FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17th, 1C13 ins OUfLlfl T1UDS To Every 0l F News Oil" Mfteirestt s .4 f - 1 t 5 t i: t ?' r i 4 ft (I t-J. STACY LrT ; WARSAW EMTOB Dial 233-f Call Li Your News Warsaw .Veteran's Regains Returned Th name of Pfc. Willi S. Wil son, Army, Warsaw, was listed wKh 29 other North Carolina World War dead returned to this country, by the department of the Army. Blanch S. Wilson. Warsaw, wa listed as next of kin. The remains of Pfe. Wilson were brought back to this country with I 1900 other dead veterans of the Pacific area aboard the IT. S Army Transport Da It rn Victory ' The Army stated that .acn next of kin was notified in advance of the arrival of the vessel, and would be notified again after the arrival of the remains at the regional ru tribution centers of the American Craves Regional Service Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Revelle y( Warsaw announce the birth of a daughter December 3. in Goldsboro Hospital. Named Sandra Gail. Mr Revelle is the former Ada Houston of Warsaw. Entertains Mr. Joyce Carroll Burton enter tained her bridge club and seven! additional guest Tuecday night with a lovely Christmas party ; her home on H;il St. The home wa attractively decorated throughou; CHRISTMAS FOODS At Pleasing Prices IS Ann Page Strawberry PRESERVES Ann Page Gelatin Desserts SPARKLE Mild & Mellow Coffee 8 O'CLOCK Ocean Spray Cranberry SAUCE Campbell's Tomato JUICE Iona Sliced or Halves PEACHES Rajah Shredded COCOANUT Cluster RAISINS Fine Granulated SUGAR Packer's Label sections GRAPEFRUIT " Whitehouse ' EVAPORATED Milk . Sunnyfield GUTTER Fresh COCOAIIUTS Fresh C.7APEJ ; TLriia " - . 5 with Christina arrangements. During -play coca colas, dressed as Santas were served and wheat scores were tallied club hih prise, a novelty bottle opener, went to' Mr. Hector McNeil Victors high, bunny fur sachets, went ta Mrs. ' klhrt Uattbis and traveling award novelty salt and peppers, was held by Mrs. K W. Biggs. Cunt were invited tito the din - ing room, where they were senrcd dainty auorted sandwiches, tup cakes, nuts, eggnog and coffee. VSofCSMeet The WS of CS observed their foreign mission course of study n Tuesday night, entertaining at 7 o'clock with a covered dish supper in the church. Following supper the J three circles met for brief business matters and liter joined together iih Mr, r b Bt in the chair s cr r-rji .TmmmA . in. terestimf program on foreign mn- sions. The program was intersper sed with carol singing. PTA To Meet The PTA !i bole trteir Decem ber meeting on Tuasdiy evening. Dec. 21. at 7:30 in the high school auditorium The program chairman has announced that this wul oe we ir.r.ual Christmas program and all patrons of the Warsaw school chil- dren are asked to attend. Entertains Mrs. Frank Hobfos was hoste. to her bridge club Friday evenin. at her home which was attractively decorated in the Christmas mot;f ; During p'.zy coca colas and nuts j were served and at the conclusion ; of p:a visitors high prize went to j Mrs. David Clifton of Raleigh anr! ; Hub high to Miss Mamie Bethea. i Traveiing award was held by Mrs j Ralph Best, Jr. Mrs Moods seneci assorted open faced sandwiches candies and coffee. Jane Parker FRUIT CAKES 3lb Cake $2.45 51b Cake $3.85 l(i ol. jar 39c 3 pkgs. 20c 3 ft bag SI-IS 16 01. can 20c 14 oz cans 25c No. 2lz tan 29c' 4 oz. pkg. 15c 15 oz. pkg. 30c 5 lb pkg. 45c No. 2 can 15c 3 tall cans 39c 11b 77c 2 ft 19c 216 ; - 25c 8 16 bag ' 35c !Bafay Improved ' Lysa Aess. 13 saoatbs d dwgMer- of ilr arsd Mr- Tom AJtem. retxraed i ber home Fridy front the GobbboroJ i HospitaL where she was a patient ' several days receiving treat meat foQoving an acodeat last week when she aceidesaily swai !owed some tablets. Tiie tablets were not poszoaoccs but the fact that she ate such a quantity cairatd tie. to become hysterica! ami ner vous. Entertains Mrs. Forrest Martin entertained her ciub Thursday evening at ber home Pyraesntha and nandina ber- nes decorated tae imng room inhere two tablets were in Dlav. wunng piay coca ecus ana nuts ere served and at the conclusion Mn. Robert Le-vis received a plant ' iioider fur high core aid Mr?. George Hopkins an ash tray for second high. Jin. Martin served a tempting chicken salad fw-c with coffee. Attend Vedding , lr aRj q xjf pickett ai- ! ien()ed the wedding of his nwee, ; Mus Annie Mae W short 2nd Cordon ..fatthews st Cedar Fork church in : DupHn County on Tuesday. Entertains f Gerald Jones celebrated hii 1-ith ; birthday S?turttay with a piry an.i j dance at the home of his par.jr.ts ; Mr and Mr?. R J Jones on Hill St. j Festive ChrUtma? decra'.loris cn ; hanced the house arid ame.t and contests were directed by Mis.; Mary Jones. fee eream. birthday cake, nuts ! and cookies were served the 35 j sutsts by Misses Mary Jones, j Joyce Jones. Martha Anne Smith ' and Mary Elizabeth Packer. WMU Meets The Bapti it WMU held their Dec. meeting Monday afternoon at the church with Mrr. F. J. Thomas presiding. Mrs. Ira Ezzell, Jr. pro gram chairman for the George Rol lins Circle, read the devotiorials and with the assistance of Mes dames J. C. Brock, J. C. Powell and B. W. Pickett, presented an inter- YOUR NEW KITCHEN IS READY NOW START NOW to plan your ow n "dream kitchen" with beautiful, well-made Youngs town kitchen units. Replace your sink with a gleaming, streamlined MKitchenaider','with acid re sisting porcelain enameled top, dish and vegetable spray, well-planner drawers and storage space. 1 Increase your working pace with a continuous sweep of table-too cabinet. Easy to inxUll in yotir pres ent uicneu wunout remod eling. , Use your wall space with spacious, convenient cabi nets that match the other units and fit perfectly in any . kitchen. t Come in today and look em over. Now on sale at price within the reach of everyone. V H. . MVJtViUM , FOR f-tamg praeraam. FoUnwing the bnsi-1 bos a social htmi was enjoyed and pwnca ana cwozjes were serren. Church Programs rOK SrXDAT. DEC 1Mb BAPTIST: Sunday School. 9:45 A M Worship Service 11A.M. Christ mas Vesper Service 5 P. M Wednesday. Dec 22. 7:30 P. M. Christmas tree, program by child ren and special White Christnas gifts for needy. Everyone bring gifts. PRESBYTERIAN": Sunday School 10 A. M : Christmas Musical Pro gram S P. M. candlelight service directed by Mesdames Fred Baars and J. T. Gresham. Jr. Thursday. Dec. 23. Christmas tree at 7 JO P. M. METHODIST: Sunday School 10 A M. "o morning worship. Christ Bias Musical Program at 7:30 P. M. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. William Jams Tay lor of Durham announce the birth of a son. William James. Jr. on Tuesday. Dec. 7. at Duke Hospital Classified Ads. cl irra BATES I Twe (.eat per wont, charge ft 54c Unless a accent with us ptatae 1 soney. r cheek with ad. m the Times daasUtow mitt if yea bar aaytUar te tea r ezekaage, ar wsnl to bwy, w vfU aeeewt produce far HTJNTESS:Let me mount your deer heads and other came trophies. Work guaranteed. Prices reason able, CHAS. H. IIF.AKN. Teachey, N. C. 12-17-3L e rSSI. INSURANCE IN 1947 AIDED MOEE PCI.ICY HOLDERS. PAID MORE LOSSES THAN EVER BE FORE. PROTECT YOUR PROPER TY WITH i R. BLACKSIORE Reliable Insurance Service WARSAW, N. C 8XS MB soke asake appoat- 4m jmmg ante body aad fepaliB, alee teptaee your glissis wttfe mmr Shatter roef glaee. A. G. HOLXAND KKNAN8VII l.r. I SELL VENETIAN BLINDS. Will go to your home and make es timates tree of charge. If you order I will Install. Guarantee best blinds at least money. Call 237-1 or drop a card to JACK SITTEKSON, Kenansville, N. C. 12-26 pd. SHOES For real comfort and long life - are the Chester-Aires. Heel-to-Toe Cushion Insole; Air Conditioned. Orthopedic Arch Sup port and Heel if desired. Made anil guaranteed by the Charles Chester Shoe Co., of Brockton, Mass. Those shoes are not sold through stores, See or contact Robert E. HoIIuiff- swoth, Kenansville, N. C. Author bed Salesman. Phone 235-2 "A drilled' well Is tbe most satisfactory water supply. Write for (aotetfoa, gtvlag distance and dlrectioa frau your Post Offlen. HEATER WELL COMPANY ALEKHL NORTH CAROLINA First Class Plumbing and HEATING All Work Guaranteed GEORGE P. PRIDGEN, JB Phone 226-1 Warsaw, N. C. For Dividends In Dollars USE DIXIE "Farm Tested Fertilizers" FRED HARDY Kenansville, N. C. FOB RENT: One of the nicest small 2 hone farms in the countv C, DALE, Seven Springs, N. C. SALE: Enrllsh Shenherd Poppies. C. A. CAVENAUGH, War saw, N. C Lire between Marnolla Notice The KenansvUle PTA will meet Monday night. Dec. 20 at 7 o'clock in the Kenansville school. An in teresting Christmas program has beta planned under lht direction ol Mrs. A T. Outlaw The public is urged to attend. Circles Meet The Ella Cooper Circle held its annual Christinas Party at the home of Mrs. Lauren Sharpe. CoHrful hemes were used throughout. Car rying out the season's colors. Miss Dora Betty Dixon presided over the business, at the conclusion of which Mrs. Guthrie assisted by Mrs. Stokes, ave a most interesting pro gram. After the program gifts were exchanged with Mrs. Amos Brin son acting as St. Nick. Mrs. Tyn dall assisted the hostess in serving pound cake and lemonade. Circle No. 1 met Monday after neon with Mrs. Caroline Gavjn at her home which was decorated in an array of Christmas scenes. The Bible Study was given by Mrs. Ivy Bowden and Mrs. G. V. Good ing gave the Survey. During the social hoar the hostess served a tempting sweet course with coffee to the U present Circle No. 2 met Monday even ing with Mrs. Jack Sitterson whose home was attractively decorated for the holiday season. Mrs. Louise Mitchell presided and gave the Bi ble reading and Miss Margaret Williams gave an interesting pro gram on Characters of the Old Testament A social hour was en joyed at which time an-exchange of gifts was enjoyed. The hostess sarved fruit cake and whipped cream with coffee. Clubs Entertained Mrs. D. S. Williamson was hos tess to the Kontract Klub Wednes day evening with Mrs. P. J. Dobson and Miss Mary Lee Sykes in ad dition to the regular members. Her home wa, attractively decomted XI.AS Regular $1.25 Regular $1.85 Men's Work Shirts, Regular 2.48 SPECIAL Men's Work Shirts, Regular 2.95 SPECIAL Upholstery Crefone $1.19 yd. SPECIAL BEAUTIFULLY PACKED XMAS ITEMS A PRICE YOU WON'T MIND PAYING COME EARLY AND TAKE YOUR PICK STQICIMD'S DEPL!STC: Floyd & limnfe Stricf ifil, E. B. G for the holiday season. At the con clusion of play Mrs. J. B. Wallace won high score prize and cut prizt for members and Miss Svks for visitors. The hostess served a temp ting sandwich course followed by fruit jello. salted nuts and coffee. On each plate was a novelty ear ring rack. Mrs. G. D. Bennett of Warsaw was hostess Thursday afternoon to the members of her club with all members present. When scores were totaled Miss Lula Hinson w high scorer. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. X. B. Boney, served tempt ing Poinsetta salad, crackers and coffee Plates carried out the Christ mas motif. Personals Mrs. N. B. Boney made a business trip to Camp Lejeune Friday. Misses Shirley Tyndail and Theo Hollingworth spent the week end with Misses Jane and Janice Bostic in Beulaville. Mesdames Rudolph Hasty, C. B. Guthrie and Miss Martha Pickett shopped in inston Wednesday. Misses Theresa Gooding and her friend Miss Powell of Goldsb'.ro attended the Eastern Star here on Tuesday night Mesdames E. V. Vestal, W. M. Brinson and G. V. Gooding shopped in Kinst Thursday. Mrs. A. T. Outlaw made a busi ness trip to Clinton Tuesday. The Girl Scouts held their regu lar meeting Tuesday in the lodge building. All meetings after Christ mas will be held at the- school building immediately after schol. The annual Christmas Tree Party will be held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the home of Mrs. N. B. Boney. Mrs. Jackson Is Hostess Mrs. Leo Jackson entertained at a pretty party recently honoring her sister, Ms. Robert Hollings AW B0t.US BUYS Nylon Hose Nylon Hose If 111 WARSAW - . I ... 5nt Let D::ih worth, on her birthday. Greenery, berries, flowers and Santas were used throughout the house making a charming setting for bridge, rook and rummy. When scores were com piled Mrs. G. V. Gooding was given ash trays for bridge high, Mrs. j. L. Williams, plaques for rook and Miss Dcra Betty Dixon, not paper for rummy high. Coca colas and nuts were enjoyed while playing , Mrs. J. O. Stokes was remember ed with a corsage and hose at it was her birthday also. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Guthrie, served a delectable salad plate on which were most attractive . Christmas favors. Climax of the evening came when Mrs. Hollingsworth was giv en a lovely corsage as well as a shower of gifts from her many friends. Jr. Music Recital The Kenansville. Junior Music Club gave a Studio Recital Tues day morning at .ten o'clock. The following program was given: . Minuet - Bach; Country Garden! and Distant Bells, Sarah Brown. The Thunder, Mary Summerlln, Sonatina and Soldiers March, by Janet Teachey. Hungarian Christmas Carol and Silent Night, Betty Ingram. - Toccatina and Tango, Sally New ton. MRS. M. M. TLUGPEN BeotaTUle. N. C Wepnioesjf iHro Fee CLINTON FLORAL COMPANY WARSAW, M. C ' ! ' SPECIAL 97c SPECIAL $1.39 1.98 2.49 98c ir. ' t Warsaw Furniture Co. Vr-riiv, N. C. . - an J Warsaw. I also have six beagles r r

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