-'V -r::Y ,: :" Y'' V VOLUME NUMBER SIXTEEN KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, MAY 7th. 148 No. 19 I , " : ' f ' . j.- i J A. J. JENKINS United States Senator Wm. B. Umstead announced this week the - appointment of A. J. Jenkins, May or of Warsaw, as his campaign ' manager. Mr. Umstead said he was well pleased when Jenkins agreed to accept the job. He knew his reputation in the county and he ' believed he could deliver the goods. Mr. Jenkins said, "I like Mr. Broughton and no doubt he would' make a good senator. But in this world crisis we need all the experi enced men possible in Washing ton. Umstead has served 6 years in the House and knows his way around there. He has served 18 or more months as' U. S. Senator. He T has the health, the oharacter and stamina that goes with a good office holder. He knows how to say nd"!. Bell Re-elected To Head Tide Water Warren W. Bell was reelected president of the Tide Water Power Company last week by the board of directors following re-electun 6f the board at the annual meeting of stockholders. YOther officers renamed were J. Holmes Davis, vice-president; Ai Rort f. .Tnnps. vice-president; H. T. Buchanan, secretary and treasurer; Louis J. Poisson, general counsel, and Addison M. Alderman, assist ant secretary and assistant treas urer. Annnintivp officers of the com pany are G. D. Cansnt, commercial managef ; C. L. Matthis, superintendent- of electric transmission and distribution; Henry Sherman, sup erintendent of electric production; Ralph P. Gibson, production; and C. A. Brockwell Jr., auditor. Divisional reoresentative of the Wallace-Warsaw Division is Mr. It. L. Applewhite of Warsaw. The meeting ol stocK.ioiaers was dnvntpri to re-election of directors and receipt of the President's re port. Johnson Speaks To Rose Hill Civifans Last Thursday night Superinten dent of Schools O. P. Johnson ad dressed a large gathering at . the Oivitan Club in Rose Hill. Mr. Johnson discussed the pew basis for alloting teachers and the need for more vocational education. ; SMiit -' 1 I ....-.....yxv " tiy w.vt.vw.VfWW&Av,ws -a . Uw&& sM-c;'d .iW-Mm RICHARD J. REYNOLDS lt'tiiEid J. tteynolds, Jr., former mayor of Winston-Salem and now a resident of Miami Beach, Fla., has transferred to North Carolina State College income-producing securities sufficient to bear an an nual income of $5,000, Chancellor J. W. Harrelson announced today. The transfer was made early th'S year and the income will be used for the promotion of education and research in the College's School of Agriculture. Duplin County L B. Information Mrs. Gordon Kornegay, of the Duplin TB Association, ' cites the following evidence as the vital need of a TB program in Duplin County, That 1n the Dast 5 years 115 cases : of tuberculosis have been recorded i Duplin County. The deaths, re ordfd from the disease were .in "343, 12; 1944, 6; 1945. 8; 1946,! 11; and 1947, 15. .,, i M;(S)ir Jhe grandest word in God Almighty s room yLovb is not love that alters when it alteration finds," i said to be the-sublimest declaration .ever enunciated by the Human Mind. Let us each resolve this day to be ofl kindness and tenderness to our Mother. May we improve the moments and days with the splendid teachings that Mother has instructed us. . 4. At nrrspnt. there arc 19 from this couutsMuSing treated ' for TB , -m sanatorium. Three are on ' jjie waiting list to be admitted as , jon as beas are avaiiHDie. Statistics show that there are about 0 cases of active TB to each death. According to that tmpun . tunniri hnvp shout 135 cases and we only know about the 22, (19 already s in the sanatorium and 3 on tne ; waiting list). : Home visits reveal that only a . smail pfrcent of -rntacts of these ; . k.iO n cases h-ve h'd hest ex- y . V1 I ! .ii ..f nf nnr crack players now 'ii t- Here's anower pnow im making whoopie for Warsaw and Tobacco State League, . Former Kenansville Woman Commits Suicide In Rocky Mt ' Tjb- Mt Mav 5. The body ikVnj " of -Miss Georgia Shine, 56, well known local resident and office manager for an insurance company, was found in a gas-filled bathroom at her home here late this after noon Demorcretic Precinct Meetings Saturday, May 8, 2:00 P. M. County Convention May 15, 11 A.M. Democratic precinct meetings will be held in each of the twenty precincts in the County Saturday, May 3, at 2:00 P. M. In those pre cincts in which is located town hall the meetings will be at the town hall, and in all other pre cincts the meetings will be held at the regular polling place. Prscinct n.miiws anrt rlelesates to the Klll!'l"Ll County Convention win oe eiecieu at the meetings. Tim rmintv Convention will be hold at the Courthouse in Kenans ville on Saturday, May 15, at 11.00 A.M. Bennett To Head The Broughton Campaign Here In Duplin County 1. J? VUCU .i, e;iv -.:i2ps- It ' u-n t e t -n ' time. M: ..ri'i'r. Ills Ki- ' -lieiii by t'"h in'o. the I n."t 6 monl 1 scoDt'd. 14 were Rays the ! oi.ly Of fer. Of this n'-.ner frratonir.n. All p-jspects g;.-Pp rp'-:oc,'P yans. .re way -r. in tbv - ime TB ateiy short follow '' Mj. j clinics ..,1'iment if 2Zt fluoro od for X 5 entered . will couv.l " !":.: culin test. IP? actiiu. anrt sip come to the Pcsllh tlier ev arrir. reaction to the !XDlainotl, c'ic; !;.' many years ago. She is a native of Faison. Her niece, Ellen Shine, j.htr nf Mrs. Sallv Shine of JU11 ! uauuivi w- - rr n t. Knowles. acting Edge- Warsaw, has been living with her combe coroner, ruled that she ha for many years. taken her own life. Police Chief J. I. Nichols said that the body, with the head rest ing upon a pillow, was found in the bathroom by a nephew, J. F. Shine, Jr.:' ' 'The officer said also that Mis Shine left a note," the contents of which were not disclosed. Miss Shine lived in Kenansville Remember "Mother's Day" SUNDAY, MAY 9th ..JTi. ih.t the majority of -our readers are " : .. .m .. fairly wen acquainted with these four gentlemen. , In Your Interest i WHAT IS MORE DANGEEOUS THAN FIRE? - J J ' Our Lin-O-Type operator, 'Mr. E. i. Nawlrod, has the Dealership' for an approved J type of Fire i Extinguishers, ! and la this Issue, on the back page, he has run an ad that ta truly filled with human in ter sest. You'll surely miss some 'e' '7 Wrtiit reading it yo-! f T ? f " WILLIAM GREEN, President, American Fed eration of Labor, says: : ''The practice of thrift il n.irt n( individu al.. tii shmilrl be con stantly - emphasized and a , policy which should be collectively and in dividually followed by working men and women everywhere. Those who practice thrift Will be 'he direct beneficiaries of the pursuit of such a policy. Our democratic form of Onvprmnri't. be strengthened i!ih assistance j invest i i Jr. Red Cross Report (1948) nnrina the oast month Educa tional Boxes to be, sent overseas from the Duplin County cnaprer. ARC have been packed and ship ped under the supervision oi Mrs. George Bennett, Jr. Red Cross Chairman of Warsaw, N. C assist ed bj Mrs. N. B. Boney, Execu tive Secretary of Kenansville, N. C. The following schools have help ed to fill these boxes: Wallace, 12; Kenansville, 15, Magnolia, 10; Beulaville, 9; Pot ters Hill, 5; Outlaws Bridge, 8; and B. F. Grady, 37. There were ten left over from a former shipment, u,i,ipi, wpre donated by the Faison Sphnnl which makes a total of 126 I boxes, which are valued at about I $2.00 a box. Much credit is due the teacher-snonsors In the above ephnnls who have aided in ine project. Tlaleish (SDecial) - State cam Daien headquarters of former Go nrnnp .1 Mplvillp Brouehton, a candidate for the United States Senate in the May 29th Democratic Primary, announced today appoint ment of George D. Bennett oi war saw to manage Mr. Broughton's campaign in Duplin County. Bankers To Meet AtPinehurst The announcement of Bennet s annnintment was made ry former Judge Jeff D. Johnson, Jr., Brough- tnn's state camDaien manager. Bennett, one of Dupiins Dest- Irnnwn citizens. chairman of the Duplin county commissioners, and has been a member of that Doay for many years. In private business, Mr. Bor.rt is a farmer and warehousemiiU. Judge Johnson said that Bennc would be assisted in handling fo:- mer Governor Broughton s cam paign in Duplin by a committee it each of the county's 21 precinct".. This committee was not made known by state headquarters. Bennett and his committee will begin actively to promote Brough nn's spnatorial camoaiga imme diately. Contact work has been un derwav f ; r some time, but tne fomnaicrn will be steoped UP COI siderably now as tht primary aam nears. ., . I'c e;,-er w:oc'c ""vans. ? , , in the " c tuber " re rosit've re vim. urged- tO : Oencirtment for n.. A positive s .-c; 'ii lest, she nc.in that one 5 has TB It docs rr,p.,;i, though, that ho has hppn i:i "lo "; I'cniact with , one who has TB and that he should. have a hest ex-i r to make sure that he has no: e he ase. The above report f.Vnulfl give some idea of the TB r.cnace in this county and the grent r.ced for its control. The Health tv- v .U and the Dup'in County rrTi . -,-on have combined fo:c. . to the ; -ablic each Wednesday atternoon - from 1 to 4 and ear- Moru'.ny morn ing from 9 to 12 a chest clinic in : an effort to eradicate tuberculosis ? in our county. AU Ex-Ray pictures will be sent to the N. C. Sanatorium .,; to be read. Fluoroscopic examin- , ations are free but a fee of $1.00 will be chargpd fo' ?r-ray to help , oav co.. I 0. .-.. . ' (ftage to and from tne - j-- s ' Jurors County Court For June, 1948 irinsl amnsements for the 2nd Annual Convention of the North rmllna Ranfeers .Associatibn to be ins to Fred W. Greene, Execuuve Secretary of the Associatiou. Offi iai ttndnii.trters of the. Conven tinn. which w"ll bring more than 750 of the State's leading oanxers to Pinehurst, wi'.l be 'ire lire The following were selected as jurors to serve during the June .. term of County Court: - H. E. Kramer, Henry K. carter,; L. Precythe, J. C. Brown, u. w. , Parker, Earl Dail, Glender Baches lor, L. H. Usher, Mrs. L. D. Dail,,. Leonard G, Dail, Mrs. J. L..uraa- shw, T. Frank Mertltt, WUDert Jennett, Blmore Bell, P. K. Houe,j Robert F. Gavin, Jarvis siatms.. Ed Rouse EUiott Brlnson, W. II. Fussell, Daniel 'Crews, T. C ar-s, Arcbi T-i-son, and TT. IV -1; held in Pinhurst, N. C, May 17-