! f r i V j r " P; What Faith Can Dt INTERMEDIATES are considering what they will do with their lives. It is the vitally Important period when they are wistfully con sidering a life career. This leiion would teem to clearly indicate that God has a purpose and plan for each life. He will reveal that plan to Hhose'who trust him for guid ance. Faith in God at this ooint Is BCTrPTUM: Hetaw. 11-43; , Gene- .bioiutely essential if we are to DEVOTIONAL READING: Romans live victoriously. . . ; - Read again the -eleventh chapter of ' Hebrews - and ' see ; howv these heroes of faith In the long ago cast themselves wholly into the will of God for their lives. We can have no Creative Power of Faith Lesson for October 19, 1947 THIS lesson takes us to the West minster Abbey, of the Bible Hebrews, eleventh through the thir teenth 'chapters to meditate, for a season upon the r - a t --- doubt about their ultimate success. Parents and teachers are here ; reminded, of their solemn respon sibility in pointing intermediate beya and girla to the truth of Son day's lesson. Life la too valuable, IT5 valiant souls In the to be frittered away long ago who ob-, purposeless u(. tained a good re- Faith is the bright shaft of God's port as they stood presence and power to guide young at the passage of people into his will It is the unfail destiny and sound- ing light to direct weir steps daily, ed the trumpets of It is the creative power to sustain triumph, even the them each step of the way. trumpets of faith. ' : The reader will be richly rewarded to stop right here . Dr. Newton nd open his or her 3ible and read these three chapters. Your atten- This Powar at Work TAKE any one of the characters portrayed in these three chap ters of Hebrews and see how faith In God produced men and women , k-. ,tA who changed the course of history. SJTZ- ' Young people are interested in "Now faith is' the substance of biography. I would commend to you things hoped lor, the , evidence .of e Uves of 'the great men and things not seen. For by it the elders m ot modern tImM- ,who, "ve,d obtained a good report. Through "e creativ power of faith in - faith we understand that the worlds God. were framed by the word of God, John Wesley, for example, so that thines which are seen were There was a ,aan whose Ufe, not made of "things which do appear."- Hebrews 11:1-3. A Journey to a New Land T WANT the boys and girls to look at the passage which de i scribes how Abraham, "when he was called to go out into a place - which he should after receive for ; an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, -not knowing whither he went" when strangely warmed by . the spirit of God, lifted England from the depths of secularism and set her feet oaoe mere on ue nign way of worthy achievement. Martha Berry is another spleadid example. Miss Berry devoted her life to God's will and purpose to open doors of opportunity to the under-privileged boys and girls of the southern mountain areas. To day, at Mt. Berry, stands a school with the largest campus in the world a school which reveals what one life can accomplish when that life is built by the creative power of faith in the Living God. Tak my lift and Ut if b. Consecrated. Lord, to The." (Copyright by tbe International Council el Relifou Education on behmlt ol 0 Protestant denominations Released by WNU Feature:) How could Abraham Heave bia ' pleasant situation In UrT Through faith in Gad, and that alone. A ' memory verse Is here suggested: "I will trnst, and will not be afraid," Isaiah 12:2. Abraham ' v might well have been afraid of unknown enemies, of - diseaie, of r t poverty. Men do become afraid of - these things, unless their faith Is In God. But Abraham believed In God had faith In God. And he . - went forth, holding the hand-of - A11C1C IV HCaUVB IAJWCT1 ill BUVll faith. Abraham discovered,? that every step - he took "was accompa nied by. God. He : built altars. He talked with God, and God talked ; with him. . Such will be the experi ence of every boy and girl who . stakes his or her all upon implicit faith in God. UGtUID MEDICINE IS BETTER t iplir UKMi ndiei o CoM Miltrin i MS ; latest telling Liqu CoM nperarioa m Hw M. t r si tiouin Maysville News Mrs. - Arnold Davis of Calypso spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Paul ing last week. . . Mrs. Nora Hollowell of Kinston '. spent Sunday with Mrs. N. B. Best Visitors of Mrs. Ada Williams Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Grady of Holt'rStore, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and children of Mt OUve. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brock of ; Mt Olive visited Mr. and Mrs. John King Sunday. Mrs. Charles rait and son of Mt . Olive were guests ot her mother, Mrs. Annie Kornegay Wednesday. .Dr. E. L. Spivey, Assistant Bap k ' tlst State Convention of Charlotte " spent Wednesday night with Mr. . and Mrs. J. R. King. Mr. J JB. Williams has accepted work with the Tyndall Funeral Home In Mt Olive. Mrs. Bill Butts and son visited relatives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kater M. Nicholson announce the birth of a son, James Morris, on September 19. Mr. Nich olson has just accepted a position as police officer In Mt. Olive. Maysville H. D. Club Meets The Maysville H. D. Club held its monthly meeting in the home of Mrs. J. N. Holland with Mrs. Glan- ton Holland as joint hostess. The rooms were decorated with fall ' flowers. The president called the meeting to order with song, follow ed with club, collect Mrs. N. B. Best acted as secretary. ' . Following leaders reports, Miss Hilda Clontz gave a demonstration showing how to save your eyes by better lighting In the home. During the social hour the hos tesses served ice cream and cake. The club will meet In November with Mrs. O. R. Holland. Uncle Sam Says : - v j; H ; : w v , , ; - " - s I mmMm I if - i -7, Y FartL. H-$L I" ft 4 Yfe are aweH Sy acfenoef Oat Efe aatJafj W&t 2N perncOn, lodar, the caiaclysciic ckm bemb, 6Mea QUE t&n&m, f&memi&t& cienik: vesecacli fe lcdxxakories aS over am lanH identtsts gene ttirougli ui&uxM at tiny organisias loo smcal jar human itght and theio find & bcttis for many gits of hoatth and countless comfceta and comeoiences lot daila living. Througii ieieaoopes y. myiw.to dtkaataaA But there b a Tost area of tie above and befodd scieneftc slgHL There are eieraol values yiachi oanot be seekt yrl&i the physkxil eye spiritual truths -w-hich must be accepted on iaitii. It is onii; by iaMi toat yr can. be lead to a UgKer plan, ol spiritual reality. PbttH crnd sight aee not opposed to each other. Rather does eacK complement the other and together they, make an invaluable contribution to the weU-rounded Uie. The CHuTch-Has fKe ioiffi-ftnamg feistruroentg for our use. Tow and tow children should waahifi there for cpreater viswn. is B. & EillS SI iiTslT'WWSSi iaU bnalness Srsns can taaw a a tip from nnuty ef their ens who have hus reserve K ef Savings Beads throsgb yroU Savmgs Plan ylng v ' 4 local banks where W oor- ngg1t, the grocer r maintain oheokiag acooas ally effeottve to provullns; nmrM for a. business. For i, ose yon wn biisl h a ft.f a month. This series of ads is being published each week in the Duplin Times under the auspices of the Duplin County Mini sters and is being sponsored by the following patriotic individuals and business establishments Expert Radiator Repair TR.OTT'S, GARAGE 12 Years Experience Beulaville N. C. G. H. WEST & SON - General Merchandise West Siding, N. a WARSAW ELECTRIC & 'APPLIANCE COMPANY It T. Fisher, Mgr. Contract House Wiring Electrical Appliances JAMES MILLER Beulaville, N. C, R F D. QUINN-MC GOWEN COMPANY ' Warsaw, Ncrth Carolina T. A. TURNER & COMPANY "A Square Deal To All" . Pink Hill, N. C. Your Financial Friend WACCAMAW BANK & TRUST COMPANY Kenansville Rose Hill I. J. SAND LIN CO. General Merchandise Phone 213-2 Beulaville, N. C. MCLENDON'S ESSO STATION . , Unexcelled Service Phone 2566 Kenansville, N. C. How Are Your Brakes? We Fix Them MATHEWS GARAGE Drum Turning Beulaville, N. C. WARSAW FURNITURE CO. "We Furnish The Home" Warsaw, North Carolina CARROLL & RIGGS Wood Work Shop Warsaw, North Carolina WELLS-OATES LUMBER COMPANY r Kenansville, North Carolina , a " F""'-; J. E. FULFORD GARAGE- A ft CT'OAD - r