MRS. STACY BRITT 1 WAKSAW EDITOB '" Subscription Agent " -Advertising Solicitor Dial 293-6 Please . Call In Your News r Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. , M. W. McGowen of Goldsboro, formerly of Warsaw. announce the birth of a son, Rob ert Eugene, on May 17, 1947 at the Goldsboro Hospital. Mrs. McGowen is the former Ella Deanie Marsh burn of Clinton. Entertain Club 'Miss Nellie Corbett and Mrs. 'Frank- Hobbs entertained their l ; .1 i . i- Tt r J J 1 l t , the former when two tables were ' arranged among a pretty setting of . summer flowers. Club high score ' prize, a chip-chop, went to Mrs. J. " B. Mooring and. Mrs. L. S.. Whittle received a set of coasters for visit' or's high. Mrs. Daulton West was remembered with coasters also. ' The Hostesses served toasted pound cake, potato chips and lem- onade to their guests. - Hostess To Club i i ii i i. ' Ana nusoanas Mrs. Ed -Strickland entertained tiai : hriricrA Huh nnH hiiRhnnria ni v the members Friday evening at her home here on Hill St. Summer flowers were placed or ( auxiliary tables throughout the ' home and four tables . of bridge uiavA tn n1o xiritVt hi ah smiva ern- .1 A. II TI TAJ.. I- 1 1 nig iu ivirs. auuiuy xuiumu, auu x Dr. Joe Freeman with rummy high going to J. F. Strickland. The hostess served a tempting congealed sweet course. The Good Samaritan Circle of . the Baptist WMU met Monday af ' ternoon in the home of Mrs. Walt er Rouse with 11 present and Mrs. G. S. Best presiding. Mrs. F F. Glddins, led the program following the devotionals by Mrs. Best. The topic for the month, "The Japan ; ese" was presented by Mrs. Gld dins and others. Following the business the hostess served refresh . lng cold drinks. ' Bible Class Meets Tti Rolllo V, .Tntinsfnna Hihls Class of, the Methodist Sunday School met last week in the home of Mrs. H. R. Hipp with Miss Rosa West as joint hostess and eleven present. Mrs. S. J. Powell presided - and Mrs. A. M. Williams taught the study book. Mrs. Powell led an interesting contest and the hostess es served delicious strawberry shortcake. ' MAS. CLIFTON GUY, who before her marriage on May 17 in New Hope Baptist Church was Miss Ilene Hudson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hud son of Turkey. Mr. Guy is the son of Mrs; Daniel Guy of War . saw. ; , , : Church Bulletin Class Meeting The Philathea Class of the Bap tist Sunday School held their meet ing Thursday evening in the home of Mrs. Kenneth Fussell with Mes dames Thel Snipes and Ralph Vlck : as joint hostesses. Mrs. R. M. Herring presided and there were 14 present. Mrs. L. O. Williams read a . portion of the- Psalms for - the , devotionals and Mrs. Kathleen Snyder led in prayer. Following business Mrs. Herrin? conducted an Interesting contest and the hostesses served ice cream with pound cake and- nuts.. Bible School A very successful Daily Vacation Bible School was concluded when they observed their commencement programFriday evening, led by the principal, Rev. G. V. Stephens, who was assisted by Rev. Gilmer Beck. Associational Missionary. Following the processional, with Mrs. G. D. Bennett at the piano, flag salutes and songs, Rev. Steph ens gave final reports, announce ments and recognitions after which the departments presented an in teresting program... ". There was an average attendance rf 100 and each day the ladies of ': e church served refreshments Warsaw Methodist Church. , A. M, Williams, Pastor. Church School, 10 A. M. Morning Worship, 11 A. M. Youth Fellowship, 7 P. M. Second Quarterly Conference for Warsaw Charge will meet at Trin ity Church, Sunday 4 P. M. Dr. John C. Glenn, district Superin tendent, will preach and preside over the conference. Mother Of Local Woman Dies Mrs. Ida Capps, 60, wife of W. Os car Capps, died in the Goldsboro Hospital at 1:05 a. m. Tuesday fol lowing an illness of several week;. She was a resident of the Beston community for several years, but had recently made her home with her daughter, Mrs. R. V. Wharton of Goldsboro. Surviving are her husband; five daughters, Mrs. Whar ton, Mrs. J. W. Pearce of Dover, Mrs. W. R. Futrelle and Mrs. Paul Ingram of Kenansville, Mrs. Oliver Daniels of Oriental; one sister. Mrs. Bessie Deans of Pine Level; eight grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral ser vices were "held from Mrs."'Whar ton's hdme Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by the Rev, Charles W. Riggs, pastor of the First Christian Church, assisted by the Rev. Leroy C. Trexler, pastor of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Interment was in the Ke nansville cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Powell : of Rock Hill, S. C, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Powell of Savannah, Ga., and Miss Eula Powell, returned Thursday from an extended tour of the west ern and northern United States. Miss Eva Swinson had as guest last week Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Swin son of Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. C C. Ivey of Bear Marsh. . Mrs. W. A. Carter and Miss Hazel Carter visited relatives in Virgin na Va.,. Chapel Hill and Oxford last week and had as week end guests Mr: .and Mrs.' Charles Barker of Oxford. vv'"y,.iyy Mr. and Mrs. Dan Saieed and son of Greenville were guests of her mother; Mrs. Lillian Quinn over the week end. Mrs. John Quinn has returned from a visit in South Carolina. Misses Sarah Humphrey and Au drey Kornegay have' returned from Red Springs where they were stu dents at Flora Macdonald. Leslie Brown, Jr., spent the week end with his parents. Mrs. Fannie Lanier has returned from James Walker Hospital and is improving. She wants to thank her many friends for their kindness -toward her during her recent ill ness. " . Mrs. W. C. Fitzgerald and son of Raleigh, Mr. J. C. Gresham of Greenville visited their sister Mrs. Fannie Lanier Saturday. Rev. N. E. Gresham of Jackson ville spent awhile Tuesday with his sister. . Mrs. Lanier. Major Lanier Jr., spent the week end in Beulaville. Rev. and Mrs. Gilmer Beck of Warsaw visited in the home of Mrs. Fannie Lanier Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Whittle and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Millet and Misses Kitten and. Margaret Miller spent Sunday at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. George Piddgen had as guests, Miss Clinton Holloway of Jerret, Va., Missed Virginia Hud son, Hazel and Alene Motthews, Wade and Paul Matthews of Tur key. F. D. Bramlette, who resides in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Taylor, spent several days last week in Greenville, S. C., with his dau ghter . - Mr. and Mrs. Ed Strickland, Jr., have as houseguests, her sister. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Erwin, Jr., and Mrs. E. B. Erwin, Sr., of Greenwood, Fla. They are at the Strickland cottage at Carolina Beach this week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Draughrn have returned from Clinton, S. C, where they attended the Presbyter ian College, where their son, Allen Jr., is a student. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jenkins were week end yisitors;io Wfightsvil'p Beach. Mrs. L. B. Huie attended the wedding of William B. Aycock, Jr., i in Raleigh Saturday. He is the grandson of Mrs. L. P. Best, Sr Mrs. S. J. Powell was called to Rockingham Sunday on account of the death of her uncle, Andrew Watkins, who had been ill for sometime. She was accompanied by Mr. Powell and son, Bobby Glenn Powell. Mrs. Stacy Britt and children have -returned from Concord where they spent 10 days with her mother, Mrs. Annie Greene. Miss Alice Harris were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C, D. McCullen on Sunday. ; - , ' Mrs. W. I. Thompson attended the Federated Club meeting at Wrightsville Beach Friday. Mrs. Decker Is Honored By Mesdames Decker And Edgerfon Faison News MBS. A. B, HICKS, JR. ' Reporter Subscription Agent :yncs Birth T.Tr. and Mrs. E. C. Nunn, of War- ', - 1 f-Mh of a son. Methodist Leaders Hold Meet The Adult Division of the Meth odist church met in the Commun ity Building Thursday evening with Mesdames Fred Warren; Louis Aman . and Hubert Andrews hos tesses. Upon arrival of the guests a covered dish supper was enjoyed. Rev. J. D. Crawford conducted the devotional and the business was presided over by Mr. Paul Best.1 . The social hour was in charge of Miss Kathleen Warren and Mrs. Fred Warren. Contests were enjoy ed and Mrs. B. F. McColman and Mrs. T. S. Shutt were winners The 'Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met Monday afternoon in the church with Mrs, H. I, Randolph and Mrs. 3. E. Faison as hostesses. Mrs. T. W. De vane presided and the program was given by Mrs. J. M. Smith. A Birthday offering was taken. : Tues. Evening Bridge Club The Tuesday evening bridge club was entertained by Mrs. Nelle Pre cythe with' several additional guests and the home was attractive, with arrangements of flowers! , During the evening the hostess served coca colas and-salted nuts, Mrs."L. E. Taylor, was awarded a box of sta tionery for scoring high and Mrs. Jim Thompson received the Bingo Mrs. Hicks Is Hostess To Bridge 'Mrs. A. R. Hicks, Jr., was hostess at two tables of bridge Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. E. H, Decker, Tibuseguest of Mrs. Charles Decker. Roses and pansies were used for decoration. Coca colas were served during the afternoon. Mrs. James Hill of Florida received the high score award and was also given a guest prize. The honoree. Mrs. Decker, received a gift from the hostess. A sweet course with ice tea and salted nuts were served at the conclusion of the afternoon Mrs. Lee Is Hostess To Bridge Club Mrs, C. D. Lee entertained her bridge club. Thursday evening. Mrs. C. A, Decker and her mother, Mrs. E. H. Decker of Lake Worth, Fla., were additional guests. : :: Summer flowers were used in the room where two tables were in play. When scores were counted, Mrs. LTD. Groome was awarded the high Score prize. An attractive gift was given Mrs. E. H. Decker. A delicious salad plate with iced tea wag xerved by toe hostess. . . Personals ' Rev. J. M. Smith attended the meeting of the General Assembly as delegate: from, Wilmington Pres bytery from May 28 - June 4. - Mrs. J. M. Smith and children spent several days this week with her parents in Lumbes Bridge. Misses Elizabeth and Kate Hick? are rnests of Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Ki " i r onr Charlotte. . ; ' ; J. H. Tonne of Greensboro - -. " -.. c. r Mrs. C. A. Decker honored Mrs. E. H. Decker Thursday afternoon when she entertained at an infor mal tea. Arrangements of roses were used in the rooms. Upon ar rival, the guests were greeted by the hostess and presented to the honoree, Mrs. E. H; Decker. . Ham biscuits, sandwiches, cakes potato chips, cheese biscuits and punch were served to approxima tely 35 guests who called during the afternoon. ., Mrs. E. H. Decker was again honored on Sunday afternoon when Mrs. Eva Edgerton entertained a few neighbors. During the after noon the hostess, assisted by her daughter, served cbokies, potato chips, sandwiches and iced tea. . WARSAW LODGE AF & AM No. 677 MEETS EVERY SECOND AND FOURTH - TUESDAY NIGHTS AT 7:30. ALL MASTER MASONS ARE INVITED TO ATTNED. ooooooooooooopoooooooooooo ooooqoc; 1 , k'rU; : - . .. I . BBBBBEE Building I Materials 1 4 STEAM CURED Blocks I I Sheet Rock I Ply Wood j $ v INTERIOR FIR J S ' Doors EXTERIOR FIR Doors ASPHALT STEEL WINDOW Sash STEEL DOOR Frames Screen Doors Flu Linings Flu Thimbles Locks Glass MEDICINE Cabinets Wall Safe Motor Cement Cement !Godvin See You In Church. There's a good reason for Mrs. Smith's happy smile! She's telling Mrs. Jones all about the grand time everyone had last night at church. It was "ppen house" and everybody cante to chat a bit, meet new people and enjoy themselves thoroughly.. Naturally, we all realize that social activities are only one part of the many fine services our churches render, that the first and formost rule of the church is to give religious guidance and comfort. Attend church services' regularly and take an active part in the benevolent and social activi ties of your church. We sincerely hope that we'll see you in church often! 9 j Building Block Co.! Varsaw, N. C. - ? Thomas Accessory Shop Duplin Mercantile Co. WARSAW KENANSVILLE Pauls Taxi Service OU Co. WARSAW WARSAW WTarsaw Motor Co. Garners Self Service WARSAW WARSAW Warsaw Flour & Feed Mil! M. B. Holt WARSAW SEVEN SPRINGS, RT. t Warsaw Dry Cleaners C. E. Quinn WARSAW KENANSVILLE Farmer's Hardware Cobbs Purol Station . WARSAW WARSAW . , . Warsaw Electric And City Shoe Shop Appliance Company WARSAW WARSAW Warsaw Drug Company The Eeiall Store .. " ' .WARSAW O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o . I 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o cr o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ) o ) c r