v :? . S, . - i 5 - j." f. - r I- - 1 1 i U f j. I 4 III IUK DUFL1N T1MBS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1948 Wair saw Mew s Of Interest To Every C MRS. STACY BRITT ' Vaksaw editok Subscription Acent AdTertisinr S "!cltor Dial 293-6 Please Call In Your News Entertains Club Mrs. Hector McNeil was hostess to her bridge club and several addi tional guests Saturday evening when she entertained at two tables. Flowers decorated the home and during progressions coca colas and nuts were served. At the conclusion Mrs. Charles Sheffield was present ed dish towels for high score and ' Mrs. Jimmy McColman received letter opener for traveling 3ward Mrs. Elbert Matthis was remember ed with individual salt spoons. Tho hostess served tipsy cake and coffee. Penny Branch Club Serves Supper The Penny Branch Home Demon- j stration Cub served a chicken sal ad supper on Wednesday afternoon ( beginning at 5:30 at the club house. Tickets were on sale at 75c a plate. ' In Hospital Miss Jame Belle Blackir.ore ; un dergoing treatment at Jar.ie Walk er Hospital but experts 'o return home this week. Mrs. Sarah Fussell Mi'.chiner . getting along nieelv folio-. ir-S an or eration in Memorial Genera! Hos pital in Kinston Wednesday. From Hospital Mrs. H. S. Kornegay has returned from the Goldsboro Hospital w her? she underwent an operation She .? getting along nicely Mrs. J. B. Qainn has returned from Woodward Herring Hospita. in Wiison and : recuperating a: the home of her daughter. Mrs G L Brown in Wallace Announce Birth Mr and Mrs Harry Potter -' Jacksonville, formerly of Warsaw, announce the birth of a son Dar iel Rivenbark. on Sunday Nov 21. 194S, Jacksonville Hospital PTA Meets The Warsaw PTA held their Nov- ; ember meeting Tuesday evening of ! last week ir. the auditorium with I the president Mrs. M. A. Smith. I Dresidins Mrs F.. Walker Stevens. 1 program chairman, opened the meet ing with the 23:d Psalm repeated in unison followed by the Lord's Prayer, after which she introduced ; Mr. O. P Johnson. Supt of Count-. : Education of Kenansville. who gave a nu-t .meresting talk on the topic T:te School - - Its Curricu- lum and Adi'v.n-.stration." He out lined his job a Duplin Count School Superintendent as compared to busines- i-.-..-.nager. iave an over all financial statement of the predi cament of Duplin School syste:-.. and explained tax levies and debts Duplin Count;. Board of Commiss ioners and Board of Education are upholding t:ie pa as we go" plan rather than deeper in debt there by berns forced to pay out huge amoun:. t interest. He explained how important it is that we. the citizens of Duplm. get behind our Congress and Legislature and de mand the funds the people are en titled to The present administra tion has promised help to the school system and it is up to the people to make those promises be fulfilled. Mr Johnson described the present day as critical ' with obstacles at ail corners especially since the school fires at Beulaville and the t Warsaw colored school. There are over 10.500 school children in Dup lin with 330 teachers, no supervis ors and no superintendants of trans portation The school principals have no clerical assistancei in fact, the system is poor administration. He went on to say that the schools needed the support of the best peo ple and that living facilities arouna the schools were bad and inad quate for out of town teachers. Numbers of teachers are assisting and teaih.ng only until new teach ers can be secured The schools need ' r.evv blood", says Mr John son Regarding the bus situation -- Beautiful, work-saving & . BY MCXLIXS . . . priced within the reach of everyone -5 " Tkis twia-bowl Yoocstow Okbiart mailt can be io rtaiitd in your home foe moe'hij- pajmUBU a low j IOOKJXG for a "dram kitchen" at a dorv-to-'arth j price? Tbea come see our display of beautifii. -rrk-saving Youngstown KItekea equipment. All Ycirr tovn units are tsrdily made of glnm'mg white rteeL and indade mk& featsica as twin-bowl eabtset aokt, dish and vegetable sprays, jScScg shrKe. noeeini drawers, and Eoed cotierr compartment. Tliey can be arranged any way yoa Eke. You can hutaB a Yoongstown KitrW in jwi bouse oir on easy monthly payments. Com ztv? rborme the anils that will meet your particular aevds. V arsaw Furniture Co. WARSAW, N.C r w v i - i j CAN DROWN - WHEN ITSUETL1 Aoiekcutdtf. & . Entertains Club Mrs. Ralph Best entertained her bridee club and additional guests on Friday evening of last week at her home. Three tables were In play amona a Thanksgiving setting. Hi- score prize, a demitasse cup and saucer, went to Mrs. Momon Barx for club members: visitors high, a milk glass Din tray, went to Mrs. jovce Burton. Mrs. Elbert Matthis captured the traveling award. Dur ing play coca colas and nuts were served and at the conclusion a salad plate with coffee. Gaylor, Mae Brock, Barbara Thomp son, Rebecca Best, Peggy Steed, and Henry West, Harold jviannis. Laddie Williams. Jr., Henry Stevens III, Rivers Johnson, Vivian jonr. son, and Miss Lewellyn Phillip-.. Magnolia News Personals Miss Peggy Mitchell visited in Fairmont over the week end and Hugh Mitchell visited in Clinton. John Anderson Johnson, Carroll Best and J. N. West attended the wedding of Miss Wanda Brock ani Rudolph Pittman in Clinton Wed nesday afternoon. Miss Margery Thomas spent the holidays at home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sutton of Richlands were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Avon Sharpe. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Lee returned Tuesday from Poughkeepsie, N. Y. where they visited her mother. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Whittle acd Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whittle and son of Greensboro were holiday ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Sic announces the :r. Fra: Dr. D. ... on Friday. N"ov Nineteen Goidf The bride is a i rst -groom is a brother of G P lived in Duplm Count;. 1' H Duplm. He has a iuerati e : i- r.ev .or daughter be-t he nineteenth .- ;.:v;y-eight Carolina up.e jnansville. The both, formerly .n mothers guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Whittle Mrs. G. L. Brown of Wallace was Sunday guest of her mother. Mrs. J. B. Quinn. Miss Nellie Corbett was home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allen Jr. were home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Alvas Powell of Goldsboro visited his parents on Thursday. There will be one or more rej.- resentatives of Magnolia at the bear ing when the Coast Line presents the matter i-f the proposed change nf srhhertule of trains No. 48 anl 49 Magnolia has for soin; months hren a "flaa station" bui the trains have never failed to stop someone getting on or orf all th.' time, and m liie proposed change is not to stop here at all. and then is strong protest. Any time you see in this colun a "dance'' announced, you may be sure that this correspondent did not put it there It was probab1;. .sent in b someone else and was accidentally printed among my news items I do not announce or report dances or card parties. Miss) Macy Cox. Mrs. Salhe Strickland Joyner was found Monday morning speech less, unconscious and helpless in bed in her home about a mile from Magnolia A negro who workel for her knocked on her door and not hearing her answer came into town and reported to relatives who went to her home and found her. She is in a critical condition. Mr and Mrs. Harold Martin re turned to their home in Birming ham. Ala. Tuesday. the holidays with his parents. J. A. Smith is in Atlanta, ua. on a business trip. Mrs. Smith Is vis iting in Goldsboro. Mrs. J. S. Sutton of Goldsboro Is visiting Mrs: H. G. Culbreth. Mrs. Alberta English of Wallace is visiting the Marshall Cummings family. The YWA of the Baptist Church met with Mrs. Harold EzzeU on Thursday night. Mrs. Ezzell had charge of the meeting. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mr. C'audo Powell' were Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Cox and sons; John Powell md Miss Phillis Barrett of Ports- Mouth, Va. Mr. and Mr3. OHie Bradshaw and sin of Portsmouth spent the holi days with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brad shaw. Messrs Johnnie and Warren Wha ty of Portsmouth spent the holi-,-ivs with the Troy Homes. in G y -be.ro Duplm has 90 buses and -take 40 more to adequate. "'a: port all the children. He prais the Board of Commissioners .. Board of Education, stating t. there was no cross friction a tit? them and they worked to-ietl: well. He urged the parents to operate with principals and teat ers in the school problem. Stat, that the situation is worse th.: generation ago: in that the v I.O. is loer because famil.e- j have lare families are r. those that Wouldn't have t'. :. ' i are sending large families int. t schools. Problems are far now than in the past and ir.is effort is required to hold the h-rr. together Mr Johnson said present Atomic energy act h. tremendous trouble in store a we must control it. This is a sen '; age in which we live and the i. -dose of medicine must be More .-.rd Better Education ." Mrs. Edna McLamb. buiid.r.; principal at the grammar -.v. o spoke on " The Teacher's Place ti the Curriculum", highlight tnj sr.C giving inside information .-.bottt tiv: work the teachers are diu T'.: present day teachers are do.ns wonderful job 3nd the bet the can with inadequate facilities. Mrs. Glenn Rollins discussed The Responsibility of the Parent" stating that Pre-School train-In; - most essential and there must he . closer relationship between p.i.vrv and teachers. ! During business the Tieasurer . : ported $535 52 realized from t ie : i cent Halloween Carniva' Entertains Club Hopkins was hos- bridge club Tuesday ev- ; o: last week at her home with ib't - it play. During progress : coc3 colas and nuts were ser r.d ht n scores were tabulated .; .'be- Lewis received a towel ; i -..re and bath cloths went ' - Lucille Lassater for low. v-; served pimento and - . ' ' n .ches. oick'es and hot Benquet . lo the Warsaw Hi foot- ! and coach. H. G. McGee. : ed with a banquet held in at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. M. - r.ansvilie. led the enter , th a take' football . en State and Carolina - i s settled by a tie and ...- one was happy. He -.a :;i folk dances in which -:-! Charles Hales and la Herring sang and acted .'in' an' a Fightin ". They -ed as hillbillies and pro- i.u Son5 were enjoyed ral special numbers by iliiers. Jr. and the foot s Mothers of the squad j l.eious supper. Approxi- enjoyed the banquet. Mr. and Mrs. J daughters visited in during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Titomas Rogers and son were dinner guests Thanks giving of Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hamilton and daughters Misses Jeannette of ECTC. Vera of Concord and Mil dred of Raeford visited Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kornegay Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Barr and children. Mrs. W. L. Barr and Mrs. R. L. West and daughter shopped in Raleigh Saturday and attended the Christmas parade. Mrs. Jimmy McColman is spend ing sometime in Laurinburg with her parents while Patrolman Mc Clman has been on leave of absence attending Naval Officers School. Miss Mary Alice Blackmore spent Thursday in Wilmington with her sister, Miss Janie Belle, a patient in James Walker Hospital. Mrs. W. B. Smith of Wake For est is spending sometime with h sister, Mrs. W. E. Fussell. Clarence Brown' Jr. of Winston Salem spent the holidays with his mother Mrs. C. J. Brown. Among college students at home for the holidays were Misses Sarah M. Jenkins and Williamston I Sunday For several weeks each Monday night prayer meeting has been held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Catl Lanier with large crowds attending. Miss Melrose Gaylor of Winston Salem spent the week end with Miss Mac Cox. Their dinner guest was the Rev. W. M. Kelly of Wilmington. Dr. Shelton Hunter who was ill j in a Wilson hospital has improved ; and has returned to his home in : Kenly. Arthur McKneeley of State spent In all the year weVe been established, ererr prescription we'v IUIm has unfailingly net the physician peelflea tiona, and been promptly delivered to the patient! Warsaw Drug Co. In Warsaw COAL & FUEL OIL Immediate Delivery 0- -0 Call us today for high grade fuel oil and best uality. Red Ash, Briquets, or Smokeless Coal. R. B. WARREN Telephones G9 or 210 Mount Olive, N. C. fOOOOOOOOOOO fOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O o o o o iO o o o o 9 I o o o o o o o o o o Warsaw SeSf-Service Laundry Hours 1 a,r 1 ' n.m. Except On Mor Hours These Dc We dnesdays m. to 9 p.m. ; Operators: Mr, and Mrs. Dick Kerr g Formerly Opraitd EL Fussell o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 MM P.M. Mod FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10 Warsaw, North Carolina E.F.Strickland Property 14 Room House Located on the Corner of Hill and Gum Streets Two Lots Located on Gum and Plank Road Streets One Six Room House Located on Railroad and Bay Streets An Opportunity For The Home Seeker or Investor Sale Conducted By: . F. M. MOYE AND SOU J.E.UnfsraodAssdciate '2t 1201 Prcss!cn! C-j ! C o o o o .o o o o o o o o . o o o o o o o o o o o o () - ) ( ) ( ) - () ( -' o o o o o Bendix Service o o POLLOCK ST,