-rl 1st 6 Months Turing the first six months of t'.. year, 371 persons were killed 1 PrAIHSElBISlNCt. RUMS .. .vnauvieisBfets',,,!;.' r s . ir. . i s' 1 ' w SEE IT TODAY! THE STIAU-STEtl i A biij Z.uud llijuiiU lit &,.J UiuuC accidents on North Carolina streets and highways, Col. L. C. Rosser, Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, reported today. . , . , -, Charlotte, with 13 traffic deaths, led all cities and towns, Durinff the same period last year, Charlf e and Greensboro tied fox first place, 'V ALWAYS MAKES, better BISCUITS Do you Van your biscuits "pretty -as a picture" TTae easy 'way Is with ; Roller Champion. ":---::rY:.-'' f.--'l'y , ouTRuumn . :c.l QUINN WHOLESALE CO. vi.nM 2201 Warsaw. N. C Si. Stnu-StBSI af Straa-Stssl sjsctUoa, a Eastern Carolina Engineering Co. 1300 West Vernon Ave. Kinston N. C. P. O. Box 284 Sell With Heartv Welcome Awaits You with stvta eaco. Mecklenburg led all counties so far this year, 'with 20 fatalities, with Wake running a close second with 18 traffic deaths. ' ' Number of fatalities by type fol lows: ' . - , Motor Vehhicle ran off highway, 114; collision between motor ve hicles, 104; motor vehicle with pe destrians, 88; motor vehicle collid ing with train,24; with bicycle, 13; vehicle' overturning, 10; colliding with fixed objects, 6; with animal drawn vehicles 2; other non-collision, 10. !. . CoL Rosser said that the report showed that 2,393 accidents oc curred In cities and towns; of these 73 were fatal in which 77 persons were killed; '635 were, non-fatal, resulting in 808 injuries," and 1, 687 accidents resulted in property damage.: ? On rural highways, there were 2,830 accidents resulting in 294 fatalities and 2,001 Injuries, show ing a 24 percent decrease over the first six months of 1946. Duplin County reported three fa .talities. . Important , facts gleaned from the six months report were: More accidents occurred on Saturday and Sunday; more accidents occur red between 6 and 6 p. m.; drivers between the ages of 25 and 34 had most accidents; drivers with one year or -less. experience were in volved in 301 accidents, with 10 of them fatal; - Commercial drivers truck, taxi, bus, delivery) were in volved in more fatal accidents than any other class of drivers. Thirteen Whedsar k la to Ke inUCsff industrial or for farm purpose, tha Stran-Steel "Quonset 40" ia the beat bauldin bet est tke market today. At last ym east aee for yourself tfie many ili'Mtnjrt dkat hrnm been, claimed for this ' 49- by 100-foot bwkfini. YouH quickly note W 1004aable floor apace provided by the arch-rib oonau addon ,-die durability, fire alety and weamorproof features of the all ataal tfajsuotf . . . the) ease and stmplicity of aiiaobinieaBateral maaBriakstWStran-Stee mtMmtlt framsnl meenbere. ' ' its freeHdfng roller doors to ill arch-rib roof, wall be happy totaflc over with you its eeonomicai pagohaaa smd ereetioa cost Stop in and see m today. Dhislaa, Braet Lakes Steal Cse salt af . "n U OOSICCO The LEADER On We Vishlo Thank Our Thousands of Patrons for all Pasl Business and io Invite Your Palron:gc for f lie 1947 Season. : mMmmmmmfmmi WITH WILLIE mm BILL KYLE, DICK LEWIS AISP CHARLIE DAKER AS YOUR SALES FORCE YOU ARE GUARAIITEED TOPS III SALES A11D SERVICE. . .v 1 5 i; l i ,... IC--CCQ i-kJ Tobacco nrices were "Irregular , and slightly weaker on North and ) South Carolina Border Belt tobacco markets during the first four days of the week. The downward trend continued . Friday with the most consistent decreases' in grade aver- persons were killed while riding bicycles; 88 pedestrians were killed and 386 injured. The report showed that 13 of those killed were drunk; and 33'of the injured were drunk. Most urban accidents occurred in residential areas. Of the 8,931 dri vers involved in all accidents, o,- 246 were men, and only 590 were women. (The sex of 89 was ot stated.) . v Graham and Swain counties have had no fatalities during 1946 or so far in 1947. Rosser said "the fact that me majority' of accidents occurred on straight, level roads ana in ary weather Indicates that drivers are still too careless and inefficient be hind the steering wheel." i ' -' muL iTdDEJQ: 0. C. 0. C. hrl j f ages since the markets opened on August 7. Most of the lug grades dosed the week with ranges of from 27.00 to 56.00 per hundred; prim ings, 22.00 to 85.00; cutters, 02.00 to 58.00; and leaf, 29.00 to 48.00. Very few markets reported enough tobacco during the last of the week to provide for a full day's sale. The overall quality of Friday! offering was lower with more common to fair qualities' and nondescript 'and less fine and choice tobaccos. Esti mate of receipts by. the Tobacco. Stabilization Corporatlon,ranged a . little above ten per-; cent of the ; gross marketings. , irii- v,t rl COTTON , - , Cotton' prices continued to de cline following the previous week end forecast by. the Crop Report ing Board, which placed this year's crop at just under 12,000,000 bales. Reported sales in the ten leading market during the - week totaled 53,300 bales. Inquiries were nu merous but the volume was small. Mills appeared to be buying on a WITH THE ' 'l . ' III WALLACE Blanchard Blanchard, Jr. The Kinston Market At The roVLTSr and L3 '.. vv ': Fryers and broilers sold firm throughout the week with farm pay prices at 83 cents per pound. Re ports Jit the ciose, of the week in dicated a slightly stronger under tone. Qens continued dull with heavies at 22 to 24 and leghorns at 15 to ia...:-it::'Z'::':'' t Eggs continued under needs with prices firm. trade V This year's crop of peaches in the sandhills was about cleaned uo at the end of the. week. 'Carolina" Elbertas closed in New York at 3.00 to 3.50. Extra large Hales at 3.50 to 4.00. - - ' VEGETABLES S ; : : - ' . ' Eggplant, okra, and peppers clo sed dull and weak with bushels of eggplant at 50 to 70 cents; red bullnose peppers, at 1.25 to 1.75; and green and mixed types at 50 to 1.00. LIVESTOCK ' -v Hog marketings 'at Carolina's cash hog buying stations were light, while at middle 'western markets increases were, noted. Prices were slightly weaker near the end of the urnsir il V. H. Farrior Tyson Lanier ,.4i'.T't TJov Dinio , topped at , ), v ...s . ..ield. Mt ,01ive, Clinton, Warsaw, and Lumberton topped at 26.23. Chica- go reported a 25 to 75 cents weaker , -closing market , - . : Cattle prices were about steady with receipts heavier. Fat beef type : cows brought from 14.00 to 16.00, while canners, cutters, and dairy types ranged 9.00 to 11.00. Top quality fat calves brought 20.00 to .m.uw, wuuo vuiiv. wvm irum v.uv to 14.00. Heifers. were scarce with prices steady. Good and choice . steers were 50 cents higher while common and medium grades were , 25 to 50 cents lower. . . - Pecoro Loes Born AlCov;den '' - , -: -r: r. . '. A tobacco barn belonging to Syl via Pecora of Bowden was destroy ed by fire last week. The exact nature of the cause was not known. ' It was an oil burner. ae as . is A- - if ': 'it-it .'. , " 1 . ' ' . m ' i-7f V," J V. Id"" 1 Co'nrseTo'Ses Us First