J . Mitt Happenings; Advertising, Jn,And irou;u M : - W w 1 r.IS. Kl. TIIIGFEN EenlaviUe. N. C. ' ' Itsprc "-Win far ! 1 CLINTON FLORAL ' CWJPANY , V', WABSAW. N. C ' MK& M. at THIGPEN , . , feportor , i subsckiption agjentI ville Honor :!l Listed SECOND CKADE j Mr. Bostlo. Teacher:,, Elaine Brinsoiv. -Willie Owen Guy, Patsy Jones, Sally Jo Kennedy, Phyllis Qulnn, Ann Tho mas; r : Mrs, Leu BUe Williams, Teach er: Julia Dean Atkinson, Josephine Cottle. -j' Ida. Lucille mil h.m. Grace, Kennedy, Betty Lou W-U- Sirs. Boers, Teacher: Roger Craft, Rosalie Aiken, 1 Dorothy ' Ward uumpnrey, Judy Frances Saudlin, Alice Marie Weston,; Pegjjy Joyce White, and Juibjr Gordon. TEIKD" GB AW Mr Norris, Tea chen Jimmy D. Bostic, Cecil Smith, Leta Warren Thcmas, Betty Lou Duff,. Doris June Hill, Lottie Fos ter, Roalyn Trott, Angeleta Thomas; ntiss sanaertoa, Teacher: Zona Janice Smith, Archie v Muldrac, I Chicago this week. ZZZi Hansom -Smith and .Miifn, in Kinston Cher. Frederick Albertann. TW I . home Ijihi. Mr tM.xHL I " tt- Janice Bostic- Dorothv Ertwpri'lp . . BttV JA Hnrn. T. ? UOASOtt and BTC- rna Lou Rhodes, Grade SholarTV TZTkIJ?' Miss Rivenbark. Te.eh.r-. Gi.mi. 8!1.noPPd in Kinston Tuesday. Edwards, and Minnie Simmon. :,-!. na Mrs. J. G. Kennedy jud HIGH SCHOOL i loth Mm Vni. I Kennedy will leave this ma Brinson. and Anme RaeRavnor. IT ? 'oSan-rAneli Texas, 12th trade: Marie Bostic, ShirlIw. WMl aoUdays )T i t it n ,.L fwlta Aon and Mm PmiI Himtw . juaijr 441111 nui -fitly ' JHSUlaD 1 he County's Eastern Metropolis Stamp It Out! Raynor, and Geraldlne Whaley. Fourth Grde resents Play Mr. ad lira XlwaaA Oiilnn mi Kinstoiv visitors Saturday. Mwirtasnas Wm rtiMiii .a.i. Booties and . Lawe. . mluim ; rwi Burahema Fjedrlc Stoke and LtndeU., ThLmn. ani - mtw. v "wub JUaetot .Saturday . ! ... nmuivuK PtMondawtth hie parent Mr Mrs. - Adnlnh . j Mrs. P. Gr.ShawAiiA'A.' F spent Members Of the Beulavlll. nwi- or Eastern star enjoyed a delight ful party Mondav ing the regular meeting. The event cumaxea a spirited contest which Gail Qulnn. Susie Mercer. Martha" f6" among three Lee - Basden. . Norma Ami Exum igrou Vn 0,6 two lMln Miss , Frances Mercr'a Fourth Grade presented the program at the December PTA mMtlnr I q.... . TT. neaiin piay enuuec "eter fain I ' ... .. .. 1 j a.. - . . ... I nusseil r ljinlt ini .ih.. . no: uie uooa iieaitn , kjiis" tn ' .... wv oi given, The main characters were I8?-"6 t home Peter- Pain - Landon. Edwards; rMel:' . - tt tuwHiBr sara t. Mercer anil nml n..u.t ... . , wawunw moo Miss.Mona Batchelor visited the .om wain In Wilmington last airland Mrs. vt c r r.w,, . .r- vamooeil anii Jciaii rA. , - V"M HBII 11, VJUIUS- uuro xuesaay.: . ; Mr. and Mm. j n j . ucuiiruv Vis ited Kinston Tuesday. Mr. andMra. cinnt gn leave Friday hataaTE to visit a fu, Wan. . . ' p, - tsiununi via Florence, S. C. ten... nMi nun raoiner. Peter's mother '- Hilda Bell: John Jay - Teet Mercer, Dr Pill - Ed- nuu ncaui, isr xuuie mCK iiOS- uc; wurse Lou Ann Thomas. Between acts to readings "Hey wui,. ana : iars. Kastus at the tele phone" were given by Teet Mercer. ' 'if ''",' - OESXmas Party Lee Basden, Norma . Ann Exuin uee Uiark, Byron. Hunter; Mrs. Lowe, Teacher: Elaine Ken nedy, Edna Smith, Myrtle Sue Mer cer, Bonnie Kennedy, Edward Ger- aia ivaynor, ana uenry Baker: FOURTH GRADE - Miss Mercer, Teacher: Fannie Rae Hall, LouAnn - j- .imD,-Tiom7...Ann miiierr ieet ; Jlew;en:Pa(iicla,Aiin-Wl.l'amtr , ; : ' r :s-Mary Qulnn Brown, Tea- c r: Imogen. Jackson, Zelma Mat t: ews, and Bertha Mae Simnaon I -Ta GRADE ' Mr. Grady Mer cer, xeecner: Janice Albertson t anford Sheppard, Shelby SUmner, and Pear line Whaley. - . . EKTS GRADE - Mrs. Brown, Tea " 8K Edward Thigpen, Golonda Cummlnga, Evelyn Penny. Norma Clwpson, Jessie Ann Thomas; I is. Grady, Teacher, James R, -VmTU GRADE - Kim. Barbee, Teachen Dewitt Miller, Sue Lanier, Were hostesses tn tha nrinnan, i Cnrlstmaa decorationa with emphasis upon a beautifully ugutea tree. Gifts were exchanged and a social hour enjoyed. The nosiesses served nnnoh ana seitea nuts. enals Mr and 'Mrs ii4K... 'xr .j.. and Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Raynor oyeni i uesaay jn Kinston. r i Mesdames I. J. RandiiM w ..j . . aim Clinton Campbell -were Goldsboro suuppers saiuraay. Mr. and Mrs. Rnrdnn and children and . . Bostic : and Nancy spent Saturday In Goldsboro. ?!::z. "- Ransom Mercer is attending the I . ,j. . ... . iJW'w.pi - I : . : salad eeurse. . eueeestive of the holiday season, was served, by the nost esses . Announce ingogement Mrr and 'Mrs. C. S - Blackmore, of near Faison. announce the en-' gagement of their daughter, Mable, to, Mr. Henry James Peterson of Mt Olive. He Is the son of Mrs. Rortha PtrSnn and th. late Mr. Luther Peterson. The wedding will take place In the First Baptist Church (colored In Warsaw on Christmas day' ' ' Miss Mildred Lanier has return. ed from Sanitarium aJter snpnHino a number of month there as a pa- pent. sne is getUng -along nicely . Mrs M M Pktnn.n ir t belle Williams and Richard wm. lams were Goldsboro and Kinston visitors Saturday., Mrs. Bertie Slnan wn.ir. w- MUIHUIBWII is the guest of her sister. Mm Bil- oro itostic. Mr. Hamnton Raker from Parrotts Hospital. Kinston, after spending several days follow ing an accident in which his leg was broken. , Outlaws Bridge be the annual Christmas tree and gift exchange. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Simmons of Goldsboro were visitors for the church services Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. nntlnw nt Goldsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Rudnlnh Hawley of Wilson spent the week end with Mrs. Katie Outlaw. Mrs. I B. Sutton entertained a group of young folks I Saturday Faison Sesames Met Last Week The Faison Sesame (Tlnh met' on Wednesday afternoon in the Com munity Huliaing, Dec. 10. A cheer tire in tne open fireplace and The- Home Denu.Tisttinn nu.u will meet with. Mm t. n t. .v. i aicr Monday afternoon. December 22 at a y ciocK. airs- m. L. Outlaw and Mcs. Nelsnn YliiHn n.tu w- -ii. . M,1U1I1K UTICi I . vMvwn U1. m: IU1I1T National Farm Bureau meeting ij nostesses. A special feature will i -i'V X A. A nlrvt- ...leM. s . . . b wiui a. uuBceiianiMuia i:nvic.. . mas shower and party in honor . i n,yrtileJwlth otMr. andMrs.WilWsuTtohwhclClUStr f "ilSt et0 L,gre,eted 0,6 Iuiva.i 1 f"i:.no. members on their arrival. to make their borne. Mr. and Mrs. James Whitfield of Garner's Chanel visited - ' - . ..U AM. dllU Mrs. Charlie Vernon Sunday. Misses Dorothy Outlaw and Ed na Sutton Of GoJriahnm WAaA i,A.t. www ffCCA end visitors with relatives here. mts. uitner Outlaw was nos tess to the AUW Saturday after noon. Mrs. M. L. Outlaw Jr pre sided. Mrs. Eric Berger led thrj worsmp services, using the Christ mas story and Carols as basis for the SCtViCe. Fnllnwina tli. an interesting program was given in memory of Clara Barton; found er Of the Red Cross fWolt A free will offering was made for the children at the Clara Barton Birthplace. Proeram rinsed rith tfrayer. A social hour with refresh ments was enjoyed. After i) brief business session the meeting was turned over to Mrs it. a. Williams who had charge of the Droeram. tvhinh die built around Christmas most ap pealing to tne mature mind. It was c happy blending of the lighter vein with the serious. First came a Christmas Carols "Bee" two captains chose "sides", the pianist played well known and nnt so well known carols, the members taking turns guessing the correct titles Mrs. J. M. Smith, wife of the Pres- !., !an l.r.nistur, cava cor ie. t tUes uj tue greatest nomber u;iu was presented a nrize Nevt Mrs. Williams told the story, 'Is It Far To Bethlehem?" This she did in a very appealing manner. The program ended with singing by the entire group. A delicious ANNOUNCEMENT Just Received A Shipment of Elec fromasler And Yesfinghouse Elec tric Ranges Which Are Available For Immediate Delivery As Long As They Last. Will Make An Ideal Xmas Gift. Inquire AlOurOffice For Prices And Terms. TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY B37c:::;:s . $1135 PER CASE TWO ROW STALK CUTTERS 5-V AND ROLL TIN BRICK, BRIXMENT, LIME BOOTS, SHOES, HATS PANTS and SHIRTS "SQUARE MEAL" FEEDS COTTON SEED MEAL and HULLS BAUGH and SWIFT FERTILIZERS Can Make Immediate Delivery l. ii. tin KENANSVILLE A Cb-fstmas ! tS ttma t7e rcmemlier on ntt fr!n?t n'd look : rsrd vo wwAksdi Co iur good; wish-j ifejut for 11 , f "Ucrr? Christmas and ft Heppj Nw Year. no jzordj WE HAVE IN STOCK j FOR 1 1MMEDIATE DELIVERY Philco Refrigerators Electric Ranges Washing Machines living Room Suites And Bed RoofnSuifes S5effia!d & Fussell sr W ... loce apre, !lCRir:BEDBY n 0MIIBM trass FT.UIT CAKES lift ?.23 b. OaJw ts.es i c"3e a. 23'.jj '3-.' . ... AA 'If A & P APPLE SAUCE L'i::2T.!EAT M 7 U nAi::Ns h 20, j v on AMena i Box Washington State" APPLES CRANBERRIES LETTUCE heads TOMATOES $2.75 39c ft 2 for 29c 33c m UKArEFRUIT lOlbbag 37c j CLOSE DECEMBER 25 and 26 , p I" .i 4 I rr 17 hose k:ll; n. a