AliiS. STACY iiitilT WAtsiir editox Adeanrfatfea Atmt Adfartiata Settcltar Dial 293-6 Please Call In Your News. Murray -Gunler HJm Emma Grace Murray, dau ghter ot Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Mlrray of EL 1. Warsaw, and Mr. ' Ernest L Gunter. ton of Mrs. S. ; C. Gunler and the late Mr. Gunler j .' of Luearaa, were married Sunday, j - June 12, ib, at lour o cwc in tae .; afternoon m a candlelight cere mony in the War Baptist par sonage with the bride's pastor. Rev. Gi Van Stephens officiating. The living room and hall were beautifully decorated with white gladioli and gardeoUs. The bride i ore for her wedding - blue street dre-ss and hat with which the ued white accessories. Her corsage was of orchids. Mrs. Gunler i a graduate of the Warsaw High School and East Caro Una Teacher Coilege. Since grad uation she baa taught in the Lu- , earna Schools. I Mr Runtcr us a graduate of War- I aw High School and the Atlantic I Christian CoLtge. lie holds a posi tion with the Kxport Leaf Tobacco Company in WiIaoh. 'the bride and groom will make their home in Liicama. Out ol town guests for the wed ding were Mn. S. G. Gunter, Mr. and llrv Ij. L. Gunter, Misses Nell and Agnes GunUrr of Lucama; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Helm and Miss Nan cy Helm of Rocky Mount. Little Brad Minshew, son of Mr. and Mr. Belton Minshew cel ebrated his 3rd birthday Thursday afternoon by entertaining about 45 friends at his borne. Games and contests were enjoyed on the lawn. Throughout the afternoon lemon ade was served and at the conclu sion a beautiful three tiered cake was cut and served with potato chilis and ice cream by Mesdiimes Mutsbew, forrcht Martin and A J. Strickland. for P0rchtVeckt floor) and Concrew and Out Inside Quick Drying LUXURY PORCH AND DECK ONI COAT COVERS! ALL FLOORS tin wMi aOtii Century Itoyr SYNTHinC tUXUat tMAMIt -far I bar, leu, taMek fliiMi woes, cement, mvi, kM, ene anpetttles (lean. HlflMllhf m ,'. n4ln lawr lMlh krtlllMca, It eatrame eUtttcMr, sad leas wear. Wttwpreef, mUmmmMsM, m4 eVele. WONIV IACI OAtAlim .' ' W. f aaraatte that IvXIiRV v IMAM It r1H aet ai, seal, art, er m a e fur weeey rtnp M rtfimdad hi Mil Wswttkcnfyl Quantity C:-:.b SL-;:!y Co. 3 yW tjpwwrviurttJ PEPPER WAS ONCE SO PZECIOUS THATALAR.IC, COTHIC BESIEGER OFROME, (403 A.P.) DEMANDEP . J,000 POUNDS OT IT A AS PART or THE CITYS V RANSOM. ALTHOUGH FRUGAL EATERS, A NCI ENT EGYPTIANS SPREAD LAVISH FEASTS IN TOMBS, THINKING THUSTO NOURISH THE GHOSTS OF THEIR DEAD. Standi - Cosfin In a simple and quiet, but lovely, ceremony liiss Estelle SUncil, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Standi of near Warsaw, was wed to Mr. Xath an Costin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Costin of Warsaw at 4 o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, June 25, In the Friendship church, near( Warsaw, witn tne pastor, me nev. John Cl'Jie of Kena,isville, officia ting and using the double ring rit ual sarvice. The church was decorated with pines, white gladioli and branched candelabra, holding burning cath edral tapers. Nuptial vows were fpoken before an arch entwined with southern smilax and dablies. Before the ceremony Miss Mae Brock, pianist, presented a pro gram of wedding music. Her sel vCX1 A & P STORES ( ' ) Will Be Closed ALL DAY MONDAY, JULY 5th "" pkg. Nectar Tea 53c Sandwich or Home Style lVztb loaf Marvel Bread 18c Cutright Wax ' 125 ft. roll Paper 21c Pick 0' Carolina Sweet Mixed 16 oz. hot. Pickles 15c ANN Page pt. jar Mayonnaise 45c ANN PAGE Peach lib jar Preserves 23c Mild American In Cheese 59c ANN PAGE Salad Style 9 oz. jar Mustard 10c Packer's Label Standard pack. 2 No. 2 cans Tomatoes 27c Armour's Corned 12 oz. can Beef 49c Sunnyfield 10 lb bag Flour 80c Thick lb , Fat Back 25c , FRESH VEGETABLES DAILY' KINS SOLOMON KEPT LEVEN TRAVELLING STEWARDS', TO SPY OUT NEW PISHES , FORHISTOQJVIVES. M ANCIENT ASSYRIA, S POO YEARS AGO, SEER. WAS VALUED ' HIGHLY ASA MEDI-; ' ONE, TO INDUCE ' RELAXATION, f i AMiar ection included "Simple Confess ion", "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life", "An Old Irish Melody". Mrs. Joyce Burton, solist, sang "O Promise Me," and during the ceremony Miss Brock played McDowell's "To A Wild Rose." Ushers were Joe Lee Costin, bro thher of the groom, and W. C. Martin. Miss Sarah Gaylor, maid of hon or, was the only attendant and wore a nu-green taffeta suit and carried a nosegay of red and white carna tions. To the strains of Wagner's "Bri dal Chorus" from Lohengrin, the bride and groom entered the church together. The bride wore a sumsner white suit with which she used brown and white accessories and carried a white prayer book, top ped with a purple orchid and show ered with stepbanotis and ribbons. After a wedding trip and upon JOT. - -,cT- their return they will be at basse i in Warsaw. I Mrs. Costin graduated from Use' Warsaw High School with the 194S Class and is employed with the Company. Mr. Costin. also a Warsaw gradu ate, is in the produce and trucking business here. Freemans Move To Durham Dr. and "Mrs IV. H. Freeman moved Tuesday to Durham where he will do special graduate study in surgery at Watts Hospital. He haf been affiii'.i with Dr. J. W. Straughan m.v.. bw return from the Navy, and bis family has re sided In the Cairo Apartments. Attend Court Of Honor The following Boy Scouts, their parents and friends attended the Court of Honor i.t Camp Tuscarora Saturday night: G.-aham Phillips, Jr., Thomas Rogers, Jr., Eddie Britt, Jean Thompson, Jr., William Snipes, Nelson Bt-si, Rona!d and Jerry West, Joe Wet. Charles and Gerald Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Britt, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Tbel Snipes, Barbara Thompson, Henry West, Huitn and Anne West, Jo Anne and Betty Britt. Johnny Jenkins, anc gut-u; Betty and Lil lie Mae Phii!i;j'. Eddie Cobb, and Mrs. West. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Best of Rt 2, Warsaw announce the birth of a son. Friday. June 25, 1948, at Goldsboro Hospital. , Personals 1lr. and Mrs. ' A. Kackley spent last week at Carolina Beacb in the Hines Cottage. Mr. and .Mrs. Tliomas Rogers were Sunday guests or her broth ers and sister, near Raeford. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Gatlin og Tarboro were week end guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Best. Mrs. Walter Carter returned from visiting in Oxford and Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garner and lamily and houseguests Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sewell and children of Midway, Ala. have returned from Carolina Beach where they spent week in the Strickland Cottage. Mrs. J. B. Quinn had as guests last week her children Miss Bessie Quinn of Wilson, Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Quinn of Columbia, S. C. and Mrs. L. H. Brown of Wallace. J. C .Robinson of Edenton for merly of Warsaw was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Huie. Fred Gaylor Jr. of Wilmington visited his parents Sunday. Mibs Nell Corbett of Raleigh was the week end guest of Miss Hannah Prldgen. Mr. and Mrs. Franeis Oakes and Mrs. Sula Drew were called to Raleigh this week on account of the death of Harvey Ohmer of State College Faculty. Mr. Ohmer was the husband of the former Miss Helen Taylor of Faison, cousin of Mrs. Oakes and niece of Mrs. Drew. Her mother Mrs. Kate Taylor re sides in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Minshew vis ited their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Minshew In Fremont Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Blackmore of Wilmington were guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Blackmore and Miss Janle Blackmore. Uncle Sam Says How about makinc Flag Day this rear Security Day for roa and your famllyT The two obaervaaeea (o hand hi hand because your curlly fci In separable from the country's Secur ity. What ever you db for your' own future good, such as buyhfi; United States Savings fronds regularly through the payroll savhifs plan here you work, helps to stabilize Imerics'i economy. Help keep Old Glory flying over the land ef the free and the home ef the brave for your children and renr c " Ireu's efc " 'q, J's'.v V S Trtanry Dtparimnt -III ,'-n-''' ms HOW maay times you're heard theae words whea tho brilliant cummer aaa sends the thuiaiotuetcr aky-lugh: -Ob. I ddut ear what I at Just soaks ft oatethhut eooL" I But. ot coarse, those words caa only be taken at face value, for summer appetites are Sasdcky and fickle things and really require a itot of pampering, aaa rauis you may feel taat you neeu a imub pw Bering, too. Nancy Holmes of the kitchens sut gests this delicious nan Mai to neip solve your mena problems Summer Ham Loaf I tablespomd tabteMMMw , - U cub eoM irtr 1 lnbleMwn I ma Kot boolltoa mince omim u cup real mayoanaise . mronaia w cop ncai i iruuronaatse . H cap heavy I creaai i I tafclespoeo w I aiutard-irUh ! 14 cap ehupf4 turret piU S cuiw nnely . hxm boracnawa I rhopid Parsley piniiato Sottea gelatin In cold water.-dudd bouillon and stir nntU dlsaolvedf Cool slightly and add real mayon tiaise. Combine sweet "pickle. chop ped ham. pimleoto. parsley and onion. Fold Into mayonnaise mix ture. Pack In 6x Inch loaf paa which has been rinsed to cold water. Chill until firm. TJnmold on salad greens on chop plate. Whip cream until stiff, fold in real mayonnaise and mustard-wlth-borseradlsh. Just before serving, spoon musttrd-with. horseradish mixture in a diagonal strip across loaf and garnish with sprUs of parsley. Yield: generous servings. 'iMiwra w . m, -rxA Mrs. L A .Brown and ;u. sons of Kinston were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Britt. Mrs. Jennie McGowan returned to her home in Richmond, Va. after a visit with her cousin, Mrs. O. H. Best. Misses NelL Maggie and Sallie Bowden are spending the week in the Hines Cottage at Carolina Beach. Rev. Johnny Wellons of Micro was the Sunday guest of Mrs. Fred Galor. Mrs. Charlie Murray is still a patient at James Walker Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaylor and Miss Sarah Gaylor left Thursday for a ten day vacation tour to Sa vannah and Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Finn Lee attended a Theatre managers meeting at Myrtle Beach last week. Mrs. Walter Blackburn visited her family in Goldsboro Thursday. Yore EXTERMINATING Company, Inc. WE ARE SPECIALIZING IN FLY AND MOS QUITO CONTROL AT THIS TIME. WE ARE OFFERING VERY REASONABLE RATES FOR EIGHT WEEKS STARTING MONDAY, THE 21st DAY OF JUNE THROUGH THE 16th DAY OF AUGUST. Let Us Survey Your Home y Eliminate These Pests PLEASE CONTACT US OFFICE BUILDING IN KENANSVILLE. WeGuarahtee YOUR HOME TO BE FREE FROM FLIES ; DURING THE FLY SEASON. WE ALSO EXTERMINATE TERMITES, COCK ROACHES, AND RATS. Miss G:reFc::J Mitt mnrowif (Onto, HI, jei ifiemjy wMlc jiiJifrtp IHhwsaay avihA at me toarof iher roophew, A W. Gwe atom- W-ttn&w. She was ts&- mnwl Priiiu?' VMumimg nd St is ttSKwc!M she ihui jfustt jtassed may.. Fauncra!! wvieeti were wM art lib bome Saiiwrda?' 4fMaini aft Bmriall w'-ss tin llihe Gxn tdanuljy en- etarj; avear Ci HMnue. !Sbe as sair- Mrs. Sallie Merrill Mrs. Sulltf MulMs Jttenrid. CS, wife ti Jdhn MramM Bite tatt her home in Wursnw Tb-Mraditj- aftter noon. June 24. aitilier a liwgeruig illness ni A-baat fi jais. Funeral srviops were brM Friday aRernoou at the to ( 'rue ai -4 o"cHoclk with burial in Pioewwa CMney. In addi tiimn to her bndiand she is Mrs. N. H. Carter Dies In Wallace Mrs. Newton Hill Carter, 77, died PLAT SAFE! With a MODEL ."A SUPER Stop Fire Before It Gets A Start. PROTECT YOCR BOMB HOW! The MoC 1 "A" SUPER Fyr-Fyter is recommend ed for home use. It Is light in weight and can easily be operated by a woman or child. Yea mereW tun the handle and pump. A few strokes will shoot a steady con tinuous stream 20 to 25 feet of fire-killing fluid direct on the fire. It will snuff out Gasoline, OIL Greases, Electric and all classes oi fires in stantly. The 1 qt, size contains enough liquid to fill a large room with fire killing vapor. Th- luid in the Model "A" Super will not liarm the most delicate fab rics. Will damage nothing but fire. THE NEW INSTANT As ibt.oamatnuks the IKBTANT ex tinguisher snuffs out tires instantly. Fireproofs material to retard rekind ling. Just the thug for that everithreit ening tobacco barn fire. Farmers don't put. off;, until too late to get facts about this amazing new type Fyr-Fyter Approved as stand ard A-l; B-2; unit by National Board of Fire Underwrit ers. PLAY SAFE! E. J. NAZELROD, Dealer Box 351, KenansvUle, N. C. AT THE OLD POST ; - w Deed In Bed i vited by one brMr, tUmry Gore of Warsaw and a mmtwr si nieces and nephfas. The d-'as'4 writiy uffred am illrifw td ttwmiw- after recver0g gm ws stmlim with paaummm tot li4 fwmtr4. She up fftimog a'iVrWd Vfatndty. She tow4 m M ttfftsvts turn, th Jwat Timf$4w.- Buried In Warsaw survived ly three dugbtf, Mrs. Lester Brown, Mrs. Lee Tucker, both of Warsaw and Mrs. George Wade of Goldsboro; four sons, J. A.: BiL Ralph and Hubert Merritt all of Warsaw; and a number of grandchildren: four brothers and one sister. at her home in Wallace Saturday morning after several weeks of ill ness. Funeral services were held at the Wallace Presbyterian Church at 3:90 Sunday afternoon with the pastor, Rev. W. B. Hood officiating. Burial was in Rockfish cemetery. She was the widow of N. H. Carter. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. WUlard Hoffler of Wallace; four sons, W. J., and H JC. of Gseensboro and A. H, and Roy of Wallace; one sister, Mrs. Annie F. Carr of Wil mington, and four brothers, L. W. Boney of Wallace, C. C. Boney of . Florence,. S. O...A. E. Boney of Rocky Mount, and B B. Boney of . Trenton, N. J. Faces Busy Session j A busy session Is in prospect for the State Board of Agriculture when it meets in Raleigh July 12. One of the major items on the agenda is the adoption of a ferti lizer grade list for 1948-49. A pub lic hearing has been called by the Commissioner for 3 o'clock Wed nesday afternoon June 39, at PuV len Hall, N. C. State College. Re sults of the meeting and recommen dations of experiment stations will be submitted to the Board of Ag riculture for final consideration. Two. major job vacancies are to be filled, those ofv director of test farms and director of the sofl test ing division. The board also will be faced with various fiscal matters, inoluding revision of the 1948-49 budget Duplin Theatre Warsaw, II. C. SUN. - MON. July 4-5 Homecoming With Clank Gable And Lana Turner TUBS. July 8 r A Voman's Vengeance With Charles Boyer And Aim BIyth. WED. July 7 i DOUBLE FEATURE ! Timber Stampede With George O'Brien. ' Thirteen Lead Soldiers With Tom Conway. , BaHaia-weHaeBweaeHBMBesWaMa .W THURS. - FRL Jhily 8-9 . State Of The Union With; Spencer Tracy. . And Katherine Hepburn. SAT. July is DOUBLE FEATURE . Tornndo Range 1 With Eddie pean. Th2Cfc:l!:r.:3; i With Ten Ccr.-r.-y. j.4

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