I, : "1i X- - Messrs LynwoooV and Aubrey c Turner, Jasper Tyndall,- Frank Wiley, Mr. and: Mrs. 3 J. Smith; -t 1 oM.I. TaniM V CntttH attended rthB" C, HitetbalU.Mra hag .returned came iri Chanel Hill Saturday. Mrs. Leslie Turner, Mr- Ai W. Turner and Mrs. J.-D. Sandlin of ' Beulavyie . re Raleigh visitors Friday. . i - A '"4" ; y Friends "here are"' interested In the engagement of Ma. Hugh Ma. r ".. . . - , a Well of Washington, U. U ana : Pink Hill to Miss Helen Jean Rags dale of Washington, 0. C, and Wll liamslnn, S. C. The marriage;will take place October 1JM " ' v -Major Maxwell and Miss Bags dale attended the Carolina-Georgia game at Chapel Hill Saturday, They ; were - met there, by Mr.; Rommie L WELCOME TQ ; JflXMK fULL!, v. s a v . r-' s pecial sfH-i: y:':- m SUGAR '100 Lbs.. -,- I' .'-fSJfT- ! J.RINS04; Urge--Bkg,.r,-.. : Ijjj ;:LARD STANDS 50 HOT SHOT BAXTEKIKS - r ACID RESISTING PORCELAIN STEEL SINK 24 X "fy- All pur Merchandise Cnconditionally Gnaranteed 7 r mi- Pricea Are Not Inflationary Prices ; ' 1 ; larmIL Hnmfi Fnninmp.nl Co. i tutn61, INSURANCE "ALL KINIKS OF PINK HILL, N. C ';VI X TURNER, it.' - T, f TDRNRR ' nak Hill's OldiMt IMnsM AgesMj ' Office Supplies I FILING SUPPLIES OF. ICE FURNITURE DRINKING CUPS - t John II. Carter; Company -. ; , ; -;'.t.' KINSTON, NrC : r 'I if ' mi : ' ! t iff ssi!l 1 '. . -11 .. ..:. i. tt mA;n iiH nap v aiw wwvw9 m w , ilarfwtjrV Qui Spaed-Chsnaar nwiei Tauak eoodirioo wqulf higher speeds to mnth tt grain or seeds y ifrosr beads or pods. Dry, bt ittlronditioos itquitt slower speeds to . void damage to fcaroau, ' Tbt AH. HsreMers I imom full-width, rubber Kji; ' itd,ipind-brey under pro- K'fTT tm the aop gently and I ' ! iorohMr in a wiae, nun. V . - .1 - J I Mti ' r-i, y::; yv. aWHMlUTISiUW V smm am test noes - , 'A Holt of Atlanta. Oa . and" Mr. Leo WatUngton of Reidsville, who Also attended the game. vr.;- Misa Mason Worlev of Pink Hill onderwent an appendectomy in a saniora nospiuu usi . weanesaay. She Is a member i of. the Sanford to her home in WilsoiTarteT visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs., w. j. Smith.1,. .... , -. ., " Mr, and Mrs. Rotter Inman and daughter were guests of relatives in Greensboro recently. , 'Sanford. Lee.. Jr., left recently a - a - II. ...1 ...111 Vv o. ior aiaie uoiiege wiiere wui w a student He was accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Lee and Hiram Lee;-- &:Z:'-- . Miss Emilelgh Maxwell, employ ed in Norfolk, Va spenttte. week end at her home here r Mr. and Mrs. ' Johnnie Holden visited relatives in Greensboro tod '-MiJ;i(;.jC 111 tifrkV' - "'!:'?. W 18 X S Turner AGENCY INSURANCE" th rvlifvLr itsaad butdMtfo tot - ft as uy as tuning your radio. 5 ... a.rf 3 attended the Duke-State football game in Durham Saturday. Mesdames Sallle Westbrook and Belle Swinson spent a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stroud in Kenansville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Brice Worley ant daughter of Richmond, Va., . were guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Wor-.le'y.0ie.past-weeknd;,,.-t;7 -y' RK. Smith of tJNC spent the week end at home here. - Miss Rose Maxwell is spending this week with friends in Reids ville.1 She will be married to Mr. J. H. Watlington, Jr on October 26, in Reidsville. .- . I Mr. and Mrs. . H. S.l Wetmore and Miss Mary B. Wetmore of Ral eigh were guests of Mr. T. G. Smith who is ill, last Monday. Mrs: Walter Godwin and daugh ter "Billy", returned to their home in Wilmington Sunday after a week end visit with relatives at Max well Mm.'"- r Dennis Smith has returned from Kinston where he has been hospi talized as the result of an accident in a bath houne -nt Carolina Beach. Young. Smith, stepped through the floor when .'a sleeper gave "way and suffered a serious knee injury. He is still unable to walk. Mr." Aubrey Smith, son of Mr. and ..Mrs.- Alvin. Smithy who has been fit the. Kavy; has received his. discharge and is how at home. He expects to go to Washington, D. C, sood where , he .will marry Miss Betty- WiUiams . in that city. The couple will reside there t and ' Mr. Smith will take training in refrig eration. - ' ' -'"-'.; . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and son of Pcr-iT'C'ola, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Celia G. Sut'on of Mr. Pelham Sutton'of Durhsm made a brief visit with Miss Celia Maxwell on Friday. Mr.i. Joneses the former Miss Mary Mae Sutton, 1 Mr. Jack Worley was at Sanford several days iat week where ne was called because of the illness of his day?l.t!s', Miss Mason Wor ley. " r - i . V LOOKING :r ttORdr S. BENSON Mt Has H ppened There - Most of u thi-uyht it would never, happen. ' But U has.?' According to the Associated P ss, the House of Commons on August 8 approved a bill giving the British government authority to tell its. pepple where they must work and what they - must do. This means that the 'govern ment may order men and women to do whatever-Job-it pleases:, coal mining, fanning, Ashing, anything. Moreover, it means the government may choose the plice where any man ' or' woman must work. - . . This is a drastic step. Why is individual freedom thus destroyed by a country with such a long rec ord of nigh devotion to the Individ, ual citizen and, to freedom? The answer is simple. Two years-ago a socialistic government embarked upon a campaign for government management of leading. Industries in England. Things were in such a bad way, because of weakness from war, that the people permitted this. Crisis Upon Crisis ; The socialistic government relied upon nationwide sympathy 'and co operation. However, this , lasted only few weeks. Then as ab senteeism set in and productivity lagged, the whole system bogged down. The crisis came last winter, when terrible coal famine .came .to that country with plenty of coal under - ground; " Under socialism crisis thrives on crisis,-and there were more to come. .In thesa crises, it is easy for men te accept dis aster, if they think it will prevent more disaster.' ? ; rrc-yyi: This is what has happened, In an apparent final resort to keep gov ernment management of Industry from becoming a complete failure, the British - are taking this more drastic stop. Yea,- in peace-time one t of the 'greatest liberty-loving countries in the history -of the world has given its government author-' sty to draft labor, and to tell each man' and woman where to work and what to do. , . Let's Have Freedom r-s Despite their great love of liberty, the British people have now found that .lost of individual freedom fol lows adoption of a government man aged economy, Just as night follows .day, .; It leads to this every time. It is sad to see this great country, like others that have accepted the blandishments of socialism, willingly-give up the freedoms for which her people have shed blood through the centuries. -"-. ;7 " y A considerable number of our people are evidently inspired by for eign ideologies, and soma are ask ing for government control of Amer ican industry. - This step England is now taking is a real warning to all American workers that with government management of Indus try there must -surely come gov ernmeat dictation to workers. The workers. In the face of constant crisis, are told where to work and what: to io, '..,);: V i Seeing that these things point In every direction toward a totalitari an governments our people should make UP their ' minds - now that we do not'wanr government man aged economy. What is happening in liberty loving England is proof that such dictation cannot be evi'led once government manage- r . Is Bdnp'pd. Lt t'S fTrnfr Mrs,' Sallle Westbrook and Mrs. Walter Stroud of Kenansvilie at tended the funeral of Mr. Pat Wright In Kinston .Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Simmons and .daughter, - Shirley of Golds bordjrisited'Mr. end Mrs. W. J. Smith Sunday. ; Messrs W. W. Maxwell, J. D. Grady, Hess Davis and Leroy Sim mons attended the . State-Duke iootball game at Durham Saturday, Holds Meet A regular meeting of the iink .HjII Civics Club was held at' tho school Friday night, Sep.. 26. . .;..-Xi ;uer C:&' Thompson of y .'.,'Mr Pot .-of jt'-u A-nar.'ecn Legion, was present and asked the club to-endorse the proposal for the new veterans hospital slated for this section to be. built at Seven Springs. They vot.d unaniamously to instruct the secretary to wi ite a letter to Senator Clyde Hoey, en dorsing the proposal, A barbecue supper was served. ... ' -r. iltsil Mr. James E, Hobgood of Oxford has announced the engagement uf his daughter, Janie Frances, to Mr. Hugii Cur3 Turner. Mr. Tui'ncr is j son of Mr. and -Mrs. L. R. Turner of Pi.Jt Hill. '' fA I KN ! Fronting on highway No. 24 leading to Jacksonville. Joining the Methodist Church lot. City water and lights, near good school and churches. The Duplex home contains two apartments, each hav ing 4 rooms, kitchenette and bath. Ideal for investment or to buy for a home and have extra apartment for rent " VANCE GAVIN, Owner rree, jouvenirs y Ladies Invited Use Care In, Handling Imf lammable Insecticides Great care should be taken when using inflammable Insecticides to spray barns? corn cribs, etc -Carbon bisulfide of "high life" is one of the most dangerous-spray more dangerous than gasoline and can be ignited from the heat of a steani pipe. v If lmflammable insecticides and fumigants must be used they should- never be kept inside of a building housing persons or ani mals, and never should anyone try to strike a match within ten feet of a building which is being spray ed or fumigated. .When using the imflamr. ablo 'r secticides, be sure there is ait : p j ved f. e extinguisher hanly. Sprays which have a fire ha-r less than kerosene re cjnsid'?' safe. Nevertheless, a fire exting uisher nearby provides necessary protection. How women M girls may get wanted rellaf (rem functional periodic pain Cwdul, mmny women lay. bfts 6roiu;ht rc 11 ef txom thm crunp-Uka asony and Dnvoui train of functional porlodlo dljs treat, rakea . Ilk tonic, it (hould tlmulata anpeUta, aid dii!9Uon. tints neip nulla reelst. ancs for uk "U.. a to come. e a en r--Toi"5 "ar umr'. n i hr.iir ni'M-a ri.'n dua ta mratr Stt tunctlonal f-m.'n eauM. ttf Itl mi .'.anu Mniciium Jlex Dip AND rt 1 . i 1 I. . i r - v r BIG SQUARE DAIXE ' There Wilf Be A Bie Sauare Dance At Pink Ilill l ?y-. - ryym:'mmmB Friday Night, Oct. 3 at 8 O'clock Sponsored By ;- - t . - -..y::;W.y y:: f " .S:; .5: ; The V. F. W. The Music Will Be Played By The lp. . ... y,V-""- y f . Painter Mill Hot Shots. Admission 50 cents. AO IM SrVWKlNS TOO- V 'CSr" f More people f fa420 - are smokir.3 jfbu&W c AT vlHoiiimepnttes S:0OIP.M ( than ever before! Music & Singing By The KELLY SISTEES ...- -yi ifyyi In Person vaifc; i v.. -'