mechanic Ar Trabwcl la All-Crop Karvastcr T Schools Conductad by th AUIs-Chalmors Factory . They thoroughly cheek every vhal part of you AO-Crop Harverter.V W can give your machine a oaapleta sabtulding service if needed. AO.' replacement parti are made in the same (Wcaary aad to the same apechV v cation a the orlgbuu. - ' .a - Right now t ma beat thw to have fcr done, twiikili your AO-Crop Harveater with u ssen aw conaiats 24OITfr TNavSCTION aad , rtpaur i SALES & SEDVICE Uslaa to me NoHenol Hrm and tyome Hour very tatvaa NBC , FOR SALE: Duroc Jersey Hogs. Boars and Gilts. ' MTDDLETON BROTHERS Warsaw, N. C. : ( . MR. FARMER: .BUY A TESTED and proven tobacco curer. "THE SAMPSON CURER" can give you unbelievable results. Check the-fol-lowlng advantages with any other curer arid you will see that none can be mere complete. No smoke, no jBoot, no fumes, plenty of heaf, plenty of draft, no wicks to clean, nothing: to repair,'7 no flare-ups, Dual oil carburetors, only two units. Plenty of working ispace, outside over-flow for -safety, heavy cast iron body. Priced withirr the reach of all farmers. Users claim lowest operating cost of any curer on the market. See your dealer of con tact Malpas Tobacco Curers, Inc., Kinston, N. C. Phone 2787. 5-30-2t C , FREE booklet about cancer is yours for the asking. Simply send name and address on a post card' to the American Candler Society, 22 Ann Street, New York X, N. Y. It WE HAVE on hand Limited Supply Phospho Plaster for Peanuts. Get yours now -while .available. ; S. A. JONES, V; C Warehouse Warsaw. - . A,: r -3-2t. pd. vrS,ji,;;:..';, . - J?i-Mi$i)$Vf&'( -ff Tho: Falson Garden- ciub was or ganized Wednesday : afternoon' at the Community Building with Mrs. Waldo Clifton and Mrs. J. R. Falson hostesses. Mrs. Kennedy, president of ther-Clinton club was guest spea ker and talked of the- different phases of garden club work. ) r .' The1 following officers were-e'c-ted for the year: President, Mrs. Waldo Clifton; Vice President, Mrs L-4L Falson; Secretary, Mrs. A. F. Rector; Treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Deck er; Pilgrimage Chairman, Mrs. C-. D .Lee; Radio Chairman, Mrs. H. T. Rayv At the conclusion of the meeting the Hostesses served . strawberry shortcake. - - V.S.0fC.S- f-iThox Woman's Society of Chris tian Service met with Mrs. B. F. McColman luesday afternoon. Mrs. A. F. Rector conducted the devo tional. Those assisting with the pro-1 gram 'were Mesdames McColmanr H. J. Falson, C. R. Lewis and J D. Crawford. Mrs. H. S. Falson gave a chapter in the study book on Stewardship. During a social hour the ,hostess served ice cream and' cookies. . i ' returned to Raleigh after visiting Mr., and Mrs. J. M. Bowden. , Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Decker, of Lake Worth, Fla., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. G A. Decker. -x t :. Mrs. John Hoey Is visiting rela tives in Durham and Fayetteville. - Mrs. R. T. Klrkland' and sons of Raleigh visited her mother, Mra. T. W. Smith last week. C -' Mrs. Sallie Herring of Clinton 1a' visiting relatives, here, s a -" il Mrs. A. H. Witherington wa the guest of Mr. and Mra. J. J. Glbbong in Wilson recently. - ' .U ' Frank Martin of WOson visited here Monday. -! if. li;??)'; DUPLIN GRADUATES B.M. S. Meets Cose I.uL E-!y 2: - " . Mildred Ka.herlene Brown, Clara Elizabeth Roblason, Eva Carol Ben ton, ' Berta, Elizabeth Robinson, Lorene Murphy, Ruby Irene Al derman, Betty Jane Wells, Mildred Alene Parker, : Donald Mallard, Mary Obedience Johnson, Carlotta Sholar, Ellen Fussell Ward, Laura Grace , Young, Elizabeth Kilpatrlck Heyer, Elolse Wood, Lednard Irving i i .vi A Li, JCI J , J . J X. vi-iiig, ,c and John ; Owen -I.atUey. . . : " '. - Magnolia, May ' ti ;T- ' 'Rosa Pearl Rich, Alice Grey Gay lor, Patty B.; WUliatnsr Harold B. ' Evans, ' Jerry; S. Smith, J. L. La- J nier, Jr., Donald y Martin Turm-r, ' Milton Carlyn Bostic, William E. Potter, s LHy Mae Boone, Ruby ' V Athelene Mathews,4 Melverna Hel- ena Cavenaugh, Avery Turner Kor- negay, . and James Qsbbrn Kilpat rlck. . . .- 3"- ' ' v 1- Th LRnntist Misslnnnrv Snnlpfv met Monday afternoon with - Miss Beulah Martin in Mt Olive. The Rev Young gave the devotionnls. The 'program was given- by Mrs.4 Fouts and Mrs. L. D. GroomjBAt the conclusion of the meeting the hostess served strawberry short cake, salted nuts and iced tea. . , Contlnned From Front---Mildred Mercer, Ella Avon Miller, Vena Mae -Quinn, Wyoma Qulnn, Zadift Qulnn, Betty Lou Simpson, Pansy Lee Simpson, Joyce - Faye Thomas. Connie Kathleen Trott, Joyce Gordon Whaley, Louise Wha ley, .-Elouise Hammond Whaley, John Stanley Bostic, Bobby Lowell Kennedy, Milton Smith Miller, Mack Rhodes, Norman Sandlin, Jr., Charlton Sandlin, Ralph. VBo" Tho mas, Hobart Whaley, Richard F. Williams, and Andrew Jacksop Wil son. V ' V " Chinquapin, May 9: ' Floris Mildred Batchelor, Beat rice Y. Batts. Helen V. Bradham, Martina Brown, Raymond Brown, Luria Denn Cavenaughi James M. Dixon, Slgmond WorUe. Fountain, Joseph Earl Hatcher, Esther -Henderson, Alvin K. James, -Beatrice JV Lanier, Rebecca Ruth Lanier, Jerry Dunn 'Sloan, Wood is R. Sho Msrv natherine'Williams, Lila Mae WUUams, Joseph Taylor "WU son, Alton Ellis Wood, uj4 Owen Kennlon wooa. , - Wallace, May 2: v Decatur Drew Blanchard, Jr., Ward Caswell Blanchard, 'Marshall Mnmrv Carr. Jr.; Charles Derwood Dempsey, Thomas Colston Edger ton, Craig Hinton Hearn, Garnle Sexton Herring, Jr., jjamei nenry James, WUlis .Jefferson jonnson, James Stanley luipatnca-, TABLE TOP 5 BURNER, KESCO OIL STOVES lOm'IE OIL STOVES . WITH BUILT-IN OVENS J'fS J.-' ii CAP WPOD RANGES V, Plumbing Fixtures Of All Descriptions?.' - GLEEM OUTSIDE WALL PAINT s $4.25 per Gals SHEFFIELD & FUSSELL BEULAVILLE ROSE HILL 1 . - IFYOU HAVEN'T, ORDERED YOUR STOKER COAL' k FOR TOBACCO CURING ORDER NOW; Earner's Self Service Auxiliary Meets i The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Gabriel's Church met Monday after noon with Mrs. H. T. Ray. In the absence of the president Mrs. W I. Thompson presided. Rev. Keller man, the rector, talked on "Morning Prayer". During a social hour the hostess served lime sherbert, cook-i ies and ieed tea. . Lions Club Meet : The Lions Club met in the com munity building Friday evening with president CD. Lee in the chair. Miss Betty JRay played for group singing. Supper was served by the ladies : of the Methodist Church. '( Leonard Albert Liberman, Herman- Lee Malpass, Roscoe Gordon lea chey, Albert Tucker, Betty Geral dine Boney, Daphne Ann Bordeaux, Mart- Evelvn Buckner, Rutw Bs- f-tpii Kncllsh. Thelma Lee Kennedy, Margaret Camllle Locxamy, Manna Elizabeth Pickett, Grace Carol Powr en, Beulah Mae Rlvenbark, Miriam GROCERIES , GrRae'A" Marltet :: ' COAli " Let Us Feed and Keep Youl Warn r " Phone 216-6 Warsaw, N. C. Personals Mrs. N.r F McColman, Mrs. H. T. Ray, Miss Betty Ray and Mrs. A. R. Hicks," Jr.,' were visitors in Raleigh-Saturday. Mrs. Beats Bowden and son have 'a. wwi , , ' -- If f S w , "J j HAMBURGERS SANDWICHES. HOT DOGS CANDIES SMOKES , BEER ' -flt & m .. 1 v .vr DRIVE-IN SERVICE We Serve Yon 'In Your Car -The Place to o Befare and After The Show and Ball Game TIP TOP GRILL R. E. HALE, Prop. Opposite Depot Warsaw BOND GLASSES.. J; f - $4.95 up 4 , INSURED BY LLOYD'S OFjLbNDON . , -4-- f Si. id 'wTyu -7" J-"SiL- SUIT GLASSES . ., J . BOND-ID SUN , GLASSES . "t- Certificate Of . Insurance r 'O- ' in case ef-breakage or damage, to frame (andor) lense)s or (both) daring a period of not more than (one year) from date of purchase, "the Manufacturer hereby guarantees to replace ndd pair of Sun Glasses , T - J OCR BICYCLES INSURED AGAINST FIRE OS THEFT TOO a jl GLOBE VARIETYSTOIRE Across From P. O. All Purchases Guaranteed . ..: '- Z WALLACE, N. C. ,-'"' T-r': ft, i" , . ' aalJ All White; Black; Red and Brown Kid. - . - v ' AA to B 1 v 9 UNCLE HANK SE2f- THERE IS SOMETHING BE AVT1- : : FUL ABOUT EVERYTHING IF YOU ARE LOOKIN' FOB IT. ,' - v HsIenJo . T OurUncle Hank -: J, Are yen looking - for the' wherewith to ' make your home more comfortable this summer? See ns for b?-,v.tlfnl furniture; useful Crosley appliances, and "eif e'ent Vlumblng supplies. ' r -. ; '. - -, Come THE JOHNSON CdTTON COMPANY of'Wallaie - We Have The Best. i I -i..r MR. T03ACCO FARMER: We are dealers for Owen's Hand Tobacco Transplanters, Hackney Tobacco Trucks, Tobscc Sticks, Boyctte Tobacco Sprayers, and" Buckeye Oil Curing Tobacco-Systems. 4 Come in and select your tobacco crop needs TODAY! - - ' ; R:::itTI:t) l!::::3 C;!:re H's Tco Lole ' - We have a Urge selection llibi Outside Paints All Colors. FlnlshlnrLime, Asphajt Shingles, and Iu3 lz tl Eleetrlcals. -" " 1 . ' " " ,r - "C';,iVc :: ;3 Crc':inYc-jl!ccdlt-: or. $5.95 i r "V . A. lurner "rCo. BRADY'S "S!:E 'STORE "ASQUAnnn: AL TO ALL" r tt r