r - -I ' , f J. , -' .... .-'W. ' V ' 11 '. .'.-r j. , " .' i . ; , ... ECeimaimsvnlllle Society and Personals -i i m i I lovely walnut flower stands in mem I hlirrh IcPPPIVP ory of her father, J. W. Cox. a VIIUIVll IIVVVIIVJ PlHr nt this rhumb nnt II FJjrp IIC lllvw VHIJ Mr. E. C .Newton, of the Presby terian Church, recently gave two nice fans to the Church in memory of his wife, Frances Wells Newton. They have been installed in the church, one on each side. On Sunday, Miss Macy Cox, of Magnolia, presented the Church 2 " i ' DUPLIN MERCANTILE CO. Paul Ingram, Mgr. PHONE 227-1 "EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY" IN KENANSVILLE T UJ ALL STORES IN WARSAW WILL BE CLOSED - MONDAY, JULY 54k. WARSAW MERCHANTS ASSOCIATIOit n8r Sister' MiSS E1Itt CX' Wh0 UP until the time of her death, was the nlilpst mpmher in the Women's Auxiliary. Sewing Club Mrs. N. B. Boney was hostess to the members of the BMG sewing club on Wednesday afternoon. Pret j4 I. C.Jy I Or-r o ' THE RECOCD- DC LEGAL HOLIDAY , ty arrangements of mixed summer flowers were used for decoration. After the regular sewing bee, a social hour was enjoyed at which time the hostess served a delicious sweet course. Auxiliary The Auxiliary of Grove Presby terian Church met Monday after noon with nine present. Mrs. Caro line Gavin presided in the absence of the president and Mrs. Mary Southerland conducted the devo tional service. The program, a con tinuation of the study of "The Christian Home" was led by Mes dames N. B. Boney, and J. G. Mor rison with Mesdames S. W. Newton Ivy Bowden and Wm. Pickett taking parts. Woman's Club Hke KenftBSvUle Womans Club met Thursday afternoon with 15 members present. Tb prestfent, Mjre. P. J. Dobson presided. Mrs. W. M, Ingram bad charge of the program. Mns. E. V. Vestal gave a report on the meeting she attend ed in Raleigh. Misses Sallie New ton and Angela Daughtry render ed piano selections. A report by the canvassers for the American Over seas Aid and United Nations Ap peal For Children was made and $16.00 was turned into the club. A social hour was enjoyed at which time the members of the Fine Arts Department served a sweet course. Youth Supper The members of the Youth Fel lowship Group and the Caravan workers were served a picnic sup- Sportswear Perfect Answer To Tho Heat COOL Rayon Sport Shirts r Rich, Colorful, Completely il fk It Tailored To Give You Full Freedom AncKComfort '' Soft, smooth and beauti f I w f ' fully made. In a complete 4 I I range of dear, cool, tade- ; 4r I l I proof colors. TbonugUy I 4' I " : m ; washable! Long sleeves aqd I la. .ohoit sleeves. '"' i ' r- ..1 1 in .1 ..11 1 imii m.i 11 .1.-1- .in iw ,. TV-"y6 per Sunday evening in the Presby terian church yard. Plates with po tato salad, crackers, corn on the cob, ham, tomatoes and cucumbers iced tea and home made cookies were served to about forty guests. After supper a program was given in the church. Personals Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jones and family spent Tuesday in Kenans ville. They were dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs. D. S. Williamson and supper guests ui Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams. They were enroute from Florida to New Jersey where they will make their home. , Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brown and sons of Norfolk, Va. and Mrs. Ella Pridgen of Warsaw were dinner guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady. Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. Morrison and son Dave of Miami, Fla. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Morrison last week. Frank Wilhile of Philadelphia is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Mor rison. Buddie Williamson is home on a two-weeks vacation. Mrs. J. W. Williamson of Yadkin ville spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Williamson. Her husband, J. W., came Monday and they re turned home .Wednesday. Mrs. A. T .Outlaw and Sarah West, who are attending summer school spent the week end at home here. Mrs. R. C. Wells and children of Clinton are spending the week with Mr. R. V. Wells and Mrs. Louise Mitchell. , Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hasty spent the week end at Carolina Beach. Mrs. Emory Sadler and son Em ory are spending the week at Caro lina Beach. t 1 iSiffei 4 tt Here 'tis ladies! The proposed home of H. Weil and Brothers In Goldsboro. The old store was burn ed several months ago and the firm is carrying on in the Womans Club building in Goldsboro. The new, modern, streamlined structure will go up at the location of the former building on Center Street. Construction was begun this week. Proprietors hope to open the new store some time next spring. Miss Vera Hamilton and mother attended the dedication services of flower stands at Grove church on Sunday morning. Mr. J .G. Morrison chaperoned 22 boys at Camp Tuscarora last week. Mrs. Hattie Kornegay of Golds boro spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. N. B. Boney. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jerrltt left Monday to spend about a month in Wisconsin where they will visit their two children and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis of Rae ford spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. Mary Southerland. Mrs. Lester Brinson returned on Monday from the Goldsboro Hospi tal after having undergone an op eration there. She la getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. James Alderman Donson and family of Snow Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dobson and family of Wilmington were home for the week end with their pa rents Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Dobson. Mrs. J. O. Stokes left Saturday to visit her sister in Atlanta who is OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt MCKAY'S ATLANTIC SERVICE STATION in Kenansville, on the corner by the Post Office, has been purchased by Thurman Brown and will be known in the future as BROWN'S ATLANTIC SERVICE. .-v- Your patronage "will be appreciated. Gas and Oils - Expert Lubrication - Cars Washed Quick Service Brown's Atlantic THURMAN BROWN, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO4OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO To My Friends and Supporters Everywhere I express my deep and abiding appreciation for the fine support given me in my campaign for Governor of -North Carolina. I accept our victory with mixed emotions; grateful for the trust and confi dence evidenced by your vote and reposed in me in the nomination, and conscieus of the responsibilities incident to victory. With your continued assistance", and through the aid of Divi guidance., w will be able to so administer the affairs of ur State government as to bring the greatest blessings to all the people of eur State they have yet experienced. -, Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Sam V; Massey of Seven Springs announce the en gagement of their daughter .Laura, to Earl W. Faries, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Bart W. Faries, Sr. of Wal lace. The wedding will take place August 2, in the Woodland Meth odist Church. Classified Ads. CLtSSIHF.l KATE8 .v 1 wo i:euU per wora. amumttm charce of 50c. Unless you hv n account with us pleas send money, stamps, money order r diets with srU. Farmers: use tbr limes Clauified ads; U you have anything to sell r eschanfe, or want to buy; we will pi produce for payment. IT TOOTH PBOI'MCTY BURNS OB IS DAMAGED OTHER WISE, WUX l'OU BE FCLLY rBO TECTKDT B. .W. BLAOHMORBj Agwii, RellabU . Inauraawa Sbnto Warsaw, North Carol! .. yvmr sflrta kotv tender iwpalra, aba javr a HOLLAND KKNANRVHXE. "A drOkM weO Is tt sattataetoty watar mtfty. Write for aotatloav (Ms year Paat OfBea. HBATEB WELL OOMPAirT BAUdOH, NORTH CABOLDTA 11L Bennie Nazelrod and Mr. and Mrs. Atorlan Cutrlght of Buck hannon, W. Va., son and daughter of E. J. Nazelrod, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs, B. i. Nazelron here. Miss Doris Bostlc, whft at waalt ing in New Bern, spW the wadk end with her patents, Mn and itpp, E. J. Nazelrod. . vr D. S. WilUamson and Buddie HTJa liamson are spending the week in Richmond, Va. ..,' Mesdames Ray Dunn and J J. ' 1 .H... , t, . , .. ., ..' .. ANN0UNGEMENT : All 7crk Gszzztzzl GEORGE P. PIUDGEN, JB Phone 226-1 Warsaw, N.C FOR RUNT: Ocean Front Apart ment Sleeps seveo; screened ' porch; ' utdoor (Ireptooa and pic nic tables; near Kurt Beach Fbhliif Pier; on Bus Line - two blocks from stores. $38.00 per week. " W 'to Audrey Alpbla Batter, . -e Beach, N. C 7--4t.po; CORN FOR SALE: 75 or 100 bushel lots. Uev John A. Vause, Bt S, Mount Olive, S. C 7-2-?t pd. PEOPLE Desiring Pecan Trees Fot FaU Planting Contact W. E. BBL ANGA At Once.. -7-lfl-4t o - ' . FOR SALE: Pure bred Berkshire pl-s, 3 months old, See or write WILLARD L. WESTBROOK, SEVEN SPRINGS, They can be seen at Westbrook's Service Station on Pink Hill Highway. 7-16-3t pd. DplLi Scppiy Co. WARSAW, II. C. Quinn complimented Miss Florence Jones, bride eleof of June SO at a miscellaneous shower Wedneaday night In the home of Mrs. Dunn. Arrangements of mixed flowers Punch, bridal cakes and minte were I arfrvba ia imit KB MMk Tha hoik eaeV secattiRBB prjttay M1 wa-. fatgtfla, ATTEND ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lewis and Edward attended the SOth wedding anniversary Sunday In Wilmington of Mr. and Mrs. Aulsia Murray. - Service Prop. . " 'A - :r .7' W. KERQ SCOTT . yjf "jvoS, -i it 1 at i .a.