Si .A 1 Duplin County " Election Returns Duplin, County voters gave an ' overwhelmingly solid straight Dem ocratic vote of confidence to their candidates on the national state 1 and county tickets on last Tuesday. (The vote all over the country be - - spoke the confidence of the people '-in the Democratic Party and a government "of the people, by the .: people and for the people" as op : posed to the Republican Party and - government under it for the privileged few. ,- Returns from 19 of Duplin's 20 precincts gave for President. Tru man, 5661; Dewey, 956; Wallace, 6; Thurmond, 277. For Senator Brou . ghton, 5567; Wilkerson, 708; and Brown (Progressive Party) 8. For " Governor: Scott, 5745;- Pritchard, 748; Price, (Progressive Party) 7. ,For Lt Governor; - Taylor, 5495; "Hayes, 747; Harris, ", (Progressive , Party) 7. For Congress: Barden, 5554 and Crumpler, 767. Vote for other State Officers have not been totaled at this writting, but will not vary much from those given above. From returnes totaled from ,15 out of the 20 County precincts it appears that Duplin voters favored Nos. 1, 2, and 4 of the Ammend ments to the State Constitution and defeated No. 3. " ' Complete returns will be publish ",;ed next week. : iving Thoughts of the large .'family ,at j'4lutfQxtttti Orphanage kegijat, to ' tnrn towards the Thanksgiving sea-' son when thousands of Masons and other friends annualy give gener ously of their meant to the welfare' of boys and girls who need and so well deserve Jthem. .This h of the utmost Importance in these young lives:'' '- ;" ' - The Oxford Orphanage for three- , quarters of a century has special ized In every phase of properly rear ing orphaned children. Its contri bution of more than 6,000 well equipped and worthy young men and women to good citizenship is v a living testimonial to the import- - ance and usefulness of the institu tion whose sole object is. to serve. The Grand Lodge of Masons owns and operates the Oxford Orphan age, but has never restricted Us services to the children of Masons. . Eighty percent of the children in - the institution ore of non-Masonic parentage. At Oxford the question of parentage, yields to the need of the child. That is the decisive ar gument. -".' C"' .The need of Orphanages today for greater support is pressing. They must have more money or else. You know what that means. Superintendent Gray is forced by circumstances to stress increas ed . donations this Thanksgiving. t The expense of operating the Ox ford Orphanage has been growing every neay and now is at a peak. When one thinks o(Jhe multipli city of service the institution has to perform, it is enough to open the hearts and purses of benevo lent men and women. There is no economy in neglect. When we do not pay from the heart, often we have to pay thru -the .nose. Juvenile delinquency is an acute problem of the times. Its . prevalence is deplorable. The Or- .. phanage helps materially the - solution by rearing and training children who otherwise would not have a chance. If it did no more than this, the Orphanage would Justify its existence. As a tax-payer and public spirited citizen you are vitally interested in it; y-.Wr.'.X"' ' "Gratitude is a species of.just- - ice", said a wise man. , Our .fore bear so interpreted it when :Am- ' erica was in the making,; ; - ; ; . Who is there who should, not j leel deep sense of gratitude? ' Express your f gratitude by . generous donation to the Oxford Orphanage. " - rUA ADDS EMPLOYEE - Mrs. Lois R. Brinson of Warsaw has recently begun work as clerk tvnlet with the Farmer Home Ad- minlstration in Warsaw. Mrs. Brin son will assist in taking applications and nivwpunlna Inarm m nutria bv t ie FHA, Mr. Holland, County Su pervisor for Duplin, announced, ' . HARRIS: t PRESIDENT OF TH , UNITED STATES The Mightiest Oak in a Mighty Forest V of a Mights Democratic, Nation .. ; - - v :' ALBEN W. BARCLEY VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED . STATES A .Man of The People and For The ePople - The President's Choice "Ffoiir Tlie Pe(le Who Knowrr To learn about any group or indi vidual it is always best, of course, to get yur information "from the people who know." So, the people who know Farm Bureau and what it means are the most competent sources of information about this organization of more than 1,276,000 farm famines in the nation and more than .70,600 farm families in North Carolina. t Edward ;A..b'Nell president of the American .k'8.r:n Bureau r for many years until his retirement last December, says: , l-v "The voice, of Agriculture has been strong because of our mem bership and unity." i , "It is hard for me to understand why every farmer in North Caro lina does not join your powerful Farm Bureau, and make his contri bution to the fight, for the cause of America's basic industry Ag- ; Ai:;"i ' r. . mm TRUMAN ' -iiiliiMis iiil "The extraordinary' growth and development of the Farm Bureau in recent years Is evidence enough that the farm organization formula necessary to enlist the support of the great masses of farmers has' keen found, .That formula consists simply of : combination of eda cation, ' economic, and legislative service to the people who live on the land." , . . i. The Xorth J arolina Fani Ji.i reau annual stale-wide meml'f Ship campaign btgan Septembrr v.Mth a goal of UC.COO farm fiimtli' Yavux Bureau leaders feel ti - .t such a number is necessary if Farm Bureau is to do its best in the coming year for all farmers. How ever, Farm Bureau will not stop at 80,000, Each year it will grow as it has grown by leaps and bounds since it was founded in the 1"? yesrs ago. How f- t it v "I on evvy ' ' JUDGE HENRY L. STEVENS Who will deliver the Annual Ar mistice Day Address in Warsaw- next Thursday. Warsaw calls on its-J First Citizen to be the main speaker. It is also possible that Congress man Graham Barden will be pres ent. Thursday, November 11, is Armi stice Day in Warsaw. Plans are ra pidly shaping up for one of the big gest Armistice Day ' Celebrations ever staged there. American Le gion officials are optimistic over the gala program which has been arranged and a large crowd is ex pected in Warsaw, for the annual event. Judge Henry L. Stavens, Jr., resi dent - Superior ; Court Judge, will deliver the principal address at 11: 30 A. M. ov shortly after "the big parade. Judge Stevens is Urie of the Nation's noted men. Holii past National Commander of theTlmeri pan Legion, and lias been honored on numerous occasions. He is one of the State's finest orators, md Legion officials re happy over h's acceptance to deliver the Armistice Day Address this year. No finer selection could have been made. The most colorful parade in many years will be one of the big feat ures of the Armistice Day celebra tion,, spates Chairman Woodrow Blackburn, eterah of World War II. The parade will start promptly at 10:00 A, M. It will form at the High School building, and Chair man Blackburn urges all partici pants to meet' there at 9 a.m. The parade will 'proceed down Main Street from the ACi. Depot to the intersection of the Cimton High way, turn and cross the railroad and move up West Ma-n Street to the Legion Home, and from the Legion Home it will tiroceed out West Hill Street. The parade will be led by J. J. Barden and Yank Smith, vets of World War II. Many leading "business firms in Warsaw and other towns will have floats in the parade. The National Guard Units of Warsaw, Goldsboro, Wil mington, and Clinton will march in the parade. Cas.i prizes of S23 and $15, will be awarded for the f ri and secon-I best floats in the ide. iaiiman FJ.'icWiir.i wishes to am f nee that pets are wauUil in th- prrade. Anvor-.; e?iiirins a. Dot in the parade can decorate it ar.y- way hey des o J. C. Page is giv iiig i Wrist Watch to the boy or S,.i'l who wins first prize with their pets in the parade. The Kinston High School Band, one of the best in the State, will participate In the parade, as will the Wilmington Shnne Drum and Bugle Corp. In the afternoon stunts, contests, etc., will be tha features with Sen ator Rivers D. Johnson in charge. It is also planned to have a football game at 3 o'clock. The features of the evening will be the Beauty Contest and the Grand Ball which will be held at the high school gym. Ten of Dup lin County's most attractive girls, representing their respective high schools will vie for the honor of "Miss Armistice." The selection will take place prior to the Ball at 9 o'clock in the gym. She will lead the Grand March in opening the Grand Ball. Judge Henry L. Stevens will crown "M'ss America". The dance will bring an end to the big day's events. ;r ';. ; : A cordial welcome is extended to all to come to Warsaw next Thurs day and help celebrate Armistice Day. Buying a farm "on a shoestring" Is ' y in any case, but the poorer !' t a r eater the risk. The " ' ' 'i r""wnt, the (a k. V f. Thp. Sallle Futreal Beverly Brook I ml i i I V 1 "5 I &i ys,:A -S. 'Sis X jp' 1 - ' Evelyn Hines f- 'pjgyJone 5 rati Dinah Eubanks SOME OF DUPLIN county's loveliest high school girls will compete for the title of "Miss Armistice Day" at Warsaw's Ai mlsl;ne celebration November iL Sponsored by the Chas. L. Guvin Post of the American Legion, "Miss Armistice" will he selected from among those entered as a feature to open the annua! ball at the Warsaw High School gymnasium. Miss Futreal represents Chin- juapin. She is 17 years old, 5 feet 2 Inches tall, weighs 120 pounds; has brown hair and ha zel eyes. Miss Brock hales from Calypso. She is 16 years old, 5 feet 4 1-2 inches tall, weighs 110 pounds. She has blue eyes and blond hair. Miss Hines, Faison, is a blond with grey eyes and light brown hair. She is 17 years old, 5 feet 8 1-2 inches tall, and weighs 120. Miss Jones of Rosehill is 16 EDITORIAL The history of the Democratic Partv is the history of our growth, our development, our pro gressiveness and our world leadership. The people have retained this heritage. Again we will move forward. The people of the country showed Tuesday that we do not believe in the principles of the Re publican PaVty. The election, a democratic landslide, clearly indicates that we must have an executive and a legislative department that must work together. The Democrats, nation-wide, really had no hope of winning. Harry S. Truman rolled up his sleeves, aided by Alben W. Barcley, went out al most single handed, and elected a Democratic Congress, Senate and Qovernors, throughout the nation. "The figures in Duplin reveal that we are true to the prophesy of our fathers. Evelyn Davis years old. She Is a brunette brown eyes and black hair. She is 5 feet 2 inches tali and weighs 107 pounds. Miss Eubanks is from the Bcu lavllle high school. She is 17 years old, weighs 110, and is 5 feet 6 inches tall. She has bli.j eyes and blend hair. Miss Davis represents Waivw. She is 16 years old, v ri -hs rr, pounds and is 5 fret 3 tml'.es t.'.;i. She has blond hair and p:vy eyes. BOB GRADY I n ki. let's think a bit. We here Duplin, for generations, have ' t "i sendng our money to neigh- 1 :' ounties and neglecting our ocmiitv. Lei's build up at home. . the same, and in many in- i es. -more than our neighboring :ties. : .J- ' 'inr example, to the inerehanU of Kenancville - Most of our ice ' mcs from Clinton. We have two " plants in Duplin, one in Warsaw "fi oiw m Wallace. Why you buy 'in:: Cmton, we do not know. But ' do know that Clinton does not ! !:ne to Dunlin and spend its mon- Let's sticl. o Duplin and build Duplin. Here is whore we live, and know that character and money will build a (.or..riiunity. . ";. i He listen to the Kinston Radio ' S.ution evrv clay. The programs " !nev nu. on. seems to me, give the. :ypt' of music that everyone in Du Dim loves. We love our old-time nniKic. Their news broadcasts are v timely and come at the right hour of the dav. If vou want to listen to ; good programs tune in on WKNS.V 1.000 on your dial. Kenansville Entrant '3 Miss Hilda Gray Brinson, age 17, the lovelv " from Kenansville IHsii School in the Armistice Day Beaun Conle-,1 to be held in War-, saw noxt Thursday, Miss Brinson will vie lor the honor of Queen for a Day with otiier entrants from h:gh schools in Duplin County. I THINK By. TORQUEMADA I THINK that now that the elect ion is over and the people have spokn in so emphatic a voice it is time for all of us to erase fiom our minds all oittcrness, all dis sension and get solidly behind the . MAN win) 1 i:is emergen as the un-niistal-ablc head of the Democratic Party in his own right. Harry S. Truman, the MAN, has won for the Democratic Party, perhap3, its Si ealest victory in the history of ' tiie nation and won it almost alone. Few people thought that he had a chance and no one would have bet a plugged nickel that the Republi cans would lose the House of Rep resentatives. But, by his willing ness' to speak openly and clearly on the issues involved, his fixed de termination to win, by his willing ness to fight and keep on flght-ng, with head bloody butvnbowed, won for himself and his party a great victory. 1 THINK that Mr. Thurmond and his DixiecraU. Mr. Wallace and hj Wallaciles, if they are men worthy cf aspiring to the Presidency of the United Stat?s, should make a pil grimage to Washington and with heads uncovered, their shoes r n.oved - so as not to defile his house and with humility in their hearts stand before Mi.. Truman and assure him of their support for the next four years. THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN! Do you hear the resounding thun der of their voices Mr. Thurmond and Mr. Wallace? . Most farmers mortgage troubles grow out of buying a farm at too high a price and t'-en t" ' " H