1 . is- J. VOLUME NUMBER SIXTEEN KENANSYILLE, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1948 No. 46 L Group cDtaig At Fdssn Last Wcali B::333S Ksa foiptinnt Station DALLAS PRICE , Seven Sprints , A native son of the Grady Cross roads section, who la a new County Commissioner in Wayne, represent ing the Seven Springs icUon. He Is a prominent farmer and fertilizer dealer. , , - . immmt Doas Approved Custom ligCo "Th Pink Hill Milling Company, oi Pink Hill, have been made an Approved Custom Mixing Station, according to an announcement re ceived by them from the Ralston Purina Company, St Louis, Mo. :"We are fully qualified," they ' say, "to render the type of custom grinding; and mixing service the Balaton Purina Co. authorize, we are completely equipped to grind the farmer's own grains and" mix . with them a balancer that has been rnnnii to be practical and economl- caL By grinding the farmer's own snA Koionfor it is nossible to in- r crease the return a nnua . ' from his grains when he markets Km fhrnueh his livestock in the orm of pork, beef, eggs or lilk-" . 4 - IsS-rLUIU UClMuuv ' be met before they could become ; a. Purina Custom Mixing Station, , according to them. Do Ye Heed A Hospital? Read This! r 1 rw of a total of 1517 live births in Duplin county in 1947, records of the state board of health show that 302 occurred in a hospital and 915 occurred outside a hospital or in circumstances unknown. This means that 75.18 of the county's live births last year occurred with out benefit of hospital facilities for " mother and child. ' ' The records further ihow that in 43 counties of the state last year a majority of the live births occur- , red outside a hospital, in uie vuie whole Uie percentage born offtslde a hospital was 35.17. Among - the loo counties Duplin ranked . 82nd in percent of live births that imui without such facilities. : A physician Was in attendance at t,118 of the Duplin births, but 99 'had nniv the attention of a midwife. In the same year the county had . tntni nf so infant deaths and three maternal deaths. Of the Infant deaths, 21 occurred in' a hospital and 29 in circum nes unknown. A physician was in attendance at 48 of the deaths and the remaining two nan nq at tention of a physician. . ; Of the maternal deaths, one took nlace in a hospital and two occur ' red outside a hospital. A physician was In attendance at all of the deaths. ' ' ';' - ' v. Becords show that Duplin's bud get for public health service for "f , " 4947-48 totaled $22,825 or .574 per "capita. Of this total, local sources - 'contributed $14,995 6r J77 per K .capita; the state contributed $2380 or .072 per caiirta; and, $4,950 or 'i7s mr caDita from the federal ' Government. . in 1947 there were 39,142 child ren born- in North Carolina wltft out the benefit of hospital faculties for mother and child. Of this num- ber, 13,805 did not even have the .attendance ft a physician. - A birth in such circumstances ".' means undue anxiety, suffering .and risk of human life. v.'e need more h"ritais, more r 51a fret i S'm' r I r If post-campaign political pro mises mean anything, this section of eastern North Carolina ia slated to have some type of Vegetable ex periment station in the near tuture. At a meeting of the Faison Cham ber of Commerce on Wednesday evening of Nov. 3, attended by rep resentatives of Wayne, Duplin and Sampson counties who are seeling the station, Congressman Graham A. Barden, Lt. Gov. L. Y. Ballen tlne, next commissioner of agricul ture. State Representative Vivian Whitfield, Pender county, and Sen ator B. V. Johnson, Duplin County, and Dr. R. W. Cummlngs, associate director of the State Colege exten' sion service, each pledged their best efforts towards securing a station, located somewhere in the tri-county area, which would deal in vegetable and truck crop research exclusive ly. President James H. C. Hill, of the Faison group, which initiated the movement, and has pushed it for the past several months, opened the meeting and explained its pur pose, after which he introduced Mayor L. D. Croome, who wel comed the visitors. After the delicious supper, ser ved by the Faison ladles, Mr. Hill ntroduced Senator Johnson of war saw, who acted as toastmaster for the evening. Senator Johnson then introduced Lt Gov. L. Y." (Stag) Ballentine, of Raleigh, who wiU as sume his new duties as commission er of agriculture for North Carolina in January. 1 Mr. Ballentine came out in favor of the proposedexperiment sta tion to improve agriculture in this section, and also announced his Support ior what he termed ."year around agriculture" in North Caro lina, He 'ir urged the state's far mers to work for better marketing facilities; and said that if he could raise the standard of living in North Carolina by making its citi zenry- conscious of agriculture s place in state economy, he would deem his administration successful. Dr. R. W. Cummlngs, associate director of the State College Ex tension 'Service, which would man and conduct the experiment station, stated he definitely was in favor of any research program which .could be set up in this area, out warnea his listeners not to expect more than a sub station here. He outlined the problems connected with set tine up any research program pointing out that all the work in any program could not poss.Diy dc done at any one place, but must be carried wherever the best facilities were available. ' Dr. Cummlngs admitted the shortage of facilities in this area, and said that a request was before the budget advisory committee for funds with which to establish the tyne station needed in this area. He pointed out that it would have to be a joint federal-state unaer taklns. and its establishment would deDend on federal funas neing available. : .-.-"! The evening's next speaker, J, Vivian Whitfield, of Burgaw, pro minent farm leader in this section. and member of the N. C. House oi ReDresentatives, said he saw no reason why the station coum noi faa obtained, but also warned not to expect a central station He also touched on the necessity ior a Dei- ter packaging and marketing pro gram in. this state to auow yege table and truck farmers to compete with other states. He warnea that until such -'as program j mi veil underway, all the reseaitH ". the world would not be worth, a dime, and the farmer would continue at the b'ottom of Jhe economic Jadder . in NorthjCarollna. VT--i Congress Graham A. Barden, of New Bern, speaking briefly, said frs was so d in the value ot researcn in agriculture, and would do every thing in h!s power to assure leaerai participation in the program, ne urged those seeking the station to call on Aim whenever he could be of assistance, and expressed n pleasure.that the group had mad such progress In obtaining me sta tion. Boy Scouts Meet In Warsaw Plan Camp-nee llov. 13-14 The Tuscarora Council Boy Scoat executive board met Friday night In Warsaw with J. C. Thomp son, Jr. In charge ,bf arrangements. Roy M. Purser, presided. L. O. Branch, council commission er, stated that troops are planning their work a year in advance. S. C. Baddour reported on Samp son county activities, including a Court of hondr and final plans for the councll-wlde camp-o-ree to be held In Clinton on November 13-14. Clyde Rich Sampson county fi nance chairman, stated the county? wide campaign to raise operating funds for the council budget vas being conducted. Leader training courses, active courts of honor and plans for at tending the camp-o-ree were high lights of E. W. Faries' report on the Duplin district. E. L. Woodall, Smlthfleld, and Glenn W. Grier, representing Johnston county, gave a report of need of increased adult interest and activities. Mr. Grier presented plans for continuing the program of developing the number of indi viduals to be honored in the Camp Tuscarora Memorial Hall. Emll Rosenthal, council inter racial chairman announced an e. tension of the program for Negro boys through district training cour ses for new leaders and other adults. Scout executive R- L. Wolff sta ted that Herbert Stucky of the re gional Boy Scouts office had work ed in the council In October and would assist again in December in regards to council planning for 19 49. Captain Bob MacCauley. also of the regional' staff, is to spend about two weeks in the council in Nov ember to help with the organization of senior Scouting. Mr. Purser appointed commit teees to develop plans for the an nual meeting and to draw up a slate for the 199 officials. Bob Herring of Rose Hill, lead ership training chairman, gave a presentation of -the . fundamentals of the Boy Scout movement and showed a- series of slides. Scoin Joe West of Warsaw played seveial se lections on the piano. 1 1 r h W'l API 1 IN THE STAR - NEWS Nov. 5 By John Sikes Maybe It's Time We Made A Little History Right Now Rather Than Digging In Past EXPERIMENT STATION PROMO TERS The seven gentlemen pic tured above each made promises of doing their best to provide this section of eastern North Carolina with a vegetable experiment station, when they met with the Faison ..Chamber of Commerce Wednesday evening oi lasl week. Seated, loll to right, thev are Congress Giahaiii A Barden. New Hern; Roy dues Faison. chairman of i three-couniv committee the stat.on; Lt. Go. 1. Y Ballentine. Raleigh, next "uni missioner of agriculture; and Iji. K. W Cumminas. Raleigh, asjocaU director State College extension service Standing. Vivian Whitfield, Burgaw. stale representative; Riv ers .Johnson. Warsaw attorney and member of the Legislature; and J mos II. C. Hill, president of the Faison organization. Photo by j Clntus Brock. Jurors Civil Superior Court Dec, 1948 KENANSYILLE. Nov. 4. In a few days or weeks or months i hope to unfold for you a plan that Robert Grady pronounced Grail- dy Is spear-heading, so to speak, to give Duplin County some Kino u historic pageant line raui ween gave to Roanoke Island ana win- we might have? It's plain down mean to dq so cal loused to the Past as to wonder if we shouldn't, mercenarily perhaps, pay more attention to making a little history right at the moment. For example and this is an old tune I've been playing and it FIRST WEEK: Loyd Taylor, G. W. Lanier, B. W. Groves, Mrs. C. H. Heain, Carl Whitfield, Paul Pate, Sud.e Farrior, Jeff D. Outlaw, W. W. Woodcock, Paul Johnson, Willie E. Outlaw, Elbert H.-Southerland, Will Frede rick, McCoy Summerlln, 3. J. Mor ris, G. P. Kint, Elmer Goodson, L. Page. Jerri' Teachey L. II. Southerland J. J. Brown, Edwin Usher. Elmer Swinson. C. L. Hrown. J. E Sloan W. L. Walters. Alma Pierce, A. L Brown. Levi Uaivpy. J. H. Mallard. J. Tate Harrell, Mrs. Annie Barwlck. C J. Brinson, Wal ter Powell, and Carl Teachey SECOND WEEK- . .. . iiMir mm P3 nuuuicaaiu r- UC,D lb rr mj, " County. ' ' Brother Grady edits the Duplin Times here in the county's seat of government. He's so much interest ed -in the oast Rlory of the county that he's in touch with any number of dramatic writers and drivers In to history who might come up wim snmethlna like Green' "The Lost Colony." we erow a necx oi a 101 oi sm berries in Duplin County. We grow a lot of the same around;, Chad- hniirn in Columbus. But what nap- pens? The strawberries are bought from this section raw and hauled to heck and gone some place else and processed frozen or canneo, etc. and eventually shipped back intn this section for retail sale. The same cycle applies to almost all other kinds of proclUC2 grown hereabouts. Personally. I'm all for lt. There i little doubt but that tne ureeni J!4 . .....in't opus on Roanoke island has done w .rtodrTam up some- more-to turn tne mougn .- -,"" ;t ghow Dresent-day Du- tlon -toward the earo r major, -.-5 now" comparatively Nortftuaroiina xnan ; ' it wouU be t0 work out a sys -- - -- , , . lJ..c.M including the Wright uromers it almlane flicht at Kitty Hawk, I haven t the sligntesx nouon jui uht, thme Brother Grady expects to Inspire tne writers uevuuro mm -than somewnai uini" with tha earlier days of the county. t iot fioiirpcl that we. over nere in 1 flM, MB" - . Duplin,, were so mucn concem .ith maVinir strawberries, tobacco, cucumbers, corn and the like that .... AiAn' have time for digging in- . n.t and making a lot of folks outside the county love us for what we were back in the olden golden davs, ? . Ha that Brother Grady ana his writers, will set forthtiut this .aiiv was Indian country in tne ear"cr days and that Tuscarorw 1 an back and forth through our po .n,rn. bnri unTands as unconcerned as we plough a field in this day and time. It also may be that Editor Grady J F Whalev. G. S. Blackmore, Alex Judge. Earl Williams, Edward 1 Bland, J. A. Swinson, J. L. Whit- 1 field. Peter Pickett. Jr., K. C. Wil son. Rutus Can-. Asnley Kennedy, T (J. Herring. I.. I! .Shiver, S. R. Lanier, Freelv snr.lli. Alonza Pale, Owen Wha'ev. VV. H. Brown, Rich ard A. Smith. E V. Vestal, George Lanier. John H. iJixon, Koland Thomas. Vance Basiien, Cyrus Ba chelor, J. M. Brown. C. A. UOdDOia, Henrv D. Brinson. Mrs. Isabelle P Faison. L. D. Sheffield, Manly A Carr. Roy L. Dunn, R. C. Hen derson. D. D. Herring, David Foun tain, and S. A. Blizzard. BOB GRADY says Jurors County Court December 1948 Jurors for the December term of County Court are a;i follow: James C. Stevens, Miss Margaret Colwell, Jonas Edwards, ordon a. Thigpen, Emmett J.ickson, M. .1. Blizzard, M. G. Smith, W. B. Know- loc .T Alvns Powell. Dave Mercer. 1 sun G. W Miller, Claude R. Rouse. El- I mer Weston. R. D. Merrill, C. b. Orr Harrv Mathis, James Whit field, W. E. Brady, W. T. Hanchey, John Calvin Qurganus. S. E. Caven augh, Lawton Baker, Whilnev JTo blev, J T. Frederick. P.t.1 Cood- I c,,n anrl M T fjradv. Well. John Sikes, secretary of the . Wallace Chamber of Commerce, has finally got him a spouse. I doubt that he has honestly let his wife know his age. John is a great writer ana a . great p-0r.1if.er. He has an unlimited . flow ot words in his vocabulary. ' We wisn lor him ma'.y happy, Returns ;n the future. We a.-e i;oing to count on him a ; rcat deal in putting over our pageant. It is such fellows as he whom we can depend upon to as sure suiTesv I The IVieant can 1 fail if the I peopTe ol Duplin will oack it up ' and we Know they will. Sam Bvrd has something great and we can depend upon him. His soul and heart are in it. Armistice Day In Warsaw oonnnmv irt which industry and -sericulture would mesh ther interests right here ana now m . midst? , ... You'll forgive me nror.ner u'w. but i;d a whole 101 hiu here by the courtnouse ami wc dences of a lot 01 ms - actual making than be caught up And -there ain't nobody who loves to play Tuscarow 1 Indians and Knights of the Round Table any more than I. Lions Plai Shootig Match The Duplin Times Kenansville, N- v Sne Lions Club met on has : in mind something about Wednesday night the 10 of Noveta time Lord DuP". J.fy'.8"? ber at the Kenansville High School a olsunct aristocratic ungc w 1 ., prior to the ousinesa nmrtr nt the woods. - , . I ctoi- cerved a delloiOUS ftnt. while aareelng to the re-:.. . ft the members of motest historic touch Editor Grady '"1 r,nb wishes to give the section ana re- u Garland King gave minutes Joiclng whole-heaitedly with him ,,! report. Plans were about the oast glories, I wonder if . , turkey shooting match m ,a tm U. niwiAe I UiHuw - - - 1 to be held on Saturday, wovemoer ATTENTION HEADERS Monday we received a com munication from a reader, postmarked Pink HIU. We are dad to publish these com munications but the writer's ' name MUST be signed for se curity'! sake. We do not nee ' essarily have to publish the name tf t 9 w" r but we do rave?-' 1 cr ti-e is. 1 1 s f 1 f " "t it wnuidn't ha better if his writets placed a bit more emphasis on wnai goes on today in our county. And What might well go on in the bright Tomorrow. . ' .' J I'm as sentimental as tne next one about what happened Yester day, but I'm afraid my curiosity about "What'U go on Tomorrow u- percedes my hankering to 1011 in the gloriee of Yesteryear. ' 1 And, since I'm maKing wis pretty much oplonated, I wonder if r';;ht now is the time to pay so ,if.h lavish tribute ti bygones. Cr ' Vt we better go In for a little , ,r .,-- Isn't it rV.'Mt Anyone who could and did not go to the Warsaw Armistice Day Cele bration missed something that they will never again be able to see. Ta king it all-in-all, I ame of the opin ion that this was, if not the best, close to the best of the Warsaw Celebrations. A crowd estimated at some 10,000 came to see the color ful parade and to hear Judge Henry L. Stevens make an address un- equaled by any past speaker at these annual Armistice Day cele brations. It is usually an easy mat ter for any writer to pick out cer tain highlights of a speech and comment on them, but, Judge Ste vens' speech was without highlights it glowed, throbbed and burned from the first to the last word. It was at one and the same time a flehtlne sDeech and a fervent prayer for peace. Senator River D. Johnson was Master of Ceremonies and did the Job as only Rivers Johnson can. Mr. Johnson Introduced the Rev. J. Murphy Smith, of Faison, who gave the invocation. Mayor A. J. Jenkins then addressed the gathering wel- fcomine them to Warsaw. Mr. Jonn- son then called upon Graham PhiV- llDS. Commander of the Charles k, Gain Post No. 127 of the American Lesion, who also extended a wei come to those present. Mr. Johnson Benson. Judge Stevens men spoke -his worke will long be remembered by all who heard him. Prizes were then awarded to those who won in the parade, lirv. prize for the best float went to tin Warsaw Hardware Company, ior a float depiciting the Raising bf the Flag on Iwo Jima' . Second prize to the Girl Scouts' float and third prize to the float of the Warsaw Rotary Club. To the children who inarched in the Pet Parade this writer can only say ' You were all perfect". I could not have possibly decided which was best and am glad that 1 was not called upon to make the decision. The judges gave the prize - a wrist watch, presented bv Hines Auto Supply C. - to Anne Straughan and her "Baby Cnrnapo of Puppies . U.S. Savings Bonds Campaign Noy.11 To December 11 Spearheaded bv the American Le ! nion a part of its program for ma king America stronger, a special i promotion campaign for U. S. ! Savings Bonds began on Armistice ' Dav across the nation. I orth Carolina's goal by the year's end is to increase the num ber oi regular bond buyers on the Pavroll Savings Plan by 25,000 and the number of bank depositors n the Bond-a-Month Plan by 1.500, as , the state s pro rata share of the : na la, ,oa,Ul 1250 000 payroU sa- vers anu Month buyer 150000 more Bond-aa nth heeinnlns at 10 a.m. and con tinuing until 4 p.ra. The shooting match will be held beside highway No. 24, M mile east of Kenansville m tha Ilnnlaville nifUlWay. UM A U Committee for snooting raawu m. nan .mcitson. sflu viv Stokes, target; D. H. McKay, mark ing off grounds; Mitchell Allen, t.,rveva' ; Judees. Oliver Stokes, vwit Hardv. HaUle Daughtry Ktecrine Committee, Lacy Weeks, A. R. Bland, ana u. e. phin. , , Yours very truly, z. w. rr--. - ' - ' The Re. Van Stepehens ol War saw gave the benediction. See next week's issue ol the Times for a more comprehensive coverage of this dav as Armistice Day Celebration. have Found Guilty Court Decision .. .. 1 tI'Un1l. next introduced Mrs. Eva Robersofi, Macy uosuc anu r I cnarcu wiui luiim-an" a Gold Star Mother, of St. Peters burg. Fla., who expressed her pleas ure at being present ana at naving had the pleasure to march in the parade. Mrs. Roberson is a nurse and served in eo oase nospnais cur ing the wars. She had two sons in the service one of wmcn was sail ed in action. Mrs. Roberson was passing through Warsaw just prior to the parade and was pursuaded to remain for the celebration. Mr. Ed Benson was then recognised as the member of the American Leg ion Pot who had secured the most m pit ' s tfjrirs this years drive ry, were louna guiuy m coumy court this week and sentenced to 8 months by Judge Robert West. It was alleged that they live to gether in a house rented by Mae Whaley in the Chinquapin section of the county. Seeveral witnesses testified to having seen the defend ants together on numerous occas ions and that Macy Bostic s auto was frequently seen parked in the yard late at night and until early morning. Witnesses also testified to the fact that a 14 year old daugh ter of Macy Bostic'r lived in the Our Own Creation c- Amprican workers had experience with . that couldn't pay. A company that fin danger of folding up is no gd as an employer. Therefore, the prob lem facing the boss to Ms etortte show more income than is also the problem of thjr workers. It a business gets on the run Ot may not want to move to Porto Start, this indicates that somethtag taTenoualy wrong. Ten to one. the Income is not up to tta Wtt!' bor may have some ot the A lot of Americans may befooled . by the seemingly endless bounty of business. Government, ".Jf 1 pected to give and give and gle. Yet it doesn't make sense to ex 'peel either ot them to keep on gl tag forever. Neither government nor business ever actually creates ja dollar ot wealth. Each .can give benefits only out ot that whicbj receives. By the same, token, our hie living standards are actually the products ot our own intelligent work and continued high produc tion. Whaley. Testimony by other wit nesses, tended to show- that Macy Bostic has a wife from whom he is separated and that T T.ie V i -? ,- i v. sV-ned up by Mr. hne as t!id t e children of Mae