t i n 11 t 1 r?- ' r i i ' i(iriifllfMii North Carolina's old D. Cooley (left discuss Tar Heel farm problems with Secretary of Agriculture Clin- . ton P. Anderson prior to Senator Umstead's maiden floor speech In the Senate, In f which he sounded a warning aeainst the drastic House slashes In the Agriculture Ap propriation BUI. Cooley, high-ranking member of the House Agricultural Committee, recently appeared bef or the Senate Sub-committee on farm appropriations to urge that the House reductions be restored. . ;. ' .c- Miss Strickland Enlarfains At Dance : Miss Verna Strickland was ""hos tess Wednesday evening when she entertained at a dance at the high school' gym, honoring Miss Lois Godbold, recently returned, from college. ;.The gym was-attractively decor ated with summer flowers against a background of native pine. Miss Strickland was assisted in; enter taining ' and serving punch and cookies. by her mother; Mrs. "A. J. Strickland and Mrs. George Hop kins. r . - "'"- " "'- " " Circle Meets, . . The- Katie Murray Circle met Tuesday night in the home of Mrs. Stacy Britt With! Mesdames Henry -y West and George Hopkins as joint hostesses with .17 present w - -Mrs. J. P. : Harmon ..was n .the ; chair "and reading for the devotional ' the 28th Psalm-Mrs. Moman Barr presented an Interesting program " on ''Meet The. Chinese" with the assistance' of ''Mesdames ,Emmett . Roarki Mosley Phillips, Carl Win 'dersand Miss -Hazel Carter. . " During the social hour Mrs. E. J. Hill wes presented -a small gift Jn a patriotic contest The hostesses V served a sweet course with" qocoanut cake in the form of a flag. , ; -Personals ! i ; Mr. and Mrs.. B. Balnea of WU son were guests of relatives here , this week. ' . Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Touchberry - have as guests his sister, and hus band, Mr..and Mrs. Ben Militana of " West -Palm Beach, Fla. and New ' York.- ... " Mrs. Lillian Quinn had as week ""' end guests Mr. ana Mrs. -Dan Saieed i -and son of Greenville. - , , : ..''Mr. and Mrs. Graham Quinn, Jr. ' and son Of Raleigh spent the week . end with their parents here, i' Mr. and Mrs. RvE. Wall had as : guest last week her .niece. Miss '':' Polly Gaines of Miami, Fla. Mr, :: and Mrs.,. Wall, left Tuesday for Epping, Md., where they will visit , her mother. . , - - Mr. and Mrs. Henry West, Mr. i utrAD h PUN r . 5 Senator WUUam B. Umstead ri(ht) and Mrs. O. H. Best and Miss Sara Humphrey attended Court of Honor at Scojit Camp Tuscarora Saturday night 11 - ' - . - Miss Georgia Anne ' Hopkins spent the week end in Selma with her grandmother. . - ' . , Mr. and Mrs. L, A. Brown and sons of. Kinston were visitors here Saturday.' Red Jr., remained fdr several days visit with Eddie Britt f Mr. and Mrs, R. L.'West visited her mother, Mrs. W. D. Pollock in Kinston over the week end. - - Mrs." Wr. A. Carter had as week end guests her children, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogers of Chapel Hill and Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Barker of Oxford. ' , : - ' Mrs., Ralph Honeycutt left this week for a Visit in Florida. ; t Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Porter were called to Burg'aw and Wilmington Saturday on account of the illness and death of her father, T. H. Ram say.: . . I ;" ' Dr. and Mrs, W. H. Freeman and daughter were in Fayettevllle on Sunday to see. his brother, who la ill at the veteran's hospital pv-; ; : Mrs. Milton West and sons were guests last week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, la Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Walter -BosOc ac companied Rev. and Mrs'. Paul Ed wards , to Wilmington Monday to attend a reception in honor of Rev; and Mrs. Edwards, newlyweds. ' Mrs. E. Walker Stevens and sons 1 have returned from visiting her mother; Mrs. C: H. Hester, in Chase, City, Va; ' v";:r v'-"' Mrs. J. F. Strickland and son visited Jjer parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Simmons .in Sanford this week.-.ii" '; '.-':,.'".'' ;...' I Miss Frances .Well, RN, of Wil mington is the guest of her sister, Mrs: Glenn Rollins, v '. i Mr. and Mrs.- C . V. Garner have returned from Carolina Beach. : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook have as guests Mr., and Mrs. Herbert Cook of Sacramento,' Calif. Their Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Britt and Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Cook of Mt Olive, Mr. and Mm. Perry Cook and Miss Eunice Cookl ofCllnton, and Mr. and Mrs. E..u. Outlaw of Goldsboro. " -- E. C. Peele of Burlington visited Mr. and Mrs. W.. R. Blackmore Thursday enroute to Myrtle Beach J . Rev.- and Mrs. James Blackmore of Masooboro Sound were guests Friday of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Blackmore. , 'r Miss Mary Hester : Powell and Mesdames L. O. Williams and G. Van Stephens 'are spending the week at Carolina Beach.. - ' V .- i A " -to and KepresenUUve Har Mrs. C. F. Carroll has as guests her son, Mr. an Mrs. Norwood Carroll and children of Durham. Miss Bessie Quinn has returned from Columbia, . C where She visited her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quinn. Friends of Mr. Quinn Will be interested to know that he is Improving in Veterans Hospital in Augusta where he is a patient Holland-Yi Vows Pledged The marriage of Mrs. Mary Prld- gen Williams, . daugnter , oi Mrs. Harrison Eccles Pridgen, Sr., and the late Mr. Prideen of Warsaw to Claud V. Holland, of Goldsboro, son of Mr. and Mrs. C; E. Holland of Richmond, 'Va., was solemnized in' a candlelight ceremony at the bride's home on Hill Street at 8:30 June 27th. The Rev. A. M. Williams pastor of the Warsaw Methodist Church pfflciating.'Only the fam ily and intimate friends of the couple- were present. v - The bride wore a street lengxn dress 'bffsoft pink-flfepe with an orchid flower hat ana brown ac cessories. Her corsage was of pink talisman roses. . -; Following the ceremony, the mo ther of tha bride entertained at a reception after which the couple left for a wedding trip to Canada and upon their return they will make their home in -Goldsboro where the bridegroom is employed as Station Master Ticket Agent at the Union Station. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Walker McNeilrof Warsaw, announce the birth oi a son,' on Monday, June ov, Goldsboro Hospital, UoiasDoro. Mrs. McNeil is the former Miss Aliene Wilson, of Magnolia. j Scouts Af Camp- Anions the scouts from Warsaw Troop 20, attending scout camp at Tuscarora this weeK are: iommy Rogers, Johnny Jenkins, George Bennett Bobbv Porter, Graham Phillips, J. B. Merntt, wm nou- and. Charles and Gerald Jones and Joe West . Frederick-Jones Miss Violet" Mfller Jones, daugh- . . ,1 m T o onri fhP late Dr. Jones, of Salt Lick, Ky.. and Mr. Hon tas;y ucuow - of Mr. and Mrs. John Freaencjc, oi Warsaw, were united in marriage on Thursday, June, zbuu iour o'clock in the home of the bride With the Rev. J-. W, Kenney,-offi- ctating. - . ' . ... v ..... The altar was banKea wiin wnne finwers and candelabra noiaing burning tapers against an. antique mirror: that extenaea tne lenuu-. of the room, v' '' '"; ' The bride, given-in marriage, oy her brother, Mr. J. Calhoun Jones, wore an afternoon dress Of pastel blue. With matching long mitts ana uht nmxsnrles. She . carried a white" prayer book, topped, with a mrrnle throated white orcnia.., Mrs. H. B. EadS, OI monuceuo, Ky., cousin of the bride, was mat ron of honor, She wore an ainw noon . dress of pastel pink with matching long mitts and carried a French bouquet Of garden flowers, v Mr. Robert J. Frederick, of War saw, brother of -the groom, was best man and the ushers were Mr, Glenn Dale Jones, brother of the bride and Mr.l'B. E3mer EadS, Jr., of Monticello, Ky.. cOusin of the! MKS. STACY BRITT 'WARSAW EDITOR . Subscription - Agent-.. Advertising - Solicitor Dial 293-6 Please' Call In Your News imported lace cloth and was deco rated with, a .four tier wedding cake with .miniature bride and groom and silver candelabra hold ing burning tapers. The bride Is a graduate of Salt Lick High School ahil the Univer sity of Kentucky where she was a member of the Zeta Tan Alpha sorority. ' .';- S'Sf'--1' The bridegroom is a graduefe of Warsaw High School (.nd a veter an of World WarH.' is now a stu dent at Transylvania College, Lex ington, Ky. , - . " Out-of-town guests " included Mrs. Jack Kornegay, sister of the groom of Goldsboro and Robert J. Frederick of Warsaw. ' ' Following an eastern wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs Frederick will be at home in Lexington, Ky. U DC Meets In Warsaw The James Kenan Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confeder acy met Thursday afternoon in the home of Mesdames S. E. Hines and W. H. Bridgers With joint hostesses Mrs. John West and Mrs. J. M. Peirce and approximately twenty one present.-; -tfM.J- Mrs. H. L. Stevens, Jr., presided and opened the meeting with the group singing '.'America" followed by the ritual readby the Chaplain, Mrs. C. A. Womack., Mrs. J, M. Peirce. secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting and Mrs. Stev ens read letter.? from the 9th Dist rict officers in recognition of the meeting held - April 15 at which time the James Kenan Chapter were hostesses to the 9th District meeting. Mrs. Rivers Johnson, Teas urer, gave her report as did other officers.-;-' ''; -..! As a means 'of stimulating inter est Mrs. Stevens asked that the members do some essay writing in connection with UDC selected top ics, and recognized as visitors Mrs. L. A. Beasley of Kenansville and Mrs. Warren A. Smith of Warsaw. Prior to the program Mrs,-Stevens led the Chapter in the singing of "Dixie" and Mrs. J. M. Peirce gave an interesting discussion of "Jefferson Davis" after which Mrs. Stevens conducted a contest rela tive to the discussion with Miss Daisy Burnham receiving candy for the best' score The hostesses served a tempting congealed fruit salad course with Iced tea. WARSAW SUN. HON. July t-1 Pursued With Teresa Wright And Robert Mitchum. TUES. July S Fear lii The Night IWith Paul Kelly And Kay Scott WED. July 0 f DOUBLE FEATURE . Come On Cowboys Wilh3Mcsquiteere. ' Born To Speed With Johnny Sands. . THURS. -FRL July 10-11 , The Farmer's daughter With Loretta Young And Joseph Cotten. SAT.-July DOUBLE FEATURE Duplin Theatre West Of Dodge City Playhouse Tent . THEATRE PINK HILL, NORTH CAROLINA "The Pick Of the Best" SUN. July 6th ru. ii) WMMWocnir. Mull' T0tT Will ww n, br iawhnci WMMI Also Color Cartoon MON. - TUES. GOO'S COUNTRY UPROOTED BY A STORM 0' HATE AND GREEDt Hinnr- LAdded Comedy WEDNESDAY Slnglns-Swingin' Wild West! v Smith Ballen in Hawaiian Buckeroo Special - "The Vigilante" Serial THURS. - FRI. Bat how can a youngster truly low ft "strangers" ler parents. marry! Also Color Shorts I LIT T f ...tsX-Jr . j$& , zsS Innocent f, 1 A girl faces ft J ' j mi tarUing f murder. xl , v V LAMENT JyjL ' Sillil- madge Krarm 2f?JSi" M.Tn KB m "Danger Trails" Also Comedy COMING SOON! "Wake Up And Dream" AND "MARGIE" (IN TECHNICOLOR) Center Theatre HOTJNT OLIVE, N. O. SUN. - MON. The Sea Of Grass Spencer Tracy, and Katherine Hepburn. News TUES. Double Feature Utah Trail Tex Ritter. ALSO Strange Journey WED. Mr. District Attorney Dennis O'Keefe. Musical Sport THURS. . FRI. Love And Learn Jack Carson and Robert Hutton. News - Cartoon sat! Drifting River - Eddie Dean.- ' Serial Comedy Ve How Have A Complete Line Of Frozen Vegetables, Fru its And Sea Food. - - . , ALSO JUST ARRIVED Instant Maxwell House Coffee . Instant Sanka Coffee Nescafe Coffee TRY THESE COFFEES ICED FREE DELIVERY . . v SERVICE 9:00 A. M. TO NOON , .. . ' ' . PHONE 2201 R 5t P Grccerteria - I - J. A. RACKLET and sL F. PAGE - . , - ' - . ,. ; .- . .. ' . 1 in: wacsaw 5 v : " - Uofe Of Tl::r.!is We wish to take this means to thank our friends for. the mast kindnesses shown during our reoent bereavement , -4 Ralph Applewhite, Earl Alford. Announce Cirlh Mr. and Mrs. Billy Cottle, of, Warsaw announce the 'birth of a daughter, on Monday, June 30, 47, Memorial General Hospital; in ' Kinston. Mrs. Cottle is the former Miss Margaret Gore of Warsaw. DOOOOOOOOOOO Model Theatre Beulaville N. C. Where Happiness Cost So EittU" Sua. - Mon. July 6 c BETTY HUTTON, SONNY TUF1S "Cross My Heart" News and Cartoon Tues. - Wed. JOHN WAYNE and CLAUDETTE COLBERT In "Without Reservations" News and Cartoon Thursday MARGARET O'BRIEN and LIONEL BARRYMORE In "Three Wise Fools" Son of the Guardsman Cartoon : FrL - Sat WILD BILL ELLIOT as Red Ryder and LITTLE BEAVER in "Sun Valley CyJone" Owl Show: Those Teenagers aaain 'Sweetheait Of Sigma Chi' 000000090000 M TottquiM WALTHFUL I 5 VATIUC. w mm w 638 AM for MaUrii hot a!v yea PLUSl MORE dfuqj oinbimd SATURADY . ; Wild Bill EUiott And Little Beaver in : Cheyenne Wildcat lath tr: ' k bride. -" - ' Music was xenedered. by Miss With Charles Starrett. "T'- 'jj'jIJ-"-1 ' Anne Ranfee. of Winchester, Ky ; t and Mrs. Ernest Razor, of