CLASSIFIED KATES Two cents per worer, minimum charge at SOe. Unless joa ham ., an account with as pleat send 1 money, stamps, money order or check with ads. Farmers: use the Times Classified ads; If yon hare anything to sell, or exchange, or want to buy, we will aooept produce for payment. ' ' ESS ME ' aad aaak appotat Ljent t do you eato body nod fonder repelra, also replace yowr treks glssase wttk mw Shatter Proof glsjnv'-:-.'? ": '-V A. a HOLLAND . DCNANSVTLLE. IF TOUR FBOPERTY BURNS OB IS DAMAGED OTHERWISE, WILL YOU BIT rCLLT PRO TECTED? R, W. BLACKMORE, Agent f. Benable lasaraae Service Warsaw. North Carolina ;' . PLUMBING Experienced In Plumbing Work . OF ALL KINDS No Job Too Large; None Too Small r See Me For First Class Work 1 - At Reasonable Prices BEN B. WILLIAMSON 4$ KENANSVILLE, N C. PAINT YOUR HOUSE NOW -Paint is becoming more plentiful. I now have a man available full time to paint your home and out buildings with spray gun. the most ( economical way. A. C HOLLAND, Kenansville, N. C "A drilled waD Is the most . - satisfactory water supply. f- Write for quotation, giving distaaea and direction from your Post Office. ' HEATER WELL COMPANY BAI.EIOH, NORTH CAROLINA I Do Plumbing and Heat ing Wrlc of All Kinds. - I have had 2 years experience in . V. S. Navy as Ship Fitter and three years plumbing work with W. D. Sams Plumbing A Heating, In Nor folk, Va and one year maintenance of FX at Langley Field. Va. S or Phone Phone 226-1 V GEO. P. PRIDGEN Warsaw N. C , FOB SALE Peanut meal, Cotton Seed Hulls, Cotton Seed meaL - J. T. HUDSON'S GIN, Warsaw. t-13-6t. e - FOR SALE Piano in good condi tion. Cheap. See Miss Eva Swinson, Warsaw, N. C. 6-U-2t ; COMPLETE INSURANCE COMPLETE SERVICE " Real Estate Bonds - Rentals ' Warsaw neat Estate ins. to. , ROBERT L. WEST . Office Phone; 212-1 Res: 268-6 "athletes foot itch not hard to kill jm in one hour If not pleased, your 35c back at any drug store. TE-OL, a STRONG funeidde. contains 00 alcohol. - vm Tin.Tnmn nTc T", ..1. .... HfffYDV germs to KILL the itch. Today at Kenansville Drug Co. o : t WANTED: Man to sell and collect '-- Industrial and ordinary Insurance , in Warsaw. Will be paid while being . tmhwil fltuul aalanr nlra commls- sion. This is a real opportunity for aggressive man seeking permanent connection with advancement. For Interview, address Box 772, Golds- ' boro. , t. , -20-t. a . ... Morfqaqe Loans Atlantic Lire insurance company of Richmond is In the market fo,' first mortgage, long term, low cost : loans on improved farms, residen ces, and business properties in this section, jnq commission, swck, or life insurance required. , 7 FOR INFORMATION f I SEE OR WRITE ! , N. I. Mill At The Britt Corporation : ; 'CLINTON, K C. Knowledge about cancer ; may save your life! Send name and ad dress on a postcards, to American Cancer Society, 22 Ann Street, New Y.k I, N. Y. and receive FREE to ' let - T BOX FOR SALE: In good ' n; IfoIJs 50 lbs. of ice. Vm if r I. It is V e- PIe35:nlVi3vllevs - Miss Nancy Mewborn of Savan nah, Ga., Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Addie Mewborn. . ; Mr. and .Mrs. j: H. Byrd and family attended the birthday din ner at Mr. Byrd's near Kenansville Sunday. LOOKING AHEAD X HttUal-Mtil$ Ctlltft SukiA'1""" Behind the Curtain Too much '"' misinformation has bean circulated about Russia. A lot of this has been put into circulation by Russia. Some of it has come from fellow-travelers and other ad mirers of . the ' Soviet experiment There have been honest mistakes of American writers who have been unable to penetrate the mysteries behind the' iron curtain. Prominent Americans who have "toured" Rus sia have too often become dupes of propaganda " shows cleverly con trived for visiting eyes. Gradually, however, facts are coming to light, Documented and unbiased studies , are greatly need ed, for-they will dispose of many fallacies about the Soviets. Straight facts will set folks right who have accepted such boners as this one: There's no unemployment in Rus sia. It's quite true, but slave labor ers have been estimated at 14,000, 000. You see, unemployment insur ance is not even necessary. Facts Talk Loud Such a factual study is the 141 page book, Communism in Action, prepared under direction of Con gressman Dirksen of Illinois. Printed as a house document by the Legislative Reference . Service of the Library of Congress, the book may be obtained from the U. S. Government Printing Office, Wash ington, D. C, for 25 cents. Copies are also distributed free by the American Wage Earners Founda tion, Suite 60S, 30 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111. Written In a simple, factual style, without -the customary slanted or biased approach, the book should interest all Americans who have been confronted with the idea that "the State does the job better." The facts set forth therein do not call for elaboration or editorial bias. They talk loud enough to make a mighty good advertisement for the Ameri can way of life. Special Privileges Russian Communism theoreti cally envisions a classless saciety. On the basis of pay, the difference between the status of the wage earner and the manager is much greater mere than in America. The many "special privileges and bo nuses" that are distributed to the Soviet managers make this Inequal ity more striking. The average wage of workers was reported in a pre-war year as approximately $10 to $12.50 a month. What about labor? Yes, in Russia labor is'active and organized. Join ing unions there is a political and economic necessity. Labor leaders are appointed by the ruling group, and their duties are to speed' up production, to keep labor disci plined. Wages are not a subject for discussion or negotiation. There is no collective bargaining. Most Rus sian labor laws, rulings, and prac tices would be called "anti-labor" by American unions. There are no minorities; there is no deviation from the "party line." The final decision of the people, in elections, must conform to the "party" decision. In the party, reli gion is equivalent to "superstitions and unscientific processes." Profits are a capitalistic phenomenon, and therefore go to the state alone. The vast profits of the Soviet do not go to the workers whose property they are said to- be, but to further the expansion of "the Soviet of the future."' Little wonder this study terms Communism a "theoretic failure." ' EIGHT CYLINDER BLOCK ASSEMBLY REAR SPRINGS BRAKE LINING BLANCHARD Pontiac Company , OPEN 9 A. RL TO 5 P. M. V7ALT "C" II. C. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard CraJy t i I sons visited the B. F. Grady com munity Monday evening. ; Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Whitfield of Scotts Store visited Mrs. Bettle Out law Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Chambers had as dinner guest Sunday their daughter Nurse Emma Chambers of Memorial Hospital, Klnston. ' Some of the children of this community are attending -Bible School at Jones Chapel. i Regular church services Sunday night at 8 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. N. P. Farrior will preach. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Mewborn of Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Mewborn and family of Seven Springs visited Mrs. Addie Mew born Sunday evening. , Roy Outlaw is spending a few days at home with his mother, Mrs. Bittie Outlaw. 1 Red Sox Swamp Red Springs 18-6 The Warsaw Red Sox made merry with the Clinton Blues Wednesday night when they triumphed over the Blues to the tune of 18-6. Faircloth on the mound for the Sox, did a beautiful Job of allowing only 8 hits, 3 bases on balls while striking out 6. Not only did he pitch good ball, but got 3 bits for himself from the opponents: " Stephens, Jones and Jordan each contributed home runs to Warsaw's big batting party, staged at the expense of three. Clinton hurlers. Each homer caught run ners on base. Warsaw played hosts to the Lum- berton Cubs Sunday afternoon, but were' turned back by the Cubs to the score of 12-8. Lumberton had a big fifth inning in which five runs were scored and after getting three more in the eighth, one in the third, two in the fourth and ninth the Sox just failed to get well. Monday night the Red Sox went to Lumberton for a double header, with Warsaw scoring 15 to 10 in the first and gave the Cubs the next with the Cubs leading 13 to 1. : -Tuesday night the Sox met the Sampson Blues on the local dia mond with Wright pitching for the visitors a 3-hit shutout game. While the score-keeper kept marking goose eggs in the Sox's frame, the Blues romped away with the game by a score of 8 to 0. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of the late Katie Outlaw Kornegay, deceased, of Duplin County, Wolf scrape Township, and having quali fied before the Clerk of Superior Court on the 8th day of June, 19 47, this is to notify all persons who have claims against said estate to present their claims to the under signed Administrator or his Attor ney, on or before the 6th day of June,. 1948 or this notice will be plead in bar to their recovery; all persons who are Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned Ad ministrator. This the 6th day of June, 1947. R. P. Garner, Administrator of the estate of Katie Out law Kornegay, deceased Mount Olive, N. C. Rt 1. H. E. Phillips, Atorney Kenansville, N. C. 7-18-5t. HEP Dr. H. W. Colwell OPTOMETRIST . Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Caveniugh Chevrolet Company Permanent Office In WALLACE. N. C. TYNDAIL FUNERAL HOME IN MOUNT OLTvH , Burial Association . Pvaeral Dtrertom. F.sabalmer Imbalance Service, dav or night 11mm Wr -T.otWw Uncle Sam Saya CI y, ! An of us would like te put dad ea a pedestal on Father's Day te shew him how we feel about him toe year round. I like to think of all Amer ican fathers In the role of Minute MeSh standing guard ever the seenr ttyef their families. Certainly they eeuld do M batter than te assure the hamlneM ef themselves and their homes than by buying United States Savings Bonds regularly ; ' Two automatic bond buying plans are available now. If dad is ra a .. ' ... flKvinn Plrnn will sssnre-Wm days of ease when he gets ready to retire. If dad Is a professional man or self-employed, he can use Us checking account to buy a bond a monm. Graver Quinn Dies Of Heart Attack Cleveland Quinn, Sr., S3, died Monday night in Onslow County Hospital, Jacksonville, fol lnuiino an illness of two days. He suffered a heart attack. Funeral services were Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Jacksonville Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. fori r rrip officiating. Burial was in the Jacksonville cemetery. Sur viving are his wife, the former vir orlnis -Tames- one daughter, Mrs. George Cobb of Midway Park; 8 sons, Grpver C. Quinn, jr., iiowaru and Robert Quinn, all of Jacksonville- turn hrnthers. J. L. Quinn of Phlnauanin and Dr. Frank Quinn of Magnolia; three sisters, Mrs. W. J. Pickett of Kenansvuie, mrs. j. a., Cooper of Wallace and Mrs. Edwin Coates of Farmville; and two grand children. Born at Chinquapin Aug ust 10: mas. Mr. Ouinn had been in the merchandising business In Duplin County most of his me. jae also served with the National rarx servw nt CaDe Hatteras for five years. He moved to Onslow County in 1941.-A former elder and, Sun day School superintendent of the Chinquapin . Presbyterian Church, he was an elder in the Jacksonville Presbyterian Church. He was an ahbkah veteran n fWorld War I. and a member of the Burton-Cowell Post 265 of the American Legion. FATHER'S DAY Dorft Forget to Remember n ' '', ' " jafc.-T 13 , . Ever Ivra wovtn Sock U a uj v svwa mm a You may buy ,j. pmtlvt Gift j V.mbut,..yoii nt ttrill oari aa IT Hood aoc0,rou may tmy Dad a mora expmsivt 1 for f athers vay,m tatit buy one that i (wn mora. r In The General County Court NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. ELIZABETH WHALEY SIMMONS JAMES W. SIMMONS !m The defendant, James W. '-Sim mons, will take notice that an ac tlon entitled as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff above named against the said defendant for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation and in which the defendant Is In terested and which causa of action is set forth In the complaint filed in this cause, and that the said de fendant is a. necessary party to tWs action: and that the said defend ant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the' Office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Duplin County, at the Court House in Kenansville, North Carolina, on the 6th day of July. 1947, and answer or demur to the petition filed in said action, which has been duly filed in said office, on or before, the 27th day of July, 1947 or the plaintiff will apply, to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint ; This the 6th day of June, 1947. R.V.-Wells, Clerk General Countv Court 7-4-4t. HEP. ' . f j ' NOTICE ' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT North Carolina, Duplin County. E. L. MILLIGAN ' VS ' GLADYS MILLIGAN 7 The defendant, Gladys Mllllgan, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce based upon adultery on part of the defendant and that the said defendant will further take notice that aha la re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County in the Courthouse In Kenansville, N. C, on the 7th day of July, 1947 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to th4 court for the relief demanded; bv said complaint ' " This the 7th day of June, 1947. R. V. Wells. Clerk Superior-Court 7-4-4tBVW ' V- 1 looooooooooooococooc-foooooppooopooocoo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o BUY WITH CONFIDENCE WHERE Prices '.Are'; Right . We're ready and willing to do our part in holding, prices to levels where you can buy ;,;; -.'.-' ."';.' -":.':"-i.:,;.i.,'j .iM . ':"rV;. C:: with confidence, 'If you've waited for GOOD furniture to be lower In price, don't wait '' S-: '" : '' 'V- r,'V-j;-;-.". : ,,.:.; ;r".' vi..;'-:-;,":"'" any longer Buy nowt Just a few Items are featured here . , there are many more. Each - . 1 one represent VALUE, and a big saving on furniture that is in keeping with our qual ity standards. v . . "-' . .' . if o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o j? ''. -'''- What should you look for In upholstered furniture? Good design . .'. good workmanship, . and colorful fabrics that will give mff wear. All these things are exemplified In this ;f''i'--y i-fi;,t J,): , .f-ir'A;:."- . K '-:f ,',"'. v :---'- good looking groupand the inner workmanship Is what makes It so comfortable, so :. that it will give-you years and yean ot COMFORT.'.- . . - . ' H ) O o - 'MAGI o O o o o o o o o o o o o g-. : 2 i J 'in O - i I (i O i ' ; Ice Cream Served In Cones, Cups, Pints, and Quarts To Take Out In Most All Desired Flavors Made Fresh Daily Many Flavored Sundaes : SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE SHORT ORDERS- ' SANDWICHES V CURB SERVICE :fm EOST- ; o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o WARSAW, N. C. o OOnrpooOQ O The ItuoiAravel NEW t ; O O () () ( u o () ( ( ' o ) () () C) o o o o o 8 () C) C) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o () c; ) C) o o K10ST O OOO QOOOOOOOp O o o o o o o . o o ) () ) o ,.o () C) C) () ) () () i, () () () ) b (; ( ( ( ( ( ( PERFEECT Living Room Three Pieces That Are Vorlh J Much More Than Our Price CHHTvIENT