f l9 V 4 nYHk I. i. A X. Mfc, VOLUME NUMBER SIXTEEN Officers Arrest Witchcraft Teacher After Stealing $575; Now In Jail Duplin officers have arrested, and are now holding under a $5000 bond, and alleged preacher, color ed. Evidence dug up reveeles that' he was a witchcraft teacher who hails from South Carolina. His name, if he has one, is as follows: Riley Gasden; allas.Edward Gas den; alias, K. D. Wade; alias, How ard Gasden. Owen Kenan, an elderly Negro near Kenansville had received $575 from H. E. Phillips in settle ment of a matter. He locked the money in a trunk. A few days ago when he went to get the money to pal off tobacco hands the money was gone. The story reveals itself, according to officers as follows: We'll call him Riley. Riley was dating a daughter of Owen's and visited his home one night. On the third visit he decided to spend the night there, Owen thought he ap peared respectable 'and agreed. Wley slept in the room with Owen. Three or four days later Owen want for his' money and it was gone. A warrant was issued by C. B. Sit terson and Sheriff Jone's officers want to work. It was reported Riley was in Wilmington but they failed to locate him there. Later Norwood Boone went to Sltterson's house with the man. He was apprehended and arrested in Rose Hill. They then took him to the home of Owen and three people identified him as the party Bilcy told officers that he wasJ ""V1" !u u Ji l ' c v, , " . .. , . .CrAgn ' jum js sentenced let a preacher. On examining his suit case they discovered that he wWCS to a quack doctor and that his home fvbnc realizes this they -,Z ..iiA.i.. - i to act accordingly. It i WOT ucoi Hiuim a vuiuci in ouuiu Carolina. Hit has been going over DtBplin swindling our Negroes. Sit tenon set his bond at $5000 and jhe is no win Jail awaiting trial. J)wen is still out hj ..575. ' I IWII .1 News - Argus "Sidelights" Neil Joseph will find a way. Some days ago he was in New York on .business. A friend invited him to go for the weekend to the moun tains of the state. He .accepted. I Neil found the hotel one of those three-story wooden affairs that .were the hotel style many years ago at mountain resorts. Neil's room was on the third floor. There 'was no fire escape. Before he went to his room for the night he bought a rope long enough to reach to the ground be ' low, which he tied to the leg of his bed. Sidelights recall another occasion ."when Mr. Joseph showed fore thought. It was about 15 years ago. Neil woke one night to find a man going through his trouser pockets He decided that if he called out somebody might get shot and it might be Neil. So Neil lets go a more that shook the house --si m ulated of course. The burglar drop ped the pants like they had ants in them and flees. Babe Ruth Really Thought Of Kids New York Babe Ruth set aside part of his estate to be used for "the interests of the kids of Am erica," his will showed Monday. The will provided for the home run king's widow and daughters and left 10 of the remainder for the kids." It was filed in surrogate's court for robate. Ruth's attorney, Melvin G. Low- emstein, declined to estimate the Mftal value of the estate. Report On Auto Inspection Through July, the Mechanical Inspection Division of the Depart- tnt of Motor Vehicles inspected 815,578 vehicles: Latest figures show that 393,253 motor vehicles are now registered jn the State, so this means there jure-still 577,681 vehicles to be in 'apected. Of the vehicles thus far inspect ed, 140381, or 47.5 were approv ed on the first check, while the re maining 165,007 were found de fective and had to be corrected receiving their seals- of ap- Services Resumed Rev. Eugene Clarke of Warsaw says that services are being re sumed at his church there and he cordially invites all to attend, par ticularly those who have not been attending. v ECL9 GfcADy Creech was sentenced to the Death Chair today. Evidence show ed, accordirg to reports, that he was guilty of First Degree Mulder. Do you really realize what First Degree Murder is? Have you ever seen a person put to death? 1 have. When man takes a life, even thoug'i it is in the course of so-called jus- tice, there is something else to think about. I am assured that Creech killed his wife but from the evidence presented it occurred from a damaged mind, not drink ing. To put a person to death on this basis is going a pretty long way. Society will have to pay for it. Yes, he deserves punishment. He should have life in the insane ward. I just don't approve of capital pun ishment and just as strongly I do J;- sentence. Wh.vi the will be-jin gly. It may result in injustices to some but how else are-.we going to arrive at a defi nite ' conclusion'.' ' i ProseJIyteing? No, Prophesying: "The only Thing that anger makes, more perfect is the arch of the cat's back" by E. W. Chidescer of Youngsville, Pa. "Much can happen to what a man has,, but nothing can happen to what a man is as long as he is anchored in God", by Mrs. C. W. Avery. The above quotations were con tributed by Rev. John M. Cline of Kenansville. . Grace Amundson, a noted writer, said "The personal immortality of influence over other people" is what the world is searching for. What do you think? Immortality is a contribution to mankind. If we can't contribute, then what is the point of existance' As we try to take an over-all look at the world and recall what history we can, we see this: The Empire of Great Britain has melted into the sphere of the Amer ican Republic. France continues a flabbergation of crossfire; Russia really has nothing to back it up as a great World Empire. The German people have demon strated a great ability in many fields. Whether we want to admit it or not the United States has cop ied them in many respects. The German race is worth world wide consideration. They have had bad leaders. They should be restored to power and the way the United States is handling it is pointing to success. They are an outstanding race. ... I like a man, not because of his perfection but despite his imper fections. The imperfect is most likely to be most perfect. It de pends on the way you look at it. After all, what Is life all about? (originated by Emory .Sadler). t f "Surfer little children to come' unto Me". The mind of a child is not polluted. Let's keep it unpol luted and live according to the idea of "doing unto others as we would like to be done unto." The idea is to stop and think and give in our selves before we demand the other fellow give in to us. I want a dog. I want 'Scottie". I've had quite a number of dogs but they won't stayy off the high way. On my wall I have a 10 X 15 plaque of two "Scottie" "dogs. Every time I look at it I think of little black "Scottie" Mr. J. C. Russ has in Warsaw. Usually in the store Mr. Russ keeps an Irish potato for him to play with. When I go in I begin throwing the potato for "Scot tie" to retrieve. A few days ago I visited our new Rev. Lauren Sharpe in Kenansville and he has a very pretty "Scottie". some KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Kenansville Does It Again The Lions Club Donkey Baseball Game went over fine Wednesday night. More than 250 paid admiss ions. Everyone had a good time and no incidents were reporteed. Again it shows that Kenansville can do it and do it in the right way. It's Registration In Duplin Next The new draft law goes into ef fect Monday. Here are' the dates and regulations as proclaimed by the President of the United States: "(a) Persons born in the year 19- 22 after August 30, 1922, shall be registered on Monday, the 30th day of August, 1948. "(b) Persons born in the year 19- 23 shall be registered on Tuesday, the 31st day of August, 1948 or on Wednesday, the 1st day of Sep tember, 1948. "(c) Persons born in the year 19- 24 shall be registered on Thursday, the 2nd day of September, 1948 or on Friday, the 3rd day of Septem ber, 1948. "(d) Persons born in the year 19- 25 shall be registered on Saturday, the 4th day of September, 1948 or on Tuesday, the 7th day of Sep tember, 1948. s 'He) Persons born in the year 19 '26 shall be registered on Wednes day, the 8th day of September, 19 48 or on Saturday, the 11th day of September, 1948. "(f) Persons bornin the year 19- 27 shall be registered on Friday, the iota day of September, 1948 or on Saturday, the 11 day of Sep tember, 1948. "(g) Persons born in the year 19- 28 shall be registered on Monday, the 13th day of September, 1948 or on Tuesday, the 14th day of Sep tember, 1948. School Opening Delayed Until Sept. 9; Polio Cases Reason Kenansville, N. C. August 24, 1948 To The Principals, Greetings: Yesterday two additional cases of polio were reported to Dr. G. V. Gooding: A twenty year old boy near B. F. Grady, and another case between Wallace and Chinquapin. The boy is now in an "Iron Lung." The Health Department recom mends that we delay the opening of school until September 9. We will, therefore, delay the opening Estelle Shatter Killed In Auto Wreck Near Mobile, Alabama Ivey Bowden, brother-in-law of the former Estelle Shaffer of Ke nansville received a telegram Tues day stating that Estelle and her husband," and one other person, were -killed in an auto accident near Mobile, Ala. It is presumed she was killed Tuesday. It has been impossible to lear any details SOMETHING TO Saturday, August 28th, the voters of Duplin County go to the polls to vote for or against the sale of Beer in Duplin. Being in position to know something of the problems of the Towns in Duplin and also the Coun ty concerning the financing of the many requirements required of these governing bodies the follow ing are some .figures which will give the voters something to think about whe.i they cast their vote: This money received from division of taxes on Beer by the State: Received f r the .nonths of July, August and September 1947: County $16,455.00 Beulaville 286.00 Faison 370.00 Kenai NOBLE DR. G. ERICK BELL, Potentate Sudan Temple ' Wilson, N. C. Day Again Monday "(h) Persons born in the year 19- 29 shall be registered on Wednes day, the"15th day of September, 19 48 or on Thursday, the 16th day of September, 1948. "(i) Persons born in the year 19- 30 before September 19, 1930, shall be registered on Friday, the 17th day of September, 1948 or on Sat urday, the 18th day of September, 1948. "(j) Persons who were born on or after September 19, 1930, shall be registered on the day they attain the eighteenth anniversary of the day of their birth, or within five days thereafter." Registration will be held in the Grand Jury room of the Court House, located on the second floor, to the right as you go upstairs. All veterans at World War II are re quested to bring their discharge papers. There will be only one Board in Duplin this time and members are: J. B. Rhodes, former member of the Keenansville Board; R. E. WaU, former member of the Warsaw Board and W. H. FusseJi. A com mittee composed of R. V. Wells, F. W. McGowen and O. P. Johnson has been selected to solicit volun teer workers to aid in the registif. tion. Anyone interested in helping out is asked to see one of these men. ! of school until that date. We are trying to set this an nouncement in the county papers this week and we are requesting Radio Station WRRZ at Clinton to announce it. O. P. Johnson, Supt. Cordially yours, Duplin County Schools P. S. Remember, conference with Dr. Hlghsmith Friday of this week at 9:30 p.m. in the Kenansville School. This Is for white principals. or the name of Estelle's husband. Mrs. John Shaffer, mother of Estelle, was in a Wilmington Hos pital and the family rushed to her on receiving the news. It is thought Estelle will be brought to Kenans ville for burial. The Times will give a detailed story next week. THINK ABOUT Wallace 529.00 Warsaw 748.00 $19,050.00 Approximate amount to be recei ved by the County and Towns for the last quarter of 1947 and first three quarters of 1948: County $50,000.00 Beulaville 850.00 Faison 1,100.00 Kenansville 900.00 Rose H1U 1,100.00 Wallace 1,500.00 Warsaw 2,200.00 Personally I am for anything that will make living conditions better for the people of Duplin County. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27th 1948 Pinyatellos Will Go On Trial Tuesday Judge Stevens Orders. Period Rev. Lineberger Returning To Town To Preach In Revival Next Week I Rev. J. W. Lineberger of Chad bourn will deliver a series of ser mons in the local Methodist church beginning Monday night, August 30. Hour of services will be 7:30. He is coming to aid the local pas tor Rev. John M. Cline. Services will continue through Friday night. Mr. Lineberger served the Ke Cletus Brock Writes About The Spirit Of Children By Cletus Brock In The Mount Olive Tribune If the unselfish spirit which is exemplified in little Betty Lou Ken nedy of Rt. 3, Mt. Olive, and her playmates could be manifested in adults throughout the world, then daily papers would not have the crises in international relationships for blaring headlines each day. Betty Lou, her smaller sister, Myrtle, and their next-door neigh bors, Janet and Eleanor McCullen, are now denied the pleasure of at tending Sunday School each Sab bath day, so, with the aid of Mrs. kennedy, they have arranged a Sunday School of their own, held in the Kennedy home each Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The hame-grawn Sunday school is the aftermath of a ban placed on children attending inside gather ings by the Waynr county health department, in an "fort to pre vent further spread o! the dread disease, polio, which has already struck three children in Wayne. That fruit is being borne by the weekly Sabbath schools, conceived in Betty Lou's bright, pretty, little head, is revealed in a letter which The Tribune received yesterday from the Wake County Chapter of the National Foundation for In Can tile Paralysis, Inc., in Raleigh. This letter, which is self-explanatory, follows in part: "Editor, Mount Olive Tribune. Mount Olive, N. C. I THINK By: TORQUEMADA Dear Bob: It is now and shall henceforth be my intentions, in these frequent or infrequent epistles to Ye Editor, to write what I think about such sub jects as tickle my fancy or for more obscure reason incite me to thought. It has been said that "Thought feeding on Thought de stroys the mind, atrophies the brain." In the future when recur rent Thought disturb my peace oi mind I shall pass these thoughts on to you. What those who read think about what I have to say matters nothing - that they think matters much. CRITICISM I Think ye editor has slipped a cog somewhere along the line in the fight for and against the sale of beer in Duplin County. I am sur prised that you have become a dry. but I am absolutely amazed, as tounded, confounded that you find the moral issue involved to be of greater importance than money, and have refused to accept adver tising from the wet side. Read your Bible Bob, "A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things." - Ecclesiastes 10:19. I Think it is the duty of all news papers and the policy of most, to give the facts both pro and con of any controversial question. Have you forgotten --or did you ever read Voltaire? "I don't agree with a word you've said - but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it." Let's have the facts from both sides. Facts need no frills or furbelows of oratory to hide their nakedness -- let them trot across the pages of your paper - naked and unashamed. Do not arrogate to yourself the power of arbiter as to which is rUM or wrong in this matter by baling one side from the privilege of advertising in your newspaper. I Think that there never was a greater failure of any lew than that of the Prohibition Law. It nansville church tor four years and was very popular among the peo ple. Many will be glad to see him again and hear him preach. He is recognized as an outstanding min ister in the Methodist Church of Eastern North Carolina. The public is cordially invited to come out and hear him. Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find two let ters addressed to the Polio Fund from two children in Mount Olive, one enclosing $1, and the other $1.50. The contributions made by these children rightly belong to the county in which they live It should be an inspiration to oth ers. Please turn the funds over to the county chairman for the Nat ional Foundation. . Also enclosed were the letters which the little girls wrote when they sent in their contributions. Betty Lou wrote as follows: "Polio Fund, Rex Hospital. I am nine years old. Mama, my sister, Myrtle, and I had Sunday school at home today. We are sending our collection to the children who are sick with polio." Janet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman McCullen, who live next door to the Kennedys, wrote: "We had Sunday school with the little xrirl who-S'-nt vou monev last ! Sunday. Here is our collection to I help you." Regular attendants at Smith Chape! Methodist church, of the Mount Olive Methodist circuit, the children listen avidly to the lesson as taught by Mrs. Kennedy, and do not feel their Sunday is complete without their Sunday school class. Maybe the attitude of these four little persons is what Jesus meant when He said, "Except ye become as little children . . . ." whenever tried. Those who advo cate it must be blind to the facts if they cannot see that it deieats the very ends it seeks to attain. We had a National Prohibition Law but it didn't Prohibit. Any one who wanted whiskey could buy it. Rum Running and bootleg ging were flourishing businesses. Gangs were formed all over the country to handle whiskey, dope, white slavery and every other form ot vice. Murder was an everyday occurrence. Every form of crime multiplied many times. Our courts worked overtime to fill our prisons far beyond vheir capacity. Thous ands of young boys and girls were sucked into tiie maw of crime. Many went to prison and many others suiered a worse fate. Hov anyone who lived through the crime filled years of Prohibition couid want it back is beyond my poor powers of comprehension. NO! Prohibition is not the answer. Du plin County has Prohibition now --we also have whiskey and will have beer if we p.-ohibit ils legal sale. I Think that the answer can be found in the Churches, the minis ters and all real Christian people. Let them lead rather than seek to drive, to force, by law. Preachers must become salesmen and sell God, Christ, religion to his neck. He must preach for God and his teachings, and not against dancing or anything else which - per se - is not evil. Teach that overindulgence in any form is a sin not only against God but against one's self. It is only in this way that evil can be conquered. Laws cannot be the final answer. In fact, the Prohibi tion law was proof of its own fal lacy. It was worse than no answer at all. Robert Joe Is Dead Robert Joe Middleton, a vener able old Negro of Kenansville died last week. He was apreacher and general laborer. He was about 80. Robert Joe was respected by the whites around as well as the color ed folks. John Charles Dullers who will probably be our neext Secretary No. 35 The Pinyatello boys of Bowden will be tried next week. Judge Ste- . vens, who will preside over a one week term of criminal court, has ordered that the case begin Tues day, according to Rivers Johnson, defending attorney. Mr. Johnson says everything is set and the case will come up. Assisting the de fense is Vance B. Gavin, prominent attorney of Kenansville. Aiding in the prosecution will be Attys. P. D. Herring of Clinton, J. A. Powers of Wallace and E. Walker Stevens of Warsaw. The case promises to be a rather drawn out affair and will require several days. The story goes back to the al- . leged murder of Harry Anderson in Bowden in February. It is charg ed that one of the brothers held Anderson in Kornegay's Service Station while the other shot him. One is accused of murder and the other accused of an accessory. It is expected a large throng will crowd Kenansville during the week. The have been in jail here since the so-called murder. While talk ing with them they expressed sat isfaction with the way they have been treated. It is assumed they will be glad .vhen it is over with and knew their fate. Moral: Murder under any circumstances, doesn't pay. Editorial Experience, they tell me, is the best teacher. It is evident that beer and wine is harming our people. In fact it is doing more harm than whiskey is. I can see the economic side and see reasons from that standpoint why it should be legal ized 4n Duplin. But as I -observe- the conditions it should be outlaw ed Maybe some of you will call this hyprocracy, if you do, then that is your opinion and I have mine. I have had the occasion this week to refuse enough advertising that may have run into the hund reds of dollars. I took my stand and I stick to it. There is something more to life than money. If we don't view life from that angle I think we are in a poor state of circumstances. Yes, we all have our weaknesses and we are going to continue to have them but that is a personal problem we will have to work out within ourselves. Go to the polls Saturday and vote. Vote as you please. That's what we are going to do. Bob Grady. Rev. Rogers To Speak In Warsaw ounces Rev. C. T. Rogers, pastor of the Rose Hill Methodist Church, will speak in the Warsaw Baptist Church Friday night, Aug. 27 at 8o'clock. He will discuss the wet and dry issue in the interest of the entire community. Everybody is cordially invited to come out and hear him. You may not agree with everything he says but you will enjoy his address. Road Being Paved Paving is now underway on High way 41 between Chinquapin and the Onslow County line. The paving project will intersect the Onslow road at Catherine's Lake. The riad it intersects goes into Jacksonville. When it is completed it will offer a large section of Duplin's nearer route to Jacksonville. Anonymous We have a new columnist this week. The writer insists that the identity be kept anonymous so we are doing so. It may or may nat appear every week, just as the writer -feels. The composer has some good ideas, and like all of us some bad ones. This week the author is jumping on Ye Editor. Well, Ye Editor can take it and we are giving it to you as is. Read the column and express what you think of it It is called "I Think." Pro-Russian said Tuesday that Rus sia is not a country of peace. If we are going to have peace the politicians and the government "M la H I A A J. JENKINS failed once and will fail again of State and whom I have felt was