T HE DUP4.1N TIMES mk Friday In KenaasvUle. If. C County Seat at ' . nuPMN roiTNTT - -1-,)' E4tlMil batlnrta end ortntlnf plant. KenaiMVlllit. N C i korfrt chady, boitou owvf.r Catered at the Poat Office. KeaansvlUe, N. C. at aeeaaielaai matter. TELEPHONES Keaaasvtlle. 155 . Warsaw, t91- v 8VBSCBIPTI0N SATES: S3.M par year la Duplin County; tut per rear year on title Duplin County, In North Car Una; HN per rear outside North Carolina, except to Men la V. R. Armed Fareee, Anywhere, $S.N per year. Advertising rates faralsked aa request A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, mairnlo and afriealtaral latoreata of Duplla Count. HoribOiraLna kA. Will AMOCUTHa?) Nollonol Aovcrtltlaa pftiitolo Aheikan Puss A""1"" v "if .id. Internal i rmal Untaorsa Sunday School Lessons' SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5-S-T. DEVOTIONAL READING r Matthew 13:44-53. , :. ... Future Citizens-- "Boys will be Boys," they say. But we're sure you'll agree they'll be better, friendlier, happier boys If they're in the ranks of the Boy Scouts of America. For 30 years, the Boy Scouts have made an increasing contribu tion to a better America through a well planned, up-to-date program to meet boys interests. It's a pro gram of adventure that appeals to every boy, when he knows about it. And there's the rub. Many a boy of twelve or over needs to be informed of the exciting activities of Scouting. Many a pa rent needs to discover the values of Scouting for his boy. Many an adult needs to find out the enjoy ment to be derived from helping boys find themselves through Scouting. Many a Civic institution should look into the merits and ad vantages of sponsoring a Troop of Boy Scouts. For these reasons we're taking the opportunity, during Boy Scout Week to fulfill our obligations 'as an information-medium, by remind ing you of your responsibility to the boys of America, the 'Men of To morrow.' Thirty-two years ago this writer was Scoutmaster of a Troop it Al tamonl and we recall with much interest a camping trip that was made to the top of Grandfather Mountain. Many of the members of that troop" are now leading citi zens of Avery County. Delinquency among the youth of today can be overcome in large measure if our citizenry will cooperate with the Boy Scout movement. From the Avery Scenic Press Newland, N. C. Beware Tenants - Tenants would be liable to Im prisonment or fine for failure to satisfy tobacco crop liens held by their landlords under a Senate bill Introduced yesterday by Sens. O B. Moss of Nashf Hardy Talton of Wayne, H. B. Perry of Watauga, C. II. Dearman of Iredell and Adam J. Whitley, Jr. of Johnston. The bill applies to "any tenant or share cropper having possession of a tobacco marketing card Issued by any agency of the State or Federal government who sells tobacco au thorized to be sold thereby." ..... . If the tenant failed to account to his landlord, to the extent of the amount of the sale, for liens, rents, advances or other claims, be would be "guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment in the discretion of the court.'' Win Sweater Award The Women's Athletic Associa tion of East Carolina Teachers College has presented annual N. C CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC. Foot of Waynesborough Avenue Former Weil's Brickyard GOLDSBORO, N. C; PHONE 1532 OR 2330 COLLECT IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY WE WILL PICK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND HOGS FREE OF CHARGE - Ideal World Lesson for February 17, 1949 If It's Sympathetic Memorials You Want SEE W. F. (Bill) WILLIAMSON In Kenansville TOMB STONES & MONUMENTS Representing Rev. Clifton Rice PHONE 239-2 D. H. CARLTON INSURANCE AGENCY WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA ' Life Fire - Storm - Automobile, etc. Warsaw, II. C. Telephone 3496 ' ' .T ' INCOME TAX RETURNS , , , , - V ' ' The WARSAW REAL' ESTATE AND INSU-.' -RANCE CO., will again Offer the services of a " Certified Public Accountant to assist those of the Warsaw and Duplin County area in the pre-" paration of their Tax Returns. -.C ' t Please Phone 2121 or 2686 for an appoint ment . - . WARSAW REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE CO. Robert L. West, Agent : . Warsaw, N. C. jf ANY MAN with a revolutionary new idea has to try to explain it .Jesus was no exception. As a young teacher of religion, he had to answer the question which older teach- .?J' ers were bound to ib put to him: If your 'teaching is new, I J" t 1 j. i . I. . ' UUW KUU, Ifc IK ITUCf M And if it is true. IS what 'can be "new about it? This was a fair question. The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus' an-' Dr. Foreman swer ' to it , The main theme of that sermon Is the kingdom of God, an ancient phrase but with new meanings as Jesus used it. We can say "The Ideal World" and mean Just the same thing. The Bight People JESUS EMPHASIZES, above all, the kind of people who belong to God's Ideal World. This would be surprising to some modern plan ners. Communists think that if you can once get a world in which every one has enough to eat and drink and wear, a world where nobody is poor (or everybody is as poor as every body else, which is all the same thing), you will have the perfect world. Jesus would know this is nonsense. But the fact is that even after yon got your perfect social sys tem, with perfect politics and" perfect distribution of wealth, even a perfect climate and soil, 1 you would still be nowhere near the Ideal World unless yon Im proved your people. The wrong kind of people will spoil the best kind of system. So we find Jesus talking not about sys tems but about people. Is This Ton? WHAT WE call the "beatitudes" (Matt. 5:7-12) is Jesus' eight point program for the citizens of the Ideal World. The right peo ple are happy people, to begin with. (The word translated ','Blessed" ii a regular Greek word far "happjfc") But the main difference between different kinds of people is not that some want to be happy while others do not; rather it is that they are made happy by different kinds of things. Jesus' ideal people are humble, not proud; they see their, sins and are sorry for them; they are "meek" that is, they are not in a hurry to demand their own rights; they do not merely admire good ness, they are positively hungry for It; they are merciful, not careless or cruel; they are pure in heart and not only in speech and act; they are not mere peace-wishers : or peace-lovers (who isn't?) but peace makers; they are people .who are brave enough to do what is right not only when it is ' comfortable ' and popular but even when it brings them slander and suffering. , - . Salt T0 YOU really want an ideal world? Thehest way to begin Is to learn how to be a citixen of such a world. Jesus used two In teresting simple words to describe the kind of people he means. You are salt, he said, you are Ught Salt -and light are old-fashioned things but they have never gone but of date. No one has Invented a good substitute for either one , !. So there Is no substitute for ' ; a really good Christian. Lhr-v Ing, here and now, like dttsena , of the Ideal world te come. . Christians are both salt and light r, , Salt because they give a taste to otherwise flat or hitter life. Salt because they keep human society from going rotten. This world Is in a bad enough mess as it is; but what it would be if all the Chris tians were removed from it at once, one hates to think. . .5?' light . , , ' AND LIGHTI Like salt, ' light ought not to be too noticeable. A glaring light is bad on the- eyes, as too much salt is bad on the tongue. So a Christian is not sup posed to rub his goodness In on other people, so to speak. He is as indispensable as salt In bread and light, like salt, if it la any good has to dm appuco. curecuy. a strong light concealed in a steel tube does no good. Swishing the glass end of the salt-cellar around in the soup gives It no flavor. The salt must get into the soup, the light must touch what we sea. s j.-;-. (Copyright by th International Ce-un- ii mm,k,uu'1 buuciuob on oenaif oi by WNU Features.) For quick comforting help for Sick ache, Rheumatic Pains, Getting Up Nights, strong cloudy urine. Irri tating passages, Lag Pains, circles under eyes, and swollen ankles, due to non-organic and non-tys-temlc Kidney and Bladder troub les, try Cystex. ,t Quick, complete satisfaction or money back guaran teed. Ask your druggist for Cystex today. ., . . -v.:" .-. REMEMBER TODAT toiwowwow '. WITH A ' v ... PHOTOGBAFH KRAFT'S STUDIO IN MOUNT OLIVE ' rhoaea m-J or Mt COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY A SPECIALTY' ' An..i:cl iDoMsbsrdr......' WW ' ' r . ::Y Outlaw's Bridge Mrs. Remus Creel and Mrs. J. H. Parker will be hostess to thi Home Demonstration Club in thi home of Mrs. Creel Monday after noon, Feb. 21 at 2:30. All members are urged to be present. Mrs. Herman Outlaw was hostess to the AUW at her home Saturday afternoon with a splendid attend ance Worship services were led by the Chaplain. Mrs. M. L. Outlaw Jr. presided over the business. Mrs. Katie Outlaw presented a discus sion on China for the program. Mizpah benediction closed the meeting followed by a social hour, Mesdames J. H. Parker and Gor don K. Outlaw attended a Family Life School in Clinton last Friday. WARSAW AF A AM- ' LODGE No. 677 AT 7: JO. ALL MASTER MASONS ARE INVITED TO ATTNED. MEETS EVERY SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY NIGHTS t 2. V - -mm? - - Dr. H. W. Cohvell OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Nxt Deer To Carenaoga Chevrolet Company Permanent Office la WALLACE. If. C TYNDAIL r RjrOAL HOME Df MOUNT OUVB ."' assssssanssSB . i . : BorlaJ Aaaoclaflop PaesM n ' . raasial Dtrantors, Esabahnera Aasbalaaoa Service, day or nbent f Waraa-D9U Uncle Sam Says f PD uncle " : fWtA SAM tVERY AMERICAN'S OrTOimttlTY BUY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS Hera's aa old savinai There's nothing like being without money I And now. is your opportunity to nuke certain that you'll always have plenty of it by putting sonje into U. 8. Savings Bonds every payday. The safest, surest way of providing future security Is by savins: the regu lar, automatic way through the Pay roll Savings Plan whet you work. Or, if self-employed, enroll for the Bond-a-Month Plan at your bank. No fuss, sm bother with either plan. And In 10 yean your money will come back to you with interest, $4 for every 93 you invest. Civil Court ; Mrs. Jim Outlaw has been an op erative" patient in Parrott Hospital In Kington. , v, Mrs. Lottie Berger is 'spending the week at Carolina Beach. Miss Pauline Outlaw spent the week end -with the home folks, r Misses Maybelle and Mary Ethel Outlaw spent the weekend in Golds boror " Jurors selected for the March Term of Superior Civil Court are as follows: FIRST WEEK - E, E. Fields, R. A. Murphy, Theodore L. Quinn, D. S. Waller, Harvey R. Harper, Thos. R. Lanier, J. D. Hall, M. H. Quinn, H. L. Pippin, J. Andraty Scott, Lloyd Cole, C. H. Boykln, Jr., Norman Marshburn, Hannah Gres- awards of sweaters and letters to women students who have been outstanding participants In various "orts on the cammis durlri! v GAYLE ham, EJgene P. Best, R! E. Hollond, W. P. Brown, L. J. Knowles, W. E. Carlton, Waldo W. Clifton. F. A. Jones, Jr., Colon F. Thomas, Ernest Jones, R. M. Harrell, Arnie Hen derson, John Martin Sumner, Oli ver Herring, W. L. Floyd, D. I. Rivenbark, Jr., Jimmie Davis, J. R. Heath, Coy B. Smith, Verney Gur ganous, Walter Herring, Jr.," Eve lyn Mathews, and R. F. Williams. . SECOND WEEK - Walter E. Bostic, Ben Maready, C. K. Carter, James D. Fussell, James E. Whit iield, Hopton Smith, Gilbert Hol mes, Wesley S. Jones, F. T. Heath, L. B. Moore, Leslie Batts, Roland Thigpen, Fred W. Winner, J.' Mil ton West, R. C. Gresham, T. A. Powers, J. H. Rhodes, Austin Swin son, Erchey Lanier, W. S. Register, Afton Pierce, Parley Potter Her bert Wells, Chancy Graham, K. G. Sloan, Maurice Jackson, W. J. Boyette, W. E. Waller, Lott Kor negay, Jackson Miller, Edgar Kor negay, L. J. Jones, Curtis Robin son, David R. Johnson, Alex Lee, W. L. Hicks, Jr., and Horace G Ward. March Jurors County Court Jurors selected for County Court, March term, were selected as fol lows: Johnnie Kenan, C. D. Walker, Is C. Quinn, J. L. Wallace, Leslie Wil liams, William A. Kornegay, Carl R. Wood, Raleigh Lanier, O. G. Bradshaw, J. H.- Murphy, Wooten V. Parker, Hicks Pigford, WiUie Vann Barwick, A. J. Walker, H. S. Murray, Ben S. Swinaon, Jr, Z. 1. Jones, Stedman V. Brown, A, Law. rence Mathls, Sidney James Kes nedy. Robert L. Pate. Wayne, Sou therland, Eli Parker, James B. Carr, D. E. Todd, Sam E. Parker, and Lloyd Rhodes. , ASTIIAtlA , Don't let coughing, wneextDg. ra currlng atUcks of BrsnchUl As uuma nun aiccy mum uiqiajy wiuat;' out trying MENDACO. bK9i work! through the bleed to rtrta bronchial tubes and lungs, Vr"Sy helps nature quickly remova t.l. sticky mucus. Thus alleviate cou ghlng and aids freer teeathtog and better eleep. Get SSfpA. t-ra druggist Satlsfactlgn or mc-1 back guaranteed. , x 4WUI0 0 tAiim-SAKM MST DSUai riAMONDS .-" WATCWBI . WATCH AND JEWELRt . BJCPAIKMNO sWGRAVWO - Wall.c C Southerland dec trie tp: Warsaw, N. C. Phone 301-1 . Tour G. E.) realer i SALES A SERVICE L y; AU Types OlTTiriajj 1 V" The World's v . Greatest Medium Born with strange POWERS. Wbl tell you what you want to know, without asking questions. Will re move evil influence from around you. Reunite the separated and will guide you In all affairs of LIFE, LOVE and BUSINESS. WHY REMAIN IN DOUBT? SEE THIS GIFTED MEDIUM TO-DAY. Look for GAYLE hand sign at 251 Castle Hayne Road, continuation of North 4th St. - Route 117, Will mington, N, C 1-3 mile beyond City Limits; OPEN DAILY. Air Base Bus passes floor. Looked in own home; NOT I J T " " Z " ' ' -5 In f " - For Best Prices and Com plete Job on Monuments, See or Write Rev. H. J. Vhaley CrULAVILLE . 1 oooococooooo " WHEN YOU NEED . f S EH VICES OF AN auctio::eer t.5 mi C.1.L Ii .. Sy J.i M. F. ALLEN JR. , , General Insurance KENANSVILLE.N. C. , s.ENANSVILLB'S ONLY INSURANCE AGSNCY ). M. JENKINS, Mgr. QUIIIM WHOLKAIE CO. , , OF WARSAW IN DUPUN . Distributors Of ; 'J : , VV: POLAR DEAli f O X . , GROCERIES, FEEDS, SE233 " MILFORD QUINN, Mgr." K MM..' I K J j 'II IS.'

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