. .j ... ." . i. . . tWiT. ilVti lil IN! iMu Yd iTfhrwrr 1 VOLUME NUMBER Faison Sicres Entered rJonday islit Esc:?3d Convict CrptedJiii Day State Patrolmen, stationed in Du plin County, aided by County offi cers, community officers, officers of adjoining county of Wayne and additional State men have captured one escaped convict, recovered a lot of stolen .merchandise, one un locked safe, and are on the trail of a second escaped convict. It all began Tuesday morning .about 2:30, on the Wayne-Duplin line about one mile south of Mt. Olive on U. S. 117, where Patrol- man J. A. McColman of Warsaw, E. W. Whitaker of Mt Olive, L. M. Harden of Kenansvllle and Inspec tor J. A. Lenon of Wilmington were operating a truck weighing station. , ; . A 1947 Studebaker pick-up truck was flagged down. A few hundred feet from the station It stopped on the roadside. Patrolman McCol man approached the truck and two men jumped from the truck and ran. The officer fired at them five timrfB as they made their escape East, across th Coast Line railroad. On searching the truck they found a large amount of merchandise, including T-shirts, tants, shoes and under clothing that had been stolen from George Joseph's department store in Faison earlier in the night All merchandise was recovered and the store owner said there was no money in the safe. Officers immediately contacted Sheriff Ralph Jones in Warsaw who put his blood hounds on the trail. They followed the trail until about 7:30 when it was lost Other ofiicers Joining and as sisting In the bunt were Cpl. Alex ander nd Patrolman Joe Hsrrel son of Golds boro, Mt Olive police chief Joe Johnson and policeman ' K. M. Nickouon, Faison police chief Murray ;Byrd and, Wayne County, Deputy Boy Percise. SSI agent James F. Bradshaw of Burgaw was called in for finger print work. : Later la the morning Ed Herring of Calypso reported the escaped convict had been seen on his farm and a little later a Negro tenant on the farm of Johnny Albritton of Calypso reported a strange Negro bad been seen in the tobacco patch on Mr. Albritton's farm. CpJL Provo of Wallace, who bad joined the search and Patrolman McCol man approached the tobacco patch from opposite directions and came upon'the Negro asleep in the edge of the field. Bis rifle was propped against a tree. After disarming him they awakened him - and placed him under arrest He was brought to Kenansvllle and jailed. The Negro gave his name as Eddie Moore,' escaped convict of Greens boro and admitted stealing the truck which belonged to the North State Hatcheries of Greensboro, Be named his accomplice as Joej5mith also an escaped convict of Greens boro. Smith had not been' appre hended at this writing on Wednes day. Moore said he was pulling a ten year term. He Is now charged with breaking and entering and larceny. He denied the Faison rob- . bery. The Joseph store was' entered through a back window. During the sight another store in Faison belonging to a Mr. Brewer was also entered but nothing was reported missing.. Japanese Beetle ) Traps Placed In, Around Here v Japanese Beetle traps have "been posted, in msny places in and a round Kenansvllle. The beetles : which have so heavily infested the Calypso-Mt Olive area seem to be spreading out In this section. If you see a strange looking object perched atop a steel rod on your place don't get alarmed, and don't disturb it It Is to disturb the beetles. Elccdsche : What with all the strange re- . quests the State Advertising -Div ision receives daily, asking for what-nots to where a place a cou ple can get married without all the "red tape", the Inquiry elerkj couldn't help hiving a soft place In her heart to day for the oon- Btdete Individual from Troy, Ala, . VWCoi't co-"-t, Bor1 with his re- v i Oft t - SIXTEEN Duplin County Girl Wins Regional Award For College Scholarship flippy illill $ - . 1 w -: v -; MOLLIE ANNE BONET ' ," Chicago Miss Mollle Anne Bo- ney, Wallace, N. C, is one. of tlx regional winners of a Parshad Na tional Youth Week coUege scholar ship award, it was announced here by Miss Helen Spaulding, associate secretary of the United Christian Youth Movement Miss Boney, who has been a stu dent at the Wallace High School and will enter Peace College and Assembly Training School this fall, will receive $250 a year for the f our years of iier college course. The award will be made by the donor, Methodist industrialist 'Al fred H. Avery of, Maiden, Mass, at the Christian Youtlr Conference of ain Polio has struck in Duplin! For the past several weeks mothers all over the county nave been appre hensively listening for the first re port and wondering if it would be in their neighborhood. L Sunday, June 27, little Alice Mae Howard, 9 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Howard was carried to the James Walker Hospi-1 ..1 i urn : . i . . tal in Wilmington suffering from a suspicioned case of Polio. Tuesday Hubert E. Phillips received the fol lowing telegram from E. W. Grubbs, Comptroller of the James Walker Hospital: Admitted 6-27-48 Baby Alice Mae Howard, Rt. 2, Kenansvllle; age 9 months; race, white; Diagno sis, Polio, Father, John A. Howard." The Howards rive on the farm of Monday, July 5th Is Polio Strikes Ag County Commissioners Meet Tuesday Monday, July 5th, will be a holi day for some since July 4tiT falls on Sunday this year. County court will convene as usual and all court house offices will be open but the Board .' of County Coinrrissioneis will not' convene until Tuesday. Members pointed out that the Board would me it Monday s usual ex cept for the fact there are certain duties to be performed that can Tvo Arrested For Robbery, Forgery; Skipping Hotel Bill John (Buster) Pope of Kenans vllle and Johnny Cottle of Turkey are out under bond after having beep arrested in Turkey and Wil mington respectively on charges of skipping a hotel bill in Wilmington, robbery at Carolina Beach and forg ing checks on Claude Scott of Dup- . Pope was arrested la Wilmington while Cottle was arrested in Turkey by ofioer Thomas Rogers of War saw. Following their trials In New Hanover for robbery and hotel bills they will be brer ""it to Duplin on c' nr--s cf r" "- -y. They are KENANSVILLE, NORTH North America, which will bring 5,000 Protestant young people to Grand Rapids, Mich., .Aug. 31 -Sept. 5. A member of the Wallace Presby terian Church, Miss Boney plans to prepare for work in religious education. She has been president of the youth fellowship of her local ehurch and has been active in denomina tional youth work, including be ing president of the Presbytery Youth Fellowship and a member of the Synod CounoiL She has attended four youth conferences, three synod leader ship schools, and two Assembly leadership schools. . Miss Boney helped to organize the Christian Youth Council of Wallace and was its first president j She is now secretary of this inter denominational youth group. Ranking in the upper 10 per cent of her high school class, Miss Bo ney was president of her senior class, editor of her school news paper, and participated in music, dramatics, and clubs. "Our responsibilities as Christ ian youth of today are to be truly Christian in our every word, thought, and deed, to pattern our lives after the Master, and to serve Him with the best that is in us in our personal lives, in our homes, in our churches and in our local and world communities - indeed in our every walk of life, for e-very action truly has its effect on our contmunlties," Miss Boney saldjtn her essay.. ' '"'' ' " In Dopiin County Eddie Grady in the Wesley neigh borhood . Reports here are that White Lake has closed due to the epidemic. Re ports from James Walker Hospital Wednesday say ten children have been admitted and diagnosed as Polio. The hospital has set aside a special ward for polio cases in an- ' ticipation of an epidemic and ad- .... , . i 1. . 1 , ditional equipment and help is be- i'ig added. The special was made pofsible tnrough donations front Duplin and adjoining counties, it was said. Parents are urged to take all precautions and not to expose their children unnecessarily. The Howard baby is reportedly the first case of known Polio in Du plin in two years. Legal Holiday; Board not be handled on a legal holiday, and Monday has been proclaimed a legal holiday. The Board will meet in regular session on Tuesday. Some of the merchants in Du plin will be closed Monday but the Times does not have sufficient in formation to advise as to all of the towns. It la reported that stores in Warsaw, will b closed while those in Kenansvllle will remain, open: Phew It's Hot! Crops Are Growing The heat wav continues In Dup lin. Last week brought the- hottest June weather here in' several years, and it is continuing. When some relief will come is unknown. One person in Kenansvllle reported a thermometer reading at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning of 112 degrees. The thermometer was hanging di rectly in the sun. Postmaster Walter Bridgers of Warsaw reports the thermometer on his desk Tuesday afternoon registered a high, of 108. - The hot weather seems, to beJ agreeing with crops. Crops sjenor- ally are looking good and tobacco housing Is beginning to move Into igh gear. By the first of next week all t -tjacco growers In Di'ra will lis I . ' z t r.rro. CAROLINA NEXT GOVERNOR W. Kerr Scott of Alamance I County, who will succeed Governor R. Gregg Cherry in the Governor's W. Kerr Scott of Alamance County, former Commissioner of Agriculture in North Carolina, de feated State Treasurer Chas. M. Johnson of Pender County in a run off Primary for Governor of North Carolina taetantanlay. Nomination in tjur Democratio Primary in this State is tantamount, to eleetion. Scott carried over 34 per cent of the counties and-defeated Johnson by nearly 404)00 votes. In the first Primary Scott trailed Johnson by nearly 9,000 votes. Duplin Voting Johnson carried Duplin County by 789 votes after leading Scott better than two-to-one in the first Primary. The final Count Was, Johnson, 3422 and Scott, 2633. The vote by Precincts was as fol lows: - J 1 Exterminating Company Opens Here. Yore Exterminating Company, with main offices in Goldsboro, op- A n ,.CC. : ir 1 1 1 ik:n ened an office in Kenansvllle this wcek. The business, is specializing in fly and insect control. They also specialize in termite and tree in sect control. Their place of busi ness is in tae old Post Office build ing across from the Court House in Kenansvllle, Mr. J. H. Perkins, local manager, is originally from Goldsboro. He and bis wife have moved in the apartment at Mrs. Emma Qulnn's. See their ad on another page l this issue. Testing Lane Open Here George Henry Best, supervisor of the State Automobile Testing Lane, has moved his equipment to Kenans ville and is now set up at the usual place in the southern end of ' Here you see Charlie and Edwin Sheffield, proprieta of; tfee Shef field ITator Co-rany la V v FRIDAY, NORTH CAROLINA office in Raleigh next year. Scott defeated State Treasurer dhas. M. Johnson for the job. Kenansvllle - Johnson, 292; Scott 260. Charity - Johnson, 79; Scott, 36. Calypso - Johnson, 88; Scott 44. Chinquapin Johnson, 223; Scott, 47. Cypress Creek - Johnson, 174; Scott, 57. Cedar Fork - John son, 100; Scott, 71. Rose Hill - John son, 210; Scott. 103; Glisson - John son, 24; Scott, 203. Magnolia - John son, 279; Scott 42. Wolfescrape -Johnson. 16; Scott 372. HallsvUIe -Johnson, 231; Scott, 56. Smith -Johnson, 134; Scott, 10. Warsaw -Johnson, 319; Scott, 269. Albertson - Johnson, 30; Scott 237. Beulaville - Johnson, 257; Scott, 432. Cabin -Johnson, 91; Scott, 80. Wallace -Johnson, 487; Scott, 143. Locklin -Johnson 47; Scott,-16. Rockfish -Johnson, 169; Scott, S. Faison -Johnson, 122; Seott, 154. town. Mr. Best urges all car and truck owners to have their cars in spected immediately. The law re quires this be done. During July he will operate the lane in Kenans vllle, Warsaw, Faison,' Mt. Olive and Wallace. The following schedule is given: Kenansviile, Jul 1st through 5th, (Saturday morning only). Warsaw, July 7 through 10th. Faison, July 13 through 15. Mt Olive, July 17 through 22. Wallace, August 10 through 12. Education Com. Sets Opening Dates For County Schools Superintendent O. P. Johnson announced this week the opening date for schools in Duplin. The new 1949 Ford in front of their gra?e in Warsaw. The Sheffield t:' """rs have, one tt tve rost at- JULY 2nd. 1948 Clabber Girls Go On Man Sprinkled Lye water seems to be growing in popularity in the southern edge of Duplin County when family brawls wind up in assaults with intent to kill among some of the colored sets. , " Last Sunday four colored wo men, Georgia, Mattie Lee, Annie Frances and Beatrice Clabber ap proached the home of Frank Wil liams, colored, in Rockfish town ship, dead-set on making away with Frank, according to 'officers. It seems the dispute between them began on the previous Saturday. As they approached Frank'" door he grabbed his gun to head them off. They were carrying a rake, hoe, knife, and water in which lye had been disolved. One threw the lye water at Frank, striking him on the arm. The water hit the side 13 Year Old Summerlins X-Roads Boy Found Dead; Hung With Rope Tuesday Ihomas Summerlin, Jr., age 13. was found dead, hanging by a rope, in the second story of his father's packhouse Tuesday afternoon. Cor oner Sitterson was called and rulecn death by suicide. No inquest was held. Young Summerlin, one of two children of Mr. and Mrs. James Summerlin, of the Summerlin Cross roads section, was found in the packbarn late in the afternoon after his parents returned home and found him missing. According to information reeel- ved Wednesday morning Mrs. Sum- merlin went to Mt. Olive soon after dinner on Tuesday and the boy's father went to the tobacco field to top and sucker tobacco. He 'told bis son, James, to ge into the pack house and move some corn to make a place to store tobacco. Later in the afternoon be returned to the house but did not see James. Re - calling James bad remarked about going to a nearby fishpond he as sumed that was bis whereabouts and returned to the tobacco field. Later in the afternoon when the Lost Colony Production Is Built Up Around Greatest Of Paul Green Drama Goes Into Its Eighth Big Season This Year On Roanoke Island By AYCOCK BROWN Manteo When Pulitizer Prize Vinner Paul Green wrote "The Lost Colony, he used as a basis for material the recorded facts sur rounding one of the greatest mys tery romances of all times. Imme diately upon its presentation here at The Waterside Theatre in 1937, the drama became a tremendous hit and through popular demand it has been shown each year since dates were set by the Board of Education and the schools may ac cept either date. The two opending and closing dates are: open, August, 19; close, May 6. or open, August 26; close May 13. Two weeks will be allow ed for Christmas holidays and two lays for Tt anksgivtng. In this section. The Service De partment is number one in every respect They server any wake etc.-. : -nyr i No. 27 Rampage; Negro With Lye Water- of the house and seme splashed back and hit Mattie Lee in the face. Frank's arm was seriously , burned and Mattie suffered still more serious burns on her face. They were arrested and given a hearing before Magistrate C. B. Sitterson in Kenansvllle Monday on charges of assault with deadly weapon, with intent to kill, maim and injure with lye water. Each of the Clabbers were indicted sepa rately on the same charge. They were bound over to county court under bends ranging from $200 to $500. In the final culmination of the hearings a warrant was sworn out against Mattie Lee for throwing lye water, however, evidence show ed she had gone to a nearby store to call for officers. family returned home they missed James and began searching for him. They found him in the packhouse, on the second floor, hanging by a rope. Apparently he was dead at the time. A rope had been thrown over a joist, one end tied around his neck, the other tied to a post A handkerchief had been wrapped around the rope where it was tied about his neck. The boy's knees were on the floor. The packhouse was extremely hot and the window ventilator on the second floor was closed. They immediately rushed j him to a Mt Olive doctor where he was pronounced dead. The-family doubt that it was suicide. The rope, made of cotton and hemp, was a play rope -young James had owned for some time. He liked to play cowboy and it is thought that he was playing in the nackhouse and probably fainted. 1 His neck was not broken, it was said. Funeral arrangements had not been made at this writing. He is survived by his parents and one sister, Janice. its premiere - except during the war period, 1942-45. The Lost Colony opens for its eighth season here la Manteo on July 1 at 8:15 o'clock and will con tinue Wednesdays throuen Sun days until and including LaUbr Day September 6. Samuel Selden, who has directed the show since its pre miere has been busy for several weeks. Manager John Parker has the task of .operating the business end of the production. The company is made up of 237 persona, more , than any other outdoor production presented for such a long period in this country. Those who see The Lost Colony are witnessing a show that is built around the beginning of this great English-speaking nation. - Specifi cally the show is woven around the following historical facts: After the exploration of Roanoke Island and the adjacent coast by Captains Philip Amadas and Ar thur Barlowe in 1584 for Sir Wal ter Raleigh, three attempts were made to establish and English foot hold in the island in furtherance of Raleigh's chatter from Queea Elizabeth. Six Richard Greenville brought a colony of 108 persons to the Is land in 1585. After building a fort and houses, this group returned to England with Sir Frances Drake in 1586. Greenville left a second party of 15 men on the Island in that same year to hold the country for Queen Elizabeth. Apparently these .15 men were soon killed by the Indians. The ill-etarred "Lost Colony", under John White as Gov ernor, arrived in 1587. Virginia Dare was born on the Island in August of 1587. White returned to F.nglanrt for supplies, but beceuse of the Spanish Armada attack on England, relief could -not be sent -Immediately. When White returned to Roanoke Island, the coloaists had all disappeared.' The only clue to their whereabouts was the word "Croatrn" carved on A tree or post at the ettlemenV site wEVe the houses had bfpa takes, C ' i rn4