,...r. ji,t Interim! iontl Uniform k Sunday School Lwkii ntnu n Isalab If God so loved and gave, let as, by bli Indwelling Spirit, seek so to love end five. Boys and girla will tbna find the answer to , their deairo to make aultablo glfU ,to..parenta, and parenta to chil dren. Wenda wUl thna Bud the newer, to the often perplexing problem of what to bey ,for ew change with) someone whom yoq auspect will bay something for Perhaps It would be wholesome r m -- At Po:3 Field :2-7;lLuke i:i-20; i 4 ...a thine If we could be delivered from DSVinwiuu, tv. rf ..-xchanaing things". at Christmas, and be free to give S3 wild and wooly" "Mustangs" now roam the skies at Pope Field, North Carolina's only U. S. Air Force Base. For the Past $ months Pope Field has undergone a complete conver sion regarding types of aircraft, pilots and technicians. The 10 Reconnaissance wing, me 10 Airdrome Group and the lutn The Prince o) Pfeace . "-' - 3 . -. Lesson for 'December 11, 1947 . as our hearts prompt us. Thi Prlnci of Piaci 1 T IS Christmas now'tftat !e i! ;-l jijiB, which reads' "The '-king. 'HE bold prophecy in Revelation . . . . i .mm. ' t-1 i " I I -I aanjt nil. lAnfl . J l . Min.ll! ItMtAma tll r ail ininniiiu ouwufc, auiu '.u u . for Sunday : helps Off to rightly ap-. Kingdom of our Lord, and u his . . . . . mI-Jm i i . J k. .kail .MaIiM 9nO MMV proacn inia Diesseu km v tmrisi; ana w ana inanKsgiving. na aver,"' is tno uning uiuugm w It is suggested that this lesson.' That is Christmas ful we read Revelation fliiedl ; -',' 8-1S, Isaiah 9:1-71: nn this prophecy challengea anr nreaent worM fit rear i and Luke' 2:1-20. . "For unto us ChUd Is born, unto us a Son is given; and ' the govern ment shall be upon his shoulder; ' and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, The OTilluf Instead of the Jirsteria which hae characterised our na tion for months, we Should have been strong In the gentleness of ,Gd strong enough to dismiss the thought of pillage by another gentle enough to drive Com munism from the earth. ' For let us ( Weli , remember that . ' F NttwiiiB -Mighty ooa. e .vt Peace H VSrwlaitlnff Father. The Prince 01 - ----- . - i nnt one aay out oi uic jrc. . Peace,' Isaiah 9:9. - ' , an enduring program of progress i Thus Isaiah sing, of the coming mJ goodwill. Saviour, and in countiess. bearU , this glad refrain will sound and re- , sound as we come on in these wait- Thi S0t1( Of TrlUmpil tog hours for Christmas Eve. It' Is N"VATN ghaU we observe another ' the season of giving, because God 1 Christmas season if we allow it to made the Beat Gift , coma and go without Joining In the ,-.e.o - " f, gona of triumph which the angels vU-TJ-a Christmas StorV - -' i would aver teach us.: There Is hope i VV mas until, we live again in the hone Ther. a n at John 8:16: "For God so SuDDly and Maintenance are now at Pope Field. : At. nreaent the 10th Wing is al most at full strength and there is a larger number of officer and en listed men at Pooe Field now than at anytime during the past 2 years. Celebrate At Wright Memorial Igor Sikorsky, Russian-born de signer of aircraft and inventor of Group the helicopter delivered the prin- .cipal address n me iwr"' - December IT at the anniversary of First Flight and, from the top of Kill Devil Hill, where aviation was born, watched a flight demonstra tion of virtually every type of ro tary wing air cr ail now in euii;. For the first time since Pearl Harbor, the flood lights on tne monument were ligniea. Quinn-McGoven Company Warsaw. North Carolina Day Hume 244-1 Nite 266-1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMERS Ambulance Service nuA th wnrid that he save his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'4 c ' $ ', The Christmas story Is the story at God's love. There Is not enough goodness In man to produce the , .Christmas N spirit the .true .Christmas spirit. Only God could so love, and only God can areata . wtth ear-'hearta the proper attt ; tstdes to. worthUy celebrate the ; I.Mhi ' 41t fitt.vlnr. r- i' - Wisdom is fled from us If we drop victory liffht for every home. There Is a gift for every life. ."Gior to Oo4 in the bighett, ; Ami on tartbr peaci." '- .It is. Uiein the high and holy task of every Sunday school teacher, ev ery parent, tveiy Christian, to ting this song of triumph. Only through personal faith. Inline Lord Jesus Christ can burdened, frightened soul$ ci'tch the'eadence of the choir ' lng; angels'. But we have the prom ise of God that every seeking , soul may nave' this peace, this poise, this down Into the lowlands of com mercializing the Christmas season by seeking gain for ourselves..-:; ; j , i The Greatest Gift TpHE gift of Jesus is the greatest . 1 Bltt for the reason that it repre sent divine giving. Jesus was not-.- -.'L. . , . . forced to give himself. "God com- Several circulars on birds and mendetb his love towards us In that their care are available at the State ' while we were yet" sinners. Christ Museum. They may be had free by ' died for us" The gift waa but ' an : writing Curator Harry Dfi vis, Ral- axpression of the love that lay be- eigh. Pormlt me. nlease. to wish for you, and each of you, the blessed experience' of the Inward bappl ' ness of Christmas with Christ. (CWflrt 1 fnfrlinl Council ef Ktngitut tducttton on behalf ot 40 Protettnnt tfMaaaiiau. RMd by WHU FtmUvoi.) , ! - -BSaBaBs-sBSBas-ssssas Sc"ihern Farm S!:rket Summary - Atlanta, Ga , Dec. 12 The nor mal seasonal decline in cattle mar ketings was sharpened by rainy weather this week and prices push ed upward as much as $1.50 reach ing a new season's high. Almost t third fewer cattle showed up and : i n.i.stino declined also, v , " , Only thin, shelly cattle fled to ' advance. Most good grade steers and heifers weighing 450 pound and more sold from $19.50 to $24. Z. ... j .niraH tlARO LO lueoiuni aa . t -- .Rations at vne iuv $21.50. Canner cows were active 3fl J4 centg a pound, or about $3.50 at $055 "to .$11.25. , - " a bale higher than a week earlier, Interest at isasnviue was w : Karmers offei-ed cottori for Eaie less miiph as 2 centi in some areas i.ffnrincs were snort, r Hi ui prices for fryers wereat as cents in central North Carolina. Heavy her. sold firm. - ,: vrnita and veeetables were mod erate with pTices varying but little from recent low levels. i North Carolina's Eastern Belt fliKwiirml tobacco area this week finished selling of its largest crop In history, Gross sales totaled more than 483 million pounds, compai ed to around 475 million last year. Average price was $13.02 a hundred or $8.83 below last year, rvittnh trndina- markets weather H -nnf.9Btnii.il ' losses during . the week, but Middling 15118 inch quo tations at the close Friday were ed on the annual fat cattie show and sale held Thursday and Frt layj The grand champion steer of he show - a 1,000' pound animal - iJcn1A Fridav at -11.01 a DOUnd. More hogs moved to ; packing. i plants in the peanut area out grain snmewhat smaller 1VW VD" vrm-w , - .1 "Prices moved 25 to 50 "cents lower ; in line with declines at markets in the midwest. Closing tops wei 128.75. 'v Poultry markets were steady to ' "firm for broilers and fryers, prices freelv and mills decreased purcha ses somewliat However, textile prices' were on the upward trend jmder strong dei iand. gllr1- 1 needier serv i'stoew days -and wUldean at repair your timepieces and j ; .velry with prweaiuua Work Guaraat-ea ' tf '.-i.si o Southecland Electric Co. Warsaw, N..C Phone 270-1 All Types Of Wiring From tue cre&t of t..J . a DrXKdT::i . OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasaes Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugh rvrniet Company Permanent Of flee In WAI.IJtCE.rf-C j , j to ste e"-. y i , . .: r -vuU from a one-seater Benclix to t: e eight-passenger Kel lett put througlMheir paces In In dividual demons trationsand mass flight above the first iubdi v " " -" . ... irkla- Hmnnstration Mi years as"- foUowed the traditional laying of the wreath at the foot of the graa a nvion which commemorates tne W W . . . . J. ,. . !, coming of tne air sc. ,t...VstiMf vSvr 1AI m . j- ' iMasBsassassasiw' . I. - iriill ju..ouf as ntiuunta " ''mm Monuments Of Design n QUALITY WORKMANSHIP TRUE STONES - FTNrXT CUT SEE FRANCIS OAKLEY . The QuInn-McGowen Co. WARSAW IN I sat rind Bethleh This is BeMeKem OS H Ctppears 6&il. Builf upon trie ruins oi tKe.anderf townPdestoe Sxe hiry, in the fpreground follows approximately the course of the old road running south from Nazareth. Along this ancient thorough! are trudged Joseph and Mary, on than :m to Terucdemto be taxed. Wearied with their journey, they spent the rught fa alSn rS Beftlehem4 Hew Man's child was born, and they, called his name lesus. , . , , . j -1 Pr tKfl nronh'et had saicl: AikI ffiou Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, 'm rSrth?i EfSZS ss? tot out ol TOme a Dovernor who shall rule my, people Israel. I The incidents at Bethlehem that to Oiristmcts morning when Jesus potent influence in inodemlUai . . , , , . MimoMoIcKurcKes,cocrfeatetKeiVO the SS at Be&leh'em. 'And countless millions of peop turn to that KgsSand pomfoxtMfd fif a better life beyond the 1 via , . ry;. ii i !: -"' jiiii"11' ran,.' ' ":&M ;. Pill IHE CHURCH FOB AIL . . . vxi me, UtiURCH Th PI... u s- .i- the buiW n' ' Le.9rea,es, 'or on earth for strong Church nifh. a wnnout a can CZr' . every peraon should aSd0" r0a80M T church of hi, choice Th1y arean1 the ake. (2, For his cnuSn" to) and material support pL hh larly and read y: io This seriesif ads is being published each week in the Duplin Times under the auspices of the Duplin County Mini ... , s v.:- . ,nri v,v the following Datriotic individuals and business establishments stere ana is jr""" . 7 y - A. Expert Radiator Bepair TROTT'S GABAGEwp 12 Years Experience .. Iteulaville . i G. II. WEST & SON ' . : General f.lerchantlige ,v -r.: WestSidisN.C WARSAW FURNITURE "We Furnish, The Ilcne'.' Warsaw, UczCx Carc!ina CO. T. A. TURNER & COMPANY WA Square Deal To All" Pinkllill.N.C. Your Financial Friend WACCAM4W BANK & TRUST COMPANY . Kenansville t .. Rose HiU I. J. SANDLIN CO. , General Merchandise . Phone 213-2 - Beulaville, N. C. MC LENDON'S ESSO STATION Unexcelled Service Phone 2566 Kenansville, N. C. How Are Your Brakes? We Fix Them MATHEWS GARAGE Drum Turning s Beulaville, N. C. WELLS-OATES LUMBER COMPANY Kenansville, North Carolina CHAS. F. CATT3 e i: 'i C-rr' '-Stlt',

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