TiJLi DUPLIN TIMES ftUUM each frUar In KenawUe. W. C County Seat ef ' DUPLIN COUNTY : ' v . - - " Mltarlal builne Mi printfof plant. Hanansvtlle, N. , J. ROBOT GRADY, EOITOB OWNER Catered attaePost Offiee, KenansrMe. N. G, a Meant el matter. TELEPHONES: fminnn, CB5-S ,- ' - Waraaw, I9S-6 s SDBSCUPnoir RATES:' 03.60 par year la Duplin County; tUe far year year entsMe Dnplla County, In North Carellna; HM ear year astride Nartk Carolina, except to Men In U. S. I Fleas. Anywhere, S.H per year. Advertising rates forniaked en request itftl Jearaal, derated to the material, educational, ani airlealtaral Interests of Duplin County. Carolina v-Xi 0 National Adrlllie SrMlll AhEIICAM PtIJ! AUIIM . it .1' a : i ' 11 v c t : International UnHon Sunday Jy,''"".'' SCRIPTURE; Mark l:14-lt l Luke 4:10-30. DEVOTIONAL READING: I . : -5:3. TeachingRelic " r Lesson for February 6, 1B49 SOME PEOPLE, strange to say don't believe in Sunday schools Most North American Protestants do, because Jesus did The word may not be found in the New Terta 1 ffi ,4 usj&A At THE AMERICAN WAT Under and by virtue of the powei of sale contained In and conferred by that certain deed of trust dated December 6, 1946, and executed by Willie Maneigo (unmarried) to the undersigned and recorded in Book 431 at page 319 at the Duplin County Registry. Default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured, and the holder of the note having de manded that the same be fore closed, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse Door in Duplin County on Monday, February 14, 1949, at the"" hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon, the following described lands: Lying and being in the Town of Warsaw, and described as Lots Nos. 9 and 10 on a Map recorded in Book 216, page 78, also Lots 9 and 10 in Block 15, Book 216, page 173, of the Public Registry of Duplin County, and being the same Lots described in a Deed from R. D. Johnson, Commissioner of the Court to Elizabeth Moore, dated October 29, 1928, and filed for rec ord on November27, 1946, to which reference, is hereby made. ' A deposit of ten per ceht will be required of, the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. .' Advertised this the 13th day of January, 1949. . E. Walker Stevens, Trustee. 2-11-4L EWS NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION 4ty: George Peck The Struggle Continues In a previous article I discussed the struggles of early man to attain , economic security In this editorial I'd like to say a few things about man's struggle in modern times. : Empires always have been built en the simple formula of control - ling large colonial populations that can be forced to fight for and buyl wings from the empire nation. This has been the only solution for in - over-populated nation to overcome ' its lack of natural resources. Spain, England and France were the first of three modern nations to engage in this colonization busi ness an an extensive scale. The rule . was that the first nation to conquer a so-called unenlightened country, could raise its flag thereon and re ceive undisputed title to the confis cated territory. The inventions of . gunpowder and big ships made this a pleasant, lucrative and relatively , safe undertaking. As a result Spain, : France and England prospered v , j . , Whether our iears of Russia are 5 ' and U"y " leal or not' we do know that sooner CUDlCd With millions nf sninrn i, j V i . . I r laier some nation, envious ot our k"V . Ta:anr loP.no ! wealth and prosperity, will enter , win tu una ieiiiiuiy-graLmMf game. Germany was slow in realiz ing the economic advantage of this CK. ' a"a. wnen sne a"d armaments so impressive that IZi i u, u Ilgna11 the any ambitious would-be-conqueror good claims had been staked oi,t win shnrirw t th ideals mixed up with that picture. There were none involved. Of all the nations that were dragged into World War I, America alone can be suspected of having been moti vated by lofty ideals, and there is reasonable doubt about that. Wars always .have been and always will be strictly business. The treaty of Versailles suppos-! edly ended the War of 1914-18. Keen students of the situation at that time knew and so proclaimed that it simply set forth the terms under which Germany would recu perate and prepare for another try at world conquest. Any doubt about thi; has already been dispelled in Hitler trying it again in 1939. Germany was crushed a second time and America again played the leading role in pulling the world's chestnuts out of die fire. But ovor Germany's prostrate body has rise,i another power seeking world con quest the formerly backward Russia. tain the idea of attacking us. Out course, therefore, is clear. We mu.it build and maintain armed forcos , By this time, England and France and, to a lesser degree, Holland had garnered the cream of the crop. As time went on, Germany felt the pinch. Finally, she demanded that England and France move over to make room for her. Meeting with a firm refusal, matters came to a head when the Kaiser decided that Germany was militarily strong enough to challenge the French and British Empires. She almost got away with it in World War 1. In fact, only America's entrance into that war made the blockade of Ger many airtight and starved her into submission. Don't make the mistake of be lieving there were any ethics or of attacking America. Thus continues man's struggle for economic security. BACKACHE For quick comforting help for Back ache. Rheumatic Pains, Getting Up Nights, strong cloudy urine, irri- .tating passages. Leg Pains, circles under eyes, and swollen ankles, due to non-organic and non-systemic Kidney-and Bladder troub les, try Cystex. Quick, complete satisfaction or money back guaran teed. Ask your druggist for Cystex today. Having this day qualified as Exe cutrix under the last Will and Test ament of Lott McArthur, now de ceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this Is to n.lfy all persons having claims against his said estate to present them to the undersigned Executrix on or bis fore January 6, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. AH persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. Daphne McArthur, Executrix 2-11-Gt. pd. VBG ADMINISTRATOR'S .NOTICE iment, but the thing is there. If Jesus did not believe that religion could be taught, then he was s. guilty ol wasting 'fZJ, much nf his time ft lor ne wornea ai ri-s, teaching in season and out of season. Dr. Foreman He was a product of the Sunday School, in a sense. During his childhood he would go to the synagogue school weekdays and especially on Sabbaths; we know that by the time he was grown it was his "custom" to at tend synagogue service. And In every Jewish com munity the synagogue was the place where for two hundred years and more, children and youth and older people had been taught the Word of God. If Christians today are faithful to Christ's example, we also will keep at the job of teaching our religion to every child wjthin our reach. Body and Soul READERS of the gospels will note that when Jesus went home from the synagogue on the Sabbath, his day's work was not done. He would spend hours, sometimes till far into the night, healing people brought to him for cure. Jesus min istered to mind and soul. Jesus was interested in personalities, whole people, not half-people. Our minds have to be fed, but we live in, bodies, and bodies have no little to do with personalities. Jesus was not content with teaching sick peo ple; he made sick people well. So the church today, if it is faithful to Christ's principles, will consider people as complete personalities. The Common People WE FIND that Jesus did not in sist on university audiences. Indeed, he never spoke to a univer sity audience. His teaching was , always in the midst of groups of i very plain people. There were great universities in those days, but it was not necessary for any one to ;be a graduate of one of them In order to enter Jesus' school, or to understand what he taught. He taught the plain people plainly. In all our teaching we try to use the pupil's language and to put oar Christian ideas in the ' thoughts that the pupils can un derstand. At the best seminaries, young ,minislcrs-to-be are carefully taught trines in ways that the simnlest neH?ANY.Lln .the Town ot Warsaw. N. pie can understand. Teaching over people's heads is not teaching them at all. G--- i HO -HUM.' I WONDER . :z:z shapows topav? J - r', . . . - i ; . ' J ' . . "T I NOTICE OF SUMMONS i The undersigned, having quali fied as the Administrator of the estate of Maud Baker, deceased, late of Duplin County. Smith Town ship, State of North Carolina, and having qualified before the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin Coun ty, this is to notify all persons who have claims against said estate to present their claims to the under signed Administrator on or before the 3rd day of January, 1950, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. ' This the 3rd day of January, 1949. Cleon Smith, Adirinl- stratot of the estate of Maud Baker, deceased, Rt. 2, Pink Hill, N. C H. E. Phillips, Attorney " enansville, N. C. 2-ll-0t. HEP NOTICE OF SALE N. C CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC. Foot of Wayncsborough Avenue Former Weil's Brickyard , GOLDSBORO, N. C. : PHONE 1532 OR 2330 COLLECT IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY WE WILL PICK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND HOGS FREE OF CHARGE D. H. CARLTON INSURANCE AGENCY WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA Lffs : Fire -Storm - Automobile, etc. Warsaw, H.C. Telephone 3496 "tarn INCOME TAX RETURNS The WARSAW REAL ESTATE AND INSU rNCE CO., will, again offer the services of a 'J.rtified Public Accountant to assist those 'of ':3 Warsaw and Dupjin County area in the pre ration of their Tax Returns. , , Please Phone 2121 or 2686 for an appoint- Lr.3AW REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE CO. rt I 7 est, Agent , Warsaw, N. C. "TANCE - BONDS - RENTALS - REAL ESTATE v ' God and Education JESUS did not try to teach people carpentry, or arithmetic, or ge ography. No doubt he could have done so. But he had something more important on-his mind, some thing which he alone could teach. He taught religion, or in other words he taught the truth about God, and about man, and about right relations between God and man. So the teaching church, whether in the Sunday school or In the books written by its scholars or in its schools and colleges, when it follows Christ's example, is always teaching religion first and foremost. We do not believe that religion is a secondary issue, something you can "take or leave." i : i'.. Religion on Two Feet JESUS did more than talk. . He lived. His whole life and charac ter were saying more loudly and plainly what his words said. So the ' Christian church to day, when it Is faithful to Chriut. --mast translate into actual living the faith she teaches In Sunday , school lessons, In catechisms ' nd books and sermons. . What we do, as Christians, speaks louder than what we say. Every Sunday school teacher needs to re member that what is said on Sun day is important, but what the .teacher does, on Monday Is more Impressive by far. The reason why Jesus was more effective than' John ' the Baptist was -that John, after all, was a Voice, while Jesus was a Friend. Are you who teach others about God simply a Voice? , A pho nograph could do as well. ' ..(Copyright by the International Couii. K. denominaUons. Releaied hy WNUJFeaturM.) y , . v e A. J. CAVENAUGII ' T"r - JEWELER "'Jr DIAMONDS W.V t lttS WATCH AND JEWELRY, f RTPAKENQ A ESCdSAVIXO ", V" " '- tt n . , Under and by virtue of the a' thority and power granted under sectiort 44-2, General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned will offer for sale and seU to the highest bidder for cash, at the off ice of the WEST MOTOR COM- C. at Twelve O'clock Noon on the 12th day of February, 1949 the fol lowing described personal property, towit; . : .- ONE 1940 MODEL FORD TUDOR SEDAN, MOTOR No. 18-5537059. Dated this 25th day of January. 1949. r. WEST MOTOR COMPANY Per J. N. West, Jr. Robert L. West, Atty. Warsaw, N. C. 2-4-2t RLW Coal $15.00 D erlon We. Deliver Anywhere WALLACE ICE AtlD COAL COMPANY WALLACE, N. C. ' Phone 264-1 REMEMBER TODAY TOMOWBOW ' WITH A . PHOTOGRAPH KRAFT'S STUDIO IN MOUNT OLIVE Phones 217-J or M0 . COMMERCIAL TnOTOC" .TZ7 A "" BY PUBLICATION In The Gerenal County Court NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. . GEORGE WILLIAMS - VS BETTY WILLIAMS The defendant, Betty William' will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commen ced in the General County Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff above named against the defendant for an abso lute divorce on the grounds of two years separation, and in which the defendant is interested and wnlch cause of action is set forth in the complaint filed in this cause, and that the defendant is a necessary party to this action; and that the said defendant Will further take no tice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Gener al County Court of Duplin County in. Kenansville, N. C, on tha 8th day of February, 1949, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action, which has been duly filed In said office, or on or before the 4th day of March, 1949, or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint, This 8th day of January, 1949. Grady Mercer, Attorney for plaintiff. R. V. Wells, Clerk of General County Court 2-4-4t GM ATHLETES. FOOT GERM TELLS HOW TO KILL IT iThe germ grows DEEPLY. You s must "REACH it to make the kUL i. Use " a strong, PENETRATING; fungicide. ' TE-OL, made with 90 . alcohol, reaches MORE germs. It not pleased IN ONE HOUR your 35 cents back from any druggist Kenansviile Drug Store eMMW,1' If It's Sympathetic Memorials You Want ; : SEE' ' 1 - ' a'ia4 a-m -mm a m M IV 8- f Kill 1 VVII I IAMMI:I II I ii iiiiiini afif In Kenansviile TOMB STONES & MONUMENTS Representing Rev. Clifton Iiice PHONE 2392 tfrxXM; oooeooo i o i HDjimi :-:r--;-;.x:.;, wrwgagm ""A .w': si7f?tfi WsssllMlilM i A v f - f - -Jf,; IIIIB Wliicli one lias tIio modcrn!:itcIicn? There' only one difficult aide tohavbg a modern kitchen . . . any of your neigh- bora who are still struggling along with ;. outmoded . kitchens just get downright discouraged. Can't say we blame them, k exactly.... , 1 , ; ' Modern ranges are things of real effi- . ciency and economy. There is no end to the oh's and aVs with which the neighbors ' first greet one of the new refrigerators , with its frozen food storage and extra apace. Washers, too, have changed a lot since the war. But do you know how much? If you want to see these beauties, ' visit the Tide Water office ... soon.;, . And when you actually buy onel Then, that is when Tide Water service really swings into action, as the Service Man comes to install it and our very own ; Home Economist comes, to your home to tell you how to get the best results. ', ' Tide Water, you see, really means it about wanting to provide the best gas and electric service at the lowest possible cost Thafs why rates have steadily been reduced over the last 15 years, until to day they are as low or lower , than the average for the entire Atlantic . Coast I .'- J J I T lb E WA T E R P O W E R COMPANY

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