.. ::. : r , , . v., - . V v .-..jr. M m ' ' f , m m ' : ' : - VVbl I Ssv Al The te-pulion'! By; THEO HOLLINGSWORTII, 10th Grade, Kenansville. , I departed on the evening of the. ' 18th of January from Warsaw by train, to company with my sister, Mrs. A. W. Payne and daughter -, llolly and Miss Janice' Bostic of Beulaville. We arrived In Washing ton, D. C. at 7:00 A.M. on the 19th ' at the Union Station. After bresk , fasting, we motored to our room accoraadation on Whittier Street for a short period of relaxation. Later we toured the city. We viewed many of the. government buildings and historical monu ments. , Wednesday night we were joined by Lt. Payne (my sister's husband) and went to the Washington Monu- . ment, where we saw the Mammoth Fireworks display, after which we had supper at the "Hot Shoppes". Then retired for the night. Next morning we left early for ' the Inauguration. After some diffi--culty of getting through the thou- n.tiflirnro bates Two aafa per won charge of Me. Unless you have at with as please send aps, money order r chech with ads. Farmers: "M the Times Classified ads; II yea have anything to sell r Mchange, or want M buy, we will aeeept produce for paysaemt. FIBS INSURANCE IN 1947 AIDED MORE POLICY HOLDEBS, PAID MOBS LOSSES THAN EVER BE FORE. PROTECT TOUR PROPER- TT WITH R. W. BLACKMORE Reliable Insurance Service WABSAW, N. C to you aato body a repairs, alae replace yonr taaaM with sow Shatter Proof glass. A. C. HOLLAND KKNANRVILLK. "A drilled weO to a aOtgactory water supply. ' Write for c.aota4toa, giving alstepea and direction freea fMi Pest Office. .HEATER WELL COMPANY RALUaH, NORTH CAROLINA FOR BETTER PROTECTION INSURE WITH FARM BUREAU MUTUAL Write or See W. SPICER, KENANSVILLE, N. C. FARMERS: SEEME FOR BEST PRICES ON HAT. COTTON SEED MEAL AND HULLS, AND GEN ERAL LINE OF FEEDS. W. E. BELANGA, KENANSVILLE, N. C. MS-41 HAPPT JACK Mange Medicine Will Cure or Money Refund. Also HAPPT JACK Worm Capsules Duplin Mercantile Co. . ... Kenansville, N. C. ...... 244t C , . FOB SALE: Large Plcardy Gladioli bulbs. SIM per hundred. This offer holds good until February 15, J. K. BRYAN, JR. Kenansville Rt 1 24-41 pd. TO TRADE TRACTORS ' - v FOB MULES WE SELL TRACTORS, BUT IF YOU HAVE MULES AND WANT A TRACTOR INSTEAD, BRIIG . .THEM IN AND WE'LL TRADE WITil YOU. '.v - . - : ; A. L. LANIER, ' : BEULAVILLE, N. C. X-25-lOt C - ' . First Class Plumbing Bud 1USATLNU ' All Work Guarauteed GlCrSS P. PRIDGEN, JB Ftone 228-1 Warsaw, N. C GOODSON ROOFING SERVICE MOUNT OLIVE, R.F.D. No. If yon need a new roof or have an at 4 roof that needs repairs write or esll as for FREE ESTIMATE. We em paint your metal roof with I n-rette Beat Boot Palni . ' r::DNK KENANSVILLE 2S-l7 WANTED: Housekeeper. Settled woman to keep house. Can furnish on lot. ' , Apply BOX 121 ; ..T OLIVE, N. C. - : I :t. pd. ..'-i. Z2 - All kinds of Ta Returns 1 out by former Federal Dep- f "icUt E. D. Brown, wbe will s to pi' eonvenlrnt ti the uettLJ. ; '-.is s ""9 f t Classified Ads. sands of people along Penn. Ave. we located our seats which were on the corners of Penn., Constitution and 7th Streets. It was so cold wo wrapped in blankets for the long wait, having arrived at 11:00 o'clock and the inauguration to take place at noon. About 11:45 the President and his party passed our stand on the way to the Capital to take his oath. From where we were sitting we could see the President stand In the distance. At 12.29 the Presi dent and Vice-President took their oaths of office and the President gave his inaugural address and the "Star Spangled Banner" was sung by Phil Regan. Loud speakers were set up so the people in the bleachers could hear the ceremon ies. The 21 gun salute .started the inaugural Parade, wheh was 5$ minutes late. During this waiting period some of the 690 planes, in cluding B-36's and Jets roared overhead as thousands craned their , necks to watch the largest Air Ar mada ever to pass over the Capital. A Navy blimp flew lazily over and around the Capital. Then the pa rade was on, it began moving slowly down Penn. Ave. The Metropolitan Police were first in line and as they slowly rode down the street they spelled out HARRY S. TRUMAN. Then the Grand Marshalls came next in cars of all sorts. The U. S. Army Band came after the Marshalls. and leading the President, Vice Presi dent, Mrs. Truman and Margaret, men carrying the 48 State's flags and the cabinet members, all in beautiful cars except the ones car rying the flags. After this slowl went by the United States Marine Corps Band marched by. Then tbe Marshalls, the U. S. Military Aca demy and next came the Governors, the lovely floats, bands, and many Commissioners. The District of Col umbia was first, Missouri and then Kentucky, Deleware, Pennslyvania and New Jersey. After these the U. S. Naval Academy, then Georgia, Mass. and Maryland and the U. S. Coast Guard Academy, Virginia, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Tenn. and the U. S. Marine Aca demy. Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana and Wct Virginia brought up the Armyl Ground Forces Band, the WAC Company of the Army, Engineer and Cavalry Regiment. Maine, Ark ansas, Michigan, Florida, Texas and Iowa came before the U. S. Navy Band which brought on Calif. Miss, and the Air Forces Band. Nevada, Montana, Washington, Oklahoma, New Mexico. Puerto Rico and tie Virgin Islands were also represent ed. Kf-i After all the states were repre sented the Veterans organization, with the Spanish War, Disabled, Blind. Gold Star and Jewish war veterans went slowly by. The small bands, colored and white with their cute majorettes, came prancing along. They were the most colorful of all the parade. Every different band bad some cute steps they did. The Boy Scouts were there too. Tbe Chinese and Jewish floats came af ter the Scouts and the Cole, Bros. Calliope, the oldest in the U. S. worked by steam and played the Missouri Waltz.. This was the end of the 7 mile parade, which is the Llongest of all inaugural parades.' As the Caliope rolled down Pent'. Ave. thousands of people left their stands and took to -the streets. Af ter some time we made our way through the crowds to our car and I left for -home. We stopped on our 'way out on tbe south side of the Potomac River opposite the Wash ington Monument and watched the Inaugural Fireworks -- climaxing the greatest Inauguration Ceremo nles since the inauguration of Washington. , . ;.. To A Great Little Lady (KenansvfUe's Sweetheart) By: BESS HINSON BINES ... Eighty years young" Is the best way to say - Miss Lula's on the verge Of another birthday! To give is to live Is the secret of youth, . Upward and outward -. -ft The roadway to truth;- 1 , ; ; ; And they never grow old When the years that unfold Are witn sunngnt nitxiueing the gpiy; "Eighty years Young" We greet you today, ' ' Hail, Mlaa Lula . HAPPY BIRTHDAY). -To Miss Lula Hinson: ' : On Thursday evening, January 27, Miss Alice Gaylor became the bride of MSgt. Robert H. Sykes ft vhe Presbyterian Manse here ith Rev. J. G. Morrison pprformir? the ceremony, On'y rr 1 f alter the ceremony the couple lett on. a short trip,; " , ' ; Mrs. Sykes i the' daughter of Mrs, H. B. Gaylor and the late Mr. Gaylor of Magnolia. For the past year she has been a clerk in the office of the Register Of Seeds 1 itenarumjie. . ,v--.- -J MSgt. Sykes letAe'sori of Mr. and Mrs. R. L, Sykes of Kenansville and has been in the U S. Army for the past twelve yean. They will make their , home after several weeks at Fort Bragg, N. C. where Sgt. Sykes will be stationed. Enjoy Outing J The member of the Monday Ev ening Bridge Club enjoyed an out ing on Friday evening of last week. Supper ' was enjoyed .at Griffins Barbecue Place and after supper a show in Goldsboro. Tournament On Thursday evening of last week the Kenansville Woman's Club sponsored a game tournament at the club with proceeds going to the March of Dimes drive. Th room was attractively decorated in pastel shades, using forsytbla, quince and First Breath of Spring, and table appointments accentuated the color scheme. Bridge was played at four tables, with table prizes be- ing won by Misses Margaret Will iams and Dorothy Kieley and Mes dames Louise Mitchell and Mr. Fra- zelle. Rook was played at two ta bles and prizes won by Mesdames J. L. Williams and N. B. Boney. Mesdames P. J. Dobson and N. B. Boney served the guests. Re freshments were Individual cakes iced in pink and green with punch, Sewing Club Mrs. D. S. Williamson was hos less to the members of the BMG Sewing Club on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Bess Hlnes and Miss Lula Hin son, and Mrs. J. E. Jerritt of New Bern, were visitors. After the, regu lar sewing bee the hostess served tempting pear salad, crackers and coffee. Woman's Club On Thursday afternoon the Ke ransville Woman's Club met with Mrs. P. J. Dobson presiding and Mrs. N. B. Boney acting secretary. At this meeting" a nominating com mittee was selected by secret ballot. -and composed of Mesdames D. S. Williamson, H. D. Williams and Miss Lula Hinson. The meeting ad journed at an early hour to make preparations for the tournament which was held that night. , tlotice--- The Kenansville PTA will meet Monday night, Feb. 7, at 9:30 p.m. at the Kenansville SchhooL Mrs, 9. W. McGowen will have charge of the program. This win be Founder's Day and the public is urged to at tend. Honor Roll Below you will find the honor roll 91 senansviiie school-for the Oth month: . 1st Grade, Louise W. Mitchell Joyce Brock, Sylvia Chestnutt, Clara Dall, Peggy Quinn, Tommy Byrd. Mitchell Allen, III. - , 1st Grade, C. Burch - Denote Ben son, Verle Quinn. . 2nd Grade, C. Burch Ruth Gai ner, Eloise Pate. 2nd Grade, K. Wallace - Bobto Benson, Edward Lee Holland, Jr Morrison, Raymond Teachey. Sylvia I Gooding, DiU Jackson, Jean Weeks, ramcia whitman. - 3rd Grade, Mrs. Currie - Heste-- Casteen, Johnny Dauahtry. Geral dine Dunn, Rebecca Grsdy, Linda sitterson. r. .;.;.-,,. 4ta Grade. Nell Weeks - Bii'v Chambers, OUver Outiaw, Nadine urinson, Anna Bryan. Ann Marip FutreUe, Betty Ingram, GaU New- lon, Betty Potter, Betty West Trade Name Of Quality Concrete' Products Concrete Building Blocks - WayUto (Quality lightweight MoetV) rrcH;ast Conrete Steps Concrete SepJc Tanks ' ' ' Concrete Horse Troacks Concrete Stepping Stones ; , Build To A Standard ! Not To A Price . a ...I WW..(tlyJ ' Sate" . .. I..'S. EJsia E. L.inson- Orul lays Burgess, Doris Caison, Barbara Mitchell, Ethel Parker. 6th Grade, Mrs. Daughtry - De- anne Stokes, Doris EzzelL ' 7th Grade. Mrs. Sallie Ingram Sallle Newton, Billy Martin, France Kelly. ' 7th Grade, Nannie P; Brinson Edna Kearns, Jimmy Bowden. 8th Grade, Mrs. Sadler - Sarah West Outlaw, Hester Jarman, Mary Lee Bouse, Ernestine-Jones. Janet Teachey- v-?v;A, . 8th' Grade, M, Brinson Sarin Brown. Juanita Dunn, Imelda Gra dy. Mary Beth Southerland. 10th Grade, A. o. woo kw I Catherine Bryan, Mary Sue Burch, Frances Patterson, Mary Evelyn Williamson. 11th Grade, Mrs. A. T. Outlaw Bobby Ingram, Robert P. William son, Susan Brown, Emily Riven bark. 12th Grade, Mrs. Pearl McGow en - Lois Grady, Anne Bryan, Lucy Brown, Hilda Brinson, Grace Ba ker, K. B. Jones, Grace Sanderson, and Patrie Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. .William Tyson Bos tic of Kenansville, ' announce the birth of a son, Robert Glenn; on January 28, -1949. Weight VA pounds. Tyson, it seems, liked the Army very much, for after spending more than three years in the U. S. Army, u now- raising an army- o . his own. He now has four boys. Mrs. Bostic is the former Lillian Qulnn of Kenansville. . Personals Lt A. W. Payne of Washlnaton. D. C. and Miss Marion Harris of Roanoke Rapids spent the week end with Mrs. R. E. Hollingsworth and family and Mrs. Payne and family. mwara syKes spent the week end at home with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williamson and daughter made a business trip to Wilson Wednesday. Mrs. J E. Jerritt of New Bern was a visitor In Kenansville Tues day. While here she had dinner with Mrs. C. B. Sitterson. - Mrs. R. C. Wells of Clinton inert Tuesday afternoon in' Kenansvi'le. . Norwood Boney, Jr. returned to law school at UNC Wednesday after speeding several days at home after Announce Birth ' Ik! ftn thwe'Sbft WloVSr?afs...up to ffcg f& wdel find softi ' ftel that li Ship' Ride. . .youll ff Je in the level center section of the car ! . fed that'ua-fWse'power in both the new 100 h.p. V-8 and the 95h.p. Surf , WliaWSrMtl , ST III -;. enea -4. .TV, y fr ,4 1 ' . . ' ' ftel that neavy gauge steel lifeguard'6od and .i$ member box section $9 more rigid V ii. UMtaaje f4 Tkata. M trnhm-CU KK Sm row mmp., tor Dm mh tutk T' u V i I rk 1 I i .j . il.L. . Dr and Ita-s. Colil 1...J I..r. ami Mrs. John Sikes of Wallace attend cd a Red Cross fund campaign meet ing In Dunn Thursday, v r Miss Theresa Gooding visited i i Kenansville Tuesday night. LMtle Florrie Currie who was a patient at Dr. Sidbury's Hospital has returned to i her home and is improving nicely. tfcnks, To All As Chairman of the Duplin Coun ty Christmas Seal Drive, (colored) I wish to thank the following for their contributions in the fight against the spread 'of tuberculosis: Red Hill Baptist Church,?2.10; Wilson Chapel Church, 2.50; I .First Baptist Teachey, 4.05 ! ! Warsaw Veteran School, 8.00; ' Warsaw Veteran School, IS.OOj ' Branch Graded School, 23.00; . - B. F. Grady School, 4.00; Magnolia High School and vet erans, 40.00; Magnolia Veterans, 6.00; Douglas High School, Warsaw, 23.00; . ' Teachey Graded School, 14.80; Faison High School, 28.26; Faison Veterans, 10.42; Faison - Veterans, 25.00; ; Faison - Church, S.00; ' Dobson School, 3.00; Chinquapin High -School and Veterans, 100X10; Beulaville School, 40.00; Left fir c!i mlka What to do for wo tw'f oldest problem, f uMiiontl monthly int aunjr a girl w4 jeram hu found -; uuwer In CAR- cors i-way htip. a kw, cardui mr r tlw tklnc lott euiar for ran la eltbcr i two yi: u (Mrtod 3 dn btforo pvst Urn" bb taken aa directed on the woel. it ihotUd help roller fmutlonal paXXt pun; (J) taken throughout tho tamth lifco a tmi. It should lmprore your tispetttt, M dltestlon, and thus help , talia up rtsUtaaoo tot the tiring dsys to cosi. CARDUI tl KdaBUfleaUy prepared ud sclntlflcony tasted. It you suffer "at toon certain tlmos", got CARDUI today. MRS. M. M. THIGPEN Beulaville, N. C. Bepreaentative For CLINTON FLORAL COMPANY - WARSAW, N. C 1 ftel tho$etffa-Coil'Spring$ infronj teamed with?ara-FIex'Srinfjs fn fa'GSQ frame ftel those Mlagic Action'brakes . 1 I i ! ... m , l. -'. aTJ " , sT St -,.f u : V ' - Xjro 1 1 Hjjunm ,.UMLi PHONE 258-1 ;tlm;Salc- Kenansville High School and and Veterans, 68.00; Little Creek School, 13.61; Hose Hill High School and Vet erans, 75.00; Stanford School, 3.00; Wallace High School, 39.29; Wallace Veterans, 20.00; Branch Veteran School, 15.00. TOTAL, $605.73. Respectfully yours, Mrs. F. K. Williams, Chairman. ftel the wheel..'.fou1l love that.arrow-straight' SP to 35 easieracting. . .theyfe'Wngifw "Drive a Ford end SERVICE MOTOR COnSVlllY KENANSVILLE. N. C. Break-In . Cavenaugh service station 1: Rose Hill was broken into sometime after closing time Tuesday, accord ing to Deputy Sheriff C. L. JjichoW son. The sheriffs office had so de tails of the break-4n. Deputy Sheriff C W. Wagstaff went to Rose Hip to assist Deputy Bertls Fuss ell in nvaMog the inves tigation. ? . J j "m your torn

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