-..J DUPLIN TIMES r tw.Ul c lriUay tm KenansvUe, W. C County Seat I ' DUPLIN COUNTY V- J, fcrtstfal twstneas and prtnttn plant, Kenansvflle, N. C ----" J. BOEKBT GRADT, EDITOK OWNER '.. f-"-; Entered at the Port Office, Kenansfrflle, N. C ' 3 Vj- ; . m eeeond alas natter. . 1 , l'-;- "X TELEPHONES 'W ! :; Keaaurille. S7-7 ' ' Waraaw, SSS-f , SUBSCRIPTION BATES; S3.M par year In Duplin County; fSJf par year year outside DnpUn County, In North Carolina; 94M per year eutalde North Carolina, except-to Men In U. S. Anted Faroes, Anywhere, fl.Of per year. ') . '' advertisint" rates famished on request, Ca DemeereUe Journal, devoted to the material, educational. i and atrlcnltnral Interests of Duplin County. Notional AavorlMet oproMalte : Ameiicam Pms Associu.ii Now Totk CMwee "Mseiajlw i Southern Farm Market Summary ..Although livestock producers " continued this week to send a stea "dy flow of animals to market, cat ' tie, calf and hogs were off some at all important points. Prices were ' generally weak to lower, except '- for better grade steers and heifers. ; . Spring lambs closed in Nash- vllle Friday at $20.75-$23 for good and choice grades weighing 60 to oooooooooooo MP. 1 y HELBROS And BENRUS WATCHES Fully Guaranteed In Every Respect Cash Or Credit WATCH REPAIRS 90 pounds. Snap beans were below normal, and generally good prices prevail ed. - , - , Cabbage movement was light with prices low m a dull market. Cantaloup harvest reached its peak and prices went lower. Green corn shipments were at their peak for southern crops. Offerings for broilers and fryers dropped off some with demand good and prices advanced about one-half cent. Heavy hens brought around 26 cents in Raleigh. Egg markets were firm to higher. Grade A sold around 50 cents per dozen. .' Cotton prices lost ground during the week then regained, to close at 37.47 cents a pound. Insect in festation is heavier than usual. State College Answers Timely Farm Questions Q. What are the symptoms and treatment for ring worm on cat tle? A. This is a parasitic skin dis ease which appears in ring-like spots. The hair comes out and a gray scaly crust is formed over the bare surface. These scales should be removed by the use . of a stiff brush, soap and water after which the spot should be painted with j ; Q. Low can I disinfect dirt floor in a poultry house? A, No practical program can be offered which will give"a reason able degree of assurance that sani tation can be maintained with such floors. Dirt should be removed and replaced with dirt from an unpol luted Bource. Scott To Address Western Farm Group ' W. Kerr Scott, State Commiss ioner of Agriculture, is on a ten day trip to western states. He is scheduled to speak In Shen andoah, Idaho, at the North-western District meeting of the Ameri can Association of Commissioners, Secretaries and Directors of Agri culture, -ot which he is president Enroute to the meeting he will visit agriculture commissioners of Missouri 'and Minnesota for con ferences of the Association's pro gram. ; Pig Crop Registers Six Percent Gain North Carolina's 1947 spring pig crop totaled 831,000 bead, an in: crease of six per cent over last year, the Federal-State Crop Reporting Service . reported. ;-l Reports on breeding intentions indicate a total of 105,000 sows be ing kept for farrowing in the fall. If these intentions are carried out and the number of pigs saved per litter is the same as the 10-year average, the fall pig crop would total 662,000 head. hn - t.l 1 IP QT 'Moral Integrity in Our Everyday Lives " LESSON TEXT FOR JULY S-nJob 1:1:-' ST: 1-5; 31:19-28 ' MEMORY SELECTION My rlghteoui iwh I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me o long I I Uve. Job 27 '6 "EDITOR'S NOTE: tenon subjects and Scripture texts selected sad copy' righted br International Council ot Re ligious Educstion; used br permission Expert eyes and hand aided by professional tools, go. to work to repair the watch you bring to us. If we can't do the Job we'll tell you: and we always quote the price to you before the job' is done. BAKER'S WARSAW Wallace Jewelry Co . 1 ' W. G. BEASLEY . Wallace, N. C. oooooooooooo; Mote It may be you're convinced all gaso- . line in town is just about the same. " r If so, you're in for a thrill when you 5 r pull up at the next red pump - . . . and fill up with Conoco N-tane! For here am : ftxftr&iam pickups. . . I , " LONGS r jumps between pumps 7 " ... in a new-day gasoline that's yi. power-packed for you ... for NOW! Quinn-McGoven Company Warsaw, North Carolina , Day Phone 244-1 Nite 266-1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMERS Ambulance Service . 7s? s '1. ., '. .., i . - slf. Copyright 1WT CoottnenUl 00 Co. V;--' . ly 1 s y V By HAROLD L. LCNDQUIST, D. D. Of The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago MODERN problems may well be solved by the principles found In Old Tettament Scripture. Man Is nentiauy the same as he always has been! sin and temptation to eVil have only changed their outer trim mings. Above all, the Word of God Jlsjeternal in its validity and effect Uveness. , ' We learn from Job and bia ex periences that it is possible so to live by the grace of God, that he can be pleased with our lives. That 'Is an encouraging fact. Job was lust a man, but he was a man who -was . ; L -Upright and Good (1:1)., . s SOME liberal critics of the Bible have tried to prove that Job was not a real man, but other Scrip ture makes it clear that the ( words "there was a man" (v.l) states a fact,. (See Ezek. 14:14 and 20 iimn o.ii) ' Re was a man with a large fam ily, with great flocks and herds, and -so a man of business, and the hus band and father in a growing and active household. But in it all he was upright, and a good, God fearing man. ' Many make excuses for their failure to serve the Lord. They aay that their business dntiea and relationships make It Just about Impossible. Others say that fam ily situations and responsibilities- 'keep them from service and wor ship of the Lord. . " The experience of Job explodes all such -excuses and squarely faces us with the fact that It la possible to live (or God in the' midst of the very circumstances - of modern life. . n. Tried and True (27:1-5). AFTER Job had lost his property, bis children and even his health, three of his friends came to comfort him. But they only added to his sorrow by accusing him' of bejng sinful: and suffering only what, he deserved.', .y t, Job in these' verses is replying to them. We note , that in his ignorance of God's purposes, he accused God of being cruel to him (27:2; 30:21). This matter was later to be straight ened out with the Lord. , But even now when he did not understand God's dealings', and stood there sick and destitute, he maintained his integrity. He would not turn from the Lord, nor would he be led off into wickedness. ' It. is possible for a man to be beaten, and bruised and bewil dered, and still true to the Lord. Let's never. forget that! HI. Kind' and Fair (31:19-23). JOB had been a rich man, but had not let his own- prosperity dim his eye so that he could not see the need of his. poor neighbor. He was not among those who, because they are well fed, Can see no point in all the fuss about 'the hungry people round about , There ivsbmething very fine and worthy of our imitation here. It is so easy to take what we have as a special favor from the Lord, to be retained and used, by us, when we ought to recognize it as a matter of stewardship, for the Lord. A vital part of real moral .Integ rity Is "the right use of posses sions. Many a man or woman who has passed all the other tests with flying colors comes to grief at this point , - TV. Spiritual ' and Faithful (31: 24-28). THERE Were plenty of tempta tions in-Job' s day, as there are now, to depart from- the worship of the true God Jo other modes of devotion..-' The worship of the sun was com mon, and Jeremiah 44:17 shows that it continued for generations. In fact what shall we say of the world wide devotion to astrology in our day. Then there was the temptation to worship gold. How up-to-date that is, for do we not have millions who worship ''the almighty dollar;' yes, even if they do not have it.'. To all such temptations Job said a resolute "No." He would not even, .permit his Innermost heart , to be enticed iecretly-(v. 27). He stood true for the God he . loved -and served. ' ' Who" will question that one ef ear greatest. needs - In- the world - today Is for men and women who,' by the grace and blessing of God, , -will live good and upright lives, true to the Lord,, and sacrificial, in real loving-kindness to men. God give aa men, yea, that kind ef men! by WMWalwaauatjaj Pgjn, Scarcity of farm labor continues to be a problem In North Carolina. All areas report a Bhortage of labor and a continued demand for high wages.1 - - Crops are In a geherally favo able condition,' with tobacco fair te- good. . . v. ; Pastures are In the best condition reported this year. Peanuts are ; reported to be in good condition and cotton ranging from "poor" to excellent - '-' ". "J' . 11,11 11 .' '', -Production of peaches in North Carolina is indicated at 3,383.000 bushels for this year.- , - Spoilage, of hams during curing has been' greatly reduced through methods - based": on research .and technical studies of meat process-tog-' . ' ' . a; j. cavenaugh Vr!. ce, tt. C. - TYNDALL - or mount outre - Burial AsaoetaOon- : ' -. Phoaia W Funeral - Directors, Embalmers Ambulance Service, day or night H aa of Wane-Droll Dr: H. W. Cohvell OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, GlaasesJ'itted. Next Door To Cavenaoch Chevrolet Company Permanent Offloe In :'- . ALLACE. N. C. REMEMBER TODAY WITH A PHOTOGRAPH ' BY KRAFT'S STUDIO V. IN MOUNT OLIVE Phones 217-J or 30" COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY v A SPECIALITY A ta4 u I " , . i than a year a, j, deB;-ite a iiuiic tion gain in 1843-47 of ,7 percent ooooccoccooa VULS YOU NEI3) SE3VICE3 0F AN Auaio::2R;: CAIL BiiLni::Es,jR.: Phone 270-1 .22-6 -WARSAW, N.'c. "'" -: onnnnhnnnnno i::rroc! paihts ; : : DSAIN TSIE -TEnSA GOTTA PIPE J-; CLASS LIME - cmzm -tmck V r PLASTC3 ASPHALT SHINGLES AND ALL KINDS OF 2. J. Garbr C '. WcIJace, N. C. , r - h ATTRITION If Any One 7onfs A 1947 Plymouih, Mr Or Chevrolet -1 Have Them In Slock. " r If You Have An Old Car You'd Like To Trade, Bring It With You. Terms If Desired. , Phones: Office 3336 Residence 226S- - Lqvjig Motors ;i WARSAW. N. C. D. H. CARLJOri 1 WARSAW, , ; NORTH CAROLINA : INSURANCE AGENCY 7 - Life - fire - Storm - Automobile, etc. Telephone 3496 ..-- J ; mmxi, II. C. r: 3C v f Dine And; Dance ... i ' , si nn HI I IIC HOWDY CLUB . ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY NITES Celebrate Your Anniversaries, Birthdays And Other Occasions With Us. ' The Club Is Available On Monday Nites To Private Parties Call County 2704 For .Reservations ' Route 117 5 Mi. South of Goldsboro, N. C. , ' v a. 1 J if I ' I ; ii - I! ECONOMY What Cur Ear.k Mo Loan Plan Offers To Instead of paying high financing charges, you arrange a. low-cost bank H loan here. .There an no coinnuauons, no "buried -chargea," and ou ean include the cost of car insurance In your loan," '.-, Your loan application is acted on promptly. .No co-makers or endorsers ! are necessary and you don't have to be a depositor In order to borrew beret. . You cheose- your new car, borrow up to two-thirds of its cost from us, .; "CONVENIENCE (somewhat lest for used cart) and pay cash for your purchase. You can 7 ' shop around and buy from any dealer.. - r ' ? J.- , ' , FAST ACTION v Wl a bank auto loan you can deal with local people from start to finish. LOCAL SERVICE You buy your car from a dealer you know, borrow at eur bank,' and place your, insurance right here at heni; with a home agent of your choice where you can depend on 'getting proDint, on-tne-zpot servioe whenever you need '"" : - . ic ; , -r'Vf r- . -EXTRA BENEFITS By meeting your monthly auto loan payments; regularly, as agreed, you ) - ' ean help build your bank padtt for the future an asset that will prove -f . valuable to yon again and j Before you flnanee year next ear anywhere, eetnnare the eatoplete eost of other rvlans tnetadlMg flnanee aharsm eoininonsv extras with a aunllar tran-: sactlon hen. Thau eheose the plau wKh auat beacSts. We are oanflieai a bank i UMkanalOk tavaUM , , - Our charge for new "err lsa U $5.M per$iPA per ycrr -i&lzi to loan. Lcsza are rerr-'-l3 15 racrlls cr less. - r 1 rrf f