flGXTTI 4.. J ' f - VOLUME NUMBER SIXTEEN DOB GfcADy .SAYS f Aint I cot a nice friend? Imagine wife receiving the following: J "Re: Times, Dec, 3, 1948, . K Why haven't you murdered him ' long ago? If you haven't any poison, jpaybe I can get you some. This lame the deed warrants the act for: ft Whether it's poetry Or whether It's Just rhymes f Bob Grady' will publish It - fIn the Duplin Times." ' j Now I ask you gentle readers. .'hat should I do In a case like, i tat, when my very-life seems to be v.treatened. ' - . I tlf you will loo!: your issue of ta Duplin Times of Dec. 3, and reud the poem my wue wrote you will get what the writer is driving ' it. Incidentally the writer is a , former newspaper editor and one ' - . - I T I Of me grnawt peniuns i nave 1 ever knowm . r - . . I WANT A HOME By J. B. Grady 4 I want a home ' . In Old Fashioned home Like the one my mother gave me Where you can flop down On the softness of the down Of that old time Feather bed. Where you can comt in at night Without any light : When you have been courting ltooUte.f;,v Where Mother and Dad listen silently - And pretend not to;know. When you fall in thatiieather bed : Without any show v N And your snoozles EJgin to grow. . ; i ' - I want a home When at the burst of day You dress in the cold gray dawn. - And you wash your face In the old wash pan And go milk the cow And don't give a damn. I want a home That recalls to mind The glorious days of childhood, 'And one that will give to mind. ' A recollection of days gone by And a promise to the future That one cannot buy, I want a home That will give to my own A hope to the future And a sense of security. If I can do this I can die happy. And look to the future With my Pappy. v- When it comes to absentmlnded ' hess I have established a record. As a rule when I undress at night I have a special place to put my iclothes so that when I get up in the morning (not wake up), : I'll know where they are. r. This morning I got up before completely waking up. I followed my usual procedure in dressicg - " when time came to put on my trou sers I couldn't find them. I looked : the room over carefully, but no trousers - I searched the hall and very room upstairs. No trousers. ' jNot wanting to give myself away I went down stairs : and casually .'looked through the living rorm, din'ng room and kitchen. No trou pers." 1 started to go to the basement but; gave up. -My wife was out Humbly I asked' my cook, Anrle, if she knew where my trousers ere. "Why, Yes, they are on your n wife's desk." Weill that 'would .have been the last place X would have looked. Suddenly it dawned on me that last night I asked my ' wue to sew a button on the open : ing part of the trousers, which of course necessarily had to be done. :It being late she- just folded the trousers and laid them on her desk, Now, at long last I can complete my dressing, and, incidentally, I have my breeches ohjiow. ' s r ' 1 j Mrs. Ira Ezzell, Jr., of Warsaw has reported that the body of her ew, Roland Edwards of Golds' Z" ? of ITr. and Mrs. Wayne ' '' ' " i I'cr'c, ws re- .T ' -'i ' ! r-'-'-r at A. C. HALL New Chairman Board of County Commissioners The Blood Hounds in (Being the docs of Sheriff Ralph J. Jones) By: E. W. SADLEB r If you doubt the efficacy of Blood Hounds in the tracking and catch Ing of criminals, you can easily be persuaded to change your mind by talkmg to L. R. Hollingsworth, 17- year-old Negro, of Pensacola, Fla , who same here eight months ago wun tne Silas Green Shows. "The Blood Hounds of Duplin'.', owned by Sheriff Ralph, Jones, have .tracked him twice from the scene of a crime and landed him behind bars. The first time was about, four months ago when a laundry was broken in to in Clinton. The tracks of the criminal were plain and Sheriff Lockerman of. SamDsoh Count t called Sheriff Jofces d asked for the use of his dogs. Sheriff Jone.-, took the two dogs to Clinton where. aftersnifflng the tracks, they trail ed Hollingsworth for some three miles to where officers arrested him. He was tried and convicted and placed on probation. You would think that this would have instilled in' him a respect for the meth ods of criminal apprehension em ployed in these parts - but such seems not to have been the case. For "The Blood Hounds of Dupliii" have again Just recently been called upon to follow the tracks of this man. Needless to say that they led the officers to him and that he is now behind bars. The events leading to the seconJ chase had their beginning in Wil mington where Hollingsworth had' made his home since leaving Clin ton following his first race with The Blood Hounds of Duplin". In Wilmington it seems that Holl ingsworth worked at the Eight Ball Pool Room. One day a custo mer Save him a twenty dollar bill to go out and get changed. It is re ported that Hollingsworth forgot the way back to the pool room and that the customer is still waiting for his money. From Wilmington Hollingsworth traveled to Clinton for the purpose of getting his pro bation papers signed, after which he started walking toward Warsaw. Along the way he is said to have met up with one Norman Lee Mor risey a1 colored youth of about his own age who asked him if he had any money. It is said that Hol lingsworth stated to Morrisey that he was without funds. Whereupon Morrisey told him that if he had any sense that he (Morrisey) could tell him (Hollingsworth) where he could get some money. Hollings worth evidently Could not find anything wrong with this and the two went to the home of Mr. Dew ew Potts, a short distance away. Morrisey having told Hollingsworth that Mr. Potts and Ms family were away and that he thought that Hot lingsworth would find some money in the house. According te Sheriff Jones, ' Hollingsworth entered the house and took a $20 bill, four i bills and some change from the purse of Mrs. Potts, two packs of cigarettes and a naspugni irom the house. As he was leaving Mor risey .having left beforehand - Mr. Potts returned and saw him run ning toward some nearby- woods. Sheriff Jones was sent for and went to the scene with his blood hounds. They were shown the tracks of the fugitive which they .followed for more than seven miles, through woods, across fields and into the town of Warsaw. Here the dogs iraeked him to the store of Leonard Moore - which Hollingsworth re ports he ran around six or seven times In an attempt to confuse the dejs. This trick did not work for t' 9 dv"J v. -re still on his trail when ' 1 : -1 a-rted by an c."i- OfDupl KENANSVILLE, NORTH EDITORIAL Here is our editorial for this week. It is . rom a clipping inserted in "The Atlantic Coast Line News" this week. ; uthor unknown, but we believe it is sufficient for the time. - "Christmas Carob" Each year the Christmas season is ushered in by the sing ing of Christmas Carols and hymns, and we hear again the familiar and ever beautiful songs of Christ mas which have been handed down through the centuries. An ancient and lovely custom is the singing of Christmas carols, and it barkens back to the' days of old when carols were sung in the streets by waifs and minstrels, when the Yule log burned on the hearth, holly and mistletoe gleamed among the Christmas candles and wassail songs made glad the festive and joyful Ctiristmastlde. We like to think that the first carol ever sung was by the angel chorus on that first Christmas eve, nearly two thousand years ago. But, it was not until the thirteenth century'that we find the beginning of the true Christmas carol and Italy its birthplace. Ffom Italy, the carol spread to Spain, France, Eng land and other European countries where it retained its folk song qualities of legendary lore and childlike simplicity with a strange mingling of reverence and genial mirthfulness. The beginning of the eighteenth century marks the tran sition from the true carol to the more dignified and solemn Christmas hymn. The nineteenth century brought the beauti ful "Silent Night, Holy Night"! an(j also "O Little Town of Beth " lehem" written by our Phillips Brooks and inspired by a Christ mas eve spent by him in Bethlehem. Thus, Christmas carols have lived through the centuries. Incidentally, wouldn't it, be nice if a group in every community went around this Christmas, caroling? It's great fun. J. R. G. DRIVE IN By: JOHN SIKES Of .Wallace Just in case you ever get around to doing a radio program, you'll want to know right now you'll get a spiritual uplift from your chore if your sponsor puts in a good word every now and then. ' Dec 5 I started such a program with The Duplin Times as sponsors That makes me twice up to now - since the program is on once each iiwk -from 2:15 to 2:30 D.m. every Sunday afternoon over WRRZ, 880 on your dial - - the program has been broadcast. Each time, the moment Judson Gregory, who announces the com mercial on the "show", signs the program off, a telephone call from Robert Grady in Kenansville is awaiting me, if telephone calls can do that. Each time -- and I've got my fingers crossed while I write Robert Grady, who as publisher of The Duplin Times, the sponsor, sounds mighty happy over what I've Just finished broadcasting. Last Sunday, for instance, I dm a lot of rambling cnamng sdoi'.i boogie-woogie and barber shop auartet singing. Now, to me, bar bershop quartet singing is the fin est of music because, I reckon, it'.i so ruggedly sentimental. On that program I had with me four Wal lace High School boys who hope to become famous as foremost ex ponents of such singing. They sang for us "Sweet Adeline". When Editor Grady called he said, and I quote, "The . program WftS swell. Editor Grady went into a lot of other things, among which was praise for the quartet. Each Sunday I want to present at least one number taken frcm the past. A hymn, a roundelay, or an ehriavorite that sort of bring? back the dear, dead days beyond recall. When he called, Editor Grady mentioned a couple , of numbers he'd like personally to hear this quartet - . which calls themselves The Four Squires and is composed of Max Morrison, James Faixes, Bill Hood, and Jimmy Lockamy - ing "The Bridge" and "White Wings". . Do any of you all know where we. can get the words and music for "The Bridge" and "White Wingc"? Editor Bob mentioned they were favorites of his mother. The Four Squires, happy over the good word that came from the sponsor, said they'd be glad to sing the two num bers ht they could find the music and words. Any help? - These Sunday afternoon pro grams are chat about little items, and related topics, my kind of folks talk about amongst thcin- selves when they get together overi '' I r-ws marvelin? at the trs '.!;" CAROLINA a good Sunday dinner, or just around the old homestead. I'd like for you to drop me a line --or better still, come and see me in my office back of the Post Office in Wallace -- andjet me know whatever, might be on your mind. These on-your-mind items might be woven into one oi the chats. Too I'd like to know wmti sunga juun '" I'm not" fishing. Isi honestly wanting to krow whether It's worth Editor Gracy's and The Duplin Times' time to sponsor these pro grams. Your response will answer my wanderlt g. Kenansville Lions Club Meets Kenansville Lions Club met on Wednesday night of Dec." 8 at the Kenansville Cafe. Steamed oysters were served to -the members pres ent plus three visitors, Vance Gav in, Ralph Jones and Perry Smith. The Lions Club will again spon sor a turkey shooting match on Sat urday, Dec. 18, beginnlg at 10:30 A.M. and continuing until 4 P.M., same location and same committee members. Lion Lacy Weeks led a discussion on Friendship train. The club voted to spend $15 to purchase grain i" help fill the Friendship train if the county quota is not met other wise. The club also voted to pay $60 on the salary of a driver for Miss Viola Titus, blind case worker for Duplin and Wayne countiees. Kenansville Lions are again of fering a prize of $10 for the best Christmas decorations in the town of Kenansville. - The club also voted to donate $100 to Duplin County Historical Association on condition that the contract is let for writing and pro ducing the pageant. Dr. B. Frank Hall To Preach At Hallsville Sunday On Sunday, December 10th, at 11 a.M. Dr. B. Frank Hall will be the guest minister of the Hallsville Presbyterian Church. For. the past eleven years Dr. Hail has served as nmetnr nf th Central Presnvtenan church of St. Louis, MO. ' ! r A cordial invitation is extended t- Ir f 's ov.tr. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17th, 1948 Resigns " t v. ' mm m Gi mer J. Beck, for over three ye&is Aisociational Missionary for the Eastern Association, hes re signed, effective January 1, 1949 to beg:n serving a field of churches near Henderson, N. C, He is a na- tiye of Dav:dson county, attended! nurcniana mgn scnool, received his B. A. degree from Wake Forest College, attended the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and served as Associationa Missionary in the Stanly Association before coming to the Eastern Association. The new field contains two large country churches in the Tar River Association. Both churches are n the process of building new church uildings and Sunday School plants. Mr. and Mrs. Beck plan to occupy new parsonage near Henderson the first of next year. He will re main in Warsaw to assist the East ern Association in securing some one to succeed him. Jr. Hi. To Present 3-ActPlay 1-1 t ; . , , im junior vihss oi me uenia vine mgn acnooi win present a three act play in t-c school audi torium on Saturday uight. Dc. 18 at 7:30 o'clock. Adi lission will be 25 cents and 35 ce its. A'! Come Letters To Sinfa - - Mt. Olive, N. C Route No. 2. Dec. 10. 1948 Dear Santa Clans: How are you getting-along? I am fine. Please bring me what I list here: A drawing book, a bis; box of crayons, a doll baby, a pair of boots, a pair of mittens, a book sack, a box of sparklers, a bill fold, a necklace, 'and fruit. Maiy Elizabeth lim ing Your friend, Life's Emergency It's Now Or Never The overseas -car of food that Duplin is jiving to the starving people of Europe, will leave War saw Monday Dec. 20, loaded or un loaded. At present it is very much unloaded. Duplin is asked for one car load. Duplin, as a rule, never falls down on Its obligations. This is an obligation to life. Even though we went to war against an enemy, people must be fed, whether ene mies or allies. The war is over and Enrope must be saved if mankind is going to be saved. In a conservation with O. P. Johnson Wednesday we learned that the Magnolia, and Rose Hill Negro Schools had passed their quota; by this time Calypso will have reached Ms quota. One of the Albrittons in Calypso gave 25 bu shels of corn. If you haven't made your dona tion, take It to your Sunday School or church Sunday. The Churches will see that It fa delivered to the train in Warsaw In ample, time on Monday. It's Christinas; let's all give a Christmas present. The story could be reversed; but by the mer cies of God, it could be us. ' JJt.G. Inquest Held Coroner C.-B. Sitterson 'held an inquest into the death of Frank Thompson, age 79, of Sneeds Ferry, at three o'clock Thursday afternoon of December 16th, "in Kenansville. The Jury 1-eturned.a verdict of "Un avoidable accident, caused by Frank Thompson running out in front of the bus.-, -if I Mr. Thompson as struck by a Queen City Bus ierated by Mr. J -ips Kimmon Shepherd, Jr., Jf . y r -"-' -vi!le, N. Child KilledMan Seriously Injured In Automobile Accident Tuesday Michael William Young, age 20 months, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Young, of Hampton, Va., was instantly killed and Mr. W. J. Rooks age 80, father of Mrs. Young, was seriously injured when struck by an automobile driven by Mr. Albert Clinton Brown at about 5:30 Tues day afternoon on Hi-way 41 west of Wallace. Coroner C. B. Sitterson, of Ke nansville. reports that fn,;n his in- vestigation it appears that Mrs. Young, her father, Mr. Rooks, and the child had just alighted from a bus driven by Mr. E. C. Herring, of Wallace, and had begun to cio s the highway behind the bus just as it started off. They were enroute to visit Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy sister of Mrs. Young and daughter of Mr. Rooks. As Mr. Rooks, carry ing the child, stepped to the right side of the highway, the car, driven by Mr. Brown, struck him, break ing his left leg and causing severe lacerations about his head. The child's head was crushed, kiilin him instantly. Mr. Brown stopped and gave every possible assistance. Mr. Herring, driver of the bus, con- The Bells Ring Out Are Invited To The Light Are On In Kenansville Tonight The Story of The Christ Child Will Again Bring to Light A Story of Delight. Street light in a" various colors are beaming. Two huge Christmas trees are standing on the Court House Square. Ali churches in town have banded together for a Community Christ mas Tree on the courthouse lawn at 6 p.m. Wednesday evening. Dec ember 23rd. Santa will be here. Bring your gifts and place them under the tree. Christmas carois will be sung. It will be an evening for the elders as well as the young sters. It's Christmas again in Kenansville. Duplin School Busses Will Collect Friendship Train Contributions By: D. H. MILLER ' O. P. Johnson, county supeririten ' dent of schools, was appointed di ' rector of Duplin's Christian Over- seas Program, at a meeting held in Kenansville last Tuesday. Meetirc ' was attended by farm, church and ; civic leaders from every comniun 1 ity in Duplin and thes- men save I unanimously their approval of the proposal to fill a Duplin car lo hook onto the Friendship Train, that v:l! ! 1 take food and clothing to destitu? i people overseas. - The Friendship Train which is to be loaded with food and clothing is to be made up by every Stale in the United States. Forty-eight trains in all. To follow the Duplin plan. Mr Johnson has requested that farmers place their contributions by the side of the roatds that pass in front of their houses. During the week of December 13-18 the school bus-ses,-on their regular runs to and from school each day, will pick up these contributions. These will be shipped to Warsaw where the Du Library Tea Celebrates 26th Anniversary County Library The Kenansville Library vas in a festive mood last Friday aftei -noon from four to five o'clock when it celebrated its 26th anniversary. The quaint little library gracefully donned its Christmas greens be decked with berries, and unique accessories of Santa Claus candles. Even though the local library is called the Kenansville Library, it is in fact a county library. Nearly 1000 volumes are on the shelves. The mobile truck which serves the county emlnates from the so-called Kenansville1 ; Library. Should the Pageant prove a success and a November 29th, about three miles below Beulaville. on highway 24. He was Instantly killed. ,''; Evidense of witnesses at the in quest was to the effect that Mr. Thompson ran out of Cole's store and into the path of the bus in an attempt to hove it stop so that he con' I I "-I it, and that fie d-ivpr No. 51 tinued to Wallace where he learned of the accident. Mr. Albert C. Brown says that he was blinded by the lights of the bus and did not see anyone until he passed the front of the bus and that he was then right on tbem. He applied his brakes but could not avoid hitting Mr. Rooks. According to Coroner Sitterson, Patrolman I, B. Lane, who investigated the accident, measured the skid marks of the tires on -the highway and -found that the car skidded sixteen . steps. Mr. Rooks was taken to the James Walker Hospital at Wil mington and the child's body was taken to the Williams Funerat Jlome, in Wallace. At the time of the accident Mr. Brown says that he was driving at between forty and fifty miles an hour. Funeral services for the child were held at 2:30 Wednesday after noon at Wells Chapel west of Wal lace. Coroner Sitterson says that an inquest will be held later. Mrs. Young, who escaped injury in the accident, is suffering from severe shotk. In Kenansville; Hear Xmas CaroP All Duplinites are invited to at tend. It will not be a gala show but something simple in commemora tion of the Christ-child. The Kenansville churches ai" preparing a pageant depicting t'l Manger Scene. A committee from the churches and the Woman's club are in charge of the pageant. It will be a presentation that any one will enjoy. We invite you all. . Beginning Saturday niglil. Dec; 18. Christmas carols will be broad-a.--t owi ijun from the Court House. They will be recordings over a loud speaker system andtthe be!ls of the town will tie in. This will continue each night through Dee. 25th. The plans are for an Old Time Christmas in Kenans ville - your county seat Come! plin car will be loaded. Ninety of North Carolina's 100 counties have been organized for participation in this venture in Christian giving. Duplin farmers are asked to con tribute corn, peanuts, pecans and canned foods to the unfortunate people overseas. Corn must be shelled and in 100 lb bags. Peanuts and pecans, of course, unshelled. must also be in 100 ,1b bags. Remember, have your contribu tions, packaged as specified, on the road in front of your house any day this week so the school busses can pick them up. Or take your contribution with you to church next Sunday. In addition to the above method of collection, on Sunday. Dec. 19, all the churches in the county will accept contributions from their members. F,ach church will arrange to have its collections ifood) truck ed to Warsaw to be loaded into th Duplin car. profit be made, the profits could contribute to the construction of a World War Memorial Library build ing. The books in the so-called Ke nansville Library will be the foun dation of this memorial. Also other libraries in the county, it is as sumed, will make contributions. It is believed that the intelligence ol the county will contribute to build 1 a library in Duplin County second to none in' the state. Dear readers, use your own Judg- : ment and act. accordingly as your pocket book will allow. : , J.R.G. hitting him. The speed of the bus -at the time was said to' be between -45 and SO miles an hour. Mr. Thompson had been, visiting rela tives near Beulaville and was re turning -to his borne in Snc-ds Ferry. .