1 :..S. M. M. TlflGPEN Jj Beulavllle. N. C - - Bepresentattve For . CLINTON FLORAL ' ' COMPANY v . WABSAW, V. C MRS. M. M. THIGPEN - I Reporter ' SUBSCRIPTION AGENT Rev. A. L. Brown, pastor, assisted oy we Bev. J. G. Morrison of Ke nans ville and the Rev. S. A. Smith of Beulavllle. Burial vh in the HaUsville BaDtist Church Cemeter Jier poay remained in state at the cnurcn lor an nour before the fu neral. ; , Surviving .in addition tefter ana band, are two daughters, WUm Brinson and Minnie BrirbHtt; one son, Horace Brinson, 411 M the home; her parent, Mr. and Mrs. t. L. Thomas- of Baulaviiie- em . ter Mrs. Rossie T, Grady; four bro-1 men, iwon xnom pjr Thomao Enferfair.j C.Vj Mrs. Irene Cur-He was hostess to the members of the Beulavllle Bridge Club at her home Thuradav evening. During olav tite hcwiteel servea coca colas and later salad course. Mrs. Grady Mercer and A. h Mercer were winners of the hfon aoore prises. ; v Ccrd Of Thanks The family of the late Mrs. Clyde Brinson wish to express ' their heartfelt gratitude to the many kind friends and relatives who ex pressed love and symnathv in nu merous ways during the long weeks ox uiness and in their deep hour of sorrow, the death of their loved one.-Their prayer Is that each of you may receive a rich blessing. S!:.iley Party, Mrs. Cecil Miller was -hostess at a btamey party Friday , evening when Mrs. Ivey Bowden of Kenans vllle gave the demonstration Mes- aames wm. Bostlc, A. L. Brown, Orzo Thlgpen and P. E. Thtgpsn, 'Jr., were winners in coatests The nostess. assisted by . Miss Mary Q. Brown, served icebox cake, cookies ana canay witn coca colas. !::ior$ Visit freedom Train William Thomas, and O. C Thomas au 01 ue noma community; three nieces, one nephew a&d a number w iuaoj ana uncles ; - Mra. Brinsan u hnrn in arn mington. N.-GE. Juiv 91 ion. ing to Beulavllle In early child- uuoa. sne was active, in ihun.n .- ClVic life, havtnir hun member of the Beulavllle Baptist uurcu ana a cnarter member vl me woman's Club. After gradua tion from the local high school, she aitcnuea-. f inpmnn ru -l emburg and Sprunt Institute In Ke nansville. Far nnmhi,. --. -- - vi years uuKm in in nimiin rt . schools and at the time of her death she was a memhor nf di-1. ..... Mr. and Mrs. John T. AfilreY nri daughter, Joan, left last week for Georgia, after living in BeuVaviRe xor several months Mr 'uuw ure enepnera uonstruetron Co. Mr. and Mrs. Dick McKwri t4 uinton were Sunday truest nf mv anu mts Arnold Thorns. Mr. and Mrs. EnV rktnnv mm . w AU. Kinston Saturdev. ' Mr. Felix Lee of Pfeetent mih spent Bunoay night With Mr. and r. i. snaw. Dr. and Mm v - ..wtW TBU'J daughter, Pat, left Sunday for ITOSS Plains.. lYnnes. ua.. ' . www. uin will spend the holidays, ; ' MT. and tit 3 ei Krh...n m sienansviue were week end vis itors of Mr. arid toy ta v.tt.. CUtt. - - ........ . Mr. and Mrs. rnintnn r.u.iuir w vnuyno4 - " " bd leak! apent Saturday In Kin- man. ReV, antt tos. S. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas wero visitors to the Cora Creek Fre Will Baptist Church, Cove City on Daturaay evening . Mr and Mrs. Mllfnn Whol., shipped in Kinston Saturday. Mr. ind Mrs. Bill Wllllamsorl and deu'ahter of tCenanovllls uMs micuaV end of her parents, Mr. and mts. Arnoia Tnomas. Mr. tld Mnl l W TMmm IUTp. Orfe TMgjfeft and Stein spent Sat- oxaay in lunston, v : - 1ML Sanih MCkm nU iurita I II 11m Mercer snent Mondav In Kin ston. ; Kappcninjjs, Advertising. In And Around 1 he County's Eastern Metropolis Bedroom-Nursery for Small Home if wnA Lit miaAAM. ru.it ana jean, ana Mr. attd Mra. Gard "4J WW vOWt roast a vniwtoapia Bunnfey. ' MeidamM Ttiihikll wnli. j M. M. vaigpen, Mfea Calest Thig pen and RieHard WllUarns shopped in New Bern arid Kinston Saturday. MlC and Mrs. SlWnnd hiim rA iuate spent Sunday with his pa rents Mr. and Mrs. Leott Qvinn. , C. D. Pats wis htim Avuti r college folf tire week end. MV anil Mr OMMikiu. j " wtw A. U1JCU CUIU family were visitors to Goiusboro Emniruay. Mr. and. Mra. AiWtHV and hiMnkn- u lu.. ik. and Mrs. Paul Kennedy f Mt Olive isiiea tiev ana M. sasntr Ken- The Senior Class u-ith Miss Mnr Lilly Rlvenbark as chaperone, spent weanesoay in Wilmington where uiey visiiea tne freedom Train and other points of Interest The trip was made on a chartered bus. A, 1 if w Annn inr' .mm THE OPENING OF THE lift xor Privacy baby fa p: decorated parents and the irovided in this smartl; oearoom in aartly home. The nursery end. cleverly partitioned by a divisional drape hung on i track from the ceiling, now not attract zrom the decor f the room. The partition Is glo- mtma in a large, spiasny floral pattern m tones of Grand Canyon rose and. Prairie mauve. The large linen closet has sliding glass 'doors. Thla Dtlraxtliu ., demonstrates the versatility of that basis home fnmlahinff cade plan. Great Lakes blue, urana wanyon rose and Prairie mauve are the featured colors, With interesting iwita in n-Qt Smoky gray and Shenandoah greea Wall-to-wall carpeting in a smart tona-on-tone noHn n Great Lake blue, gives added spa ciousness w ue room. Mesdames A. L. Brown, P. E. TbJoen, Jr . and Sidney Hunter were hostesses Tuesday afternoon when the eniefllinetfTOe Wonwffls ciud at the home of the former. Christmas decorations; were, used fhlAH0hnit fliA tiAMnA .u. 1.-. H-awwuWM WIS UVIU'J RU'I U1C UCH utlful carol Silent Night was sung, followed by prayer and the club collect' Suggestions for Christmas aecorauona, nana made gifts, holi-, day cookies and randv sented by the project leaders and" Miss Clontz. Plans were made for the annual Xmas party on T6c. 19 In the Home Ec. deaarment unri names were drawn for Xmas belli. Officers for the coming year werr elected as follows: Mrs. S. A.. Pope, .president; Mrs. Orzo Thigpen,;vice president; Mrs. Ray Humphrey, secretary; Mrs. P. E. Thispen,, Jr., treasurer Mrs. Macon Brown was welcomed as a new member Mrs, D. L Watson and Mrs. Bill Willis of Smlthfleld and Mrs. Claud Wade were visitors. .-.irJ During the social hour the hos tesses served pecan pie with coffee. 'lAMeefs- The regular meetlTiif nf the PTA was held In the auditorium Mon day evening, Dec. 8. Mrs. Williams presiaea ana me aevof onal was led by Rev. S. A. Smith. Rev Crowe MeUiodlst minister of Richlands. , was guest speaker, bringing a splen did messaee. Miss Franeej Umw'i "irra 'a ureaented en nlninhia - , M "J U WAV ner. jet piay. rouowing adjournment me nospitaury committee served punch with cookies .and candy.' Christmas decorations were used in the assembly room and on the punch table. 4 r.Io Study Class A meeting of unusual Interest ani spiritual power has Just been concluded at the Baptist church, v ; h Miss Mary Herring of Greens l - 0, bringing the messages. In her e -el, quiet but forceful way fUss 1 i;g brought messages with a 1 :: :nge to self-examination -and 1. t searching and many of those :-' a attended felt a deenenln of r spiritual experience, as the ? Spirit worked upon their rts. - v 1 Js has had a ' profound lnflu- e on the spiritual life of the i and an Increased Interest i 1 1 3 work. ', i . I A NEW RECREATION CENTER FOR ALL Located Jasl Below The Colored School e Break Of The Hill. POOL wl Room -2 Tables - Plenty Of Space CIGARS - DRINKS - CIGARETTES Plenty Of Cold Beer And All Kinds Of Soft Drinks ood Music nedy In Goldsboro Sundav. week end guests of Rev and Mrs. A. L. Brown were Mr and iMVo Bill Willis and Davey, and Mr. and mrs, u. 1. watson and Linda of Smlthfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brown of Snow Hill were dinner guests ol Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kennedy Sunday Mr. J. W. Thomas of Wilson spent Thursday with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Jackson. . Mrs. Marion Quinn, 13 C, and Owen, shopped in Kinston yester day. - Mrs. J. A. McColman, Mrs. Hector McNeil and Mrs. 1. W. Quinn of Warsaw, Mrs. J. O. Miller and J. C. Miller nf fCinatnn were finnrlav guests of Mrs. Lula Quinn Parker , Mrs T JT Kanrilin' Jr wif h fir sister Misa T.inda VAvrmrAu nf Pfnlr - Hill shopped in Raleigh Wednesday. Mr. Hampton Baker Is In Par-' rott Hospital. Kinston suffertna-' from e hrnlrn Iait anof atajut f- ' Monday. Mesdames Lula O. Psrter end MatUe Bradshaw attended the Du plin County PCA barbecue in Ke- ' nansville Saturday Miss Bessie SanHIln nt luVu. vllle spent the week, end with w parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1 J sndiin Sr. ' Mr. and Mm T n oninn Tuesday in Fayetteville where the former went for an HflmiiuHnn f the veterans hospital. Mr. and Mrs. firm Thin-.- Calesta Thigpen spent Wednesday oiiuppiug m naieign. We Are Flattered That So Many Imitations Have Appeared On The Market When You Want Ham Insurance Be Sure With Skipper Compound N. J, BODDIE Tbt Ham Intwuo Man OX 4SS DURHAM. N.C. . CNAMBia' JT-SKIPP0 KIPPERS,!. I l&M.rAml4' ".trP...-- .... - . Tho mor you drive it, l the mora you like itl - Ml - : " e y -iZ' sja. m jmfHtm Jr .x-woMaiiiaw'"''"'"''-" i ry. " ri ' Every mile gives added proof of A Large P As mora and more Chevrolet owners are discovering, yean of service mean nothing to a Chevroletl This ear has exira strength in every part built-in ruggedness and reliability the excellence that endures. It win servo you for scores of thousands of miles, and tho longer you drive Hm stronger your appreciation of its valuefor a possesses Big-Car durabffir and dependabiur unequaied In Us field. Plenty Of G The Whispering Pines JOIIII R. BYRD, Proprietor Orr look wil 11 you that :roft ovlfyht al oHier tur in Itt tleld. It brings yo tma-w deilgn smarter oSor tharttr upholstery o-r oppoinltn;i1 It alone C-rs e i.xvxnn Body by FUner c to- t! prices. Yoe eant beat a Chevrolet for all-round perreneeece wttB economy. And Chevrolet's world's-chaarploa Volve-ln-Heod Thrift-Master Engine, nlque la Hi price range, wrings Hie loot ounce of ener gy out of every geSoe of feel. YevllenKirmntlmoal riding s:noct!ms end lOtid-iteadlness, fou, bet oue only CneVote. of all cort r. 4t field, brings yce le fln eesy, balanced awverMn) AeTKMRlde. .7eB! J IVardtv Hofcr Co. The demand for new Chevrolets surpasses all previous records, mat means it's wise to safe- i guard your transportation by bringing your present car to us for skilled service, now and al regular intervals, pending delivery ef your new ' car. See us for dependable, car-saving servicei ' LOWIST-PRICID UNI IN ITS FIILD 1 Jones Chcvrclol Co. PINK HILL, N. C r r 1 Brinson D;25 Mae Thomas Brinson, 42, ' Clyde Brinson of near Beu cd Tuesday "night in Par !tal In' Kinston after an :' f-v?ral mon" r r ""'-1 , ...rrr".r Plenty Chrastmas Fruits, "K I J tr YouTI Find Somethinf Here For Every Member Of The Family; . -. - " . DUPLIPI TJEf!CANTILE COMPANY , AIUV &TOKE THAT SERVES THE- WHOLE FAMILY KENANSVJXLE, N. C. ? . t