'Ii-nii'-nf-i 17 held Friday .afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home conducted by the Rev, C. Chamblee of Wilmington,' as sisted by the Rev. J. B.JSeseoms of Magnolia.' Interment was in the Turkey Cemetery, Surviving are one daughter, Mrs K. CI 'Vfest of Turkey, Ht. 1; thpee sons, J, C. Ez--2ell of the'home, It. M. Ezzell of Se attle, Wash., and R. H. Ezzell of the U. S. Navy; six brothers, C. L. Reg ister, and H. M. Register, both of Turkey. E. T, Register of Calypso, H. H. Register, B. T. Register and J. C. Register, all of Taylor's Bridge. 1 ' Old Madam Morris ' This la My First Visit Here A seventh Daughter Born with a Veil, not to be classed with Gyp-. sies Over 50 years experience. TJIE DUPLIN TIMES FIDOS" FOR DOG, FOLK DOTUN COUNTY " ' ' SCHOOL r Advice on all affairs of ff"-Me. Please don't con--h fuse : my : work ' with Mltwial tonlneaa ani printing plant. Ke&aasrffle, N. ' ' j. BOMfBT GEADY, EDITOR OWNER Entered at the Part Office, Kenansville, N. C -7 . , that, of the . ordinary fortune., teller. The truth - dr nothine. Re- aa eeoond elaaa matter. TILIPHONIS ,?J member, a doubter Our Responsibility in Influencing Family Life Kenaasville, tl-t Warsaw, S5S-6 1 i finds me superios -to M tl . j n . i SUBSCRIPTION BATES: fS.00 ar year tn, DapUn County; fLM per year year outside Duplin County, in North Carolina; M.N per year entalde North Carolina, except to Men in U. S. Anted Fanes, Anywhere. IS.M per year. Ji present and future. Office : for white and colored. Hours 10 a..m. to 9 p. m. Open daily and Sunday. LESSON TEXT FOR AUGUST 3 Prb verbs 1:8, S: 6:20.23: 17:6; -19:18; 22: 8; 23:22-26. MEMORY SELECTION Train up child In the way ht should so: and whan he Is old., ha will not depart from It. Proverbs S3:S. . . limberneck in chickens is often caused by .chickens eating decayed material,- usually of a protein na ture. - ' studio on Wilson highway in front of Guy Best's store. vTake Green Gtaibles bus to'my office. Loot for Hand Sign, Goldsboro, N. C. (adv.K ' i . ' Advertising rates furnished on request A Democratic Journal, devoted to the. material, educational, EDITOR'S HOTS: Lesson subjects and Scripture texts selected and copy righted by International Council ol Re ligioua Education! used by permission. i and agricultural interests of Daplin County. uurLi. mi it Carolina AU0CIAT1 Notional Advertising .rnlr.v N Vfk Chkaoa Dstroh rMWslMe Road Sign Meanings Are Important To Know In Obtaining Driver's License "Road signs," says Coleman W. Roberts, President of the Carolina Motor Club, "are far more impor- : tant than many people realize. The shape and lettering of road signs . has an individual meaning and of ten, especialy at dusk and dawn, , the shape of a sign can be recog nized before the driver is able to read the message." ' One of the tests which will prob ably be given to North Carolina drivers who are being reexamined ; duHng the next four jeers will be : a road sign test. To help motorists refresh their knowledge of traffic signs, the Carolina Motor Club, using the Driver Manual of the : Highway Safety Division of the De partment of Motor Vehicles as a guide, presents the following perti nent road-sign information. Road signs are divided into three i general kinds and four individual sizes. The threeTypes are: Regula tory, Warning and Guide. Regulatory signs, which are fully enforced by law, regulate traffic at .certain points on the highway and serve, at all times, as useful . information concerning traffie con- slirtsunA In ami Trw-oli . There are two divisions of regu latory signs: The eight-side yellow sign means STOP. This octagonal marker is placed at dangerous in tersections, at blind corners or any where on a highway where fast traffis prevails. "Phe octagonal sign does not mean slow down but STOP. After obeying this marker, the driver should look both ways carefully and then proceed slowiy. The other regulatory Signs give speed limits, local rules, right turns and are white, upright oblongs that usually have black letters. Signs with red letters usually tell you not to park at any time or at the times stated. Green lettered signs usually tall how long to park or how to park. The second important type of signs are the Warning ' markers. Warning signs are extremely use ful and call attention to dangers which may not be obvious. A warn ing sign should automatically put the driver on the alert, causing a reduction of speed and more cau tions driving. Warning signs on strange roads at dusk are particu larly helpful. These signs are primarily jot ttiree kinds: the round railroad crossing sign, the slow sign and the caution sign. Round signs are a sure indi cation of railroad crossings. A large cross is painted on the round, yel low sign and the letters R. R. can usually be found. Also at the cross ing there may be a blinker light, . Electrical Contractor HOUSE WIRING We Have The Equipment Refrigeratior and Appliance Repair . Prompt Service Anywhew DUPLIN ELECTRIC COMPANY Rose Hill Phone 331 Warsaw Phone 2701 - .'- K. D. SOUTHERLAND, Prop. Licensed Electrician Quinn-McGowen Company Warsaw, North Carolina Day Phone 244-1 Nite 266-1 ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMERS Ambulance Service Warsaw Fish Market CREATORS AND MAINTAINERS OF LOWER PRICES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS (Next Door to A&P) Both Wholesale and Retail , Know Your Fish or Know Your Fishman WILLIS BARTLETT ,'; FREE Phone 230-1 , WE DRESSING WARSAW, N. C. DELIVER V HOGS WANTED! iVBBHI Si . - , :.v ,. ...... We Buy Hogs At WARSAW EACH FRIDAY CLINTON ON TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS . - Of Each Week. No Commission Charges. WE HAVE TANKAGE FOR SALE S:iicn Livestock Market ' T CY KOrYCUTT, Ma-r' -'" By HAROLD L. LUNDO.U1ST, D. B. Of The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. TpRUTH must be translated int Uvtng, and there Is no place where it can be more effective than in the home. We will want to make much of this lesson, tor It is the only one during the entire year which deals directly with the home, The book of Proverbs, to which we were introduced last Sunday, abounds In practical advice 'with a definitely spiritual emphasis, a combination at once wholesome and' effective. This is the first of eight lessons making application oi Prov erbs to the problem's of modern life. Everyone la ' the home has measure of responsibility for mak ing the family life what It ought to be. No one from the small child to the great-grandmother is with out Influence, and each must can tribute to the welfare of the home. Onrlesson reaches from the young person to the grandfather rejoic ing Injila children's children. It begins quite properly with L Youth Looking to Parents (1:8. 9; 6:20-23; 23:12-26). V"OUNG people want to be well- dressed and properly groomed. They are interested in that which adorns and improves their appear ance. have such concern. Let us remind them, however, that a young man or wpman should not only be phys ically well-groomed, but spiritual ly attractive as well. If we should give as much thought te that side of our beings as we do to our bodies, there would be wonderful improve ment in the life of the individual an'd In the home. Thechild who is properly instruct ed, and who is responsive to that In struction, is prepared for "life no matter where lfia'ay lead hkn (6:22) fllTherever and whenever he needs guidance, night or day, it is with mm. Even when he sleeps, he is in the hand of God for blessing. JACK BAIRD (left), Wappinger'a Falls, N. V., and Blanoh Saunders. New York City, voted respectively Dogdom't Man and Woman ot the Year 1946 by America's, dog editors and writers in a poll conducted by the Gaines Dog Research Center, receive tfieir "Fidos" from Harry Miller, the Center's director. The "Fidos" are the dog world's equivalent of Hollywood's "Oscars." Mr. Bsird won the honor for his earnest, con sistent efforts on behalf of the dog oh many frqnfrs, while Miss Saunders was chosen for her exceptional contribution to the making of better canine citizens through obedience training. ; ' . ful driving. Some of these have written messages while others have' drawings to indicate what is ahead.' For example, an "S" curve simply has a black "S" painted on the sign. When the road veers sharply, a pointing arrow may be found on one of these diamond-shaped yel low signs or the words "Winding Road" may be speWed out ( A square yellow sign is a caution sign and is also a signal for re duced speed and careful driving. Such a sign may be placed to indi cate a road crossing, men working or a school zone. The third type, the Guide Signs, It is right that they shouid-fhave various shapes and these, di- rcCUUII IIliUlMTia, All v naming present road, may indicate distance to nearby towns. After reading the above sign in formation, you should be able to answer the following: ' 1. Name three types of signs. 2. What significance does the shape of a sign have? 3. What is the meaning of a traf fic control sign? 4. Name two places where square signs might be used. 5. What is the meaning of a round control sign? 6. Are round signs signs usually followed by individual protection devises? 7. What is the meaning of the diamond shaped traffic cpntrol sign? 8. Would a diamond shaped sign be found on a twisting road? 9? Does an eight-sided sign mean slow down or STOP? Let no young man or woman be betrayed into that awful folly of -ear day which neglects the teach- ' ing of parents "and of the church. Disaster Is ahead on that road sure disaster, and swiftly 9 But now look; at the other side of the matter, where we see n. Parents Looking After Tonth (18:18; 22:6). 'TpHERE is a foolish idea current .in our day which says that the way te rear children is te let them develop according to their own in terests and instincts, without disci pline -or definite guidance. The fruits of that kind of child training are now being harvested in the present crop of juvenile delin quents. We have the sad and awfuH proof before us that children eaa not be reared that way. . We are not pleading for ie tnrn to the nndfily restrictive measures of some of our forefa thers; children are not helped by harshness or cruelty. But there la a proper place for definite In struction, for discipline, yes, even for ehastening when that becomes necessary. The larger part, and the most ef fective part, of this matter is the training of the child (22:6) and when properly done it brings forth the fln estjOf results la later Ufe. The boy who. has been taught and directed right may get on a sidetrack tor a time, but-there is always the prom ise of a return to the-rlght way. This business of rearing-children calls for the best any of -us can put Into it, and over arid above that, all the grace and wisdom that God can and will give us. - : We have reserved one verse for our final point, for here we find ' HL Ago and Tenth Working To gether (17:6). OLD men need encouragement, -and they receive It in no rich er or more satisfying measure than In the delight they take In their ' children's children. . Young people , should remember that, and not fall to give to their grand parents, aa well m their parents, the fall measure of their Interest and devotion. - . But now note that "the glory of children are their fatten," yes, arid grandfathers. How sad it Is when a boy has to be ashamed of his fa ther or one of his grandparents. .. That puts on each one of us who ha children a truly weighty respon sibility. We must walk worthily be fore God, and before our children. even down to old age, when our grandchildren look to as for an ex ample of godliness and gracious UV ing. May God.help us! . -Bel d br Western Wewspeaar Ualoa. Expert eyes and hand aided by professional tools, go to work to repair the watch you bring to us. If ,we can't do the job we'll tell you: and we always quote the price to you before the job Is done. BAKER'S Jewel Shop WARSAW How women anc? girs may get wanted relief from functional periodic pain Cartful, many women say, baa brought re lief from th erammlka agony ana nemma strata at functional periedlo distress.' leten. . Use a tonlo, tt should stimulate appetite, ; aia cusesaon; tnus neip Duuairesut- . toce ror uia "urns" to-come, tiwuq ' S dan before "raur tlma". tt should paiu ous topurarr V neip relievo V - lunenonu peruxuo causes. Try w a crossbar pn a post, a flash, a wig wag signal or crossing gates. Watch for these individual protection measures after you spot the round warnipg sign. DriTiond shapM s'f.'ns f"--i r r 1 r f " REMEMBER TODAY i - j.-': WITH A - PHOTOGRAPH " , Blf - KRAFT'S STUDIO ; 'Iff MOUNT OLIVE Phones JJ17-J or 2S0. " COMMERCIAL - PHOTOGRAPHX ' A fw""'',r I 10. Do guide signs have any defi nite, shape or do they vary? ' ' tt must be remembered that sign shapes are vitally important to dri vers. You should know instantly the meaning of octagonal signs, round signs, diamond-shaped signs and square signs. The next article in this reries of "What You Must Know In Order To Obtain A Driver's License In North Carolina" will be concerned with Road Rules and the last num ber in the series will be an expla nation of safe-driving practices, r Sister Claypso Man Dies Clinton. Mrs. Minnie J. Register Ezzell, 73, died at her home on Clinton, Rt. 1, Tuesday night of last ' wee. Funeral services were . .....a a -n, am " m mmtm Through experience daring the wartime . cigarette shortage . . . In emoklng and - comparing many different brands . . ' mora-and more smokers learned that CAMELS stilt them beat. " , 6esf-7ekc4er' D. H. CARLTON . WARSAW, NQRTH CAROLINA INSURANCE AGENCY Life - Fire - Storm - Automobile, etc. Telephone 3496 Warsaw, N.C.? ; 2L I 1 Si III k1 pi Dine And Dance At The HOWDY CLUB ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY NITES V . Celebrate Your Anniversaries, Birthdays And Other Occasions With Us. - - The Club Is Available On Monday Nites To Private Parties Call County 2704 For Reservations Soate 117 5 Mi. South o Goldsboro, N:C. What Our Bank Auto Loan Plan Offers To You: ECONOMY FAST ACTION i " V" !' CONVENIENCE" Instead of paying high, financing charges, you arrange a low-coat bank loan here. .There are no eommissiens, no "buried charges," and you can Include the cost of ear insurance in your loan. Your loan application is acted, on promptly. .No co-makers or endorsers arc necessary and you don't have to be a depositor ha order ttf borrow here.. ' You choose your new- car, borrow'up to two-thirds of Its cost'frcm ua, (somewhat less fop used cars) and pay cash for your" purchase. You can shop aroundV and buy from any dealer. " , " x k ' With a bank auto loan you eon deal with local people from start to flnlkn. LOCAL SERVICE You buyyeur car jroaa a dealer you know, borrow atjur bank, and place--. t '. 4 . " - your insurance right here at horir -Hh n homo agent of your choice where . you can depend on getting pront,n-tnt-?!wi''sAviee whenever ypu 'need r EXTRA BEfjIEFITSBy1 meeting your, monthly auto loarC payments regularly, ''as agreed, you : :' . an help build .your baik credit for the future an asset tliat will prove , - . ( , v valuable to you again ahekegain , y - ' ' f , , Before yon finanre- your next ear anywliere, compare the complete , cost of t!ir-' " si ' , plans ; Ineludlnf finance charges, fees, commission? extras. with a similar tran- ' . , taction here. The t choose the plan writh most benefits. ; Weare confident a bank anto loan will be your choice. v - ' " v f - Our charge for new cor loan is ' $5.04) per $100.00, per year v added io lean. Loans are repayable-15 ', months or-less. r t. - J i m m r- m i 1