THE DUPLIN TIMES Published eaeh Friday In Kenuarllle, N. C, County Seat of ; ' . ' DUPLIN COUNTY " ' ' Editorial fceuaneea and printini plant, Ktnansville, N. C , J. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER Entered at the Poet Office. Kenansville, N. C as second class matter. .- , TELEPHONES Kenansville, 27-7 Warsaw, H- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3.M er year In Duplin County; jSJt ser year year outside Duplin County, in North Carolina; 4.N per year eu tilde North Carolina, except to Men in V. S. ' Armed Forces, Anywhere. fS.M per year. Advertlsinr ratea furnished on request A Demeeratie Journal, devoted to the material, educational, eeonomle and afrienltnral Intereata of Duplin County. HUl Carolina v Holionol Advo'Hiiog UpfW'" American P$s flsiMiiiiM N.w York CMcogs Dotr ''' Southern Farm Market Summary ir Major packing plants reported .the largest number of hog arrivals since March and the greatest de clines of as much as $2 a hund- leu niuuiu r m -"r'" - Louisville at $27.50. - Southern cattle marketings in creased over the sharp drop of a week earlier. Prices ruled fully steady with some steer and cow sales up 50c. Stock cattle were about 50c lower. Major broiler markets were un settled with prices around a cent lower. Fryer prices were 28 to 32 cents. Eggs were firm in Raleigh with grading sutuuiia vaJ i'1 - 64 cents per d zen for A, large eggs County Health Department Gives Informative Program At B. F. Grady ' In response to a call from the B. F. Grady PTA for a health pro- ' gram at their regular monthly meeting held on October 13, the Dnuplin County Health Depart ment gave a very informative pro gram on the various services ren- ; dered by the department. Mrs. Remus Outlaw, Clerk, in troduced each member of the staff who in turn told of some service 'rendered by the department. Miss Mary Lee Sykes, nurse for that district gave a review of the work being done by the health de- - nnrtment in the schools such SS testing eyes, physical examination rofomia Miss Frances Robinson told about the well-baby clinics which are considered to be very impor - State College Answers Timely Farm Questions - Q. Where can I get information lor vaiuuiiK mean A. Write Editor, State College. Raleigh, for a free copy of Exten sion Circular No. 284. .Q. How many branch circuits should, be provided in wiring a farm hnmp? - A. Four branch circuits is the minimum for nnv farm home. ; Q. Is the turn plow a good im plement for cultivating corn? &. A. The answer is definitely NO! MIKE & MASIE by ! and from 48 to 53c for current col lections. Cotton prices broke sharply on Friday following dally advances the first four days. Prices for Middling 15-16 inch averaged 32.34 cents a pound at ten leading markets on Friday, Oct. 24. : Reports from the peanut section indicated that this year's crop has suffered from the recent rainy, hot, and humid weather. Wheat prices moved iip again during the first and middle of the week but broke the legal limit on Friday in anticipation of the Presi dent's announcement regarding work by Congress, which was call ed in special session for Nov. 17 to deal with spiraling prices. Corn prices declined around 5 cents per bushel as offerings of new corn increased. Soybeans moved up early in the week but declined at the close. tant as it places the child under supervision of the health depart ment five or six years earlier, thus correcting physical defects before time to start to school. Mrs. Mary Finlayson gave a gen oral review of all other services rendered by the department such as maternity care, venereal disease control, etc. Mrs. Godron Kornegay ic.ld about the "Better Control of Tubercul osis" program that is being spon sored by the Duplin County Tuber culosis Association in connection with the Duplin County Health De partment. The association furnished 1 a short movie "Lease on Life" j wnicn stressed me importance 01 j physical check up of all kinds at 1 regular intervals. Eastern N. C. News Report On Tobacco Oct. 25, 1947 Prices this week , on flue-cured tobacco declined 50 I cents to $3.00 per hundred with most grades between $1 and $2. The first of the week there was a general strengthening of prices but with the announcement Thursday of the withdrawal of all export pur chasers, prices tumbled. All ex port grades fell $3 to $8 with this decline continuing through Friday Domestic grades also plunged and as a result, by the end of the week prices for individual grades neared season lows. Action taken by the Flue-cured Marketing Committee Friday was to order suspension of sales after Tuesday, Oct 28, for an indefinite Andrew L Pfro mmi Tom farlty period. This was taken bo that every effort could be made to remedy the lower prices caused by the with drawal of taj malt- raportga companies. Growers are urged to withhold their offerings next Mon day and Tuesday. . , , , Old Madam Morris . This Is My First Vlstt Here A seventh Daughter-Born with a Veil, not to be classed with Gyp sies 'Over 50 years experience. Advice on all affairs of life. Please don't con fuse my work ' with that ; of the ordinary fortune teller. The truth or nothing. Re member, a doubter finds me superior .to all readers. Reads past, present and " future. Office . for white and colored. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Open daily and Sunday. Permanently located In trailer studio on Wilson highway in front of Guy Best's store. Take Green Gables bus to my office. Look for Hand Sign, Goldsboro, N. C. (adv.) NOTICE In The General County Court North Carolina, Duplin County. EVANGELINE NIXON VS LOUIS NIXON The above named defendant. Louis Nixon will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Duplin' County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from the de fendant Upon the grounds of adul tery; and that the defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County in the -Courthouse in Kenansville, North Carolina, not later than the 28th day of Novem ber, 1047, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 6th day of October, 1947. R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court. 10-31-4t ., NOTICE OF SUMMONS In The General County Court North Carolina, Duplin County. EFFIE L. WILLIAMS VS VERMIT WILLIAMS The defendant, Vermlt Williams, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commen ced in. the General County Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff above named against the defendant for an abso lute divorce on the grounds of two years separation, and in which the defendant is interested and which cause of action is set forth in the complaint filed in this cause, and that the defendant is a necessary party to this action; and that the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerkof the -General County Court of Duplin Coun ty in Kenansville, N. C. oithe 7th day of November, 1947 and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action, which has been duly filed in said office, on 6r before the 28th day of November 1947. or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded, in the complaint. This the 6th day of October 1947. R. V. Wells, Clerk of the General County Court. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N C 10-31-4t. HEP NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust, executed by Martha James to Edward Southerland,- Trustee, dated Feb. 8th. 1946, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin. County in Book 437 at page 134, and there having been a default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and the holder of the note secured by said deed of trust having re quested the undersigned Trustee to foreclose said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Trustee, will on the 3rd day of November, 1947, at the Court House door of Duplin Coun ty, Kenansville, N. C, offer and i sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Wolfs crape Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, . and bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: Being tract No. 1 or tne Oliver Sub-Division, being a part of the lands of the late J. B. Oliver and said tract No. 1 contains 19.8 acres more or less, according to survey and plat made by L. C. Kerr, C. ., which plat is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin frqm function! ptttoJlc ptn TP wayr:tr;:nl!jrc::;f ro"V- t -"-a of, lit ir train erf fi'iiotio, p-, . 4. a him tm It aiiut(l - " 1 yv County in Book 180 at page 884 (heretofore written through error as page 385). Reference is made to deed .granted by Benj. Oliverto J. B. Oliver and wife,4 Margaret Oliver, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin Coun ty. The above tract of una is tne second tract described in a deed from Mrs, Roberta Loftin to James F. Wells, dated August 29th, 1944. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin Coun ty in Book 423 at page 592. - Advertised" this the 1st day oi October, 1847. Edward Southerland, Trustee N. B. Boney," Attorney. 10-Sl-lt. 1 ' ' NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE Notice is hereby given that pur suant to a decree of the Superior C ut of Duplin County, entered on October 8, 1947, by R. V. Wells, Clerk, in a certain Special Pro ceeding entitled "In Re Sale of J. F. Faison Land, Located in Duplin County, J. A. Faison, Eliza F. Cle ment, Sudle F. Berts, William A. Faison, Ralph R. Faison, and Pres ton Faison, Ex-Parte", the under signed commissioner will offer for sale the following described lands formerly belonging to J. F. Faison, for the purpose of making division between and among the heirs of the said J. F. Faison: First Tract: 30 acres, more or less, situate West of the Town of Warsaw, and between the Hard surfaced Highway and the Clinton Branch of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, being the same land de scribed in a deed from W. J. Mid dleton, Trustee, to J. F. Faison, da ted August 26, 1935, and recorded In Deed Book 376, page 385, of Duplin County Registry. Second and Third Tracts; Two town lots, situate on opposite sides of Bay Street, in Town of Warsaw, known as a part of the Morrisey land, containing 1.54 and 2.7 acres, respectively, and being the same land described in a deed from Ray mond Morrisey and others to J. F. Faison, dated July 25, 1925, and recorded in Deed Book 257, page 410, of Duplin County Registry. Fourth Tract: 60 acres, more or less, located on the Duplin-Sampson County line, adjoining J. R. McGowan, : Tom Thompson and Frank Hoy ette, and being a portion of the oric'ial William A. Faison Old Home Place. Fifth Tract: 12 acres, more or less, located In Limestone Town ship, and being the same land de scribed in a deed from Don Scott to J. F. Faison, dated June 5, 190a, and recorded in Deed Book 163, page 391, of Duplin County Regis try. "'. That the first, second" and third tracts have been subdivided into smaller lots and tracts, and will be offered in accordance with a plat thereof, prepared by J. C. Moore, Surveyor, which plat .will be ex hibited at the time and place of sale, which time and place of sale is fixed upon the premises, at 10:3u o'clock A. M., November 8, 1947, the subdivisipn&of ecoitd and third tract will be first offered, following which the subdivisions of the first tract will bev offered, That the fourth tract has also been subdh 'den into smaller tracts, and these will be offered separately and also the fifth tract will be. of fered as is, and to be sold at the Court. House Door in Kenansville, Duplin County,' on Monday, Novem ber 10, 1947, at 12 o'clock noon. " All sales will beat public auction to the highest bidder, and upon the terms of one-third of purchase price to be paid in cash on date of sale, the balance to' be paid in three equal installments, to bo evidence by notes and secured by purchase money deed of trust upon the land sold, and to bear interest from date of sale. All sales shall remain open for ten days, and be subject to con flrmation by the court. . This October 8, 1847. ' A.; Mel Graham, v ' " 1 C 'Commissioner ll-7-4t, TYNDAIL FUNERAL HOME Df MOUNT OUVRV ; Bnrlal AM'lariit Pho 7 - . ' raaeraJ Directors, iBihalner Ambulance Service, dv or nlgM vHesne of War .DipUn We can give you" speedier serv ice these days and will clean or repair your timepieces -and Jewelry with professional -perfection. , . 1 All Work Guaranteed -""-l "-, EXECUTORS NOTICE The undersigned, having quali fied as Executrix of the estate of W. L. Boyette, deceased, late of Duplin County, this Is to notify all persons having-claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of October, 1948, or this no tice will be pleaded In bat of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make, im mediate payment to the undersign ed, i ' 'i -V'V-'-i; This the 14th day of October, 1947. Mrs. W. J. Boyette, Executrix of the estate of W. L. Boyet te, deceased. Route 2, Warsaw, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, Nt C. - ll-28-6t. HEP NOTICE OF SUMMONS .: BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Duplin County, ARGENTINE CARTER LEE i. - ..';) VS ' ' GEORGE EDWARD LEE The defendant George , Edward Lee will take notice that an action entitled as above for absolute di vorce has been commenced In the Superior Court of Duplin County on the grounds of two years separa tion, and the said defendant "will further take notice that ha is re quired to appear, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County in his office in Kenensville, N. C, on or before 21st of Nov. 1947, or within twenty days .there after and answer or demur to. the. complaint in the said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. ' - This 21st day of October, 1947. R. V. Weils, Clerk Superior Court at Duplin County ll-14-4t. " 1 NOTICE OF SALE , Under and by Virtue Tot Author ity, as Administratrix of the Estate of L. H. Brinson, deceased, of Ke nansville Township, Duplin Coun ty, the undersigned Administratrix will, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder on Saturday, Nov ember 15, 1947, at the hour of 10:30 A. M. at the home of the late L. H. Brinson, deceased, the following articles of personal pro perty -to wit: 2 First Class Mules Farming Implements of all kind's . Hay, Hogs, Corn ' , - - " Some Household and, kitchen Furniture. Advertised this the 20th day of October, vl947. Laura Eva Brinson, Administra- trix of the Estate of L. H. Brln-i son, deceased, ii.i.u.. Magnolia, N.C. H. E .Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. ll-7-2t. HP? NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION . In The General County Court North Carolina,. Duplin County. ALEX STEVENS DOBSON, JR. VS MACY BONEY DOBSON The defendant, Macy Boney Dob son, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the General County Court of Duplin County, ..North A. J. CAVENAUGH Wallace N. C. JEWELER DIAMONDS WATCHES WATCH AND JEWELRY ' REPAIRING it ENGRAVING QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STO.-.1ACII ULCZRS due to EXCESS ACID FreeBoofcTsllsofHomeTreataieattliat Must Help or It WM Cost Yost Nothlnf Onr Mine mlUloa bottleg of SM Wiuulsb Tiumm hT been told far raUtf of aymptonuofdiatraoiarlelng b-om SDhmcIi and OiMMial Utaora doe to bm AeM Poor WcwUm. Iwr or UpMt Stomach, Swlnm, HnrliMrn, 1lwlilim. ota, daetoCjHMMAcld.Sc'doa lSdaro' Ui&ll Auk for "WMIoid' feWM" vhtefc ratty WARSAW DRUG COMPANY ' Warsaw, N. C. C FG S1LE ' sa::i -dccs shistcck - pasws tea conA n?E CLASS y U.V.S . clv.:mt - cn:cK FLASTZ2 -. AsniALT sr:;cLES Af'D ALL IZ.:ZZ OF Carolina, for the purpose of ob taining an absolute divorce on the grounds- of two years' separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the General County Court oi said "County in the Courthouse in Kenansville, North Carolina, with in twenty (201 days after the 9th day of November, 1947, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. v. , ; - This 1947. the 27th day of October; R. V. Wells, Clerk, r General County Court Duplin County, North Carolina. E. C. Sanderson, Attorney ; " ll-21-4t ECS - Home Agent Notes " The annual Home Demonstration Achievement Day will be held-in Kenansville on Nov. 12, at 2:30 p. m. Tne program will feature an Installation Service for old and new Officers of the County and local clubs. .There will be reports of the achievements of the local clubs and exhibits of their work during the past year. ' . -Mrs. H. M. Johnson of Innlr County is to be present and tell of . her trip to Holland, to the meeting of the ' Country Women of the World.:". -' " ' - The women of Duplin County are looking forward to a good meeting; ' At a recent meeting the Duplin County Council elected their offi cers for the next two year period. They are as follows.' Pres. Mrs. A. B. Lanier, Rose Hill; Vice-Pres. Mrs. David Williams, Rose Hill; Secty. Mrs. Lehman Williams, Pink Hill; and Treas. Mrs. Ash Miller, Beulaville. ,V.;, '; County Project Leaders: - Foods & Nutrition, Mrs."C. C Ivey, Mt Olive; Home Gardens, Mrs. Arthur Ward, Rose Hill; Home Poultry, Mrs. Hendley Carr, Mag nolia; Home Dairy, Mrs. E. B. Hales, Warsaw; Food Preservation, Mrs. Herman Miller. Beulaville; House ; Furnishing,. Mrs. C. L. Sloan, Calypso; , Home . Manage ment, Mrs. Walter Rhodes; Family Life,. Mrs. Woodrow Teachey, Wal lace; r Home ' Beautification,' . Mrs. W. T; Btanchardt jaose U1. Clo thing Mrs., E.: J. Carter, Warsaw; Community Service, Mrs. Preston Whitfield, Mt. Olive; Health,' Mrs D. H:- Boney, Teachey; Education, Mrs. Edgar Wells, Teachey: Citizen- , ship; Mrs. Elbert Davis, Mt. Olive; u"v' ? f f f-" Clu,b lader' Mf- Wlt V ar T iir.ii- . . Jean Herring1 of the B. F. GradyH 4-H Club exhibited a light wool peach cblored dress made princess style, with black accessories at the State Fair.-Jean won a white rib bon which entitled her1 to $8 in Ash. ' - ;m;f. allentJR. General Insurance KENANwSVILLE,N. C. KFANSVILLB'S ONLY INSURANCE AGENCY J. MV JENKINS, Mgr. . Electrical (nfcecfor ?- HOUSE WIRING - We Have The Equipment "i Refrigeratior and Appliance Repair -j r Prompt Service Anywhere ' DUPLIII ELECTRIC COMPAIir Rose Hill Phone 331 Warsaw Phone 2701 H. D. SOUTHERLAND, Prop. I Licensed Electrician Quinn-f icGoven Comply Warsaw, North Carolina Day Phone 244-1 " " Nit266-1 " ; FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMCSS Ambulance Service ' D. II. CAHLTO!! WARSAW, INSURANCE '."- j S- 4'" ,i ' WARSAW ' LODGE , . r J ' AF ft AHvr ' ' No 177 AT 7:30. ALL MASTER MASONS ARE INVITED TO ATTNED) ' MEETS EVERY SECOND AND FOURTH "TUESDAY NIGHTS. lAnononrvooorl 1 'IwheS You need : f SERVICES OF AN '-' AUCTIONEER CALL BILL HI!!ES. JR. Phone 270-1 262-6 WARSAW, NT C - - ooooooooooob Dr. H. Y. Cohvcll OPTOMETRIST " Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenauih ' Chevrolet Company Permanent Office la ". WALLACE. N.C. Southerland Electric Co. WarsawfN.C. - m ATA room iv-x J AU Types Of Wiring, 2 Expert eyes and hand aided by professional tools, go to work to repair the watch you bring to us. If we can't do the Job we'U tell you: and we always quote the price to you before the Job is done.... rv 1 BAKER'S Jewel Shop wabx NOlITn CAROLINA AGHNCY . tl 1 .' !''' J1 .'I ' ' '' v . h ViC t9 t 1 the

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