11 "C5 n j o , ; ' . OUwuJ U U j . ,.i'.f ( ; .,' V'-, - N r i r i r f 'hi u ' (t1 v ; '4 it t Onee again - ."The Lost Colony"! . And Old Tom (center) dances mer rily . through the scenes of. the drama which relates the tale of the first white colonists to establish English colonies in America. At left Pink Hill Defeats above, two of the players mix paint for the scenery which decorates the stage of the outdoor amphitheater (right above) over the waters of Roanoke Sound on Roanoke Island. Virginia Dare the first white child born in the New World is christen ed by Father Martin (bottom left). At court, Queen Elizabeth smokes the new weed brought over from the New World by friendly Indians. The Pink Hill oaseoail team de feated Deep Run 4-2. on the Deep Run diamond Sunday afternoon. Veiner Roast The Maxwell family, at the mill, and their guest last week enjoyed a weiner roast on Thursday -afternoon. Civics Club A regular meeting of the Civics Club was held at the school Friday night A bountiful supper was ser ved after which a routine of busi ness was transacted. Escaped Convict Caught Near Here A Negro convict, serving a 20 year sentence, who escaped from Duplin County authorities near Sa recta several days ago, was caught asleep in a chicken house on the farm of Faison Turner -near here Friday morning. The chicken house adjoined a small tenant house in the edge of a wood, only a few feet from the highway. The convict earlier in the morning had called on another Negro, Clemmie Branch at his home near the Turner farm and after he had left, Branch re ported it to KnKHiU officers. Personals Messrr. Wallace Williams of Smlthfield and W. A. Williams of Rlchmondi, Va. were visitors witn Increase The Convenience Of Your Telephone Service The convenience of. your telephone service can be increased many times by adding exten sion telephones. An extra telephone in the kit chen will save time and steps for the whole fam ily. Extension telephones are available and sur prisingly inexpensive. Contact our business ffice now. We will be happy to furnish you with complete information on this low cost-high convenience, telephone service. Carolina Telephone And Telegraph Company folks in Pink Hill Sunday. Mi.s Irine Davis of Nashville, a former teacher here, spent the week end with Mrs. G. M. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis and chil dren of Elizabeth City spent the week end with Mrs. C- A. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tyndall visit ed in Moss Hill Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Watlington, Jr. of Kcidsville spent last week with Mr. and Mrs.. H. D. Maxwell. Also visiting the Maxwells were Maj. II. D. Maxwell of Washing ton, D. C. and Mrs. Walter Godwin and children of Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Maxwell, Sr. Maj. and Mrs. H. D. Maxwell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Watlington, Jr. and Miss Violet Maxwell were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Tyndall Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith and Car olyn returned Wednesday from a two weeks visit with the Charles Saunders family in San Antonio, Texas. Mrs. Saunders and son ac companied them here for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis had as guests the past week her mother, Mrs. L. M. Gates of St Matthews, S. C. Mrs. J. M. Jones spent the week end at their summer home at More head. They had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Turner and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Miles and children, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Turner and baby, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil ey and Scotty. ! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley and son were at Bath Friday to attend the wedding of her sister, Miss i Mollie Cartwright. Miss Violet Maxwell was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Wat lington, Jr. at Reidsville. I Mrs. T. J. Turner and Judy visit ed Mrs. W. B. Marshtourn at Rich lands Saturday. I Miss Thelma Dilday, Home Ec teacher at B .F .Grady left for her home at Ahjski to spend the sum- , mer. I Mr. -and Mrs. H .M. Wells and i family spent the week end at the Duplin Cottage at Carolina Beach. Mr. H. M. Wells, Jr. has returned to Charlotte after a vacation with his parents at Grady School. Alfred Wells represented Smith's church at a Youth Conference held at Flora Macdonald College re cently. Mr. C. E. Goodson of Raleigh visited relatives here Monday. S.M.T. Post To Give The Simmons, Mewborn, Turner Host No. 379 American Legion will hold a basket picnic at Maxwell's Mill Sunday, July 4 .Dinner will be at 1 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend and bring a well filled basket. A good time is prom ised to all. Unity News Mrs. J .H. Bell has returned home from visiting in Snow Hill. Miss Ina Mae Boone of LaGrange is the guest of Hilda Grace and Ann Boone this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Boone were guests Sunday of her father, Mr. Jim Seymour of Goldsboro. Use Sprays, Dust With Care "Sprays and dusts are like mat ches and, gasoline - -useful, essent ial and safe if handled intelligently, but must be treated With the same respect," says L. F. Weeks, Duplin County Farm Agent. Used properly, sprays and dusts prevent heavy farming losses, but carelessly handled they can cause disability or death of human beings and livestock, the agent declared. State College Hints To Homemakers The ingredients ior a salad bowl should be lightly but thoroughly tossed that each leaf and each in gredient is coated with dressing before the salad is served. W.hen' peanut butter is too dry for spreading, it can be rolled in to little balls and dipped in pow dered sugar -- fine to serve with salads. Breakfast cereals won't keep well through the summer. Crackers and flour also suffer from warm wea ther and need to be used faster than in cooler months. If they need freshening, crisp in warm oven. It is great to live a rounded life as an individual, family, or community. State College Answers Timely Farm Questions Q. How much cropland does the United States have? A. About 400,000,000 acres. Q. What are the qualities of a good grass silage? A. Clean odor, pleasing taste, free from mold and rot, uniform in moistness and color. Q. What is "Dixie crimson clover"? OOOOOOOOOOtlOOOOOOOOOOOOOf For A Real Taste Thrill . 'is EAT x HIIIES ICE- ; CREAM C::d Every Day i j j Office Supplies FILING SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE DRINKING CUTS John II. Carter, Company KINSTON, N. C We Are Now Taking Orders For FLUES and FLUE REPAIR PARTS Ve Deliver To Your Farm Order How! Seven Springs . Supply Company Seten ;ris, North Caiclhta 1 Fatigue and Worry Can Be Prevented By Proper Steps Worry and fatigue can be prevented by observing a few simple rules. By eliminating these two destructive factors from your daily life, you will keep your energy and spirits high. Certain ways of preventing worry and fatigue are given by Dale Carnegie in an article in the July issue of Commopolitan magazine, in which he states; "Rest before you get tired. "Learn to relax at your wori. "Apply these five good working habits. (1) Clear your desk of all papers except those relating to the im mediate problem. (2) Do things in the order of their importance. (3)Do the distasteful things first. (4) When you face a problem, solve it then and there, provided you have necessary facts. (5) Learn to organize, depu tize and supervise. "To prevent worry and fatigue, put enthusiasm in to your work. "Remember, no one was ever killed by lack of sleep. It is worry about insomnia that does the damage not insomnia." A. It is a crimson clover especial ly developed for the South. The new Dixie variety acts something like lespedeza. The seeds have hard er coats and can stand heat and drought conditions very well. Sup plies of the new seed are limited but should be plentiful within a year or two. Growing Boys Growing Trees- The pulpwood industry Is. pro viding, for the third consecutive year, one week's samps at which the farm youth of the South learns how to better oare for and treat trees growing on his farm. These camps are administered by the State Forestry Department ,hih nrnvida the teaching staff and arrange the forestry subjects to be taught. The boys are selected to attend camp on the basis of outstanding forestry work performed the pre vious year on their farms as was judged by officials of the Exten sion service and "vocational agricul tural departments. In camp the boys learn how to prevent and control woods fires, plant trees, make thinnings, cruise timber, and select trees to be cut for the best product. The camp in North Carolina will be held August 22-28 at Bladen Lake State Forest. Reduction In Pig Crop Indicated N. C. hog growers iarrowed few er sows and produced a smaller crop of spring pigs this year than last, according to the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture. Pigs saved per litter were up but the increase was not sufficient to offset the drop in the number of sows farrowed. The total num ber of pigs saved was placed at 819,060 this spring as compared with 831,000 for the ame period last year. oooooooooooo MOTOR PARK THEATRE Iliway 11 -Pink Hill, N. C "Family Entertalrjnent PalntaM Prices" COOL AND maw car ABLE Sunday", July 4th Celebrate The 4th of July By Seeing A Good Show iuaii mum- "V. I ft : CAR1ER mil h JERGENS CIFMM FARRELL STEVEN v? GERAY ' TOM POWERS ' in C CYIUAM CIUAN Prnrfuf-tiM ! Scretnpljy by Rot Huggm t :? From Ml Ml."!hDMiM Take" PtoducrJ and direoted by $ SYLVAN SIMON ? . .:?y?yy0yy Added Color Cartoon Mon. & Tues. Betty's Best Yet! VMM K ll M-X. Jk Tut er & Turner INSURANCE AGENCY "ALL KINDS 0 CfSCRANCW L. a TTONKB. St. T. i. TURNER ffir Hlll'l Olfleet Insurance Ageaey BETTY GRABLE ..DAN DAILEY WALTER LANG-LAMAR TROTTI toooooooooooooooooooooooo Also Cartoon Wed. only KVAS v Hy i WAYNE ARTHUR. y"?l tTm Alao "Jangle Girl" Serial flSJt?1' li' J ACreatDogPieturel HfWt 9 W V ent, over nmfa m P" te Fptoductloii torts emU M&oe4y toiUM efficient w of power on iucbjobl U'Ovcte 'S r"l tmu HUM w w .list tdi i . - -it, If 2X . vaUlAin: ii7ahfith mm ..iiiiniV ROBERT 1SK Saturday Only Big Double Show HIT No. 1: Hoialong Cassidy in J T! A. Turner & Co. PINS HILIj, n. c Cassidy Of Bar 20- IUT No. 2: Isle 01 Destiny With Wm. Gargan . And Jvme Lang.'