THE DUPLIN TIMES - . rfclhk4 Mfc Friday la Kenanwllle. N. C. County Scat at DDPLIN COCWTT ' BtUUiial kuiaeai and printing plant, KenansvtUe N. C. ' " J. ROBERT GRADY. EDITOlt OWNEK Batered at the Poat Office, Kenansrtlle, N. C aa seeead elaaa matter. TELEPHONES KenaBlTlIle. 255-6 Warsaw, 293-6 : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 93.00 par rear In Duplin County; per year year outside Duplin County, in North Carllna; 4.M per year outside North Carolina, except to Men In U. ft. Armed Forces, Anywhere, S3.00 per year. Advertising ratea furnished en request A Demeeratle Journal, devoted to the material, educational,' i and airleultural Interests of Duplin County. National Adverlltlng tprilli American Pbiss A"ocuim New York Chkag THE AMERICAN WAV It's A Way Of Life By: DE WITT EMERY Released By George Peck (Editors Note: DeWitt Emory is president of the National Smal! Business Men's Association.) My piece awhile back on trying to find a definition for free en terprise stirred up quite a rumpus. The San Francisco News ran it as a feature article after "sending one of its reporters out to get i definition. He didn't get one. al though he spent all day trying. The News asked its readers to comment and submit their i'efini- tions, and had to run four follovv , up articles in order to quote i cross section of the replies recei ved. Malcolm W. Bingay, columnist for the Detroit Press and other Knight papers, undertook to both slap me down and take me apart. I couldn't take that so I slapped right back, in part, as follows: "My attention has been called to :-your December 31 column in the , Detroit Free Press in which I told about trying to find a definition of 'free enterprise.' Among other things, you say there isn't and never has been any such thing. - You are wrong on this dead j wrong. There very definitely is such a thing as free enterprise "Free enterprise is both the life blood and backbone of our eco nomy, has been for more than 150 years and it will be a sorry day for this country and for the whole world if free enterprise ever dis ; appears from the American scene. . "Free enterprise, or freedom of enterprise, if you prefer, is a way of life, the American way of life; lt'a ouf way of living and working together. Free enterprise has pro ! duced more of everything for every D. H. CARLTON INSURANCE A(ENCY "WARSAW, - NORTH CAROLINA Life - Fire - Sform - Automobile, etc. Warsaw, N. C. Telephone 3496 N. C. CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC. Foot ol Waynesborough Avenue .1' , Former Weil's Brickyard GOLDSBORO, N. C. PHONE 1532 OR 2330 COLLECT IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY-WE WILL PICK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND HOGS FREE OF CHARGE - POULTRY'WAHTED: We Are Paying TOP MARKET CASH Prices For POULTRY EveryDay. Large Flocks A recialty. Sell Us Your Poultry And Get Full Ilarket Prices. ' v & Knovles Produce Co. K i Carolina i botro ' one than any other way of life known to mankind any place on the face of the earth Since the beg'n ning of recorded history. "Detroit is what it is today be cause Henry Ford was free to try again arid again to make a go of his enterprise. Under any other way of life he might not have had a chance to make another attempt after he had failed, and the de velopment of the automobile indus try might therefore have been set back nobody, knows how many years. "About 15 years ago, one of the trustees of our Association bought a defunct truck line for something less than $5,000. Ten years later, without any additional capital hav ing been invested in the business, he refused an offer of $500,000 in cash from one of his larger con petitors. "Building up this business too'c 'initiative, courage, vision and per severance,' none or all of which would have been worth much if he had not been free to engage in any enterprise of his choice. He didn't know anything about the trucking business. He had a little money and a burning desire to go into business for himself, and he thought that the sheriff's sale of the truck line might be the oppor tunity he was looking iur, so he took a chance on it. Had he failed, he still would have been free to accumulate another stake and try again in the same or some other en terprise. That, Mr. Bingay, is free enterprise." ' NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the. pow er of sale contained in and confer red by that certain deed of trust dated January 22, 1945, executed by W. M. Maneigo and wife, Ger- ,1 f t j crri : 'A Ljl.H;KaiHllll.LrMB SCHIPTURE: Mark S. 1-3:6. DEVOTIONAL READING.' Luke II : n-4. , i Inevitable Cril - WI Lesson for February 13, I MO NCE UPON a time, so the oli a chu ' V. story goes, thert was meleon, a lizard that can. ch color to match whatever on. They put him ge it; tand- ' on a black cloth and be turned black; on a red ta blecloth -and he turned red; on a green billiard -table and he turned green. Then some mean person set him down on a Christmas necktie and the poor little thing exploded- This is a p:i ruble iif the person who tries to please e erybody. It can't' bt done and it ought not to be trted "Woe unto ycu," said Jesus, "when all men speak well of you. Jesus Christ himself did not please every one Not even a per fect personality can be 100 per cent popular. Not that Jesus enjoyed rubbing people the wrong way.J There was nothing perverse about him. He was deeply, sincerely friendly, and to lose any friendships must have been more painful for him than for us who are so selfish. Nevertheless he did make enemies, he had his critics; and his followers may expect no better. Misunderstanding Motives ONE POINT on which Jesus met terrific opposition was his at titude toward the Sabbath. Repeat edly he or his disciples would do things on the Sabbath which (as Jews then understood the law) were quite wrong. It was just that sort of thing that Jesus ran into, more than once. His enemies misundeiv stood, or at least misrepresent ed, his motives. They claimed that he was "blas phemous," that is, that he was delib erately making light of God's law. The truth was that he was acting by God's highest law the law of love. Helping people in need was more important than keeping the letter of the Sabbath law. Jesus' example may help us here. If our best motives are misunderstood, we have a right' to explain ourselves, as Jesus did; but w6 are not oblig ed to change our ways to please those who persist in misunderstand ing us. Stepping Out of Bounds WHEN Jesus healed the man with the palsy, it was not the cure his critics found fault with, it was his first saying "Your sins are for given." "Who can forgive sins but 'God alone?" they said. In short, ;the Pharisees thought some of them perhaps sincerely that Jesus was stepping out of bounds, pre tending to do something that he'had no right to attempt and no power .to accomplish. Now Jesus did have both- the right and the power to say what ; he said to that sick and sinful man. And he made no apolo- ' gies for going beyond tbe llmha , hig critics set for him; ' So we too may sometimes be ac cused, of "biting off too much," of going beyond our powers or capac ities. Our critics may be right, you kfiow, though Jesus' critics never were. But how often' they are wrong! If Lincoln bad listened to his critics he never would have left his backwoods law office; they did not think him fit to be president. If the Wright boys had listened to their neighbors, they never would have flown an airplane, for who would have thought a couple of bi cycle mechanics could do what so many scientists said was impossi ble? Are you sure you are right? j Then go ahead, In God's name! The Company Ton Keen ' JESUtf' friends got him Into trou ble, as Mark shows us. For one tning, some were the "wron ort" like Matthew the tax-collector. Tiijtn nis menas naa an unconventional Kino oi religion, they actually seemed happy about H instead of gloomy -like some of John's disci- pies And jo make, matters worse, his friends "broke" the Sabbath laws, much as Jesus did. All In ell, Jesus' critics complained that Jsus' friends were a bad lot. and they Juflged him ' by.' the ? company he kept, v But Jesus knew, his friends better, than his enemies did.' He never gave op or loosened ' '': a lnle friendship an Ms crH- lea'- accoont. - Some of hJb : friends gave him np, but lp nev er gave tbera up. (Copyright by the tnterhaUonal Coun. ell ol Religious Education on behalf of by WNU Features.) . , trude Maneigo, to Woodrow H. Dr. Forema: Peterson, ' Trustee, recorded in Book 432 at page 198. of the Dunlin County r Registry. Default havirig t..e C. , .jor in'l w . ville, Duplin County, North Caro lina, on Monday, the, 28th day of February, 1949, at the hour ci twelve o'clock Noon, the following described land; , '....' 5- -BEGINNING at a cement monu ment on the eastern edge of the public road leading southwardly from the Lewis Jones land, former- ly the Bevie K. Middleton Land to wards Magnolia, where the north ern line of Isaiah Moores Halt-and Pearsall tract crosses said road, . C. Fords corner, thence South Til Vi East wkh -Fords line 157 feet to a pine, his corner, thence with said Fords line South 6 West 294 feet to a stake neat some hollys, and old corner, thence North 814 West 176 feet to a stake in the eastern edge of the road above mentioned, thence along the eastern edge of the said road NfJrth 94 East 293 feet to the. beginning, containing 1.1 acre, more or less,, and being the same lot or tract of land de scribed in that certain Deed from Isaiah More and wife, Anna Moore, to W. M. Maneigo, dated January 10, 1945, and recorded in Book 428, at page 271, of the Duplin County Registry. - A deposit oi ten per Cent of the purchase price will be required of the successful- bidder as evidence of good faith. Advertised this 25th day of Janu ary, 1949. Woodrow H. Peterson, - Trustee. E. Walker Steven?; Atty. 2-25-4t. EWS NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of authority contained in that certain judgment signed by the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin - County in that Special Proceeding No. 2290, entit led: "Florence S. Davis vs Joseph' F. Swalney, et als", the undersign ed Commissioner will on Monday, February 28, 1949, at the hour of 12:00 Noon offer for sale for cash, in front of the Courthouse Door in Kenansville, North Carolina, Dup lin County, all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Lime stone Township, Duplin County, and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a black gum in the head of Burtons Branch and runs South 81Vi West 48 poles to a lightwood stump; thence North 8 West 48 poles to a black gum; thence North 82 East 5216 poles to a small post oak; thence South 6 East 50 poles to a small bay on the run of Burtons Branch; thence up the. run. of said branch to the be ginning, containing 21 acres, more or less. This is known as Lot No. 2 in the division of the Charles G. Thomas land. And further being the same lands as described in a dead to Glenn D Swaney as recorded in Book 84, page 421, of the Duplin County Registry. t A ten per cent deposit will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. This the 28th day of January, 1949. H. E. Phillips, Commissioner 2-25-41. HEP NOTICE OF SUMMONS . BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. MRJS. BESSIE M. KENNEDY, ad ministratrix of the estate of BURL KENNEDY, Deceased, MABEL D. BURTON, Trading; and aoing uusiness as HJSL.MS MOTOR EXPRESS, and OLIVER -GARDI-PEE. . , : 7" , The defendant, Oliver Gardipee, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commen ced in the Superior Court of Du plin County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff above named and against the defendant to recover damages for the wrongful death of the plain tiffs intestate, and in which the de fendant is . Interested and which cause of action la set forth In the j complaint filed In this cause, and that the defendant is a necessary 1 llll's Sy.:;p::::;;;cM2mcri:!s( YcyUcnf I?1,.'" SEE(''i ." y. f. (dud ViLUAr:ro:i 3 '" 1 ' "l 1 1 party to this action; and the d.- fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County in Kenans ville, N. C. on the 12th day of Pri mary, 1949 and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action, which has been duly filed in said office,, on or before the 4th day of March,-1949, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. . This 13th day of January, 1949. R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court, Duplin County. Robert L. West, Attorney 2-18-4t. RLW NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as Exe cutor under the last will and testa ment of Minnie R. Brown, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said es tate to present them to the under signed Executor on or before the 21st day of January, 1950, Or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This January 21, 1949. Leslie H. Brown, Executor. 3-4-6t. VBG, NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the powei of sale contained In and conferred by that certain deed of trust dated December , 1946, and executed by Willie Maneigo (unmarried) to the undersigned and recorded in Book 431 at page 319 of the Duplin County Registry. Default having been made in the payment, of the indebtedness thereby secured, and the holder of the note having de manded that the same be fore closed, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse Door in Duplin County on Monday, February 14,, 1949, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon, the followlna described . lands: ,i -i ... r; Lying and being In the Town of Warsaw, and described as Lots No's". 9 and 10 on a Map recorded in Book 216, page 78, also Lots 9 and 10 in Block 15, Book 216, page 173, of the Public Registry of : Dunlin County,, and being the same Lots described In a Deed 'from R. m Johnson, '" Commissioner of the Court to Elizabeth Moore, dated Ol Dedsn QUALTTT irORJt-IANSHIP TRUE moms FINELY COT' SB FRAiXIS OAKLEY . "' The OjilnjfrfeGevea C. ' iff mutSAw' October 29, 1928, and filed for rec ord on November 27, 1946, to which reference is hereby made. A deposit of ten per eent will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. . Advertised this the 13th day o January, 1949. E. Walker Stevens, Trustee. 2-ll-4t. EWS NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as Exe cutrix tinder the last Will and Test ament of Lott McArthur, -now de ceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this Is to nify all persons having claims against his said estate to present them to the undersigned Executrix on or be fore January 6, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. ... All persons indebted to the sdld estate will please make Immediate payment Daphne McArthur, Executrix 2-ll-6t. pd. VBG t ' j . i H r -h- . il t A. J. CAVENAUGH JEWELER ' DIAMONDS WATCHES WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING ENGRAVING Wallace C. ' . !!p n Blask-DraoBh may help an BtfUi Stomach if the only roason you have aa -upset etoroeclt Is because of canitlpatton. Black-Draught, the friendly lazaUva, la Usually prompt and thorough when, taken a directed. It costs only .penny or leas a dose. That's vhy It has been a but-' teller with (our generations. If you are troubled with ev-h symptoma aa loaf of apaetlte, hcadacl.e, upset stomach, flatu lence, physical fatigue, aleepleasnett,' mental haislnesa, bad breath and If these symptoms are due only to constlpattarw then fee what Blaek-Draught may do tor you. Get a package today. INCOME TAX RETURNS -.i ' f - pMaaiMIVBBia4LaaMrV-' ' t (. , . .The WARSAW REAL ESTATE AND INSU RANCE CO., will again offer the services of a - Certified Public Accountant to assist those of . the Warsaw and Duplin County area in the pre paration of .their Tax Returns. Please Phone 2121 or 2686 for an appoint 1 .ment. WARSAW REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE CO. Robert L. West, Agent Warsaw, N. C " INSURANCE - BONDS r RENTALS REAL ESTATE RETAIL iLC;:;ilYA3'.H- Phones: 3602, 8608 Calypso, N. C " . ALL GRADES FRAMING, CO I v FLOORING, MOULDINGS, ETC. - ,v' t,;; :.. kiln d:.:zd " --k BACKACHE For quick comforting help (or Back's ache, Rheumatic Pains, Getting Up-' Nights, strong cloudy urine, irrt. ; tating passages, Leg Pains, circleac ; under eyes, and swollen nkletr due to non-organic and non-ay temlc Kidney and Bladder troub-; les, try Cystex. Quick, completa satisfaction ormoney back guaran teed. Ask your druggist (or Cystex" today. . FasriEv.:,, SASH, D00E3, SILEST- 7 ROC", ROCK XATII, . UME. CEMENT.' LdClt. 1 MORTAR, PAINTS, RA-COTTA PIPE, SIDING, ASPHALT ;U t!rrVr-T -no " w wrvrirurt'. OF BOLL ROOFING 5-V ROOFING, BSICK V 'I ' ' SIDING " Z.J.C:rt:r CC:n C oVenesr-Cc, fit'. " ..( .. f I'm1 " AIlNcwr-!: KOU:,'T OLIVE, N, C. been ma-'e in the payment of the ln- TO"1

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