D THE DUPLIN TIMES.- Published each Friday in KenansvlUe. N. C. County Seat of ' ' ' DUPLIN COUNTY Bdltorlal business and printing plant, Kraansville, N. C. J. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER Entered at the Post Office, Kenansvtlle, N. C. . as teeond class matter. TELEPHONES KenansvlUe, 27-7 Warsaw, 353-6 SUBSCRIPTION RATESf $3.00 par year In Duplin County: $3.50 per year year outside DupUn County, In North Carolina; $4.00 per year outside North Carolina, except to Men in U. S. Armed Forces, Anywhere, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates furnished on request A Democratic' Journal, devoted to the material, educational, economic and agricultural Interests of Duplin County. PSISJ ASSOCIATION f) NjhcoI Adverllllnj prnlai;v ; : r i c a m Press flsjoci.nei H,. York CMcag 0fo1t rklVrftpfct J SUNDAY International II SCHOOL LESSONS Bv HAROLD L. LUNDOU1ST. D. D. Of The Moody Dible Institute of Chicago. Released by Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for May 25 Lesson subjects and Scripture texts ae lected and copyrighted by International Council of Religious Education: used by permission. WHY NATIOvS PERISH 22. LESSON TEXT II Kings 17:8-12, 23: Isaiah 28:1-4. MEMORY SELECTION For the Lord knoweth the way of the rlrrHeous; but the way of the ungodly shall perish. Psalm 1:6. TODAY'S HOMES BUILD TOMORROW'S WORLD By: Fannie Southerland Newkirk , The children of today show hi : build a better world for tomorrow, for many reasons. They have main advantages over the children of yesterday. The poorest child in the country can go to school and Hot an educa tion if they will. The wonderful work of the 4-H Club whore thev can learn the better ways oj life dier writes from Japan ami - :i s how much he enjoys the beat' MM cherry blossoms. He was taught : t home to appreciate flowers. Our Home Demonstration C!i;i which meets each month of the ye t always bringing us a supply of stmelions. inspires us to belli r ways of life, teaches us "to beaut i fy the path as we go - that uthe. s may know the way we wc::l." I'!:.: main- useful and beautiful ide;-s and doing things. Of course the home is th most i instilled in the lives of An'o mer important. Any teacher know - t'i i-rs is passed on to their da:u,! child is taught and trained at . Vis and their families. Thus "T .Nothing can influence the Ui.M ,-s ' vu-tvw's World profits by imi.-ij home. The Home DcnumshaiH'ii I (-'luh Work." Club which has always iiad the. 1 home as its maior oroieet i.s rinir,- 1 Club. nut work w.th the home make'- .Teaching the home makers how to make homes of their houses - fo: ; we know all houses are not homes j It teaches us how to appreciate tin I things that we grow, the things that God gives us that money ran- not buy. To have more beauty in ) our homes and lives. A young sol- i :t ha de the Home Demonstr- )l Duplin County for neanl to me. ion. w liat A J. CAVENAUGH Wallnce, N. C. JKWELLK MAMON'DS W.--'CllrS H ATCH AD JEWI IJtV HKI'AIRINT. & EMGRAVIM. -Haw.-. ST. Eleclrical Cenfracfor HOUSE WIRING - We ILn , Th Equipment Kcfngeratior and Appliance Repair Prompt Service Anywhere DUPUN ELECTRIC CO.MPANY Nations as well as people come to crossroads In their history, and tak ing the wrong road then means fu ture disaster. Solomon had built up great national prosperity, but at the expense of heavy taxes. He had for gotten God, and was succeeded by a son who followed in his footsteps. ' Offered an opportunity to ease the. burden of the people (I tings 12: 14), Rehoboam in his folly made it greater, and the nation was divided. The ten northern tribes, which were henceforth to be known as Israel, followed Jarobuam, and the two southern tribes under Keheboam be came the kindom of Judah. Jeroboam started with God's fa vor, and might have led his people right, but instead he became the king whose name stood for wicked ness (see II Kings 15:18). The story of that downfall is a sad picture of unbelief and failure. Through varied experiences and under different kings, Israel had gone down, down, down in its his tory of sin and departure from God. I. Doomed by Sin (II Kings 17: 5-12, 22, 23). The hour had struck when God's heavy hand of judgment had to fall on them. Verso 6 relates their car rying away into captivity to As syria," and verses 7-9 tell us the reason for th.il jjdinneril. Ingratitude for God's blessing (v. 7) led te t'le worship a'. ''hej gods (v. 8). They knew God's hatred for the sin oi tit latry. and his j idg ment upon those who walked in that way, but they :nt rhrhi on. Note in verse 9 that t!iese things were done ''secretly. "he same thing is true today of many who psofess to be i..l people ii God. The line of demarcation between the church and the world is not clearly drawn. We do well to note carefully the outcome of this course of pro cedure on Israel's pi.rt (vv. 6, 18). The fact that L.ael did these things secretly did not hide them from the eyes of Jehovah (Ps. 139:1, 2; Heb. 4:13)" (John W. Bradbury). The statement in verse 23 is a striking one. The prophets had re- u unit tc i hi To Homemakers ' For three years, the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Econo mics f the U. S. Department of Agriculture has been making an intensive study of home canning low-acid vegetables and meats. Given below in recipe form are the Bureau's new directions for home canning asparagus and green peas. , They stress the necessity of US' ing a steam pressure canner for low-acid foods since this is the only practical method to guard against botulinus - serious food poisoning from these canned products. They also stress importance of following directions completely, since these process times may not be adequate for food prepared and packed by some other method . Asparagus: Wash asparagus: trim off scales and tough ends and wash again. Cut into 1-inch pieces. Cov er with boiling water. Boil two or three minutes. Tack hot asparagus to 1-2 inch of top of glass Jars. Cover with hot cooking liquid; or, if liquid contains grit, use boiling water. Leave 1-2 inch space at top of jar. Add 1-2 teaspoon salt to pints; one teaspoon to quarts. Ad just jar lids. Process in pressure canner at 10 pounds pressure (240 degrees F.) - jWnt jars, 25 minutes; quart jars. Ha minutes. As soon as jars are ic moved from canner, com plete sesls if not the self-sealing type. Green Peas: Shell and wash peas, Cover with boiling water. Bring to boil. Pack "hot peas to 1 inch of top of glass jars. Cover with boiling water, leaving 1 inch space at top of jar. Add 1-2 teaspoon salt to pints; 1 teaspoon to quarts. Adjust jar lids. Process in pressure canner at 10 pounds pressure (240 degrees) in either pints or quarts, 40 min utes. As soon as jars are removed from canner, complete seals if not the self-sea!ig type. my eyes. When I asked l.ovv he knew so much about agriculture when he worked in an office all day, same as I do, he explained that he worked with the State Col lege Extension Service where he dealt In crop statistics. Looks like I'll have to get better acquainted with my neighbors and my native soli. State College- Answers Farm Questions Q. When should I place by pull ets on range? -.' A. Get them on the range as soon as possible after they are ten weeks of age. Before they are moved they should be thoroughly culled. By providing 'good range the feed bill may be reduced from ten to fif teen per cent. Q. How can I control root knot in garden vegetables? A. Gv -dens should be located in a different site each year if poss ible. If not convenient, plantings should be rotated in the garden. . Q. Is it necessary to provide min erals to hogs? A. A good mineral mixture j should be kept where sows and pigs ' can have access to it at all times. The following is recommended: 10 lbs. finely ground limestone, 5 lbs. thoroughly i.fer.ined domestic bone meal and 2 lbs. of salt. steady in North Carolina straw berry markets, according to the Federal-State Market News Service. twho also reports that daily ship ments Dy air to northern markets have become an established factor this season,. - 'One to two planes leave dally from Washington, .each carrying from 150 to 179 crates of top grade berries from the markets at Wal lace and Chadbourn. Principal des tinations were listed as Providence, R. t, Albany and Syracuse, N. Y ,; 3 N. C. Counties Lead Natiwiln Tobacco Growing 41,584 acres in 1039 when it also ranked second and Robeson rank- tiiuu, t. , .; iv:'. .v:-. -'j. V '- Bond Sales In Dunlin i'uiug inuiuil Jl .April 'According to . reports . Duplin County sold $27,605.75''government savings bonds during the month of April. . , ., AT ON THF WITH Strawberries Now Move By Air Prices are remaining fairly Pitt County, N. C,, is the ranking tobacco-growing county in the U S. according to figure from the 1045 Census of Agriculture. " A total of 37,630 acres of tobacco was report ed In Pitt County in J.944. The second Jiighest is J.Siy,,ii; County with 32,079 acres of tob acco in 1044, as compl ied with TYNDALL FUNERAL HOME IN MOUNT OLTVK Riixlai AHSiH lnrlon Phone TO Fniteru! Direntorg, ruhnlniem Ambulance -rvice. tv or niTht Hot,.. .,f " AiDO-f .-iHi, HELBROS And BENRUS WATCHES maiiy Guaranteed In Every Respect Cash Or Credit 4 !')" " i'taJifit ' Ml- :? r!Bay Oack ! :um .ijiiigcau by eema, .ijie , i..:.ipiuaaau other itching urt. CfM)tinff. mcdicflted, liquid C'il.-i'Ofi. A doctor's formula, sinless. Snouits. conrforU and' ,.(l,-nst itching. 35c trial hottJn provcsil.or mrnrv bpek. Don't MiH. Alt vm.r fJmggiot tuday (or 1. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Forquii k ril. oi.hlet( 'i, 1; condit.'ti is-, i O.D. Rt; CreaE'-'lc is : n t'tiick'y cnl. UATCII UK PAIRS WALLACE JEWELRY CO Vv'. U. BKASLKlT Wallace, N. C. 9 j & Q fc O Q O 4 :ottsin "It's no wonder. Magruder, that Dan Boone blazed a trail out of North Carolina," I says to my neigh bor the other evening as I was working in my garden and he was leanin' on his clothes pole, helping me.- U he ever stuck a hoe In this soil I fieure I mieht have tn peatedly spol.cn of the impending blast to get my beans in!" destruction of the nation. Now the "Now, Cousin," he says, "don't time had come that the Lord could ' go gettin' excited 'cause vou can't D. H. CARLTON WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE AGENCY life - Fire - Storm - Automobile, etc. Telephone 3496 Warsaw, N. C. WARSAW FISH MARKET CREATORS AND MAINTAINEES OF I.OWEH PRICES ON QCAIJTV sr , FOODS (Next Door b, a P) Rofti VVholfnalp fd Ptnl! DfiF.S V Know Your Fish or Know Tenr Flh W'lIIs BartlHt ihono ?.SO-l ' . , " i r' f) WE .)' ')rn CArfiiuA mr Funeral Oirprtrs f .balrr: 'J Sgvip -4 AUCTION SALE Every Thursday WALLACE LIVESTOCK YARDS no longer stand to look upon their sin, and in a sense put them "out of his sight" That does not mean that they had been forgotten or that God was not watching over them in mercy and love, but that he had to judge them for their sins, and for a time bring them into judgment leading to repentance. There is always a reason for a nation's deterioration, and with Is rael there were manyreasuns. Out standing among them is the one for which they were rebuked by Isaiah in the verses of our lesson, namely, drunkenness. U. Deceived by Drink (Isa. 28: 1-4). The picture here is a graphic one. The leaders of Inrael (here called Ephraim) lingered long ovor their bowls of wine, and in their drunken stupor gloried in the fact that Sa maria, their capital city, was1 se situated at the head of a valley that it was not only beautiful but prac tically Bafe from attack by the enemy. The drunkards spoke with prid.' of their nation and of Samaria its "crown." The description was apt for it was he.-.utlfullv siuai.d on a hill surrounded by a u-i ,iie .vii'c:.. hillside.. But their boasting was vain, for after a bitter three years' Siege, the city eventually fell to Sar gon II of Assyria. All this has a familiar sound. We think of the nations that have gone down to oblivion even while the peo ple engaged in f.a "i?h levity, and in the awful stupefying arid degrading use of alcohol. 'Remember the fall of France In the recent World War when its own leaders said that ''ie defeat could be largely .11, ; j ;d to the tremendous incn .wv in the use of alcoholic liquor. What about .-ur jun United States? With an .11: liquor bill of about eight bill do'lars. sa-i loons on almost every corner, liquor Mowing freely In hotels and restau rants, bottles and cases of it baing brought into the home, booze the common medium of not only social but business relations, our insane asylums so crowded with alcoholics that the poor inmates have no real care but why go on? It is a oicture mo appalling and so utterly distress- itPf that every sensible person is tfiocked by it. DO we think that God can long withhold his judgment upon a peo- pw Dieisea oy an his many boun tits, and yet using them for destruc tion of body and soul? Can a people continue to oe strong which Is de termined to undermine itself by the use of alcoholT raise vegetables in that basement dirt." "If the soil's so poor, he says, "how do you think th' farmers got more than nine million bushels of potatoes to grow last year? by setting them out with a pneumatic drill? And besides, it takes 100 years to add one inch of top soil on one acre. Don't get in any hur ry!' , Then he cited figures right and left 1 ill bushels and tons of beans and other vegetables swam before Gas on Stomach Relieved in S minutet or double your money back h lion racen Btomwh acid otuies painful, suffocit ' 4t"oo nI heartburn, doctor. Si, SI2r"" .,u'e7"t-ctlnf inejlcinc. know' for KEMEHTBKR TODAY "Tni A i'l'OTOC.RAPH Dine MQanee Af The HOWDY LUE 1 ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY NITES Celebrate Your Anniversaries, Birthdays And Other Occasions With Us. The Club Is Available On Monday Nites To rrivnte Parties Call County 2704 For Reservations Route 117 5 Mi. South of Goldsboro, N. C. BY You are entitled to enjoy BIG-(mQUMITY AT LOWEST COST . . and only Chevrolet offers it! I -MOUNT OLIVE 1' hones 217-J or 230 COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY A SPECIALTY l I ii.ii i i.i . i V yrr-::-:- : r ;TI' , mar Dr. H. W. Cohvell OPTOMETRIST Eyea Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaurh Chevrolet Company - - SASH - DOORS SHEETROCK PAINTS DRAIN TILE TERRA COTTA PIPE v GLASS LIME CEMENY - BRICK PLASTER ASPHALT SHINGLES AND ALL KINDS OF ROLL ffOOFING I, i-'- .,'.', " -' ..I .,' .si' V"'.' Z. J. G:rt:r & C:n ' CJ9ecTaVonff9tDw194rChevro!,3t fives you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOW I ST COST ytO 3 that, this means in 3Mledng satisfaction. r Only Chevrolet gives you the Big-Cat ' beauty and luxury of Body by Fisher . . . at lowest prices I w,: "Only Chevrolet gives you the Big-Car performance and dependability of VaKe-in-Head Thrift-Master Engine 1' i . ! together with such remarkably low cost of up keep I. . " ' CM W taitloy Pfao and keep your order w.:U us MW 1947 Oisvrols. Iny th Ml motoWi . A, lira f wfckh you or rrtMod . . . BIO-CAR ' ,i i ' ICVL'I CCH . . . fwoci only in this , Only Chevrolet gives you the combined Blcr-Car comfort and safety of the Knee Action Ride and Positive-Action Hydrau lic Brakes , , . together with such extremely tow operating costal ; MW1947 CHEVROLET