1 t r E U IJ A H 3 V I L L Ei n. C THE DUPLIN TIMES J. M. Joyner Joseph Mark Joyner, 23, of the ;ep Run section, died In a .Kin b hospital at p: m. on Wednes y of last week after an extended ness. Funeral services were held t the graveside in Rainbow Meth 11st Church Cemetery in Greene ounty, Friday at 3 p. m. Captain imes P. Henry of the Salvation rmy officiated. Surviving are, his iother Mrs. Neva Joyner of the me; five sisters, Mrs. Tommy ade, Mrs.; Earl Manning, Mss. larlie Hoover, Mrs. Earl Jenkins. 1 of near Klnston, and Mrs. Geo. Ill of Greene County; two broth ers, " Charlie - Joyner of i Lenoir County and Clarence Joyner of the home. . . . . ' ' "' r- Faison Sesame Club Meets We can give you speedier sery Ice these days and will clean or repair your timepieces and Jewelry with professional per Section. '' All Work Guar ant jed Globe Variety& Jelry Store, Inc WALLACE The November meeting of the Sesame Clnb was held In the Com munity Bull dine Wednesday after noon, Nov. 12, with Mrs. W. L Thompson presldlnr. The roll eall showed excellent attendance; also several guests were reeemHed and welcomed by the president. Busi ness having been dispense with, the chairman of the program com mittee, read the names of those en the program for the occasion Both papers were timely as well as entertaining. Bin. H. J. Faison dis cussed "Is the U. N. O. Making Progress?" She enumerated some of the many problems confronting that body and discussed in de tail the reasons for Russia's atti tude. She was followed by Mrs. M. C. Bowden, whose subject was "Some Observations on Pott-War Japan." Mrs. Bowden first gave a glimpse into the private life of the Japan ese! then turned to the grave mat ter of democracy in Japan. In clo sing she said, "It Is too early to say whether democracy wiH succeed In Japan; it is the duty of the Uni ted States to give it a chance to succeed." Mrs. Bowden was accom panied by her two daughters and a niece, dressed In Japanese klmonas and with Japanese dolls all the gift of Mrs. Bowden's sister, a re porter for the War Crimes Com mission. After the club adjourned, the hostess served a salad course. 1 Danca Theatre WALLACE, N. C ' SUNDAY, Nov. SO - 1 Deep Valley Starring Dane Clark, Ida Lupino. ICON. & TUES. Dee. 1-2 for- m 9 ft la riatjiu I Starring James Stewart, Jane Wyman. I WEDNESDAY, Dec S ' Hard Boiled Mahoney Starring EAST SIDE KIDS. i Thundercap Outlaws ? With Tex O'Brien. : ; THURS. ft FBI. Dee. 4-5 " Brute Force ' - Starring Burt Lancaster. v - " sMSBSBBBissaaMeeBBSSM " SATURDAY. Deo, : ? Buckroo From Powder River Starring Charles, Starrette. , OWL SHOW: ;, : v 7(1111-: Caotain Caution Starring Allah LaddL . (Intended For Last Week) Ouilavs Bridge lievs Mrs. J. C. Horton and baby of Klnston visited Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Sutton Sunday. J. G. Jones of Spartanburg, S. C, visited his sister, Mrs. Ed Grady and other relatives during the week end. 9 Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Prater spent Sunday in Rocky Mount The Community Club held its regular meeting in the school au ditorium Saturday night with the president presiding. Following the opening exercises a Thanksgiving program was presented. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones and daughter, Donna Lou, of South port spent Sunday with Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker. Mesdames M. L. Outlaw, Jr., L. C. Prater, R. D. Simmons, J. H. Park er, Eric Berger, A. G. Outlaw and Remus Creel were among those attending the fall Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs In Ke nansville last Wednesday. The bus passing and stopping at Mrs. Nora Malpass' store twice daily to and from Goldsboro Is an added convenience for the folks of this community. Telephone ser vice is expected in the near future. 'Mrs. Elmo Blizzard was hostess to the Home Demonstration Club at her home on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A splendid attendance of members were present. Mrs. Re mus Creel, newly elected president, called the club to order following' reading of the minutes. Leaders program on Education, Health and House Furnishing were presented. There was a general discussion on each subject by club members. Demonstration for the afternoon was "Dresses and Aprons for work in the Home." Interesting bulletins were given members during the recreation period which consisted of group singing, quiz program, etc. Miss Rachel Outlaw was winner of the quiz question. Mrs. Blizzard delightfully served refreshments, assisted by Mesdames Arthur Smith and Edwin Holt. Questions And OF INTEREST TO VETS Q. What veterans have prefer- (SkDG UQUID MIDICINE IS BETTER G ajlltiicial rial af CaM Miaarla M M taffttf Mttlaf LapM CaM PmmKm k Hw tt. U COfJ . IIQUID nnn oi friparation Dr. H. W. Colwell OPTOMETRIST nee to VA hospital beds? ' a ThniM Miffering from service- conneoted disabilities and those re quiring emergency treatment q, Ami eligible to benefits un der Public Law 16 if I was dis charged for a service-connected disability before I nad serveo u days? A. Yes. n Mn veteran receiving dis ability compensation, receive at the same time subsistence allowance f A. Yes. Q. I received an overpayment in ciihclxtflnre allowance after I left school. Will I have to refund it? A. Yes. Q. How do I apply for hospitali zation for a service-connected dls- ahilltv? , - .-. A. See your nearest VA Con tact Officer. Q. I became blind while in ser vice during World War II. Am I entitled to receive a guide dog at Government expense? A. Yes. " .i . .. - to Q. Y.L vLt have nrescritW stent expense ' - A. If the veteran's physician Las been authorized by the VA.to treat the veteran, VA will pay for the prescription if It is used In the treatment of a service-connected disability. ' ' ' Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugh Chevrolet Company Permanent Of flee la WALLACE. N. C How women age? girls maygetwanted relief (torn functional periodic pain Carta, many women aay, bi projuht re lief from th enunp-lika ieony andnemoa train of tuncUoniTperiodla dtatnaa. Tttaa Ilka tonlo. U ahould atunulaM appetlta. aia aigsiaoD,-uw.iwv Buwraj noe lor the "war- co moi , daya befdra "yoqr tlrae". It iiiould DUP xeueya Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Williams (Colored1 of Warsaw, announce the marriage of their daughter, Paul ine Williamson October 21 to Lee. Wash Lester of Fayette ville. enter functional pain peruxuo due to SnalaWa! Id. 6lHCCTtON KIIISTOII AUTO AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY 1:00 P. M. SeU While Prices Are Still High Put your car on the auction block for only $5.00 ANYONE BUY ANYONE SELL SALE RAIN OR SHINE '"We convert your car into cash" Herbert Pate AUCTIONEER Goldsboro Highway Phone 4527 ALUMINUM ROOFING per sq $ 8.50; ASPHALT SHINGLES per sq &50 90 tb ROLLED ROOFING 3.00 ; ROLLED TIN per roll 9.00 PITTSBURGH OUTSIDE PAINT gal 5.00 3 Burner OIL STOVE with oven 32.00 5 Burner OIL STOVE 85.00 LARD STANDS; each .45; doz. 4.50 100 Tb bags SALT 1.29 Following In Stock: LIME, BRICK, and FARM SUPPLIES. GARNER BROTHERS 220 N. CENTER ST. MOUNT OLIVE, N. C. It Theatre 'Eastern Carolina's Finest" MOUNT OLIVE IT. O. TUES. - WED. Nov 25-28 Deep Valley Ida Lupino, Dane Clark. March Time Cartoon SMaHatHaBanaWiawaaiMB THURS. PEL Nov, 27-2 That Hogen Girl Shirley Temple, Ronald Reagan. Shows Thurs. 2-4-7-9 News Cartoon 1 1 SATURDAY, Nov. 29 II George Raft. Shorts - 1 ':: mEJEMBimimmm Ml TO Katz Department Store ON THEIR r m n Tl r HARRY HARRIS MANUFACTURER OF Mens and Young Mens Suits Top Coats and Sport Coats 21 1 V. Balf imore St. Baltimore 1, Md. J J U "THE DEPENDABLE TOBACCO MARKET" 3, WILL CLOSE AFTER SALES WEDNESDAY FOR THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS-; . MARKET WILL OFFICIALLY CLOSE FOR 1947 SEASON, AFTER SALES FRIDAY, DEC. 5th Tnibl Prnrinrert fata For Season A A rH Get The Remainder Of Your Crop Ready To Date, 62,750,009 Pounds - Average 11 And Sell II In Rocky Mount -4 . 13 WAREHOUSES TO SERVE 3TOU ( as J 1 U. Pbtsrs 1-2-3 4'FennersW - Msngums 1-2 -XODB-fci Foxhalll-2 Easleys - : : Smiths -farmers -AorB