HILNANSVLLLE, NORTH CAROLINA THE DUPLIN TIMES Mk Friday In KensnorlTls, N. C. Cn rahllaaot DUPLIN Editorial bnalneM and prtntln plant. Kenansvttlo. N. C. J. ROBERT GRADY. EDITOR OWNER Entered at the Pott Offlee. Kenansville. N. C. -at second cilaaa gutter. TILKPHONI8 Kenansville. 855-6 Warsaw, 293-6 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $ par year In Dnplln County; 3.B0 per year year outside Dnplln County, In North Cart Una; 64.00 per year outside North Carolina, except to Men In U. 6. Armed Forces, Anywhere. fS.N per year. Advertising rates furnished on request A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, eoonomle and agricultural Interests of Duplin Count. -Horta Carolina National AdvtitUli8 tP'n'" Aheikai PimA""1"11 N.w Yrk NOTICE OF SALE Ov iiAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Jeed of trust, executed by W. L. Best and wife, Jewel B. Best, dated February 23rd, 1948, and recorded in Book 431, at page 549, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin Coun ty, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclos ure, and the party of the third part having requested said undersigned trustee to foreclose, the undersign ed trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Kenansville, N. C, at noon, on the 1st day of November, 1948, the pro perty conveyed in said deed of trust, the following tract or parcel of land located in Faison Township, Duplin County, N. C, and describ ed as follows: Warsaw Fish Market CREATORS AND MAINTAINERS OF LOWER PRICES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS (Next Door to A&P) Both Wholesale and Retail Know Your Fish or Know Your Fishman WILLIS FREE DRESSING Phone 230-1 WARSAW. N. C. o o . o o o . o o o o ' o o ' e . o o ,o o - o o 1 o o o o o o ' o o o o o o o o o o o o o See SAM R. JONES In Warsaw for CYANAMIDE - SODA - LIME PLANT BED FERTILIZER Complete Line S-D Fertilizers I will appreciate your business at Y. E. Hines Office and Warehouse C :.'---r "!""' ' .'- '-""'V' ' .;. .V V..',;,-' "V" ., -- ": 'V-Jl','V','::' :','', County BMt of COUNTY BEGINNING at a stake and runs S 13 degrees 30 minutes W 1030.3 feet to a stake; thence N 85 degrees 45 minutes W 294 feet to a stake; thence a dividing line of Lot No. 16, S 21 degrees 30 minutes W 6 81.5 feet to a ditch; thence with the center of the ditch, S 58 degrees 50 minutes E 128.2 feet to a croofc; thence S 34 degrees 31 minuses E 238.5 feet to another bend; thence S 74 degrees 34 minutes E 72.8 feet to another bend; thence S 86 de grees 4 minutes E 154 feet to an other crook and S 55 degrees 02 minutes E 93 feet to the end of said ditch; thence S 85 E 625 feet to the center of a branch; thence with the run of said branch N 30 degrees 37 minutes E 702.9 feet and N 2 degrees 30 minutes E 834.2 feet to a stake; thence leaving said branch N 64 degrees 30 minutes W 213.8 feet to a stake; thence N 19 degrees 30 minutes W 143.9 feet to a stake; thence N 50 degrees W 231 feet crossing said road; to a stake: thence N 3 W 172.3 feet to BARTLETT WE DELIVER Monuments Of Design QUALITY WORF IANSHIP TRU1! TONS - TINELY CUT SEE FRANCIS OAKLEY The Qulnn-McGtvcn Co. IN WARSAW o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o r lift f ,;., - t?l PR. JUSNKH i. FOREMAN SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 1:8: 3:3a: 4:1; 6:27-28; 8:1-11: 10:1-9; 15:1: 18:8: 22:1a; 25:13ab, 28; Ecclesiastes 13; James ''DEVOTIONAL HEADING: James 3: '13-18. True Wisdom Lesson for October 31, 1948 WHAT Is the most important thing in the world? Whnt is worth more than anything else? Some would say Money; some Pow er: some Goodness; some Truth. Anoth er answer Is given by the writers of a group of books, two of which are includ ed in our Bible. "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wis dom," they say. The books of Pmvprha and Ec- Foreman clesiastes in our Protestant Bible, and the books of Ecclesiasticus and the Wisdom of Solomon in the Apoc rypha, all have this viewpoint and are therefore called the Wisdom Literature. Other writers in the Bible divide the human race into the Good and the Wicked, or the Believers and the Unbelievers; but these writers see mankind as the Wise and the Foolish. The books they wrote (es pecially Proverbs) were intended particularly for those who are so far neither foolish nor wise that is to say, the young. Knowledge Is Not Wisdom WISDOM (as these writers use the word) is not the same thing as knowledge. A person may know a great many things and still be a fool. Or he may not even know how to read and write, and yet be wise. Some modern writer has said: Knowledge is knowing what to do; skill Is knowing how to do it; and virtue is doing it. Wisdom is all of these put together. But the special feature of the "Wisdom Writers" Is this: True wisdom begins with the fear of God. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom . . . the knowledge of God is under standing." In other words, wis dom without religion, without faith, Is foolish after all. We can see how in our times the story of the Nazis has shown this once more to be true. The German Reich of 1935-1939 had the best of the science of the world; they had scholarship and wealth and "know how" in many fields; but they re jected God and defied his church and so a nation was destroyed. We too may profit by their exam ple. We of the western nations have wealth and technical skills beyond 'any other peoples, we have the atom bombs but have we the wis dom without which all these things are but as torches in the hands of madmen? University on Ant-Hill KNOWLEDGE may be expensive. It costs a great deal of money to know what it takes to be an en gineer or a surgeon. Wisdom, strange to say, is less expensive. It is in fact on such a low shelf that most people pass it by. Consider where the "Wisdom Writers" tell us we may learn wis dom. One place is experience. "Ex perience keeps an expensive school, but fools will learn In no other and hardly from that," says a more modern proverb. Many of the proverbs In our Bible are simply distilled drops of experience. "A soft answer turneth away wrath, but griev ous words stir up anger," for example. Do you need an angel from the sky to tell you that? Another source of wisdom is just Nature herself. "Go to the ant, thou sluggard (lazy fellow); con alder her ways and be wise." A lazy man is a fool; but how shall he learn to be wise? Not by reading books just by watching the ants. Inspired Common Sense A FORMER governor of Virginia used to say that during his term of office he received more practical help from reading Proverbs than from any of the books on political science In his library. For the sci ence, or the art. of eoverhment is ouiiyiy vuc Dcuoiucu imiu v ..." - most important art, getting along with people. And the Wisdom Lit erature shows us how It is done. Some people think that Inspira tion is always mysterious, and that the Holy Spirit would not stoop to Inspire what we could learn in any ordinary way. But the Christian church, when it declares Proverbs (for example) inspired, expresses her belief that there is such a thing as Inspired Common Sence. God may speak to us, and does speak tf we will listen In the advice of our parents, In our everyday experiences, In. the hard-working ant and the ma j- ; esty of the soaring- eagle. ' All . truth la God's truth, even when we find It in ear own backyard. (Copyrttbt by lb tatmmtltnmt Ctmcil of MigSm tducttiom ea Mtlt f 40 Prof Mat dtnomtnsiloaM. fttltfi bf Dr. a stake; thence N 84 W 318.8 feet to the beginning and containing 42 acres, more or less, ana being the r- iforn portion of Lot 15, cf THE DUPLIN HMDS conveyed to W. L. Best and wife, by W. B. Carter and wife, by deed dated Feb. 21 1948, and recorded In the Duplin County Registry. This September ?' " 1948. P. G. CRUMPLER, Trustee. 10-29-4t. PGC NOTICE By power of sale in a certain deed of trust from Dudley Williams and wife, Bettie Williams to L. R. Hagood, Trustee, dated December 21, 1946, and recorded in Book 431 on page 322 Registry of Duplia County, default having been made in payment of debt secured thereby and the owner of the same having made request for foreclosure of same, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the! courthouse door In Duplin County on November 12, 1948, at eleven o'clock A.M., all the lands convey ed in said deed of trust as above, containing ten acres more or less, and being in Limestone Township, Duplin County, North Carolina. Cash deposit of fifteen percent will be required of the highest bid der. This 11th, day of October, 1)43. L. R. Hagood, Trustee. ll-5-4t. LRH ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Inez Crump Bonely, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Rose Hill, N. C, on or before the 8th day of October, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 30th day of September, 1948. Harvey J. Boney Mrs. Eunice B. Hamrick Administrator of Mrs. Inez Crump Boney, Deceased. 1. 12-6t. H. B. WARSAW AF & AM LODGE No. 677 AT 7:30. ALL MASTER MASONS ARE INVITED TO ATTNED. ' MEETS EVERY SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY NIGHTS oooooooooooc WHEN YOU NEED SERVICES OF AN AUCTIONEER CALL BILL HINES, JR. Phone 270-1 262-6 WARSAW, N. C. oooooooooooo REMEMBER TOD AT A I TfllMllKKiiw WITH A PHOTOGRAPH ; BY KRAFT'S STUDIO IN MOUNT OLIVE Phones 217-J or 230 COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY A SPECIALTY FOH SALE SASH, DOORS, SHEET ROCK, ROCK LATH, ROCK WOOL, PLASTER, LIME, CEMENT, BRICK, MORTAR, PAINTS, TER RA-COTTA PIPE, DRAIN TILE, WHITE ASBESTOS SIDING, ASPHALT . SHINGLES, ALL KOTOS OF ROLL ROOFING, 5-V ' ROOFDC jC-BRICK SIDING Ha- v - Jml NOW, BUT I 1 j , JSbpTi mT "yJwfc 1 J HEAR ,C ; About Athletes Foot 2127 Prominent Druggists Can't Be Wrong. Here's what Stout of Parkers burg, W. Va., says. "The sale of TE-OL has been very pleasing. One customer said it is the first thing in six years that gave re lief." IN ONE HOUR if not completely pleased. Your 35c back at y drug storo Locally at Kenansville Drug Store A. J. CAVENAUGH JEWELER DIAMONDS W A" CUtA WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAD21NG At ENGRAVING Wallace N. C. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Duplin f County, made in the special pro ceeding entitled Javan Thomas et al, the same being No ' up on the special proceedings docket of said court, the undersigned com missioner will on the 30th day of October, 1948, at 10:30 at the Ash ley Williams home place in the Town of Beulaville, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash a certain tract of land lying and being in Limestone Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of W. D. Brown and others, and more particularly described as follows, viz: BEGINNING at a stake, Burtis Thomas' corner on a ditch and runs with his line and the ditch S. 83 W. Duplin Supply Co. WARSAW, N. C. OOOOOOOOOOOOOiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO Build - Buy - Repair . A HOME ill , KEIIAIISVILLE - FAISOII - CALYPSO Vc Will Help You . r' 'I V . ........ J U ( 4 FRIDAY) f . -- - ----- . .1 Xmm HARVEST MOON . . ; f 300 feet to a ditch and stake, Adell Mntvipus corner at another ditch; thence with her line and said ditch S. 2 W. 96 feet to another ditcn; thence with this ditch S. 46Vfc W. 300 feet to a stake near the cor ner of the work shop adjoining the Service Station known as the J. S. Thomas Station; thence with said ditch and service station line S. 77V6 degrees West 216 feet to a stake at the old ,Avenue; thence with said avenue passing the house N. 3. E. 877 feet to a stake in W D. Browns' line; thence with his line S. 80 E. 741 feet to a stake J. W. Thomas corner at a fence; thence with his line S. 3. W. 425 feet to the beginning, containing 11 acres more or less. Tliis the 27th day of September, 1943. Grady Mercer, Commissioner 10-27-4t. GM NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as the Administrator of Addie Viola Blay- Calypso Veneer Co., Inc. RETAIL LUMBER YARD Phones: 3602, 3603 Calypso, N. C. ALL GRADES FRAMING, BOARDS, FLOORING, MOULDINGS, ETC. KILN DR1FD - All New and Modern Equipment MAY WE HAVE YOUR LIST? THANK YOU. ... OOOOOOOiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ H1 1. NOTICE jj We Wish To Announce That We Are Now Buying Ij Daily, Monday Through Saturday, At Warsaw, j 1 N. C. No Commission Charged. Top Market ( jj Prices For Your Hogs. Sampson Livestock Market LANCE WILLIAMS, Owner. iooooooooooooooooocoooooo v-- OCTOBER 28th, 1948 , 1 r. lock, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail per sons having claims against her said estate to present them to the under signed Administrator on or before the 15th day of October, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make .immediate payment. This 11th day of October, 1048. John W. Blaylock, Administrator. 11-19-61. VGB - 3 Southerland Electric Co. Warsaw, N.C. Phone 270-1 All Types Of Wiring i ' 4 -t 1st It 1