'IIE DUPLIN TIMES .cJ FriJay In KenaiuvUle, N. C County Seat et S ".t DUPLIN COUNT?" ' ' , " v 1 T' ' A'vjS; ''V E!terial business and printing plant. KraansviUe, N. C. ' -u'" J. ROBEBT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER '.' - r .- Entered at the Post Office, Kenansrllle, N. C ; x " .,' secsnd dan Batter..' - 1 'TELEPHONES- 1 ' , - KenansvIIle, Vt-1 Warsaw, S53-6 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 par year 1 Duplin County; 93.80 per year year outside Duplin County, In North Carolina; $4.00 per year outside North Carolina, except to Men in U. S. Aimed Forces, Anywhere, $3.00 per year. - Advertising rates furnished on request. A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, economic and agricultural interests of Duplin County. North CarOUna vdi 'MISS ASJOCIAIIOft 51 Notionol Ad'tHlna prmalt - American P$$ Assocuiim Kl,w York Chlwa Dstroll riWtflB Play Safe In Wafer . A life, maybe your own, may be , saved if you take precautions when :. you go swimming this summer. Swimming is fine exercise, but v only for those m fine physical con ' ditlon. If you are not feeling well, ' stay out of the water, especially deep water and never go in the -.A water within two hours after a eat- lng a meal. i Don t expose yourself to the sun j for long periods. Be sensible and - take it easy with your exposure, , gradually building up a good tan. Sunburn can be serious and cause ; much discomfort. Never dive in 'stranee water. It mav not be as deep as you think. Watch for dan k gerous undertows and big waves : in large bodies of water. Don't swim beyond your strength. ' Never rock a boat or call for help unless you need it. If you should experience distress in the water, do not struggle but try to swim as low in the water as pos sible and if being rescued give your self over completely to your rescuer instead of hampering and making it dangerous for both. FOR SALE SASH - DOORS SHEETROCK - PAINTS DRAIN TILE TERRA GOTTA PIPE GLASS - LIME CEMENT - BRICK PLASTER ASPHALT SHINGLES AND ALL KINDS OF ROLL ROOFING Z. J. Carter & Son Wallace, N. C. D.H.CARLTON - WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA I"-..' INSURANCE AGENCY Life - Fire - Storm - Automobile, efc. Telephone 3496 Warsaw, N. C. ATTENTION If Any One Wants A 1947 PlymouSh, Ford, Or Chevrole! -1 Have Them In Stock. v ,,, If You Have An Old Car You'd Like To Trade, , Bring It With You. Terms If Desired. Phones: Office 3336 Residence 226S Lewis Motors WARSAW, N. C. Quinn-McGowen Company ; Warsaw, North Carolina Day Phone 244-1 Nite 266-1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMERS "; Ambulance Service HOGS WANTED! I We Buy Hogs At ,r -'- - WARSAW EACH FRIDAY I CLINTON ON TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS . . ." Of Each Week. No Commission Charges. It : WE HAVE TANKAGE FOR SALE ' - . Sampson Livestock Market . STACY nrrSYCUTT, tiWr" Improve ! . "Uniform Ittternatfaml TJNDAV BV HAROt.TJ I. LtiNnimsTa' D.' Ol The Moody Institute oJ ChlcaKCV Baleaied by Western Newspaper Union, '..jlsc?.! for June li-;-: , L8on subjects and Scripture texts lected and copj rinhtad by Internationjl Council of BeUElous Education! used p .permissions. ' JVDAH'S APPROACHING DOOM LESSON TEXT Jeremiah 36:2, 3. J8-3U II Klnf!3 24:1-4. . . MEMORY SELECTION -The fear of the, Lord prolonseth days; but the years of the wicked shall be shortened. Proverbs 10:27. The, decline of a nation from strength and glory to weakness and shame is always a sad thing to con template. Still worse Is the evident cause of such decay in the sinful ness of the people and their stub born rejection of God's mercy and grace. The religious reforms in Judah un der Josiah were only temporary In their effect on the people; partly be cause of their own insincerity, and partly because Josiah was soon killed in battle. Yet God did not leave his wandering people with out good counsel, for it was in those days that the great prophet Jeremi ah ministered. He had been the helper of Josiah in his good pur poses; now he continued to plead with Judah to submit themselves to God and to his will. His efforts proved to be fruitless as far as Judah was concerned, for we see that I. Judab Would Not Respond to God's Mercy (Jer. 36:2, 3). God commanded his prophet to write down his words in order that the people might not only know the inevitable impending Judgment, but especially be reminded of God's de sire that they should turn from their evil ways and be forgiven. One would have thought that they would have responded to such mer cy with an immediate and grateful return to the Lord, but they did not. Jeremiah, 'a' unique man of great ability, was so tenderhearted that he has often been called the weeping prophet. Do not infer that he was a weak, emotional character, for he was strong in the Lord, and coura geous in the face of rejection and persecution. He urged upon Judah the necessity of submitting to Bab ylon, to whom God had given power, and above all to the Lord, for a spiritual cleansing and revival. Our second section brings before us the further sin of King Jehoiakim, who led his nation on to destruction. We see that II. Judah Would Not Receive God's Word (Jer. 36:28-31). At God's command Jeremiah and his scribe Baruch had prepared the scroll with God's Word upon it. One of the nation's- leaders was moved by it, and through his urging, the scroll was brought to the attention of the king. Jehoiakim, sitting before the Are, heard only part of it, and then in defiance of God he took a penknife and cut it up and burned it. One cannot help but think of those in our day who call themselves modern thinkers, or liberals, who have also used their penknifes on God's Word. They cut out of the Bible everything they do not like, and offer the hungry people the stone of their own philosophies in place of the Bread of life. Think what their ! judgment will be I God's Word is not so easily got 'ten out of the way! The prophet was commanded, to -rewrite the scroll, and in it to declare the awful Judgment of God upon the one who mutilated his Word. " To try to destroy God's truth by fire and violence is as fruitless as to try to tear the stars from the heavens or to keep the sun from shining. The wicked leaders ol a great nation have tried that once more in recent years, and they now lie dead for their sins, with the na tion a subject people, broken and all but destroyed. One wonders why those who pro fess to serve the Lord will engage in such activity, even as one won ders at Judah, a -favored people of God, refusing to receive his Word. God is not willing to give up, and now tries chastisement. But we see that . . ' 01. Jndah Would Not Recognize God's Providences (II Kings 24:1-4). Jehoiakim had become the vassal of Babylon, but after three years he decided to try to throw off the yoke of his oppressor, Nebuchad nezzar. He was not able at the time to dear with the situation, and so he incited marauding bands from "vari ous other nations to harass Judah. We see, however, that this came about at the commandment of God (w. 2, Sf. Evidently he was ' now using the distressing experiences of life to turn Judah back to him; but once again it proved to be in vain. God does deal with men through what we call his providences, and these may include not only his mer cies, but his chastisement. Trouble and sorrow may be Gqd's means of leading us to the place of repent ance and blessing, ' - - What folly it is to disregard the hand of, God in our daily lives, or to become : embittered at the cir cumstances which are intended to bring us to God's place of blessing. Happy is the man or woman who, being reproved in this way, profits by the Lord's admonition (Heb. 12: U). ev::;.,;:-;: "wy.'k A. J. CAVENAUGH 4 Wallace, N. C. - JEWELER Estate; Result Boyden Wrecks Attorneys Note Appeal ; Wils.vi Wilmington, June 7 A verdict of $9,000 in favor of Louella O'be trne and against Mary Bv Parker and L. R. Ha'good was returned by a jury in Superior Court this week after more than two hours of de liberation. H y -' Attorneys R. D. Johnson and L. State College Hints To Homemakers Because of its cling, jersey cloth is most attractive in dresses witjh plenty of fullness. Heavy fullness in one .place will make the dress sag. Avoid straight "pencil-slim" skirts or a snug fit. Because jersey does not hold a press, avoid press ed pleats. Before '.-yiir; on pattern for cut ting, fold jersey along one center rib with the righ sides together to. prevent curling. Use pins and weights to hold pattern in place. VQien fabric is cut, run a line of stitching along cut edges which tend to stretch using a longer and looser stitch. Sew from bottom up when stitching to prevent down ward stretch. Press lightly on wrong side, lift ing iron li-oai p.ace to place rather than pushing to prevent stretching. The waistline always needs re inforcing to prevent stretfth and sag. Shirtwaist type dresses also need to have collars, cuffs and front edges reinforced to hold their shape. Bound or two-piece buttonholes are best, worked holes are likely to stretch or ravel. Pig Losses Are Expensive The financial loss for every pig that dies thi; esr is 7 times great er than in 1!)34 according to Vet erinary Science at State College. Farmer ! honk! take every pre caution to keep down airy diseases vaccination; usin clean pastures, and careful control of rations. State College Answers Timely Farm Questions Q. Is self feeding hogs a recom mended practice? A. The self feeding method is the best way to feed fatening hogs as it saves feed and labor. Dry feed is preferable to slop because it helps prevent digestive disorders. When nursing sows are self fed, the pigs learn, to eat from the feeder before weaning and will continue to grow without "setback" from weaning. Q. How much milk should be fed to a calf during the first week? A. Amounts will vary from J,ix to ten pounds . daily depending upon the size and vigor of the calf. 666 for Malarial Symptoms now gives PI lit 3 MORE drugs combined as Totaquine STOPS CHILLS FEVER larial Symptoms aril you Q0!irJl RE anti-malarial c.h, it. ned as Totaquine a. kM Mrs. Kate J. Outlaw Mrs. Katie Jones Outlaw, 49, died at the home of her brother, Drifty Jones of Mt Olive, Rt. 1; Wednes day afternoon of last week at 3 o'clock after a long illness. Funera' services were held at 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. J. W. Lajnbert. Burial was in the Jopes cemetery near by- Sur viving are one'son, Mavis, and one daughter. Audrey Outlaw, both of Mt. Olive; four brothers, Harvoy, Drifty. Gardis and Guy, all of near Mt. Olive; one grandchild, William Thomas Outlaw, of the home Expert eyes and band aided by professional tools( go to work to repair the watch you bring to us. If we can't do the job we'U tell youi and we always quote the price to you before the Job la done. BAKER'S Jcv;sl Shop A. Beasley, representing the de fendants, immediately filed and.ap peal to the Supreme Court. Judge Clawson L. Williams fixed the "su persedeas bond at $10,000 and the appeal bond at $100. . . The damage suit was for Injuries suffered in an auto accident .near Bowden in January,' 1046, when an auto driven by .Capt. Lowell N. Douglas, who was killed In the crash' and a truck owned by- the defendants collided. . . VP.. An important meeting, directly effecting the farmers, is scheduled for this week in Memphis, Tenn. The most import problem to be discussed is the establishment of minimum, uniform protein, fat and fiber standards for special pur pose feeds. Such standards have not been revised since 1038 and the respective states have altered and changed feed standards, and as a result there is much disparity among individual state standards. Livestock and poultry nutrition ists and 'members of the feed man ufacturing industry will also at tend the meeting. ;..v .r EGG CONSUMPTION HIGH i Although meat supplies are now plentiful, per capita egg consump- Warsaw Fish Market CREATORS AND MAINTAINERS OF LOWER . PRICES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS (Next Door to A&P) Both Wholesale and Retail - 1 . Know Your Fish or Know Your Fishman WILLIS BAKTLETT -FREE Phone 230-1 WE DRESSING WARSAW, N. C. DELIVER of this year was considerably bet ter than one each day. oooooooooooo IIELBROS And. , BENRUS -WATCHES Fully Guaranteed In Every Respect Cash Or Credit WATCH REPAIRS WALLACE JEWELRY CO W.(G. BEASLEY Wallace, N. C . 000000900004 What Our Bank Auto Loan Plan (rffers To Yea: ECONOMY FAST ACTION CONVENIENCE Instead of paying bigb. financing charges, you arrange a low-cost bank' loan here. .There axe no commissions,' no "buried charges," and you can include the cost of car insurance in your loan. Your loan application la acted on promptly. .No co-makers or endorsers ire necessary and you don't have to be a depositor in order to borrow here. You cheese your new car, borrow up to two-thirds of its cost from us, (somewhat less for used cars) and pay cash for your purchase. You can shop around and buy from any dealer. . , , ' With a bank auto loan you can deal with local people from start to finish. LOCAL SERVICE You buy your car from a dealer you know, borrow at our bank, and place your Insurance right here at hon with a home agent of your choice where you can depend on getting promot, cn-thb-?pot service whenever you need it I EXTRA BENEFITS By meeting your monthly auto loan payments regularly, as agreed, - you . , can help build your bank credit for the future an asset that will prove" valuable to you again and again.. - , Before you finance your next car anywhere, compare the complete cost of other-" plans including finance charges, fees, commissions, extras with a similar tran saction here. Then 'choose the 'plan with most benefits. We are confident a bank auto loan will be your choice. Our charge for new car loan is $5.00 per $100.00, per year added to loan. Loans are repayable 15 months or less. Branch Banking & Trust Co. Of Duplin County MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION , - ej If you're not too oldychange yow mmd and go for something fresh and fast and new . . pull up at the next redfjjptimp. , . . . and 11 up with Conoco 1 For here's power hard to hold down . . . iNSTMSrARTS... extra SMOOTH extra L-O-fsi-O miles in the new-day N-tane gasoline that's made for you . . ". for NOWl 1 , ' Coslight 1947, Continental Oil Co. ft .7 fi JrSS '..iVu' r i 2

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