..s i Ail Lt, i vs.- -. iivt cf 1 1. v ..A . ei . Society and CirlLday Party ' Mlw Barbara Mitchell entertain ed a number of her friends on Fri- ' day afternoon celebrating her Oth birthday. The party was given at the club rooms. Out of door games ' were enjoyed. The young guests were invited into the club room where a two-tiered Cake with nine : candles was served with ice cream. - Basket of candy and nuts were giv- ; en for favors. A WESTCHN MUSICAL CXTRAVAGANZA Fj JV ( 2 AT PLAYHOUSE, THURSDAY ONLY PINK HILL, N. C. CONTINUOUS SHOWS : - DOORS OPEN 6:30 P. M. Fairmont There amounts - Personals Bridge Club . Mrs. J. O. Stokes was hostess last Thursday evening to the mem bers of her bridge club.. Arrange ments Jf mid-summer flowers were used for decoration. When scores were tallied, Mrs. J. B. Wallace was awarded high score for club members and Mrs. Jack Sltterson for visitors. The hostess served cake, ice cream topped with straw berries and salted nuts. 3E ON THE BORDER BELT, TE3ESE ARE YOUR BEST MARKETS Chailliurn Tabor is a WACCAMAW Branch-in You save time, and you eliminate the risk of carrying of currency with you. AND CONVENIENCE If you carry tobacco to the border and you sell on any of these markets, you can get what cash you need at the moment and deposit the balance of your check for credit to your account in 7 Rose Hill Kenansviile lllember Fedetal Deposit Insurance Corporation -T I- Is li.X Grduote N. B Boney, Jr. graduated from the University of .Worth . Carolina at Chapel Hill a the end of the first summer mission. He received his AB degree, majoring in econom ics. Boney has been accepted in the Law school at the University for the winter term and will resume his studies there in September. Sewing Club Mrs. J. G. Morrison was hostess to the BMG sewing club Tuesday afternoon of last week. Pretty sum mer flowers were used for decora tion. After the usual sewing bee the hostess served punch, cookies and salted nuts. Guests for the al. ternoon besides the regular mem bers were Miss Lula Hlnson and Mrs. Bert Sanders of DanielsviUe, Ga., aunt of Mrs. Morrison. The Auxilitry of the Kenansviile Presbyterian Church met Monday afternoon in ihe Sunday- School rooms with Mrs. N. B. Boney pre siding and giving the devotional. Mrs. Caroline Gavin had charge of the program assisted-by Mes dames J. G. Morrison and S. W, Newton. The program topic was Not Fashionable Tolerance- But Burning Faith,' and was prepared by Rev. Wm. Crowe, Jr. Of the Wil mington Presbytery. Club Women ives The following objectives have been adopted by the Club Women of North Carolina regarding the health and community service for Clarltton Oliiteuille City each of these market towns FOR YOUR SAFETY - eepu it e or lectives and have, be --a furnished with a cow. ' Concerning the first- objective, Duplin- County is one of the 30 counties of the State eligible for a county hospital. To . have understanding of the State's Medical Care and Hospital Enlargement Program ? ia North Carolina. That 'they: study the State-'s atest bulletins of the Mcli cal Care and Hosr-ital Enlargement Program in North Carolina. V 4 That the women in our club may have a growing realization of Hhe deplorable conditions of health lr. our- State and that 1 these pool J health conditions can be eradicated through research, education, diag nosis and treatment .--'Vi.;:' That we continue to help fight TB and see than an X-Bay survey is made available to each county through oooperat'on with the TB Association and the State Board of Health. v That we help establish dhmostic clinics for Cancer Control. . That we recruit among our high school graduates, nurses as plan ned by the N. C. Nurses Associa tion. That we distribute material ou venereal disease made available by the N. C. Social" Hygiene. Soc iety. I Mary and- Desau Atkinson and Ann of New Jersey are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vance Gavin. ' Mrs. Alsa Carr of Burgaw and Mrs. Lr E. Berkey of Long Beaclu Calif, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. 3. R. Grady. While here they accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Grady to Wilson to see Mr. Grady's moth er who is a patient at the nospitai. Mrs. Joe Bell and children of Durham visited Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady on Thursday. Mr. "and Mrs. L. F. Weeks and Jean are spending the week at My rtle Beach on a house party. Mica M.irthn pirkett is snending M4ioa ' - the week at Virginia Beach with friends. Mrs. C. E. Quinn and Mrs. i. a. IO o o large o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o O ' o o o o o o OH Bui-sis m iriunus in wtcu.. j i i Monday night tf this week. : -uMrs. E. A. Newton, and daugh ters Same and Gail spent Sunday of last week at Morehead City. . Mr. and Mrs. P J. Dobson mo tored to Glenn Falls, N. Y. last week where they visited theirdau ghter, Mrs. George Giles. They were accompanied home by- Mrs. Giles and small daughter who will remain for a visit. Misses Sarah Pickett, Theresa Gooding Anne Dait, "Marie Will iams, Hortense Tyndall and Mes- dames Joe Wells, George Giles and Messrs. G..R. Dail and R. V. WelU attended the funeral of Hainan Hal Jr. in Rose Hill Tuesday. s mrs, jjorouiy -ieuunt ui oanci- lote is visiting Mrs. E. C. Tyndall. Miss Anne Dall of ECTC spent Tuesday at home with her father. Mr. G. R. Daik ' , Mrs. E. E. Benson and small dau ghter visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dail during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brinaon visit; ed friends in Newport News several days last week. While there they attended the pageant at Williams burg and' visited in Norfolk, v Jimmy Jerritt was home for the week end. 1 . ... k Mrs. F. W.'McGowen spent the week end in Reidsyjlle with friends. Dr. and Mrs. Peirre Delaby of Lake City, Fla. spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. FcGowen. ' ' Rev. and Mrs. F. L. Goodman and son were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Quinn. Mr. Goodman preached in the Presby terian church' here Sunday. Outlaws Bridge girst Sunday night services, Aug. 3rd. All are invited to attend. . . Rev. L. C. Prater filled his .ap pointment at Shelter Neck Sunday afternoon and was accompanied by Mrs. Prater and Miss Marie Prater. ' Mrs. Lloyd Sutton and daughters from near LaGrange visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker Friday. - Mrs. Ransom' Pate and boys of Hopewell, Va. have been visiting Mrs. W. D. Pate. - Mrs; Leona. Outlaw has returned from visiting Mrs. Laurie King in Greensboro and Mrs. J. W. Pearman In Summerfield. J. H. Parker, Jr. is with the Far mers Warehouse, Metter, Ga. for the tobacco season. : Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Doby of Cha nel Hill and Sidney Doby of Albe marie were recent week end visitors o O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o "-HOUSBTNo. ; We wish to invite crop of tobacco with Ware i Our long years of Selling .experience enables us to get you a good ; k sale, offering you better service and better' general satisfaction in .every department - ON . To . Get You I.r. and I.iis. J. 11. I ai...f and Louis Parker attended a family re union of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Casey at the. home of Ttfr.-and Mrs. D. B. Sutton Sunday in Samp son County. '. . Mr. and Mrs.' L. B, Outlaw of Seven Springs were among visitors at Mrs. M. L. Outlaws Sunday. - Miss Tonla Rowe of Burgaw is visiting Miss Marie Prater at the parsonage. - , j . Messrs. Herman Wright ''and - M A W V. .... X K - , fTW ' w " I t V ALADDIN LAMPS ARE BACK Complete With Fixtures And Repairs f iii(DMe ONE and TV0 ill LUMBERTOli HOUSE No. 1 ON SECOND STREET 2 ON FAYETTEV1LLE HIGHWAY the farmers of Duplin County to sell ther 1947 s. Start with us and youH wind up with us. : SALE AT ALL TIMES TOM SMITH and PAUL WM More Money For Your Aia. aiefcuL'sls of Lev. and Ia. L. C. Plater. . Local ManT Loses Barn : Ju::;.);-.-f H. D. McKay of Kenansviile lost a barn full of tobacco last week by fire. i ' ' . , . . , - ' W ' 1 j. O o I : I o o O'.. , i . . D ' I " o i o .: . M Or o;. Q o . f ;, ; . ( (V r r, o C) () () ( Tobacco V- O ' o . o o