i;. ...rfL.r. : i - .. . ONCE. - W. E. BELANGA, KenansvUle, N. C. v. cuusaca bates Twe cents per worn, mlnlaaum ebargu of Me. Valeea you luwe U aoeount with us pleas tend auouey, stampa, none eraer r eneek with ads. Farmers: use the Times Classified ads; -If you have anything to sell r exchange, wr want to bur, we will aoeept preduoo fer gwneut ; era m mt MB t JBf Mto feeJ repairs, alae laaaee witk ' Proof gtoaa. . i: ; A. a HOLLAND DBNANBVILLB. D TOtB VBOH9KET BUBNS OB IS PAMAGBD OTHERWISE, wax you mm fclly no- ? TECTUM ;-'-,5-,;'f';; B. W. BLACTPWORK, Agent, Wenur, North Oorottae : PLUMBING Experienced In Plumbing Work OF ALL KINDS No Job Too Large; None Too Small ..-. See Me For First Class Work At Reasonable Prices BEN B. WILLIAMSON " KENANSVILLE. N C. ce::;iETE ;v:i::iu!:cii. , COrLTTS SE3YI0E Keel Estate - Beads - BentaJs Warsaw Beat Estate U fas. Ce, vEODZST L. WEST : Office) Phone: UU Bos: S68- ATHLETES FOOT ITCH NOT HARD TO KILL IN ONE HOUR If not pleased, your S9c back at any drug store. TE-OL, a STRONG fungicide, contains 80 alcohol. IT PENETRATES, Reaches MORE germs to KILL the itch. Today at Kenansville Drug Co. Kon:n:viIb .' V' " . 0wamsaBwaaaeBjS - Auxiliary Meets The Auxiliary met Monday after noon in the Sunday School room with Mrs. L. Williams leading the program, "I Am My Brother" Kee per." She was assisted by Mes dames A. T. -Outlaw and L. Sou therland. ' , Personals "A drilled well Is th atfarfaotory waiter supply.' Write for auotettou, gtriag and dtreetlon fresa FVBNISHED Apartment for rent. See Mrs. J. B. Qulnn, S45-6, Warsaw, N. C 6-27-2t VACATION Near Canollna Beach. Butters Cottage - Ocean Front On Bus Line, S blocks to Kure Fishing Pier and stores. Booms. CoUng-Privileges S15 to $25 per week. Studio Apartment, sleeps four $35 per week - Overnight guests $1.80 to S2.M. Screened In Porch. Out-door fireplace. Picnic tables. Write for Reservations. AUDREY BUTLER, Kure Beach, N. C Ml-4t. pd. BKATEB WELL COMPANT SALEIGH, NOBTH CABOLIMA I Do Plumbing and Heat inn Work of All Kinds. I have had I years experience in - V. S. Navy as Ship Fitter and three years plumbing work with W. D. Sams Plumbing Heating, In Nor folk, V& and one year maintenance el PX at Langley Field, Va. So wr Phone Phono 226-1 GEO. P. PRIDGEN. Warsaw N. C : WE HAVE limited amount of 6-8-6 k . Side Dresser, Land Plaster for Pea nuts and a few ' tons of General ' Crop Fertilizer. ' QUINN, KenansvUle, N. C . -J7-2t pd. Misses Betty Ingram, Yvonne Patterson, Barbara Mitchell and Anne Blanton attended Brownie Camp at Camp Trailee the past week. " ' Judge Henry Grady of New Bern and Franklin Grady of New York Visited in Kenansville on Tuesday night Mrs. C. G. Brown and Children, Mr. and Mrs. Eccles Pridgen and children of Norfolk spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady.' Mrs. Ross and children of Lill ington visited Mr. and Mrs. D. H. McKay last week. - " ' 'S7 It Mortgage Loans Atlantic Life Insurance Company of Richmond is In the market fo. first mortgage, long term, low cost loans on improved farms, residen ces, and business properties In this section. No commission, stock, or life insurance required. FOR INFORMATION SEE OR WRITE M. T. BRITT At The Britt Corporation CLINTON, N. C ; MALE HELP WANTED: Reliable man with ear wanted to call on farmers in Duplin County. Wonder ful opportunity. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Permanent Writ today. , p McNESS COMPANY, Dept Ci f Candler BIdg . Baltimore 2, Md. - - " 7-4-2t pd. Uncle. Sam Says Either the Payroll Savings plan or the Bond-a-Monm Plan knocks the if oat of thrift enee you Join either plan yen can't forget to save. It is done for yon automatically and regularly. By aeoumulatmg a nest erg in United States Savings Bonds there is no if about your fu ture ease and security. -It la Just good common sense to start buying Savings Bonds regularly now. .. -' U.S.Tnmtury Dtpmrmtut . , YOU WILL BE INTERESTED in knowing that we have opened an tip-to-date pharmacy which we hope to malfe a real asset to the , community. Everything necessary to' the equipment of a modern, well-stocked store has been provided. 'iAVi oVi;'".'L Every item is fresh new, and clean, anil service isfrendered by . efficient, courteous! eager-to-please clerks. ' Competent registered pharmacists are in charge of our prescription department, which is amply stocked with drugs, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and recogni zed special products.,' , , - ' ; f ' Our stock of sickroom supplies is comprehensive and varied, and includes.everything in the way of drugrStore commodities needed in the home. Wetdiair esteem greatly the privilege observing your jieeds as' they arise and we hope to make of you and your family permanent patrons. " ' . ' . GEORGE CLARK Proprietor Main Street,: Varsaw, llorlh Carolina 11 To The Traclto And A I Wish To Announce That I Am How Open For Business In My I lev Building Located On Highway In Kenansville Leading From Kenansville To Kinslon. I Have All tiev Stock Including Heavy And Fancy Groceries, Gurley's, Acme's and Square Deal Feeds For All Stock And Poultry. Tct:cco Twine, Also I Have Lime, Brick; Cement, Tin And A General Line Of Hardware Ar.d l!;!bns.- Mr. Adrian Boslic Will Be InMyStore To Serve YoO Tune. f Our Prices Are Right. Ve Promise You Courtesy And Service. '':. '. . :-, . .,., . (,..... v ; ' v? . , ,- v. , , , . Your Business Yll Be Appreciated. J i n L i GG J i j r i r t ' F,""""I'iP:lC.i:-:7 it. l-f va L