1 U uJ ,L Li lj V. F. V. Meeting A regular meeting of the VFW was held in the new city hall at ' 7 p.m. Wednesday. After a business '. session a barbecue supper was ser- ved.-,:;; -. : ; J.--.-: , -The veterans sponsored a square - dance in the gym on Saturday '.. night and attendance was reported unusually good. husband Henry J. Grady and a daughter, Jeffrie Ann Grady, both of Raleigh. - Ninety children were enrolled at a Joint Bible School which began at the two churches here Monday, more were expected to come in later In the week. Assisting in teaching are Rev. and Mrs. Farrior, Misses Mason and Grey Worley, Mrs. Aubrey Turner, Lou Ann Davis, Mrs. Har old "Kornegay, Joyce Maxwell and Bo-Peep Kornegay. Pink Hill Wins Auxiliary Meets A regular circle meeting of the Womans Auxiliary of the Presby terian Church was held in the home of Miss Lula Tyndall Tuesday ev ening In the absence of the chair man Mrs. Barl Smith presided. The program was presented by Mrs. N. P. Farrior. The hostess served ice cream and cake to the 18 members present Hostess To Club A regular meeting of the Womans Club was held in the home of Miss Cells Maxwell Thursday. The meet ing opened with a song and club collect In the absence of the Home Agent Mrs. Leighton Turner gave convincing demonstration. Re freshments of cookies, salted nuts and ice cream was served. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith and Carolyn are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Saunders In San Antonio, Tex as. Pink Hill was victorious by a sizeable majority in both baseball games played with Potters Hill over the week end. The Saturday. afternoon game was played at Pot-. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wells and ten Hill, the Sunday game at home. 1 family are visiting in Charlotte. (Miss Jacqualine Burke has re turned for the summer after recel diploma from St. Mary's Raleigh last Monday. At- ' i tending the graduation from nere Funeral services for Mrs. Ethel were Mr. and Mrs. Matt Burke, Sauer Grady of 2105 Breeze Road, Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Maxwell, Elmhurst, Long Island, were con- Miss Celia Maxwell and Mr. Ken ducted Monday from the' Skelton neth Maxwell. Funeral Home there. Mrs. Grady, Mr. and Mrs. Rollins Snelllng died In the Park East Hospital In ' and children of Albany, Ga. have New York City. Surviving. are her been visiting her parents, Mr. and 1J Fal I a I I turned for Mrs. Ethel S. Gradysr Turner & Turner INSURANCE AGENCY "AIX KINDS Ofr XlfSVUAXCtr U a TTONXB, St. Hffl's Okie T. 9. XVBStM Agency PINK mi K. C Office Supplies FILING SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE DRINKING CUPS John II. ; Carter, Company KINSTON, N. C OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' Mrs. J. D. Grady.':1 Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Holden visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jones atthe weekend. . Mesdames Leslie Turner, G. M. Turner, FrenkWiley, Linwood Tur ner, z,eo wuuams ana Horace lyn- dail shopped in Raleigh Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Turner, Mrs. Leslie Turner, Dr. and Mrs, H. A. Edwards and Miss Betty Ed wards attended the Matthews-Bar- den wedding and reception atfRose run Saturday afternoon. Miss Betty Edwards, a student at Planks School of Creative Arts in Asheville. has returned home for the summer. Billy Moore is spending some time with his father at Marshal burg. Mrs. T. J. Turner and daughter spent several days recently with her mother, Mrs. W. B. Marshburne at Richlands. Miss EmileiKh Maxwell of Nor folk, Va. was a week end visitor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maxwell. Mrs. S. P. Watson and Mr. John Watson of New Bern visited here Sunday." Mrs. B. Wallace, a teacher at B. F. Grady the past year, has been employed at an orphanage at Black Mountain for the summer. Mr. Morris Maxwell, with the General Electric Co. in Cincinnati, Ohio spent several days last week with the H. D. Maxwells and other relatives. Mrs. Waiter Godwin and children of Wilmington were week end guests of the H. D. Maxwells. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Turner and daughter spent several days last week at Morehead. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith and Mrs. Sallie Westbrook were in Ral eigh for the week end to attend commencement exercises at N. C. State College. Their nephew and grandson, Jemus J. Smith, Jr. of Hillsboro received his diploma. - Miss Ida McLean Black, a re turned missionary from Africa, is spending some time with her sis ter, Mrs. N. P. Farrior and Mr. Farrior. Maddox, from Seven Springs; and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maddox, Jr., Miss Mary Anne Maddox, and Miss Eva Deaton, from Thomasville, spent a delightful weewk at the beach swimming, fishing, picn icing and sight-seeing. ' Mr. Houston Maddox is return ing to Thomasville where he will spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maddox, Jr. Miss Mildred Maddox is to visit Miss Thelma Dilday at her home In Ahoskle foe a week and will then go to Excelsior, Minn, where she will spend a month with her college roommate, Miss Barbara' jane Mayhew. : FHA Goes To The B. F. Grady FHA girls car ried on 'Home Project' while va cationing at Kure, Carolina, and Wrightsvllle Beaches under the su pervision of their teacher, Miss Thelma Dilday, and their Chapter Mother, Mrs. Warren Maxwell. Those girls participating were the Misses Jewel Ann Shepherd, Joyce Maxwell, Georgia Lee Rouse, Nan cy Carol Holt. Miss Emma Jean Smith joined the party for the week end. minister of Pink Hill in charge. Burial was In the Turner cemetery near Maxwell's MilL Surviving are elgkft daughters, Mrs. Pickett Cham bers, Mrs. Garland Whitman, Mrs. John Bryant, of Kenansville, Mrs. W. T. Ferrell of Durham, Mrs. Lee Dudley, Mrs. Will Herring of the home community, Mrs. Bennie Her-" ring of Rose Hill and Mrs. Roy Wall of Noble Mill In Lenoir county; one son, Johnny Miller; one brother, Joe Ball of Hargett's Crossroads in Jones county; two sisters, Mrs. Lucy Jones of Kinston and Mrs. Matt Murphy of Jones county. B. Hudler, deceased. Beulaville North Carolina. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. 7-23-tt. State College Answers Timely Maddox Family Gather At Beach During the first week In June the Maddox family had a reunion at Mrs. Audrey Alphin Butler's cottage at Kure Beach. Mr. and ..Mrs. D. W. Maddox. Sr.. Miss Mil dred Maddox, and Mr. Houston The girls bad their own private apartment at Mrs. Audrey Butler's cottage at Kure Beach. They did their planning, cooking, and house keeping under regulations. They applied in ' a practical way the knowledge acquired : during their winter Home Economics course. Some of their discussion and ex perience Included house-keeping, gardening, painting, social graces, and wholesome sports like swim ming, fishing, bowling, and sight seeing. One of' the highlights was a weiner roast picnic Saturday even ing. On Sunday morning they visited the Kure Beach Memorial Church and the Baptist Assembly grounds before returning to their homes in Duplin County. Mrs. U. B.Miller Mrs; Nannie Ball Miller, 74,. died at her home Saturday evening af her suffering a stroke of paralysis. Funeral services were held from the home of her son Johnny Miller Monday at 3 p.m. with the Rev. W. S. Watkins, Pentecostal Holiness toooooooooootoooooooooooo O.V-'? O O rtAII'T lift IT I BEAT THE O . m wmm n O lUM I If All! O . HIGH COST OF J: : : Your Credit is Easy to Check When you pay by check on time you estaoiisn tne oesi possible credit wherever you deal, And that's an asset to - anyone. It's so easy to pay bills by check and maintain your balance, with the added advantage of our check-by-mail service. Drop in today open your account and be a credit to yourself! First-Citizens Bank And Trust Company SERVING DUPLIN COUNTY -J FE051 PINK HILL O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o . o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Buildings 3-4-5-6 ROOM HOUSES IN SECTIONS THAT ARE VERY EASY TO ERECT. DRIVE OUT TODAY AND SEE ONE ON DISPLAY. We Also Have 20 X 33 Building $215.00 20 X 50 Building 295.00 20 X 60 Building 195.00 20 X72 Building 215.00 20 X 100 450.00 26 X 45 Day Room 600.00 ALL-ABOVE BUILDINGS CAN BE TAKEN DOWN IN SECTIONS AND RE-ERECTED. MILLIONS Of Feet Of Good Used Yellow Pine Lumber Well Seasoned, Bright And Free FROM Nails ... $60.00 M German Siding 4...:: 80.00 M New 90 lb Slate Roll Roofing $2.35 per roll New 3 In 1 Asphalt Shingles 5.95 per ba. PLUMBING, HEATING TANKS, BOILERS, ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, PIPE AND FITTINGS, CELLO-SIDING, INSULATION BOARD, SINKS, AND 100 OTHER ITEMS. Cleveland WRECKING COMPANY Camp Davis .' Holly Ridge, N. C. HALF WAY BETWEEN JACKSONVILLE AND WILMINGTON R If GATE 27 P. O. Box 814 Phone 201 Salesman On Premises Monday , Through. Saturday 800 To 5:00 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ( Southern Farm Market Summary Southern livestock prices again moved upward this week with cat tle gaining SO cents to $1 and hogs., as much as 75 cents, and spring lambs to $1. - Good fed steers and heifers were up to $30.50 in the taj-state area Common grades ranged at $17.50 to $24; feeder steers brought $26 and medium stockers, $18 to $25. Hog prices moved higher with 180 to 24D pound butcher hogs bringing $22.50 to $25.75. Demand for live poultry brought accelerated marketing activity and prices for fryers advanced to 2 cents a pound. Top quality eggs sold firm, with lower grades about steady. Watermelons, peaches and can taloupes took the spotlight in sou theastern fruit and vegetable mar kets this week. Cotton priees drifted lower in the ten spot markets. At the close Friday average price for Middling 15-16-inch cotton was 37.09 as com pared with 37.28 a week earlier. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having quali fied as Administrator of the es tate of George B. Hudler, deceased, and having qualified before the, Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County on the 2nd day of June, 1948, this is to notify all persons who have claims against the said estate to present their claims to the undersigned Administrator on or before the 10th day June, 1949, or this notice will ba plead in bar to their recovery. All persons who are indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 10th day of June, 1948. S A. Smith, Administrator of the estate of George Q. What is the best type of to bacco barn construction? A. A new 24-page bulletin on "Flue-Cured Tobacco Barn Con struction" has just been released by the State College Extension Service and is available free upon request to the Agricultural Editor, State College Station, Raleigh. Q. When should lime be applied to pastures? A. Any time you can get on the field with the spreader. Q. Is the mulching of new pas ture seedings advisable? A. Yes. Spreading a small amount of manure or straw per acre is valuable in protecting new seedings. Q. Where can I obtain informa tion on termite control in houses? A. Write your Congressman or the U. S. Department of Agricul ture, Washington 25, D. C. and ask for Farmers' Bulletin 1933, "Decay and Termite Damage in Houses". Is VCUIIC Graduate Miss Grace Quinn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theron B. Quinn of Beulaville has arrived home from Greensboro to spend the summer with her parents. Miss Quinn was , member of the 1948 graduating class of WCUNC, having success fully completed a four year course In the commercial department Her' sister, Miss Faye Quinn, also a stu- -dent there, has returned to Greens boro after several days visit here. Sh3 and Miss Nell Quinn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Quinn,. who accompanied her, have enrolled In , summer school for continued study. We Are Now Taking Orders For FLUES and FLUE REPAIR PARTS We Deliver To Your Farm Order Now! Seven Springs Supply Company Seven Springs, North CaroHnw "TO KENANSVILLE AND DUPLIN COUNTY ON THEIR NEW AUTOMOBILE ENTERPRISE 0 (mm Desoto-Plymouth DEALERS FOR DUPLIN WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE WILL FINANCE YOUR PURCHASE OR TRADE Commercial Credit Co. . INDUSTRIAL FINANCING 119 & GORDAN ST. L i , t ... 1 KINSTON, N. C.