c o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o c r: Call La Your New Mrs;J::-:m Enl;rf::r.sCliib tflt her bridge slut) Friday evenjng a.t h.er hoBo In Bowden Flowering qnWje, jrrvallU4 and briaib, (4 spring decorated the Uvlng room where two tables were In play. During progressions coca colu wart servsd and at the eonclusicin high tcora award, an antique salt box with growing plant was presen ted Mrs. Jack Jones of Fayettevllle. Traveling award, candy, went to Mrs. Mitchell Britt. The hostess served dainty hor'vdors and hot spiced grape juice. U.D.C. Meets i : " ' : : . .l The James Kenan Chapter, UDC Mrs. Maurice Jordan was hostess held their January meeting Thurv- Welcome To leulaville JAMES MILLER -oOoOo- GARDNER EDWARDS In Beulaville 9 O e o o e o o o o o o o o o day. the 21st tt the home of the president Mrs,- R. L Wt w.th Jain ' hostesses Mesdames C, A. Wcjnack, O. F. Prldgan and Stacy Britt 1ft were present .Mrs. Wast opened the meeting with "America" followed b the ritual and flag' salutes." Minutes were read and approved and Mrs. L. B. Hule, Treasurer,, gave her fi nancial report. Mrs. West read a letter, from the Division President Mrs. Q. Gregory and Mrs. C. F. Carroll, Recorder of Crosses, read a letter from Mrs. Ross, Division Recorder of Crosses, outlining the bestowal of crosses of military service.' . A report was made of the radio program over WRRZ on Jan. 19 when Miss Mary Alice' Blackmore read a most interestine oaDer on Gen. Robert E. Lee, commemorate ing his birthday. An interesting program was pre sented by Miss Blackmore, who re read her paper on Lee; Mrs. Fred Baars, discussing Com. Matthew Fontain Maurey and Mrs. L. 8 Whittle, discussing "Stonewall" Jackson. Following her talk she pre sented each member a miniature "soldier in gray." Mrs. H. Li. Stevens, Jr. read a list of the C of C awards for essays and an effort will be made to Im press this contest among the high school students of Warsaw. Not only would the students profit by writing the essay, but the prizes are most interesting. The hostesses served a congealed salad course with coffee. THANKS A LOT! WE ARE VERY APRPECIATIVE OF OUR MANY, MANY FRIENDS' PATRONAGE THROUGH THE YEAR 1948, OF WHICH HAS MADE OUR BUSINESS AS A MER CHANT VERY SATISFACTORY. IT HAS BEEN A PLEAS- UEE TO SERVE YOU AND WE REQUEST YOU REMEM" BBR US IN THE FUTURE, WHEN YOU NEED GROCERIES, GAS, ETC. TOO s ' AT MORNING, NOON AND NIGHT, HAVE A COKE. THAT'S RIGHT. oOoOo T Mr. and Mrs-Roy Kennedy OPERATORS OF THE C. R. MERCER STORE tf v. , AT CABIN The Mary Herring Circle of the BMU, met Wedneslay of last week in the church. Mrs. Paul Britt pre sided and Mrs. Robert Blackmore presented the devotionals and pre sented the foreign mission book. This was the second meeting of the month. ,v Girl Scout Parly The Warsaw Girl Scouts enjoyed an informal party in the Legion Hut at which each scout was per mitted to invite one guest. About 35 teenagers were present. The lounge was attractive in green and yellow scout colors. Baloens fell from chandeliers and center of the room and the mantle was banked with ivy and pyracantha, Leader Mr Rbert 'IT .hht "ahd Mrs. Qiarrit twiilrX"! 'UaSChli assisted is bperotOaff.'&ncladi&g we evening Mrs. Matthlk amagd attractive platero aandwicts. h- tteAAda cookies end shcenr liJewits aMisav4irtm',li'drtaiar.'rh mssdiius3(Uu war tttyW bft mothers of the acoUtt - - . (......- ts" En:j; Mr.- asXSirat RMrtrBlaekmore were deliahtful. beet -Friday su ing when they entertained akrid at their- home near Warsaw. Lovely arraagementS'6 early prin low-1 era were us4 1n. profusion toUhe- rooms wherefoua .tables were - play.. High' score award -weat-ie Mrs. Paul Berry and Avon- Stare and second highs to Mra.r Avon Sharp and Wilbur Garner Mrs. Blackmore served a teaptlag 4iad course with cheese biscuits, plskled pears, pecan rolls and coff ev MrKMinshe Mrs. Belton Minshew was hoitew to her club and additional guests Thursday evening with three tables in play at her home on College St Pyracanth and ivy were used for decoration. During progressions mints, nuts and coca colas were served and at the conclusion score swardsy demitasse cup and saucer, to Mrs. Tom Aiken, club high and a table cloth to Mrs.-V. A. Standi for visitors: Second high, novelty vases, went to Mrs. Forest Martin and Mrs. Emmerson Jones. Mrs. L. R. Albertson held traveling, a salt and pepper .holder.' An appropriate shower of gifts was presented to Mrs. Forrest Martin in a very uni que manner. The hostess served tempting chicken salad with coffee. Mrs. Sheffield Entertains Club Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brown in the Mrs. Ed Grady continues on ne bona of Mr. and Mrs.' A. J. Strict-, tick list land,' who had as Sunday guests! tn& Mrs. D. H. uuuaw ami Mil and Mrs. F. H. Darnell of New ! Miss Danny Sue of Mt. Olive visited Bern. relative here Sunday. ft ALT. map mn. L. B. Qutfow and family of S" en Springs and Mrs. M. W. Sim-' mons of Goldsboro were visitors at church services Sunday, ; ,. v soa wsr SUnday guests' of Mrs. c; L,-Roatw afTus Raaforo. . 7 Mr-'' and. ' Mr. Graham Phillips and fanny moved -Into their .new home on Plank Rd. . ' , v I Mis Ann Nell Parker left Sun day for New York City where abe U spending thwkvi , Mr. and M Sea Cooper of -Cha-pe)r Hill were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Strickland. . Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allan, JrJ. of Wilmington 'pent the- week - end with their parenta her.- VosfifeVeetf; -1 Mrs. Edwin Sheffield delightfully entertained her club - and aeveral additional guests Thursday after noon of last week ivMh thrM tahle Gmes and cont:?ts were led py I in play Early Jonquils and forcythia scores were tallid Mrs. Ed Hlhcs received a novelty kitchen gift tor Ciuto high and Mrs. Robert Frede rick was presented hot plate mitts tor Visitors high. Traveling award b-th cloths, went to Mrs. Glenn Brown. Mrs. Sheffield served dainty sandwiches, lady fingers and eeffee. f V i; The Young People of the Meth odist Church at '.Charity will ob serve Youth Week January SO thru February 2. 1 The purpose of Youth Week is to stir up interest and renew en thusiasm in the young people of the community. '' The public is cordially invited to attend all services during that week! The following activities have been planned: Sundey, Jan. 30 -Speaker, Rev. C. K. Gentry of Wilmington; t Monday, Jan. 31 Bible Quiz. In vitations have been extended to Chinquapin, Wallace, Rose Hill, and Kenansville to take part. . Tuesday, Feb. 1 - Study of the Book of Mark; Wednesday, Feb. 2 - Afternoon; Home visitation by young people; Evening Reports on visitation; Children's Bible Group Program; Reading of Essays written by young people. The hour of service is 7:30 p.m. HtuwBmt Mdwatio THAT WHOM tttffnCCMUL ao-DWTEST. SMOK&CAMBS RR YEARS. I KNOWDCYRf WUP.M7THXr uyi sms gaHsYlsV iseRtvar '1 In a recent ten of hundred! ot people who only Camels for 30 dayf, noted throat specialises, . making weekly examiostious, reported . NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS :J$pi ns ani Spins and never moves? -4 'A top your children will tell you. But so s a jenny in a cotton mill, of course! ' i hundreds of threads are spun, the spin s move faster than the eye can tee, but ; machine itself stands stilL This, and ' " . er operations in a cotton mill, take r-lots of it Tide Water is proud of : iidustrial customers like this cotton I They add a lot to the well-being and prosperity of the whole community! In fact, Tide Water stands ready to help any organization in Southeastern North Carolina to persuade pew industry to move here. The more industry, the more money ' in circulation, the more jobs, the mora de mand for the products of bur other fac tories and farms -in short; the better and more prosperous our community! - r t as it does for its domestic and farmtustomenLTide Water seeks always 7 r ' ve the best service possible to its Industrial customers. We have reason ' ' : tUt our reputation for good service and reasonable rates has been ' rListtragsoinaaynewtodustriesto -.'..'2 recent years, 17 A T E R POWER C O M P A N Y The Phllathea Class of the Baptist Sunday School held Its meeting -on Thursdiy evening in the home of Mrs. Bill Vann rear Warsaw, with Mrs. R. M. Herring as Joint host. Twenty were present. Mrs. A. I Humphrey, newly elected presMeat. was in the chair and Miss Annie Kate Powell, secty-tree. read the officers for the year as.foUowas- lst vice-prea. Mrs. J. P. Harmon: 2nd vice-pres. Mrs. Kenneth Fus seU; 3rd vice-prea. Mrs. Mllford Qulnn; Social Service Conunitt- e, Mesdames L. O. WUllams. and J. A. Porter. After business an eniovable hour followed with games and eon-" tests led by Mrs. Qulnn and the j hostesses served dcUclous straw berry shortcake. " Billy Cavenaugh Of Rose Hill Dies William C. "Billy" Cavenaugh, so, oi Rose Hill died Thursday night of last week in' the - Jsnu- wlir HospiUl, Wilmington, after- a few nours oi serious illness and - de clining health for several months. Funeral services were held at the graveside in the family cemetery Saturday taarsoss-' at 3 o'clock, near ChinaoaDin trv the . Rev i n vey, pastor of. UM'Preabyterian vnurcn in Chinquapin. He la survived by four sisters, Mrs. Lemuel Brtnson of WHmmt ton, Mrs. Harry Payton of Denver. Col., Mrs. Mary Castro of San Ped ro. CaL. Un FrmAim. Miaij Hampton, Vs.; two brothers, Torn lavenauffB ot Mt. laotrtt.. cei mm- Wllbert Cavenaugh o SUiuustvtOevf Outlaw's Bridge' The Young People's Group, will lead the 5th Sunday Worshop Ser vice. All are invited to attend. L. W. Outlaw; Duplin Represent ative, returned to Raleigh Monday mother, Mrs. Leona Outlaw at the following 'the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Doby and baby of Wake Forest visited her! week end. Mrs. Jesse Outlaw and Jesse, Jr. were recent visitors with Mrs. Bar bie Whitfield at Carolina Beach. Mrs. Nora Malpass, Kenneth and Donald, and Mrs. W. DPate and Miss Dessie Pate visited Mrs. Gur. ney Pate in Courtland, Va. Sunday. Miss Pauline Outlaw spent the week end at her home here. Miss Dorothy Outlaw spent the week end with her parents Berev . Mrs. Eric Berger, Mrs. B. F. Out law, Misses Rachel and Lucy Out law attended the concert in Golds boro Thursday evening. FOR SALE - IN WARSAW 1 Cement Block 5 Room House With Bath on Chelly Street. I Frame 8 Room House, With Two Baths, Near High School See-G. C. RHODES, or write BOX 416, WARSAW, N. C. 1C 1 "' '-!'W" i4 Aii&,&u-iMUu See Us At Once For Your Seed And Fertilizer Requirements Agents For INTERNATIONAL, FREMONT, WEIL, SWIFT. & ROYSTER FERTILIZERS ALSO, AGRICULTURAL LIME IN STOCK. R. B. WARREN Telephones 69 or 210 ' Mount Olive, N. C Perse:.:! "N, Mrs. J. Ifill and It. isi Un H. D. Farrier Had a recent faests Mr. and Mrs. Walter Csrter of Sal isbury sad Mr. and Mrs. W, D. Morton of Richmond, Vat- " II r i ;'' : V -,.-:.-:iNliy I ' WHEN FACED WITH DRIVING PROBLEMS . . 7 ' '-tfl&r f viui vxcynovuius Don't let driving strain and traffic troubles bother yott go with Greyhound and relax Ifs so easy to choose a convenient schedule and take an easy-riding, pleasant ly-warmed Greyhound Super- Coach, . Whether you're -goingon a vacation, on m business trip, paying a visit to friends, commuting every day to your work, or just going on a short shopping tripyou'll find it's always asyi going when, you go Greyhound, With an experi enced, careful ; Gieyfcous4 driver behind the wheel, there's ao need at all "to drive yourself." ; 2 ' BUS STATION, Warsaw ; , WAT.SAW,N.C. Relax,',., Ton'r frM (ram wMlMBd and rush-hour tnfflc WiMltH hsa jou go Orarsgiiadi j ' ' - WMMir mi""' . : Relax,,, Downtown Orsrybound tta ' tiona ootTFsmlsmt hd quartrt for nation -wid tfeTVll Wad illfonilartsOli I.. ' Relax.:, t Qrayhound la your 'otlr car", whan th immMy car U BMdwI. You'll am man. 7 ... SO oa runTiiiliut Mr. and Mra. S.Ll.vraww M Kinston for the week rtl with hw mother, Mrs. WI D,r'.:v. k; Mrs. H. J. Tl t-rl--mr 'for- s , ... ;

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