kJ U Wdk L. k 3L-J V i - V A;d Irjrcd In ; I". Accidents - Lewla Williams was painfully ln Jired this week at bis borne near 1 Ink Hill when a cow he was feed ing threw up her head and caught his upper lip with her horn, tear ing it into his mouth. Several stit ches were required to sew up the . wound. 'V:' .,: ":' -.;;v. Tames Edward Farrior, colored, small son of Ivey James Farrior, who lives within a mile of Williams, was injured In practically the' same way when he hooked his Jaw on a nail in a truck round, the same day at a tobacco barn near his home. The gash completely open ed up the corner of his mouth. ; Several stitches were also required . to sew up the cut Mrs. Maude Baker Mrs. Maude Baker, 60, the widow - of the late A. J. Baker, died of a stroke of paralysis at her home on the Jack Howard farm Wednesday v night. The funeral was held at the graveside in the Smith cemetery near Freely Smith's store Thursday M-aaa- Daw DnnaAm VfinnArlv Holiness minister of the Cabin Community officiated. Mrs. Baker is survived Dy ine xouowing qui . dren, Mrs. Percy Tyndall, Mrs, Perry Hardison and Horace Baker of Pink Hill Rt. 2, and Mrs. Lorena Lewis of Stella, N. C. . YS of CS Meet ' A. regular meeting of the WSof CS was held at the home of Mrs. H. E. Maxwell at 3 p. m. Monday. Mrs. J. M. Jones presided. After the' program and business session, a social hour was enjoyed after wuku M maiafM iiatv mui A.tl. - anlnj n1.4d rJtV rlli drinks were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. L. R. Turner and Mrs. Leighfon Turner. American Legion Enjoys Stew : The Slmmons-Mewborn-Turner !;."rri f in : - iiioaern mm -Lack Vigor WILLIAM BAKTKAlf ; Compared to its great-great-great atner. the modern alhsratof eighteenth century whoss (, ..... W"V". MMIMWIM V U has recently been remit. Mcdbjr Dover Publications (SJ.75), alligator of early Florida was 1 .Dclt more airoressive. but ac tually spouted, water and smoke al . . its enemies. "As I passed by Battle Lagoon," Bartrara reported in his book, "I began to tremble and keep a good lookout: when suddenly a huee al. - ligator rushed out of the reeds, aod -: with a tremendous roar came up, r ana aaroa switt as an arrow under . my boat, emerging upright on m lee quarter, with open jaws, and bekliing water and smoke that fell apon me like rain in a hurricane.' Bartram spent many months ' Studying Florida,. Georgia and th Carolina! in 1790, when .most d the territory was inhabited only by wild animals and Indians. In his TnxmU he recorded his encounter with Seminole chieftains, Creek murderers and Uuscogulge bride :; Jtroutn. VVeddiiigs took place among sum the trlbas with a good deal leu toss and bother than they do today. "Vhen a young man has fixed bis KtcrmiiMd to marry, he takes a fine or reed and repairs to ths kabitrntion of his beloved. In the reseoce of his wedding guests, ha sticks the reed down tmricrh i ttm ground. Soon after his sweetbeai aomes forth with another reed which she sticks down by the side f his, when they re married. Then they exchange reeds, which are laid aside as evidences or certificate of i the marriage." . Tk Travel! t William Bartram is filled with first-hand observa--tiotts of the early Southland the ' rivers, swamplands, .tropical fish, ; tortoises, water-hens, wolvef, cranes -nd great hawks. Barbour and oth k.t modern naturalists, historians snd feneral readers interested m rt SotrH have Jong found the rot'tlt t be a thoroughly secu t r J i. - 'atfng account ef that1 Forgotten lat',Fblt ... - Post of the American Legion enjoy ed a chicken stew at Maxwell's Mill Friday afternoon..:', Attend Conference Ann Ruffin and Lou Ann Davis of the Pink HiU Methodist Church and Joyce Oates of Woodland re turned at the week end from Camp Fisher where they spent a week as representatives of the Method ist Youths. They were accompanied by Rev. W. G. Lowe and Miss Eli zabeth Lowe. Teenagers Go To White Lake About thirty' Of the Junior Junc tion Teenagers picnicked at White Lake July 13. They were accompan ied on the trip by Mayor and Mrs. Tom Davis. U.F.W. Dance ' The Willard Smith Post of VFW sponsored a dance in the Pink Hill gym Friday night A good crowd attended. Bridge Club - Mrs. H. A. Edwards was hostess to her bridge club at her home on Wednesday afternoon. The rooms were attractively decorated with summer flowers. Mrs. Jasper Tyn L FEOTDILQV tHSUt KiTHCSS . . $AMt iHmcHAmmu i No. 1 - Maintaining fertility of your Soil is easier than rebuilding 't af ter it is lost plant food deficien cies may be serious before you ao tice much decrease in yield. Allis-Chalmers equipment provide 4 convenient means of applying fer tilizer at three stages of crop pro duction. One set of interchanges We hoppers can be used while plowing ' planting and cultivating. So need to go over the field again to apply fertilizer - - you save that extra ' operation. We'll be glad to discuss your ferti lizing problems with you. Stop in and see us: , No. 2 Allis-Chalmers fertilizing equipment enables you to make the most effective use of fertilizer on your farm. An attachment on the' ploy puts plant food on the plow' sole, invites deeper root growth. The planter attachment places the fertilizer In a band at each side of the seed, stimulates early growth. .Sfm e nsm mom f ( m wtVPMrft rnui i 1 A Inventor dall received high score prize for members and was also recipient of the, bingo prize. Mrs. T. A. Tur ner received a prize as second high scorer and Mrs. C. C. Jones recei ved the consolation prize. Coca colas and salted nuts were served at the beginning and after scores were totaled a dessert course was served. Miss Edwards Pass State Examination In Dental Hygiene Miss Linda Edwards, who took the State Board Examination for Dental Hygeinists, held in Raleigh recently, has been notified that she passed. Miss Edwards is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. A.. Edwards and will be employed by her father. " M. C Carr Is Dead Morton C. Carr, 60, colored, mer chant of Pink'Hill, died of a heart attack while being rushed to a Kin ston hospital Tuesday night. Funeral services were held Sun day with Whitehead Funeral Home in charge. Officiating ministers were Rev. W. L. Miller and Rev. W. H. Jones. He was a member of the King David Masonic Lodge No. 124 in Klnston. Surviving relatives Include his wid ow; two children, B. F- Carr and Mrs. Atha Lyles and two grand children, all of Pink Hill. Burial took place in a Klnston cemetery. An attachment places he fertilizer in a band at each side of the seed, stimulates early growth. The same interchange able hoppers can be used for all three me thods. Stop In and let us tell you about them. No. 3 - Small amounts of fertilizer used prop erly placed. Allis-Chalmers fertilizer attach ' ments put plant food in bands where it is available to your crops at the right time. The same interchangeable" hoppers are used on the plow, planter and cultivator. Putting down fertilizer as you till your soil saves extra .operation. ' Let us show you how Allis Chalmers fertilizer equipment will make money for' you. f T. A. turner And Conp&iy PINK HILU I.C. r i Birthday Party Mrs. Warren Maxwell was hos tess at a delightful party at her home Saturday night in honor of the 14th birthday of her daughter. Joyce. Games were played after which refreshments of punch, ice cream and cake were served, i. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Maxwell and Mrs. Jerre Sutton of Bucklesberry were recent guests of relatives in Smithfield. .Mr. and Mrs. Levi Everett and sons visited relatives in Jackson ville Sunday. . ' t Little Connie Jo Wells of Grady school community is recovering from a throat infection at her home. Miss Bessie Kornegay spent the week end with relatives here. Miss Elizabeth Mattdx, employed at Camp Fisher, spent the week end with her parents at the Grady teacherage. Miss Evelyn Kornegay Is visiting In Raleigh. - , ' ; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Whitley of Wilson spent Sunday with Mr. and) Mrs. W. W. Maxwell. Floyd Heath attended the Wilson Kinston game in Kinston Sunday. :. George Turner, Harvey Turner, Chris Coombs, Rudolph Davis and Floyd Heath, Jr. spent the week end at Oriental. Mr. W. E. Williams has return the best Do You Want Fast, Efficient Radio Service WHILE YOU WAIT? . We Specialize In All Makes Of Home And Car Radios WE HAVE ELECTRIC and BATTERY RADIOS; PHTLCO BATTERIES; PROCTOR ELECTRIC IRONS; jRONING CORDS; IRON REPAIR PARTS; PRESTO - PRESSURE COOKERS; EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR PAINTS; -"WATER PUMPS; ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATERS; .PIPE FIT TINGS; SINK STRAINERS AND SUPPLY P07ES. FAUCETS AND' BRASS FITTINGS. .. ; " v - We Have A Few Floor Lamps We Are Selling At Half Price WE WILL HAVE AS SOON AS AVAILABLE REFRIGERA TORS, WASHERS, ELECTRIC, OIL, AND WOOD RANGES; OIL SPACE HEATERS. v WE SELL IT CHEAPER WELCOME TO PINK HILL- -MITCHELL Electric Supply 1 PINK HILL, NORTH CAROLINA I - ' . " 1 1 1 1 TOBACCO BTic-..:......'.-....... per M TOBACCO TRUCKS 3 sizes TOBACCO TWINE 3 or 4 "ply FLUES & JLUE REPAIRS, GRATES, FLUE EYES and DOORS r - MORTAR "MIX, CEMENT, LIME, BRICK and NAILS ALL SIZES DOWLESS, HARDY-NEWSOM and . . SAMPSON OIL CURERS. , , Seven Springs Supply Co. ed from visiting relatives In Rox boro. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bussrck and son of Lima, Ohio, were overnlte guests of Mr.' and Mrs. J. R. Davis recently They were enroute to St Matthews, S. C, to visit Mrs. Bus sick's parents. Mrs. Davis, a sister of Mrs. Bussick, accompanied them to St Matthews where they attend ed the -wedding of their ; brother, Mr. Thomas Gates, July 24. t " Mr. and Mrs". R. A. Grady, R. A. Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Smith and daughter of Wilson were guests nf Mr and Mrs. W. J. Smith Sundav I Miss Ramona Worley of ACC in I Wilson, spent the week end at her I home here. . v Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Watson of New Bern were recent guests of relatives here. ' Ike Stroud and Dorothy Carol at tended the Klnston-Wilson games in Klnston Sunday. MrrLeighton Maxwell of Winston Salem, Miss Sarah Ann Maxwell of Richmond, Va., and Emileigh Max well of Norf ilk were week end guests, of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maxwell recently, r 'Mr. and Mrs.; H. S. Wetmore of Raleigh and Mr. and Mrs.. Rudolph Kornegay of Mt Olive visited Mr, T. Gordon Smith, who is ill last Sunday. o - ; Misses Helen and Betty Ragsdale and. Major H. E. Maxwell of Wash ington, D C, Mr. and Mrs. Ed God win and Billy of Wilmington and Mr. John Watlingson of Reidsville wye week end guests of Mr and Mrs. K. D. Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holt and chil all the different brands yoa asaeked during the wartime cigarette shortage T That's whoa so many people discovered from experience that Camels suit them best Yes, ex prince Is teacher. Tbafs why . . . , eivrosfm dren were visitors in Goldsboro on Sunday. '. v , Grolnrn Dcrdon OnCommiiiee ' Washington Rep.' Graham A. Barden ; has been appointed v by Speaker Joe Martin as a member of the Congressional Committee tr study labor management nroblens which may arise under the Taft- Hartley Labor Act , - t Barden is a member of the House Labor and Public Welfare Commit Mistures of several crops are of ten used- for hay to increase the yield; to give variety and Improve palatability. . - ; A common mistake of Ueekeepers is starting with more colonies than they can properly care for. ' T. A. TURNER-. & : COMPANY; Inc. "A Square Deal To All" GENERAL MERCHANDISE, FERTILIZER, LIVESTOCK, FARM MACHINERY. - PINKHILL, N. C. f Myers VafefSysf ems Duo-Therm Space Heaters Philco Radios Sheetrock - Sprayers and Dusters Poison Youngsfovn Kitchen Sinks a .... v turner & Xurher " insurance Agency -ALL KINDS OF INSTJRAMCir PINK HILL, N. C U ?. yOKHOEK) Av Li. TURNER nsdt Hill's Oldest tasnrsaes Ateswy toooooooooooooooooooooooo Qff ice Supplies o S FILING SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE 9 o o o o jonn II. uener, uompzny 5 2 : : - . o J . . KINSTON, N, C... , r,C 00000000000000000000000c "Buckeye Oil Burners ' J Tobacco Flues ' ', .. . r ' '''"'.V ''' " '" Tobacco Trucks, all sizes : Tobolto Twine and Lgnjerns Flashlights, Thermometers ; Brixmenf, Lime, Cement Rdios - Rcofiiig, in :Pl3sfitPilchCc3ld5-VTini.j Shingles "Everytii2 Tcr V-rrx & Ilome" IT": T"TT. I L- C. .' tee which helped to write this act The North Carolina Congressman said he did not know whether the committee would meet during con gressional adjournment or wait un til next year. BENJAMIN WORLDS GREATEST ' MEDIUM: -BORN WITH STRANGE POWERS. Will call your name in full - and what you wish to kno with out asking questions. Cure sickness -without medicine. Will remove evil influence from around you. Reunite the separated and guide you in all affairs of love, life and business. Why remain In -doubt? See this gifted MEDIUM today. Special $5.00 reading, limit ed time, only 13.00. Reading daily. Located first ' house out of- city limits, 2714 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, N. C. - 8-l$-4t C. " i - V I tscH DRINKING CUPS e all weights W . 5 i x 'J- a