All vorsied gabirp.:! Carefully tailored! ; i nnnr suit only $45.00 p J.' Dobson presiding. Mrs II. D. Williams gav a report of the nomi nating committee ana ine xouowing officers were eleetted for the wil ing year: President, Mrs, V ".J. Dobson; Vice President, Mrs1. Caro line Gavin; Secretary. Mrs., Myrtle K. Quinn; Treasurer, Mrs,';,C. B. The nrtvaram which was in char es at the Fine Arts Dent, was ore- Bontprt hv Mrs. E. V. Vestal for Mrs, W. M. Ingram who was absent ah lntprestine Droifram was Riven by several members of Mrs. Latham's music class. During the social hour ho committee served coca colas and homemade candies and pea- nuts. , Your favorite fabric . . . easy draping gabardine with a positive genius for long wear! For business or sport, cut to fit you with "custom ease". And the price. . . . calculated to give your budget a new lease on Mfe. You've the Clipper Craft Plan to thank for that price tag. The enormous combined buying power of 1203 stores that fea ture Clipper Craft suits cuts produc tion costs . . . and yon get the saving. Choose from many new styles. A. Brooks Dept. Store Dependable Merchandise Warsaw, II. C. I HI I If Scouts Meet The Girl Scouts met Tuesday afternoon. At this time'a junior choir was formed and made plans to sing for the World Day of Prayer to be held Friday arternooajw me Kenansville Baptist church. ,. '- Music Holes Auxiliary nt Outlaw to aDDOint sercc- taries of causes and complete an nual reports. " The Junior Music Club met in th Hiffh School auditorium Tnurs day morning, Feb. 24. The meetfng willed to order by the Coun- colnr Mrs. Latham. 'Mary &ue Burch made a report on the hymn for this month. It was Abide With Me." Jlmmie Bowden presented the program based on American Composers, which was opened by singing America" and continued with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The folowing participa ted in the program by playing pieces by American Composers: a:, Pallet . nianne Stokes: 111 ' w ' Off We Go by Barbara Mitchell; Swiss Vilage by Betty Ingram: Fairies in the Moonlight by Jean Weeks; Mischievious Elf by Millie Burch; Once Upon A Time by Sally Newton; Juba Dance by Mary Sue Burch;- Dancing by Jimmie Bow den; Reveille and Taps by Emory Sadler. The urogram was closed by sing ing the National Anthem. Next month's program will be based on uvmnninev. Mpsdames Lawrence Southerland and Bess Hines were visitors. Dunn -Williamson Vows Spoken y la a- T Tiiinn Is l..a Sjn Of I.'r. Mr. Roy Dunn,of KenansWile. Ho graduated from the Kenansville High School' and took a Jwo-year Civil Engineering course at piaie College. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn will make their home near Kenansviue. fcilcChss Rcll Making the, Honor Roll In music for "the. month of February were: Sylvia Gooding, Jessie Butn Brown, Mary Lee Boose, Mary tou Sum merlin, Sarah Brown, Linda Alphin, Addle Summerlin, Janet Teachey, Bettie Ingram, Millie Burch, sauy Newton. Jean Weeks, Rebecca Grady, Barbara 1 Mitchell, Patsy Quinn, " Emory : Badier, rauune Bland, Elsie Wolfe, Dlanne Stokes, Mm Sue Bunch. Gail Newton, Audry Alphin, Edith Register, jstn- el Mae Parker, Nancy Aipnin ana Doris Bostic. Sewing Club Mrs. Caroline Gavin was hostess Tuesday afternoon to the BMG Qowlntf "!lnh"and also Miss Lula Hinson, Mesdames Bess Hines, a. D. Williams and Miss Kieley. Pret ty arrangements of early spring flowers adorned the table where guests were seated and served ice cream and cake. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. John D. McBryde of Maxton announce the birth of a on an February 27. Mrs. McBryde is the former Miss Esther Steph ens of Kenansville. Miss Rovell Yeds Mr. Sudreth The Carolina Telephone & telcy Cc..:;:r.y The Auxiliary met in the Pre byterian church Monday afternoon with the president Mrs. A. T. Out- !.. nrxHHinir Mrs Marv Souther- land conducted the devotional which was tied in with the program on Stewardship which was given by Mrs. Caroline Gavin. After the business a report of the nominating committee was given by the chair man, Mrs. Boney as follows: Mrs Gavin, Pres.; Mrs. G V. Goodinp, . yjee Pres.; Mrs. J. G. Morrison, Secty.; Mrs. Ivy Bowden, Treas.; Mrs. A. T. Outlaw, Historian. It uraa announced that a special meet ing of the committee would be held Friday afternoon at the home Notice SERVING DUPLIN AND EASTERN CAROLINA TOWNS URGES EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU TOf : SUPPORT THE, , V AMERICAN RED CROSS 0-0-0-0 Our Purpose Is To Serve The People jii Communications r V The Purpose Of The Red Cross Is To Serve The People In Timir Of Stress Their Record Proves Their Success - J O I N The American Red Cross The following announcement has been received In Duplin County: Mix Thplma Rowell announces the marriage of her sister, Martha Doris, to Mr. Thomas Tutue sua reth on Friday, the 28th of Janu ary, 1949, Sandaton, Virginia. Mn Sudreth is the step-daug tm f Mm Katie Rowell of Ke nansville and she attended school in Kenansville in the first ana second grades. Mr. Sudreth is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Sud reth of RaefordV rti onunle Li making their The Kenansville PTA will meet Monday night, March 7, at 7:30 o'clock. This is the annual meeting and the president, Mrs. E. V. Vestal will 'preside. The program will be closed with the installation of offi cers for the coming year. Woman's Club I The Woman's Club met Thursday I afternoon of last week with Mrs. On Thursday evening, February oa at fi-nn n'rlnrk Miss Susie Lee wiiiiom htcsme the bride of a Hon rnnn. The cere 1V1T. .,ni:iv3 k . e In iYia n:or" v'd ijjiiwihw ... w- . - T. t.. . .1 TJ T A-1 1 I. GnflntAn VB wneTB Mil. us -".Trsonaae u.v ui: nci. uumc ..-., -- - auaretn noias a piniuuii . Just Received 40 and 60 Pet; STUMPING DYNAMITE ALSO 50 Pet. N. G. DITCHING DYNAMITE CAPS & FUSES Sliarw.' betore ciose friends ana relatives of botn tne 'Dnae mu groom. The bride wore for the occasion a beige tailored gabardine dres with biOAH accessories and a cor sage of sweetheart rose buds. 'Im mediately after the ceremony the couple left for a short trip. Dunn is tne aaugnier ui Field. Entertains Club Miss Mary Lee Sykes was hostess to the members of her bridge club mi, i .... ...,ni..n with all mpmbers UUJ1.I 1 n i- uhh6"" - lllLllS'iaj-VTnn -- ,i Mrs. B. B. Williamson of except one whose place was filled At i' msville and a graduate ol toe Dy Mrs. .C. Tyndall. Pretty-spring kenansville High Schhool, For the flowers were artistically used for I A U pa i' yaar she has oeen empiuyeu with the Southern Bell Telephone SERVICE FOR COTTON FARMERS! decoration. During play the hostess served cneezies ana coca cuu. at the end of the evening cherry pie a la mode with coffee. High ennA Wit IVnil hv Mrs. A. R. Bland. Mrs. Tyndall remembered, with a gut. , Personals i 7a kava lr.:i MU III -la- luHin,l . 9 I. H. QUI!!!! KENANSVILLE, N. C. C API T A L THEATRE IN DUPLIN'S CAPITAL One of the most beautiful theatre la the county . KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Monday and Tuesday, March 7-8 ' . Fuller Brush Man With Red Skelton. ' ' Wednesday, March 9 Search PINE. LUMBER, FOR SALE 4" TONGITE & CSOOVfiD - ' SHEATHING & ROOFERS $45.00 " ..." S55.00 DRESSED $52.00 5' 2X4 DELII1T YOUR PLANTING SEED . . . .-We are now equipped to DELI NT, GRADE ' ' and TREAT vow uad t . . . VWCILE YGO 17MT! Mi vesr izzi csrly S cYslJ tb rcsh Wa tats f:r CLEs Wtowf IwJ Hill law.i.wkiil Wwwol OSOUTISICC: VSC student who is doing practice teaching U the Goldsboro High I jiooi, vp the week end with hla parents Mr. and Mr; Gordon Kornegay. , Mrs. Jame L. Tucker spent last Week in New Orleans with her husband who was :sre whUe his ship was in port. He is witn me Merchant Marine. . Mrs. Nora Shaffer visited In Kln- ston on Tuesday of last week. . Mrs Daisy Jones who has been ' .T.rni9 Walker Hospi- i' now and recuperating at the home of her sister Mrs. Jones in Wilmington. , . - Mrs .Tan Smith Of Pink Hill and Mr. and Mrs R-A. Oniy of Wilson vlisitcd Mrs. Anarew ra- terson during the week ena. v Mr. R, A. Grady visitea xne j. a. tlnAI9 AIL. Sundav. t Janet Boney ol Peat e College and Norwood Boney, Jf . were home for the week end. Miss Jean Tyndall who has been spending a veek at her home here returned to Rex Hospital Sunday. - Joe Quinn was home fo the week HJir. and . Mrs". "Pot" Craft of Youngsvilie spent the , week end with the a: R. Daila Mrs. Harold Prtcythe and young son who apent the week with the n h. Williamsons returned -to their home in ralson Saturday. -... .a mm j Williams and Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Williamson and sons visited the Buck Jones In Cas tle Haynes Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.( Jones, were vtoltlng M. Jones Sgt Robert Sykes was home for the week end. . "' C. E. Quinn Furniture company moved Into their new store Wednes day.' : " - '"' ''' ,; 1 ' Mrs. S. W Newton is visiting in Got 1 .boro; ' ' - ' frs II. R. SanHors of Oold-bni 'i ;. :;. f. ' ' Soufhmont Mfg. Co. . PHONE 317 ' ROSE HILL, N. C. With Montgomery Clif t, Aline MacMahon, And Jarmila Novotna. , Thursday and Friday, March 10-11 , - Saigon With Alan LadcUnd Veronica Lake. " ?- ' Saturday, March 12 DOUBLE FEATURE -' 11 " Man From Tumb!evced - - ' . t 'AND 1 '' : : .. ";- '. ' ; ADateVilhMy r Starring Jane Powell, Elizabeth, Taylor, , " And Carmen Miranda. ' , -' - V ; ' , ; i , , , . . -)' ' SPECIAL AT 10:30 Starting thrUUnx Serial, G-Maa No. f - MATINEE SHOW 3:00 NIGHT SHOW 7:00 SPECIAL!!! ENGINE TUNE-UP . ,' .'.- INCLUDES 15 OPERATIONS: "'ft , . V " '.. i CHECK ENGINE COMPRESSION ' '',..' CLEAN AND REGAP; SPARK PLUGS ... r ' LUBRICATE DISTRIBUTOR ' ' s . ' " - - INSPECT AND SPACE DISTRIBUTOR POINTS . ' " " CHECK IGNITION TIMING, 2 . ' , ' CLEAN AND RE-OIL "AIR CLEANER' ' , , ' CLEAN FUEL PUMP BOWL : t ' ' ' INSPECT EXHAUST SYSTEM FOB LEAKS ' . ;t , ADD WATER TO BATTERY . " ' -V', OIL STARTER PEDAL SHAFT , . INSPECT GENERATOR CONDITION ' - 4 . " , INSPECT LIGHTS AND ALL ACCESSORIES ' " H INSPECT FOR UNUSUAL TIRE WEAR '. TEST OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF FOOT AND HAND BRAKES SPECIAL THIS WEEK AT ONLY $2.50 1 - - wam m6touo::?a:iy M - ' . WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA 7 i i I 1 "A Qv-rter Cf'"7 r f C