By LOO- .-TOPA'V-J I nr motto no J Unffr SCRIPTURE. Ill John DEVOTIONAL READING: tWns -1:10-17 . ' I Corin. Christianr Fellowship Lesson for December 7, 1947 . CUNDATS lesson is based on the' H short third Epistle of John, You ; can read It in two minutes, but you will not exhaust Its meaning in lifetime. Link with III John the devo tional reading found in First Corinthian 1:10-17. and , you have a ; ereat anil glorious picture of Christian fellow ship. Note these . words: ' O ;,"How , beseech You. brethren, by the name of our , Here thaa that, think el th lonely boy or girl in the hospital, in tho orphan home. In the anacr " privileged tenement. Think what letter frem yon to such a lonely neighbor would mesnl -:-iV:,i' ' ;V., - Doing Good CHRISTIAN fellowship, in the last J analysis, u doing good. ' "He that doetb good is of God," say a John, and' we know that it Is true. Intermediate boys and girls can -seize ; upon numerous methods of proving their Christian attitude as we come on toward the Christmas season. Discuss with your teacher next Sunday the idea of providing I uiruranas guts for i underprivileged boys and girls of your age. If not in your community, somewhere.! ' While: la Eurepe tart summer, I was Impressed with the fact that there will !be' . verv Uttto Christmas for the yeung people la many , of these lands this year. War baa left Ite frightening deso lation. ; The people are without money and 1 withont homes and without clothing and withont food. May I suggest that you discuss plana by which you may send pack ages through CARS to some lonely, needy neighbor - in Europe this Christmas, thus proving your sense of Christian fellowship. , v ' o,. Dr MAorinn Lord Jesus Christ 4 . - that ye au speak Furthering the Gospel - nuu uitib Mierv om ; no divisions among you; but that ye . be perfectly joined together in the - same, mind and in the same judg : ment," I Corinthians 1O0. " " And these words from III John, aecond verse: "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be In health, even as thy soul pros- pereth." - Here we have the basis for Chrls- tlan fellowship. Let Us Love One Another WTHAT Is the first test of Chrls- tian fellowship?. Read I John Love one for another is the flrat and last test of Christian fellow- - ship. Of course, love one for an ether la dependent upon love to- - ward God. We do not really love one another until we first love ' , God. And we do not love God until we realise that he first loves ns. Why do . we keep certain lettersT Because they are from those who love us, and whom we love.. Boys and girls can help to make this a better world if they will express their love one for another in letters. &,' Gracious Words IN ECCLESIASTES 10:12, He read: The words of a wise mart's mouth are gracious." -: Christmas will soon be here. There , will be many Christmas cards and Christmas letters. Let us think carefully of some lonely boy or girl in our community who may not re ceive such a message unless you AS WE grasp more fully the . meaning of this lesson next Sunday, our hearts will gladly re spond to the opportunities for fur thering the Gospel of Jesus Christ, even as Gaius and Demetrius im pressed Johnr- ;;-.;v. In every community are, crying iteeda for Christian ministry, Your newspapers will be telling of spe cial opportunities for ' Christmas help. Tour Community Fund chairman can 'give yon names of worthy neighbors who need help. '"I thank God for your fellowship In furtherance of the Gospel from the first day until now," wrote Paul to the Philippian Christians. How did they show this fellow ship? In many, many practical ways, some of which Paul names. They sent food, books, clothing. More than that, they gave them selves in personal visitation to lone ly friends. They 'cheered the faint How happy we shall be if after the study of this lesson we go out to do with all our might what our hands find to do. ' Comitbt br thm InfmmHnnml C.,ril or KMjnou education on Prottslaal itaomiattioaJL WNU Fftum.) , MM ol 40 RtlttMti br sti i i ini i ZQ Soulherland Electric Co. Warsaw, N. C. Phone 270-1 AU Types Ol Wiring 0 Timber Cultivation The "cut out the weed trees" education campaign in forests of this section may carry with it last ing benefits to one and all citizens here, both landlord and tenant. ; -;, That timber, especially number one logs, is fast passing out of ex istance due to clearing off so many acres for pulpwood, saw logs, and other purposes, is becoming known. .Especially is this being felt by saw mills and veneer mills and through out the South. In an announcement about a cam-" paign to get land owners to utilize crooked and defective trees and tops for pulpwood, fuel, fence posts, and other needs, has been rent here by the Southern States Forestflre Commission, Inc., of Birmingham, Alabama, a private, non-profit edu cation Corporation sponsored by lnmhar anrt other wood in- m .iiijwiv. Justry - interests. .. : "Fully a third of your trees there will never grow to be fit for lum ber or veneer, and these useless trees are daily absorbing soil space that would grow good straight healthy and valuable log timber, and removal of these so-called 'wolf and weed trees is the pur pose of this appeal there to your land owners", the announcement to this paper stated. Sam Byrd, Native Of On Stage Uncle Sam Says Sam Byrd, native of the Mount Olive section, will make his first post-war appearance on the stage in Charleston, S. C, in Saroyan's "Time of Your Life". The play will be shown the first in January 8-17. : Mr. Byrd, actor and playwright played the role of Dude Lester for 1,151 consecutive times in "Tobac co Road" on Boadway and received the Literary Digest Award as the "Best Young Actor on Broadway." v 1 - - - -- : Y . "a '. 'f '; '''fC?'. "'4 ' '' fj '!' ' - "- r. - ' I'vli You'd be a stronger mem, a stronger, woman , , il you eould read hermindl Those worries and fears trial walk forever witK us . . . tHey; jwould loll behind. The sorrows that seem an inescapable part of life , . . they would suddenly be far awoy. And aH ol the boredom and arabness of life that make each day too much like the others . . . they, too, iwswjji disappear. Today would seem a privilege tomorrow, a promise If you could read her mind you'd be a child agcdnl And ts a cfiH you'd kneel and really pray. You'd know it makes a difference wKen we believe in God. You'd know there is d Way through all the douds ol life. And though you might not know the meaning of the word apuSi have a faith that gives each prayer an Answer. We cannot, nor should we want to be daildren again. Buf tfiaf faitH, so real in childhood, can be found agaittlh later life, And wfr'ff-'ffi we find it . . . we're stronger men and womeni the bufM-ra.r Orecrtert ft Is aTtauT cbaK emd Iwi earffl for () For hi3 , w ror the Ch - rr nanoa (4) For TOa Bible daUy, 10 on The Church can help you re-estcdaliriybat f aith. OpiMlMTIr This series of ads is being published each week in the Du plin Times under the auspices sters and is being sponsored by the following patriotic individuals and L jjVne- . about shopping' today "for mas 1957? There's one gift on rktt everywhere tn America -it only will warm the heart iplent this Christmas, bat I ence when It will mature ; c-f $4 for every $3 yea pay . lhat's United States Sv . Santa will be glad ta r loved ones and friends, . Umaa 1957," and leave t wi it a great fntnre. t l?lk or pot t e""o suT ""v m i I t- - Expert Radiator Repair TROT TS GARAGE 12 Years Experience Beulaville N. C. G. a WEST & SON General Merchandise " West Siding, N. C WARSAW ELECTRIC & APPLIANCE COMPANY H. T. Fisher, Mgr. Contract House Wiring Electrical Appliances JAMES MILLER : Beulaville, N. C, R F D. r - 'i.-i'i-' if r T. A. TURNER & COMPANY ' "A Square Deal To All" Pink Hill, N. C jf Your Financial Friend WACCAMAW BANK & TRUST COMPANY Kenansville Rose Hill L J. SANDLIN CO. General Merchandise Phone 213-2 ' BeulavUle, N. C of the Duplin County Mini 3 establishments MCLENDON'S ESSO STATION Unexcelled Service Phone 2566 Kenansville, N. C. How Are Your Brakes? We Fix Them MATHEWS GARAGE Drum Turning Beulaville, N. C. WARSAW FURNITURE CO. "We Furnish The Home" Warsaw, North Carolina QUINN-MCGOWEN COMPANY , f i;7. Warsaw. North Carolina YUf V'' i -y- . CHAS. v.aa'.&:zo::'.', CARROLL & RIGGS . Wood Work Shop Warsaw, North (Carolina ' - J.- E.FULFORD GARAGE WELLS-OATTS LUT" r '; k .. .v. ; cc'taih: YY: Tr- Ilrrl'i Ctt:"-i : i.-.