-I'Vn .,n I VOLUME NUMBE3 SIXTEEN KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA "FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1948 No. 44 I T 11 1 II K By: TORQUEMADA "t I THINK that with the General Election day at hand it Is time for fie voters of North Carolina, as ell as the entire South, both Dem ' ocrats and Republicans, to settle '.'down and five serious and careful thought to the question as to liow 4hey will cast their ballots. Consld ' r ALL of the issues involved and " pot be blinded by -fanatical opposi tion to one or two. Scan with calm ness, with reason and with logic the claims and promises of the Re publicans, the Dlxlecrats and the K Wallace-rats and , then give equal -consideration to the RECORD of the Democratic Party. A vote for we Dlxlecrats or the Wallace-rats ; is nothing, more nor less, than a vote for the Republican Party. Un- " der a Republican administration - the South tan hope for nothing h more than economic slavery. Are we to vote ourselves back into the Hoover carts, the soup lines, six . cent cotton and nine cent tobacco? :. GOD FORBID! , ! I THINK that Mr. TJewev is sin. i. 'cere in his desire to be president; . that he is sincere in his belief that ' he would be good president for the Repub.kan Party, which has been in the past, is now, and will be in the future, the party ot big . businesses and the Tycoons of Fi- . nance. Should he be elected Tyche, fickle Goddess of fortune, will - abandon the agricultural south and fly to the gilded Hall3 of Finance to bestow her favors upon its glutonous overlords. . . s i THINK that the Dlxlecrats and - the Wallace-rats are but festering Sores on the body politic, wmcn time and ignominious defeat will naiuiw rhv are headed by men 1 whose reason , has been dethroned ' , by bitterness and hatred. Men who, Mifuteil hv a oasaionate hatred of . . ha it A 1tat thslr IWF8DeCt- ive. The Dlxlecrats seek-to defeat! sMr. Truman because el His stand on Civil Rights and are willing to rtft th Democratic Party to gain ' this end. If Mr; Dewey is elected with him. a Reoublican Cong ress - it is doubly certain inat , Civil Rights legislation will be en acted by the list Congress. If Mr. - Truman is defeated we lose every : thing and gain absolutely nothing. . I THINK than any North Caro linian who will study the following figures will find it Impossible for him or her to vote for anyone other than Mr. Truman and the whole , Democratic ticket: In 1932 factory products were valued at 1,02A,000.000; now they j .f 9ono.OAa.ooo. In 1932 farm products were valued at $14v- 000,000; now f7,ww,vw. iu asm the average weekly wage was $12; now It U $40. In 1932 price of tobac co wu 9 cents; it Is now over 60 cents. Cotton in 1932 was 6 nts; ' it is now 30 cents. Bank deposit, in 1932, were $202jl973.97; to- V day it is $1,843,518,034.33. ', I THINK that the voters of North o.n. mAn stinir (a the narty whose record of accompUshments i MittiMAH n lvanir balances, farm and business prosperity and higher Inmma for All. l ao no: mm Annual Meat Of Duplin County Farm Bureau Tht Annual MeetinK of the Du plin County Farm Bureau was held at the High School in. Kenansville on Thursday, October aist, wiin uimA nnn nrenent. The meeting was opened at 2:45 p.m. and the foil .wr ing officers were elected for th coming year: t. w Outlaw. President, Seven Springs; E.-V. Vestal, Vice Presi dent, Kenansville; buss uora, . m on, Secty-Treas. Kenansville. ': Mr. Flake Shaw, Executive Vice- President of the Nortn uaroiina Farm Bureau, gave a very interest ing talk on his trip to Europe. Among other things Mr. Shaw said that it is necessary for the farmers of this country to be organized if they are to get a fair share of the national income. The membership, goal of the W plin County Farm Bureau is set at 1500. There are now 1318 paid members. Every fanner and busi imu man in the county is urged to join at once. The membership fee is $3.00 and Can pe paid to Miss Two n nwnn in the Agriculture Building in Kenansville or to Farnt Bureau leaders in your community . ' 1 VA. who are soliciting new memoers. n is to your interest to Join the Farm Bureau. The drive for memoers will continue through Novero" -.-r -'Ut don't wait! Join Now! Mr. LeRoy Simr.o;?r. gave a prize of S25.D0 to tho B F. Grady Vet- -ar. s uiass ioi i:n..i.j f niembM than a.i velc-m's class in I ho county. The meeting w : closed at 4:30 om ..it 'barb-uc dinner was served on the w.io grounds. TrievlL Do It Every Time (w&A a foimu j(h0wstt4wwf tpmy fatty - i Wreck A pick-up truck overturned on the Beulaville-Kenansviue m-w lust outside Beulaville Saturday s n m. driven by Charlie nt wishoro and Beau, nuunuvu v . fort. While approacning a uw . u h. ninv.nn was said to have run onto the shoulder of the road causing the driver to lose com j ti.t h iMir tiirnea over a (UU um, or 4 times. ; r i..v.iri iL-pre Mr. and Mrs. . 1H W5 liwp m m rlar- anil dauehter. 7. 01 Wade'sboro and the driver Robert son. The truck was ownen uy . i.. Than warp enrouie w r k Mr TmKier suffereo UWaminnv , .. . . broken leg. It was reported that he was recovering from an ...t hM months aeo in wincn he lost a leg when he came in con-. tact with the biaue OI '.,"'. Aching. Both of Mrs Trexler s arms and a collar bone were broken and shortly after the Md sed into aaTT2rn ghter suffered a fractured skull. broken shoulder blade. taidNmd bad cuts about the neck. Mr. Rob ertson received head injuries and . a. km tna mn in ias4 oaa cui wu w -- -- EJt the Convention the botc an0 6irls work up a lot of l0u0 hatred for each other! Bui before Election Day THEY'RE ALWAYS HOL0INS HANDS AGAIN.' Judge H. L. Stevens To Deliver Principal Address On Armistice Day Progo EDITORIAL Now is the time that all good people should come to the aid of their party. Have our recollections failed us? Next Tuesday is national election tlay. We in North Carolina and, the South surely under stand the principles of the Democratic Party. The South is the birthplace ofthis party and of liberalism. Washington, Jefferson and, Jackson were all Southerners. Franklin D. Roosevelt, al though a Yankee by birth, and Governor of the State of New York, adopted the SoutB for his new home and set up the Warm Springs Foun dation for the care of Polio patients. He; m? Ms wisdom and foresight, agreed for Harry S. Tru man to become vice-president of the United States. At that: time, surely, he realized that Truman might become president. Let's not throw away our heritage and go back to 1928. ' Let's go to the polls Tuesday and vote the straight Democratic ticket. J. R. GRADY Let's Hot Forget- Judge Henry L. Stevens, Jr., of Warsaw, resident Superior Court Judge, will deliver the principal address at the Big Armistice Day Celebration to be held in Warsaw on Thursday, November 11. Judge Stevens will speak at 11 a.m.. or immediately following the parade. Other events announced today by Graham Phillips, Commander, and A. Walker McNeil, Adjutant, of the Chas A. Gavin Post, No. 127, American Legion in Warsaw, lor observance of Armistice Day in clude a big street parade wifi floats, bands, National Guard Jn its, Boy Seoul Troops and other ex hibits; County-wide beauty content with girls from the ten High Schools in the county participating; grand ball and dance in the War saw High School Gym: and vanous contests for farmers and I heir wives with cash prizes to tbe win ners. The big parade will start at 10:30 a.m. and will form at the high school building. All floats and mar chers are asked to report to the parade committee at 9 o'clock at the school. The cimmittee is com- Norwood Smith Is Exonerated In The Shooting Of His Father By: F. W. MeGOWEEN in 1032 here in North Carolina tk value of farm products was $144,000,000; now the value is $744, 000,000. The average weekly wage in the State was $12 in i3z; now 140. The per capita Income in 1932 was $300; now $890. The industrial pay rou in me State In 1932 was Sizoooo.uuu; nAU aann.noo.ooo. Number of mo tor Vehicles in the State in 1932 ... 907 455; now 04.38'i. Electrified farms in North Caro lina in 1932 - 6.000; now iM,oa. Th nriee of tobaCCO in IVii a an mr Dound: now over SO cents. Price of cotton in 1932 -;6 cents; now 30 cents. Bank Deposits in the State in 19- 32 $20251978.97; now l,w,oio. 034.33 - over 9 times as great. Bank failures in North Carolina 1Q9Q throueh 1933. 185: now None. Since 1933 there have been only i turn hank lailUKS in U( oiuie, auu 1 reeLB UTArA minimised by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in surance guaranteeing payments ui all accounts up to $5,000. North Carolina made greatest progress in' 16 Democratic years since 1932. Figures snow prusirewu ivmoerats saved us from Republican Depression. VOTE JJEMUKAllU ov. posed of Woodrow Blackburn, chin. Ralph Jones ana Jimmy ncnui. j mshinti in Warsaw have been asked to enter a float in the big parade. Several high school nanas have been invited to participate. of Wilmington will march in the parade. 't Committees aDDointed by Com mander Phillips to work out details of the observance are as follows: Speaker Committee; J. C. Page. J. C. Thompson and A. W. McNeil. Show Committee: Frank Thomas, N. H. Baar and R. L. West Finance Committee: E. D. Pol lock, H. F. Lee and A. W. McNeil.- Dance Committee: H. H. Hatcher, , J. C. Page and H. D. West. Beauty Contest Committee: H. H. Hatcher. J. C. Page and H. D. West. Decoration Committee: Dan Sou therland, Tom Aikin, Graham Phil-, lips, Jimmy Whitfield, Henry Mer ritt. M. H. Baar, Jesse Garner and J. C. Blanchard. Feed Committee: Robert Winders O. H. Fields and Norman Baar. ft County-WideRallyHearsLt.Gov. (Stag) Ballantine In Kenansville Dsia Cub VMM -ar m - lUHst WVJ vvam . - . at .UltMQ t.nl PtnntV DrOmll I1VIUUW IMUHV m.mm.tr-w Mr es of the Kep ibUcan Party Jfle tt.irt iir Wallace-ratii. What e that they be lured by the ques- f"' fpftM .hocv the victims . . - . . J 1U1" V. . ViMmiiM - . . . rerora of accompiinneuw llepublican Party pskcrs orMr. . Dewey, its 'ea Ur. shown as worthy of any praise or nsideration. in no newspaper article, nor in any speeches by Mr. Dewey or other Republican spellbinders, have . I read or heard the Tecords of the - nr Hoover ao- mlnlstraUon mentioned even with faint praise. Mr. Harding wfll be , a ik tm Pot Dome scandaU; Kr. CooUdge for his ali enee and Mr. Hoorer as tne proou. - - tet of the Hoover cart ana ww -venter of the American Sore Neck, America's necks were mad? sore from looking 'around cornejs for the prosperity Mr. Hoover said rs- " " peatedly wrs Just around the corner.- Look however closely they ... t.. Bniihlfcan Party can find oth-tg worthy of mentloa in tte - laM. three RepubUcan Adrolnlstra " ilon. Why should aiyonc beUeve - TT. u- tvmiwv'b Reouhlican Ad- ' jinnifctration. would be diifcrent. ir -wouldn't be any anwri r:il always be the tool o: tno tlch, jtM oopressor ot the farmer and the " J amali business man. . rmiwff thai' thn record of tne i r.w mhloh wax ruled DV -r .he RepubUcan Party, gives proof - of toai party a aisrvsofu v 4nct nf the farmer and the little . man and shows clearly the high es em in which it hoLIs E!g Bust s tu Money. T 's Congress ' t-s Tie 'little r an's in i r- 1 r r f-l'S of the wreck could only tell that they lived in Wadesboro. TKi Mavor of Beulaville, S. P. ..S- -.ii-rf nhirf of Police, in and asking that tney o -and relatives notified Mr. Louis Norwood Smith, 20, was cleared of blame in connection with the death of his 63-year-old father by a coroner's jury here in Kenans ville, ' ' .. . The jury ruled that the deatn oi Thomas Webb Smith, wno was found fatally woundea Denma ms h,u. n Rt. 2. Pink Hill, cany Saturday, was an accident. Louis Smith tow onicers um -t ihf while his father was absent from his home, he beard a noise In the turkey lot. ine sun said he called Ms father, i got no reply. Tho:i, said the s.m he iired a 22 rifle blindly into the lot. o'clock ths youth sain nc w -to the baik yard and found his fa ther with a 'ii'liet wounft in nis forehead. Huswd to a Jn pltel, the elder Smith died 12 hours later. Vntins Smith was arrested at the hospital and lodged In the Duplin County jail by Sherin itaipn jone. pending a coroner's inquest. Later Smith was released. Funeral services for the victim were held Tuesday at 3 p.m., from the Hebron church and burial was n the church cemetery. e..iinn an, three sons. Norman UUI...'.0 ..... -. of Seven Springs, Robert and Xouis cmith twth nf the home: three dau- ghters, Mrs. Hess Davis of Seven Springs, Jean Carroll and Irene i cmith Knth of the home: one brother. Henry SmRh of Mt Olive; three sisters, Mrs. Tom Flynn of Mt. Olive, Mrs. Jesse Dixon ox vok boro, and Mrs. Fannla Redding of Pink Hill. r- fmory SADLER the continuance of a A crowd of some 200 good Demo crats from all sections of Duplin County heard Lt. Gov. L. Y. istag Ballantine deliver a brilliant ad dress and make a strong plea for support of the Democratic Party mi Ail its candidates on General Election Day, Nov. 2nd. He pointed wrv forcefully the progress maris hv the State under Demo cratic State Administration since Avv.b He said that when Aycock became governor that the revenue nf the State was some $36,000,000 dollars and that today we are spen ding on schools alone $65,000,000. The total State revenue for 1947- 48 was $197,000,000. Legisiai.on proposed for enactment by the next General Assembly will increase the outlay for schools to between S95, 000,000 and $106,000,000. Mr. Bal lantine pointed out that only by Achievement Day sympathetic National Democratic Admlnistra- , tion could North Carolina farmers be assured of continued prosperity through (air prices for their produce. Mr Rallantine asked that all of he remember the Hoover Adminis-'' J tration and our six cent cotton and nine cent tobacco under that aw-.-ministration. He said that what the' 'u . , Democratic ,PartyJias done, far, thei farmer and small business is a ssatr . .. ter of record and that the Repub licans are making empty promises ?-r with nothing of record to back them up. He urged every voter to go w -ih. nniu nn Tuesday. Nov. 2nd. and . cast his or her ballot for the party ' of the LITTLE MAN - tne oasw CRATIC PARTY. Mr. Ballantine will be the next State Commissioner of Agriculture. Harvest Day Sale Be Held At Snow Hill Church On Nov. jrd hnlanee and . .. t j., carried them to Memoria General Hospital to Kinston where uwjr 7T'" mediate attention. The latest re ports were that they wew all im proving but Mrs. Trexler, who con tinues to be in a serious condition. Purchases Drive-In Theatre; Go'.dsboro Representative Graham A. Barden : Speaks At Democratic Rally By: HILDA L. CLONTZ iik. rtunlin County Federation sit nnmp Demonstration Clubs held their annual Achievement Day Pro- - in th Court House at lie- USUI '' nansvllle on October 21, 1948 at . o m with the County Presi- dent, Mrs. A. B. Lanier, of Rose Hill presiding. - m .itin0 miened with tne 1UC .ll--."0 M group singing America after which the Collect of Club Women of Am erica was repeated. Mrs. uinmau ; Williams, County Secretary, read the minutes. Nineteen Clubs ans wered to the Roll uau wiin au at tendance of 97 women. The group then sang ''It's A Good JTime To Get Together". A report of the Club Achievements was given by Mrs. Lehman Williams, Mrs. Hol- T..e Mrs J. H. Parker, Mrs. I I lava iwiiowj - - - , .a vino and Mrs. Robert KMak aiii m....o I Davis. Snow HiU Free Will Baptist fh,,nv win have a Harvest Day Sale on the church yard November 3, beginning at 2 o'clocx. a large quantity of farm produce will be v.onri fnr sale, as well as many pieces of beautiful hand work do nated by the community. merchants of Mt. Olive, enansville, Seven Springs and Kinston have donated useful items of merchan dise to be sold. A free picnic supper will be ser ved at 5 o'clock to all w.n attend the sale. -. ' Rev. Thos. B. Beaman, pastor of the church, extends an invitation to the public to attend the Harvest D?.y Sale. ' ... nnh'nemoreet. nop , mt. an mto. - . . . -A nnratorS Of the Uiar owners 7" .... v- ModelThe.tr. in recently Pjucnaseu - . . . ut-urav. The beuan M-nacrment on OCT. w "" have good movies booked for show a KILu. A VV1S1KH I1UUU JU' pr.v.menudinvitettetend. to visit tnem at tne - - In Theatre.. , ' Representative Graham A. Bar . j .v .t a Democratic Rally at O..Q. Lenler's Store in Cypress Creek Township last rnaay msuv a - uiin.tM) crowd of 250 heard Mr. Barden urge voters to support the whole Democratic toki Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, and enumerated oassed under the Demecratic Administration of the past 19 years wmcn nv iuk it... 9mi ann amaii Dusmrawire of the State and entire South. He Minted out that the 0tn congress j.i..ii hv Reoublicans - a.- imuunnv . , I tr::nx that North Carolinians in ma to the co'Js on Tuesday. Novewr 2- . fl cast their 1 tempted, until 3 cclook on the mor- law requiring, payment of Pty of farm products, ne ataxea mwj the man who led this fight to repeal parity payments would be Chair man of tne House agrauinu ..imi chnuifi b Henunucas vobk uumvv wtvw . : v. .Wat nn next Tuesday. Mr. Barden advised voters of North Carolina to stand by we party wv has done so mucn tor tne its people and to vote tne uemow tic ticket next Tuesday. Baltic Farmer Killed When Farm Tractor Overturns On mm Rev. Smith Precching In Vilson Rev. Stephen Smith of Beulaville is holding revival this week at Rock Ridge Free Will Baptist Church in Wilson County. s r'-"e is within 7 m"ns ct Leading families la the community are the Barnes. Boyuns ana weans Tin City won the attendance cup for having traveled tne most miies u j t. outlaw. Jr. of the Out i ...... 'nrria rinh oresented the awards. $10 was awarded the Mays- ville Club for having tne nignesi score for the year. Mineral springs and ePimy Brancn neio near est scores. In the exhibits penny ranc received 1st place, Rose Hill second and the Frienaiy uu mru. The meeting closea ny singi.n "Lead On, O King Eternal" and the group went to tne Agricuitu. Building to visit the exhibits and to enjoy a social hour. rv niinurin ciuds naa cnaitte of the program: Stage - Outlaws Rridse: Registration - Miller; Re- freshments - Penny Branch. t Tnrrans. 42. prominent farmer and merchant of Baltic, was accidentally killed Monoay bdoui, p.m. when his tractor overturn and pinned him beneath it. Tnmni nnri his Son ana a uiumci were working together when the ac cident occurred.. Young Torrans rushed to get aid from nis tamer filling station some distance away but it was some 35 or 40 minutes before the body could be freed. The tractor burst into names a minutes later. Torrans was rushed to the office of Dr. J. W. Straughan in Warsaw. . He never regained consciousness and died shortly afterwards. Funeral services were held on i, .joqr t 3 n m at theQulMI- McGowen Funeral Home stt war-. saw. Burial fouowea in ro" Cemetery. J.i He is survived by hU wife. Mat tie Spell Torrans; one son, Bucky; one daughter, Helen; hl Pents, and several brothers and sisten ln . It. 1 . Mr. Morrison was in Richmond, Va. on the 4th SSunday, conaucung revival, so this service was post poned to the 5th Sunday. At 8:30. pan. we uiramumij v.iiAwehln Sunner will be held in ti sundav School building. After supper the young people will pre- E. H. Woodward Dies Suddenly In Doctor's Office In Warsaw Woodward, 54, died suddenly from a heart attack Tuesday afternoon in a doctirs of fice in Warsaw, ne nau the doctor. The doctor and nurse were out and when the nurse came in she saw him sitting m vm dead. Funeral services were held Wednesday, at 4:30 1 p.m., conducted by the Rev. G. Van Stephens, pastor nf the .Warsaw Baptist Church, Burial was in Pinecrest Cemetery. 1 Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Mag gie Woodward of the home; four sisters, Fannie Woodward of the home, Mrs. Sam Albritton of Snow Hill, Mrs. Mary Shaw ot Evergreen, and T'rs ' "-t W. Worthingfn rf r j!.-ny.1. 1 Mayor Holder Is Elected To League Bozrd At a recent convention in Char lotte of the N. C. League of Muni cipalities, J. WVHoffler,. Mayor of Wallace, was elected to the Execu tive Board of the League. As di rector Of the Third .District, Tr. Hot'fler will repreert r ties in the com - ' Sfrt a "Youth r;:j ..f program. Z -"n-9 is vr:i it) attend both - t - "n V r

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