i ..:jay, novltii::?., 2:a i: 17 THE DUPLIN TIMES Mh Friday la KMuwffll X. Cf CMBtr See ei run duplii; ji::: .. ' T ,4l Mill II ill 1 - - I, 1 II If I i Mil .1 l I fl t J f if IBOttarlal harinssa uU nrlnttac plant, Kenansvine, N. C. , ' X. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER . Entered at the Post Offlee, Kenansvine, N. C, ' as seeend class matter. ' . TELEPHONES KenamsvUle, 17-7 Wamw, 354 t SUBSCRIPTION RATES: S3.M par year In DupUn County; $SM par yaar yaw outside Duplin County, to North Carolina; fiN per year aatdde North Carolina, except to Men In V. S. 1 Fanes, Anywhere. SS.M per year. Advertlstnr rates furnished on request A Demeeratle Journal, devoted to the material, educational. and arrl cultural Intereata of Duplin County. .tartttCsroLno v&t ejatAMQciAJi?) Nolionol AdvHlt9 Uftf American Pius Am,m GEORGE 1 BENSON )ttttUntMu4lt Citltp v : SetHf.Jrit0$t i- Farmers Face Drop In '48 Leaf Income Raleigh, Nov. 10. North Caro- Una tobacco growers stand to lose . $101,000,000 below this year's esti- ' mated returns if a proposed 30 : acreage reduction is put into ef fect next year, declared W. P. Hed rick, tobacco marketing specialist : - with the State Department of Ag riculture. Hedrick said he was voicing the ' '. opinion of himself and a number of tobacco marketing authorities in holding that a 30 acreage reduc tion in one year would be "too - drastic." He said he regarded a 20 cut sufficient. The proposal that tobacco acre ' age be reduced 30 next year was made by the Bright Belt Ware house Association. North Carolina's 1046 gross in come from flue-cured tobacco was "" $491,000,000. So far in 1947, Hed rick reported, income has dropped I about 18, which gives growers a I loss of $80,000,000 in gross income ' under last year. If average price . and acreage yield remain the same next year, the growers would take another loss of $101,000,000, which . would put their gross income at $270,000,000. Similarly, the loss with a 20 reduction would be bout $74,000,000. The State's estimated flue-cured y acreage this year is 811,000 acres, - and production is expected to read. 887,000,000 pounds. North Carolina plants 67 of the total flue-cured tobacco acreage in the South. Total flue-cured acreage for 1947 has been estimated at 1,205,000 acres. A 30 reduction, Hedrick pointed out, would cut the total by 361,000 acres, to 844,000. A 20 reduction would decrease acreage by 241,000, to 964,000 acres. - This year's total flue-cured acre age is the highest in ten years ex- ; cept for 1939, when it reached 1,269,000 acres. Yields per acre have been the highest on record , ' during tthe past three seasons, Hed rick reported. "A 30 reduction next year," he stated, "might be all right if wt have a normal yield on the acreage left But drouth, for instance, could play havoc with the tobacco yield next year. Also, we should produce sufficient tobacco to have enough stocks to take care of the European situation when it does improve. No body knows now when England and other European nations will resume taking large quantities of our to bacco. It might be sooner than some of us think." 1 Hedrick also pointed out, in ad vocating not over a 20 avreage reduction, that consumption of cig- arets is increasing steadilv and will reach a total of 365 billion cigarets in-1947, which is 16 billion above 1946 consumption. He said he favored the working out of a three-year acreage reduc tion program instead of making a drastic cut at once. ' A new method of processing fresh cot green alfalfa promises to open industrial outlets for such alfalfa products as proteins and the pig ments of coloring materials, ac cording to USDA. TRY POST WAR "FASTER ACflHG' COLD TABLETS Rttt Hw ackt mj Mtcp robbing" Mhwfa otiown tow ItaMrtt oc SquMl WARSAW AF & AM LODGE No. 677 AT 7:30. ALL MASTER MASONS 1KB INVITED TO ATTNED. MEETS EVERY SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY NIGHTS QUICK RELIEF FROr.l Symptoms af Distress Arising front STOMACH ULCERS wo EXCESS ACID FrMBoekTensofHomeTraataientthat Moat Help oc It Will Cost Yoa Nothing Ovar thraa million bottle of tb Willarb Tuinmn hT beaa old far reli-f of tTroptomaofdlatrenarltlns from Stomach and Ouodmal Ulctra duo to Excm Acid few McMthm, Smjt or UpmI Stomach. eattliMM, NMrttan, Slwplwtimg, itc due to Ekms Add. gold on IS dan' triall Ask for "WMIard'l Mwil" whlek flilty azpUIni this Ueaunrot If M WARSAW DRUG COMPANY Warsaw, N. C. On Waiting for George -' My name happens to be George. But today I would like to use these paragraphs ' in presenting the thoughts of a friend of mine named James, , who writes about another George: the George that everybody waits for. Our guest writer is Dr. James W. Flfield. Jr., a minister on the West Coast.' An inspirational re ligious leader for many years, Dr. Fifleld is also a leader in his com munity's civic life. Dr. Fifield is much interested in the welfare of the common man. He believes that national problems de serve "the attention of the. entire public. A scholar of public opinion and public questions for a long time, Dr. Fifleld is a careful ob server of trends. An active contribu tor to religious Journals and to radio programs, he knows also how to express his ideas. "Who Is George?" "Most everyone I know thinks the world is in a mess. They think that trends in our country are wrong, that we are threatened with dark days unless trends are changed, but they are waiting for George to change them. "Recently I spoke to a gathering of educational administrators. As I visited with different ones, I found them greatly concerned. They feel there is more frustration and anxi ety now than at any time during the war. They recognize that education has helped create the problem which presently exists, but they are waiting for George to remedy it "At a conference of business ex ecutives recently there was discus sion concerning relations with Rus sia, and concerning United Nations difficulties. Add Dark Touches "There was discussion concerning a concentration of power in our fed eral government to such an extent that people practically addressed their prayers to Washington instead of to God. But after all the dark touches had been added to the pic ture it was obvious that they are waiting for George to solve the problem. "Who is George? i "George is you and me and others like you and me, who have contrib uted to the problem by our lack of a personal sense of responsibility. We have let elected officials and others run things for us and have not even voted. We have eagerly lapped up government subsidies and benefits without thinking of their anti-freedom implications. All of Us "Georges" "Unless we quit waiting for George to save the country and un less we ourselves get back to funda mental responsibilities, then the things that matter most, including Freedom, are not going to be saved. Through resolute action, sles Old Madam Morris This b My First Vlstt Here A seventh Daughter Barn with a Veil, not to be classed with Gyp- Over 80 years experience. Advice on all affairs of life. Please don't -con fuse my work with that of the ordinary fortune teller. The truth or nothing.; Re member, a doubter finds me superior to all readers. Reads past, present j and future. Office for white and colored. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Open daily and Sunday. Permanently located in trailer studio on Wilson highway In front of Guy Best's store. Take Green Gables bus to my office. Look for Hand Sign, Goldsboro, N. C. (adv.) By Their Next Friend Alice Gay lor; Paul W. Kelly and Margaret Kelly, His Wife; H. G. Kelly,Sing le; W. K. Kelly, Single; C. M .Kel ly, Jr., And Wife, Mrs. G. M. (Bay Y.) Kelly, Jr. - Ex Parte -", the un dersigned commissioner will on the 15th day of December, 1947, at twelve O'clock, Noon, at the court house door in Kenansville, 'North Carolina, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Magnolia Township, Duplin Coun ty, North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: plin County. A deposit of ten per cent (10) will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. This 11th day of November, 1947 v Vane B. Gavin, ' r : Conunissloner 12-8-4t. VBG . EXECUTORS NOTICE The undersigned, having quali fied as Executrix of the estate of W. L. Boyette, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of October, 1948, or this no tice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to the undersign ed.:'; , . .This-the 14th day of October, 1947. . Mrs. W. J. Boyette, Executrix of the estate of W.'L. Boyeu to, deceased. Route a, . Warsaw, Ni C H. E. Phillips, Attorney v Kenansville, N. C. ll-28-6t HEP ADMINISTRTOR'S NOTICE my official seal at Raleigh, this 21st day of October, A. D. 1947. v . (Seal) . . Thad Eure, Secretary of State. 11- 28-4t CPC NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Fran ces Robinson, - (known as Lizzie Robinson) under her Will, 'bearing date of May 23, 1947; this Is to no tify all ' persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit "them to the undersigned Execu trix, duly verified, on or before the 1 4th day of November, 1948, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate, will please make immediate payment. This November 13th, 1947. ' Sabra M. Russ, Executrix, Warsaw, N. C. 12- 19-6t JCR NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION , ed In said complaint ; This the 3rd day of November. 1947. " R. V.' Wells, Clerk, . ; . , . General County Court - . Duplin County, . . North Carolina. E. C. Sanderson, Attorney ll-28-4t ECS - , NOTICE OF SUMMONS ' ' BY PUBLICATION - In The General County Court', North Carolina, " Duplin County. THOMAS JOHNSON VS GENEVA P. JOHNSON In The General County Court the trends can still be reversed. The problem doesn't belong to George it belongs to you and me." No postscript is needed, but may 1 submit that the future of America depends pretty much upon whether you and I make America's future our business. All the problems that our nation is called upon to solve and these are legion nowadays, can be solved best at the level of indi vidual statesmanship. America re mains a nation where that is pos sible. If we exercise our duties as citizens, America will always be a land of liberty and freedom. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. A certain tract or parcel of land in Magnolia Township, Duplin County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of H. Gaylor and others, bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a water oak on the South edge of Parson Branch run ning North 371& West 109 poles to a stake on the public road, thence with said public road North 16 East 91 poles, thence North 46 poles to a pine (now down); thence South 57 East 165 poles to a stake; thence South 56 West 90 poles to a lightwood stump Wilson and Moore Corner; 'thence with the said Wil son and Moore line South IV West 80 poles to an ash on the South side of said Parson Branch, thence North 871 West 18 poles to the first station, containing One Huna red and Two and One-Hall (102 Vs) acres, more or less. And being the same land conveyed by Mate Moore and wife to George Gaylor. Excepting therefrom that cer tain tract of land conveyed by George WV Gaylor and Victoria Gaylor to Edward W. Gaylor, the deed for which is recorded in Du plin County Registry In Deed Book 119 page 65, to which reference k had and is bounded and described as follows: A certain tract or narcel of land however, i ln Magnolia Township. Duplin If Ve Pay Highest Prices for GOOD PINE TIMBER A. T. Griffin Mfg. Co. i Call for V.B. Griffin Phone 1400 Goldsboro, II. C. fl ) i i i IS III n Ml I Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Duplin County, made in the special pro ceedings entitled "In The Matter Of Fred Gaylor and Ellen Gaylor, His Wife, Margaret Johnson And Willard Johnson, Her Husband; Hilda Clark And J. S. Clark, Her Husband, Alice Gray Gaylor, Mi nor; Donald Gaylor. Minor: Wade Gaylor, Minor; Represented H.rdn County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of George Gay lor, Ophelia K. Johnson, Moore and others, bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a f tage in the Pub lie Road, leading by the Moore Place to Magnolia, Moore's line and running thence Moore's line about South 55V4 East 77 poles to a stake, George Gaylor's corner, thence Gaylor's line South 73 West 21 poles to a stake 'in the bend of ditch by the corner of the field, thence his line along the ditch about S. 4 West 28 poles to the inter section of another ditch, thence up said other ditch, about North 57 West lOMt poles North 48 West 7 poles North 78 West 8 poles South 80V West 12 poles South 73V West 10V4 poles and South 79V West 10 poles,- this last- line going beyond ditch to a stake ln the pub lic road, thence with said road fnortn i7s isast z a-o poles and North 2V& East 49 poles to the be ginning, containing by estimatior 17V? acres be the same more or less. Being a portion of a tract of land purchased - by George Gaylor of Matthew Moore and wife, which deed is registered in Book 45 page 201 in the Registers office ln Du- Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. B. Andrews, de ceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Beulaville, on or before the 5th day of November, 1948, or this notice will be pleaded ln bar of their re covery.. All persons indebted to said estate will pl?ase make Imme diate payment This the 5th day of November 1947. Lloyd H. Andrews, Administrator of J. B. Andrews Estate. GRADY MERCER ATTORNEY AT LAW 12-12-6L GM STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina, Duplin County. DEPARTMENT OF STATE PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRES ENTS MAY COME GREETING: I jr. m AUCTION SALE EVERr THURSDAY lVc!.':co Livestock Yard's Vi:;n Ileus Arc Higher f! '"'I h 7c!!::c Warsaw Fish Market! CREATORS AND MAINTAINERS OF LOWER -PRICES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS (Next Door to A&P) 1 Both Wholesale and Retail Know Your Fish or Know Your Fishman WILLIS BARTLETT FREE Phone 230-1 WE DRESSING WARSAW, N. C. DELIVER Whereas, it appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated rec ord of the proceedings for the vol untary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all tbe stock holders, deposited in my office,' that the CAROLINA . POTATO COMPANY, INC., a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No. Street, ln the Town of Faison, County of Duplin, State of North Carolina (H. S. Pre cythe being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom pro cess may be served), has compiled with the requirements of Chapter 55, General Statutes, entitled "Cor poration,'' preliminary to the Issu ing of this Certificate of Dissolu tion: Now Therefore, I, Thad Euro Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 21st day of October, 1947, file in my office a duly executed and at tested consent In writing to the dissolutimi of said corporation, exe cuted by all the stockholders there of, which said consent and the rec ord of the proceedings aforesaid are now. on flit at my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed TYNDAlL ruKiTAL Nome nr MOUNT ours ALEX STEVENS DOBSON, JR. y -v: VS ::-: .. MACY BONEY DOBSON The defendant, Macy Boney Dot son, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced ln the General County Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, for the purpose of ob taining an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years' separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the " General County Court oi. said County ln the Courthouse in Kenansville, North Carolina, with- ; NOTICE Is hereby given that the : above entitled action has been In-, stituted in the General County Court of Duplin County, by the plaintiff, against the defendant, wherein the plaintiff seeks to re cover an absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of two years separation. The defendant is required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County, in Kenans ville, North Carolina, on the 15th day of December, 1947,' and to answer or demur to the complaint, which has been filed in said office on pr before the 6th day of Janu ary, 1948, or the relief demanded in said complaint shall be granted ; to the plaintiff. y This the 12th day of November." 1947. T R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court. 12-5-4t. VBG - ' A. J. CAVENAUGII Wallace N.C , v DIAMONDS WATMA ,' WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING eV ENGRAVING X sjfLyiff-tift'C'yooitoiyw ii '--:' h . MAniimAntr - lUIIUIIIIZlll V ' -Cit Desicrn IX QUALITY WftRKHI A NfiTITP TRUE STONES FINELY CUT ' V-v'-' SEE ' . FRANCIS OAKLEY The Qulaa-MeGewen Ce IN WARSAW -1 D. H. CARLTON WARSAW, - ; NORTH CAROLINA . INSURANCE AGENCY , . Life - Fire - Storm - Automobile, etc. Telephone 3496 Warsaw, N.C Do You Bleed MONEY?' BnrlaJ AmotUOom Fkaae ft Dtrentni. Enhatnum AmbuUuH Service, day or nlrht Mww of Wareo-PirHlit M.F. ALLEN JR.! General Insurance KENANSVILLE.N. C. KENANSVILLE'S ONLY INSURANCE AGENCY - ' J. M. JENKINS, Mgr. voooooooooooo WHEN YOU NEED SERVICES OP AN AUCTIONEER CALL BILL MIMES, JR. Phone 270r 262-6 WARSAW, N. C OOCOOCOOOOOO AN AUTO LOAN is probably the most convenient way to get cash for emergen cies such as Medical - Hospital - Dental r for Auto Repairs. - ' PaymentsrTo Fit Your Income I Wayne Finance Co. "DRIVE IN TO BORROW" - y Phone 1024 - Corner James and Ash Sts. ; , GOLDSBORO, N. C . Quinn-McGoven Company. .. Warsaw, North Carolina oooooooonoonoenno OOOOOOOOODCOOCCr.n nunm MOiitY! : o o o o o o o o MOUNT OLIVE CALYPSO FAISON To Help You Own Your Own Home In: SEVEN SPRINGS IAI1SVILLE DUDLEY ( ( ( ) ( Day Phone 244-1 . ruNEHAL Dir.i:cTcr.3 ft e: Nite 2S3-1 1 i