lnt.rii.lie.el Untlm k i iindmy Seh.f ' 1 SCRIPTURE: , 0 -Peters Juder Luke l:40-Sa. -'- "-.a- iv .. DEVOTIONAL : RBlADlNOr Matthew 8:3-16. y 1 Building Character Lesson for November 16, 1947 : WE SHALL need to read careful ly Second Peter If we are to profit most In the study of Sunday's: lesson.- Peter tells us: "According as hi divine power Via th givep u all. things that., pertain unto life.: and t godliness, through, the knowl edge of him that hatb ; called- us to. glory and virtue." W may partake ojjlhe divine na ture, having es caped the " corrup tion that is in the world, through lust 13 Dr.- Newton ' That, I realize, Is very difficult for us to understand, and yet it is with in the grasp .of every boy and girl, very roan and woman, in all the WorM,i-f'4'4e.''1f'''r?'r;J,;i::' In addition to Second Peter, w are asked to read Jude and Luke 3:40-51 The passage in Luke tells how Jesus grew and waxed strong In spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of Cod was upon him. . r -"As Jetui Grew - ,X7E HEAR a great deal today V V about Juvenile delinquency. The ' . 'question everywhere arises, 'What "" ' can we do to prevent Juvenile de - UnquencyT,, ,...,. .. f; ., . m . , ' We ha.ve site answer In Suo v day's lesson. An Jesus, grew in , ' . wisdom, and' stature and in favor ., ; with, God and fiftui, so can every. , yeutb in America grow into strong and beautiful manhood and worn , , anhood. , The parents of Jesus, we are told. obeyed God in doing for the Child all thai they were commanded to do. Tie Love of Gad I " 'nj. . l'EEP yourselves In the love of, f f God,"- Jude 21. There, is the jjf formula for building Christian char acter. - Thls business of building Christ tlan character is baaed on a formu la keeping' within the circle of God's rove.-" - -. Vtfti Just as esseUal- to . bave -the-propor noorishmeat in balld injt Christian "character as , In gf owing a ane ear of corn. Prog ress is not accidental. It is the result of right thinking, right be havior, right purpose." Only, in the love of God can the young life -Sad the . nurture for Christian character. , QUICK RELIEF FSQM Symptotm cf DtstressArising from iiTO.TACH ULCEk-S dueto EXCESS AC! FreeSookTellst, f Hoaie'Grsar.e'.il.aL Mct Help or lt.i!l Cost You NctK.ig Over three oilllluo botUaa of SLa Wujjuii TH'iTMBKT have bras M for pell'f of ayrwtoinsof(UsT.mHanrisins from SlMiiasa) : an lOaadenalUlctrxiuetoExowo Acid . rc Olgeiliun, iur or UpMt Stamaclv 0awim, Heartburn. SlMpleeMMaa, ,, 4 iwto Excess At 14. .-.'Id on IS Saye? malt Aik for "VIl-'Kr r. f-'-teot" hic lU ' aaslaiiis Uue vmmmuA .,v: a i ' WARSAW DRUG COMPANY y M f ' Warsaw, N. C. , . WARSAW . - LUDGU AF aH JOo 077' A : tAT 7:30. ALL MASTER MASONS , ' ARE INVITED TO- ATTNEDv-v.- ; MEETS EVERY SRCONaV AND FOURTH TUESDAY , NIGHTS . 1 1 ';n n Uncle Snni Says3 4 t, k.ti tlt ' .-'v re t' In U'ret'.nier'''suty r aomething or invest money, l it yoa should-ask thia s i get a gilt-edge answer, J. 8. Savings Bond could 1 "Here's what's - ' i. Jen yoa exchanga y I t me you get for f ' f e aece t. thM T"HJRN agaliii: If you will, to Se ond Peter, and read bis math, snailcal formula by which Christtan eharacter is realised: ' "Add yew faith vtrtoei esat to virtue knowledge, a4 to fcanV edge teraqseraaee, and to tons, peranos naUenoe, and to paUoane gedliness, and to gedllness brefav erly kindnsas, nasi to Tarethestr kindness charity. Foe if these . things be in yen, and abound, they soaks yea that ye shall neither be barren aer unfruitful ta the knowl edge of our Lord Jesas Chrlsi.M OleMasMahed stuff,, someone win cynically observe. Aye, old-fashioned, it may r seenv but only tram this old-fashioned formula can character- be buflt Christian character. And what Is it . mat our needy, frightened world Is asking tor abova everything also JodayT For the certitude at hope that is found only In hearts that are staid upon God, We may smile at Peter's maths mattes, but his formula is the only hope for United Nations, the only hope for world peace, the only hope tor civilization. - - JudYs Benediction - YOO have read, 1 hope, the brief Book of Jude, only 29 verses. Vou have followed his pungent,; cogent argument You have followed his exhortation.. And now you coma to his benediction a vary fitting cli max for Sunday's lesson: ; - "Now unto him that hi able to keep you from falling, and to pre sent, you faultless before the pres ence1 of his glory with exceeding Joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory - and majesty,, dominion and power,' both now , and evermore. Amen." - .. ' .. .j-rfiy . As yea sit in year living room, r on the train, or in the. plane, or In the hotel. 'or at the hospital, or wherever yon may be, eeaaipg these lines, " remember thisthe " need of America today; is more Christian .character la the home, factory, store, . bank, mill, Said, school room, tn the meeting house. God grant that we may need the admonition of , the Scripture pas sages above cited, and jhink on our ways while it is yet day. The night Cometh spaced (Copytitht br ( faterntaaal Caaetf al Rmli, JMUMffOa M bthmU ProfeiMnt ImmfMmt WNU mturm. Kali Jurors Listed December Court Criminal Term Charlie Jones, Shampie Houston Blllie Brkley, S.L. FutreU, Kirby Vhaley, BilMe McNeills, Archie Henderson, Vivian Rogers, D. E. Hvasa Jolm, Miller, John Edward A-fcertson, Mit Bt Cavenaugh, 1I01 ace G. Ward, K. G. Sloan, R..D. Penny, Erastus DaQ, - William B. Brice, Edgar R. Standi, A.' G. WIU Eon, J. M. Brown, Jack Martin Sum ner, - Kirby . Thigpen, Jamea Cv ; Herring, Gus Rousa, JamesJL Mutv jphy, A. L. McGowam Jtt, R E 'Jones, J. J. Bishop, Loyd H. Lan nier,l. V. Sulllvan Tyson Harrell, cifMTUAlj HOME : .1 -J " " ftiir'al AtsanrlttSwtp rnamraJ DirmSf ak nbatmrra aetSxecenf leliei e Cel Miierltt wU tU ke hmjeat wlliiif jJe.M CeW Pneewtie i Ike U. tv 'DUO ( - r - 1 il " 12 Years Experience h - .m 7 :. : Vf. .1 f- , -..to, v Grmxnustit son West Sidinj, N. C ,Ntj - v & -ivN.-V!v WARSAW ELECTRIC & APPLIANCE COMPANY ; ., ILT, Fisher, Mgr. Contract House Wiring C yL ' ; Electrical Appliances - lAtrEs V-EAviUe, QUI: rT iomer L. Usher, Elmer Goodson, L. M. Sanderson, J. Q. Heath, H. W. Lanier, Q. B. Walker, C. L. Bitter W. M. Batts, Posey Houston J. G. Teachey, James T. Heath, J., R. Mercer, W. A. Smith,. Herman 3. Cavanaughv R. L. Murray, Fred W. Winner, J. W, Bonham, 11 L. DaiL Lawton L. Smith, Albert Price, Ral eigh N. Fountain, Geylor Maready, Rifton Bradshaw, - Dewey Price, James E. Whitfield, Ernest Dixon, ;'''X H ' : AMEHICAN BIBLE : . SOCaETT. ' s. 1 DADVT BBLE HEADING - . w V t ThadaejMsaVv.t ;y - AMEHICAN BIBLE : . SOaETfV' ' DAILY BBLE HEADING raOOBAM, J av.tf! em,.- .. ."aMSsasr - " 'OPswIpUahhV' - TeaMH. S.1S44 "Om Treo. yw- f lobm Mil41 "One CeaJojW , woe wanes f liisasyj -Pee, t- Jna.Uil.lT- "CeVle- '. tllaii . Tn ilai T'r 'H, r iMjofaa I7il-M "Oao Prare WeZZiCea.il "Om IW Wliue 1S1-U I'm- 1 1 1 eW.Ao17ilMt "Ou raauy U-uTewt BMs SuaAar. t M reob USil-Ift T. IS. T. IN "One Book" Maevl-Paata If - "One People TueeZfoh. 4J-Sf JoJft" WedPeoba U "One World - IhuM-JJeMfc 5iS- .J'OB.e Low" Fri. II Tlew 3.11i "One CreW ,Bot Bee, 11,1-7 ; "One Hema" nador. noa.Il - . bavSSi MaSV UiH-30 Mon.Xnlte ItJMS , "Omm MomT Wed.J.oke W7-80 "C Prophecy" II eootl. reW.tW, waele W Pulm Ut. aotim tbm jefareeoee tm Lw. Stmtuft. Pncmrta, CeauuW- Jatff seats aae.s pa)ajiia 14 rm Mr a scMbJ s gtr mdiuta for U4t, kym "'"i". , wnie yeor eaoniiB. 1 . miner, or mw . ;Tbi9 series of ads" Is being We Thoia. Fri. lamea I WJfcttiVl-U ! Strand is beirifi sponsored by the following patriotic Beulaville N. C. . . '-a - " " e : -;t - r.irLLZir K - C; CF JKi CGC".T" c ?at: Sam Herring, Albert Kennedy. C. F. Blanchard, Jr.. J. K- Ward. G. A. Pollock, John Bradley, J. J, Brown, Charlie L. Knowles, Cagle Hampton Houston, Barley B. Smith, Hicks Pigford, W. R, Ken nedy, C. W. Laoev'Jr, And Vance Junior 4-H Club On Oct 24, 1MT, tha Kenansville 1 I lii IH Me tube oi uranium hown fa ffifa plcfure icreate or power to destroy. The power of the atom, turn every wheel in the world and open up new, avenues of scientiflo and fadurtrial progress. Made into atom bombs, it can destroy thou sands of lives and wreck our dvilizatian. Such rent power in the hands d reckless man is a menace to all humcrnity The teachings of the Bible are our Bed 2 fense against this threat to cilrlBzcitlon. OuV great task is to spread these teachings fear and ' wide so that man's destructive tendri BCQ be turned into the channels pi ; Fortunatelv there is a American Bible Society - perienoe, ready to perform this task oi getting the Bible to the people in the furthermost parts of the world. This agency deserves our support and cooperation. Since its orgcrnization in 1816, this Society Has published and distributed more than 365,000,000 copies of the Scriptures in 74 different lan guages. It works in more than 40 countries in its effort to carry the Bible message to every, guarter oi the globe. published each week in the T. A. TURNER & COMPANY "A Square Deal To All" Pink Hill, N. C. ': . Your Financial Friend WACCAMAW BANK & TRUST COMPANY Kenansville " 'Rose Hill L J. SANDLIN CO. r ; General Merchandise Phone 213-2 Beulaville, N. C. Junior 4-H Club mat in tha audito rium for -their second meeting. During the business session, new officers were elected as follows: Pres. Mary Beth Southerland; vice Pres. Herman Norrls; Setcy. Ad ron Goodman, and Reporter, Sarah Brown. Err production per layer in Sep tember was 10.7 egrs compared with 19.6 last year and an average of 9.7 eggs, r trained - with 131 years d IXslI Du plin Times under the auspices of the Ouplin County Mini individuals and business i ToHonieuiders A guide for the shopper who is buying a blanket: Be sure it is 100 wooL Purchase a brand name of long-standing reputation; Look for close, fine weave. It should be double napped; the deeper the nap, ffiere Is rSl IdenfSw if harnessed to peacetime Si II f" iue warme mIW VVssr I . .-! handling. I l , v, ,fv;w 1 t'','-''ih S-Tjrfg? SW araqi-,, -vn bH,Zd.? for :a Omrch PWtuol urori of fa J"" attend m2 aeM why are: m iUf?or fts 'raaxl iSr;,?an.te go to ZZl V T daily. establishments MCLENDON'S ESSO STATION Unexcelled Service Phone 2566 Kenansville, N. C. How Are Your Brakes? MATHEWS D nun Turning WARSAW FURNITURE CO. "We Furnish The Hom' Warsaw, North Carolina . CARROLL & Wood Work Warsaw, North ut wanner u.e t. ..t- u t to wuubUiia c. Look for tha launch y s ..1 of aDDrovaL Proper laundering does more than restore cleanliness It be'rs preserve- color, and lengthens Lie of tow blanket Brush your blankets - Keep tiie nap fluffy, Brushing between laun dering removes dust, and fluff u? the nap, Brash, gently, always to ward the binding, never across tb blanket ' . ; power to uses, can morcA " regu- We Fix Them GARAGE Beulaville, N. C RIGGS Shop Carolina