f t it; PmIE lumber ..;for sale 4" TONGUE & GROOVED SHEATHING & ROOFERS 845.00 5" -r.5 . " :. :- ; $52.00 2 X 4 ; DRESSED $52.00 Southmont Mfg. Co. , 1 PHONE 317 ROSE HILL, N. C, SERVICE T. TAT I ON ' This Young Lady Would Like to Have Her Brakes Checked, Lights Fixed, Horn' Repaired, Speedometer Adjusted and If Yu Have the .Facilities, Her Head Examined! We don't examine heads . . . but we do give your car a complete examinatin from headlight to tail-light, service and repair it expertly and inexpensively. ' . , Drive in. J. E. FULFORD'S GARAGE - NEAR KENANSVILLE A ... A in quick time! IMPORTANT! "If Automatic , , It's Better" Economical Convenient Saves Time V Saves Work Washes Thoroughly WARSAW SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY J R. L. KERRi Mgr. Phone S37 , li-J'tf' flro.btthlorag.k.H )' ' Svj.o A . . If V rol Karfdy meat drawer - ' . d ; i. ' ',"f "C'ii Automolle Interior Ifgtt ' U fAr ' 1 ' ' - Large freiea food compartment " ' - -i Ifr", s-!i' ' ' Durable, long-lasting finish i; U ViSi. . ' . - i i 4 -vV . Low operating cost Vx -- ' 1 ' ' " '' r T 1 Friendly Club The Friendly Club met for its regular meeting May 6 in the home of Mrs. Fred Revelle with 14 mem' hers and one visitor present. Miss Clontz gave an interesting and edu cational lecture on Foods and Nu trition. Mrs. O. L. Holland and Mrs. Clyde Bradshaw gave talks on food also. Games were played and re freshments of iced tea and cheese cakes were served. Bring your wash to our auto matic laundry for service right in the heart of the shopping center. Wash com plete - - ready for drying - Cake -Pie Sale The WS of CS will sponsor a pie and cake sale Saturday .morning, May. 14, at Packers Store, begin ning at 0:30 a.m. All pies and cakes will be homemade: Come and buy your week end supply. Attend Meeting At Ft. Macon .Mrs. Jack Jones, president of the Klnston Chapter UDC, delightfully entertained the Klnston Chapter and the James Kenan Chapter on Wednesday at her summer home near Ft. Macon end made a special visit to the historic State shrine. Those from Warsaw enjoying the day were Mesdames R. L. West, H. L. Stevens, Jr., C. A- Vomack, L. S. Whittle, Kathleen Snyder, Stacy Britt, and Miss Eula Powell. Also Mrs. Gv P. Prldgen. ; ; j Hole Of Thanks The Warsaw Methodist Church wishes to publicly thank the Lans field Home Demonstration Club for the lovely flowers placed in thtf church Sunday in commemoration of Home Demonstration Club Week. Mrs. R. E. Holland is president of the club. Club Hostess Mrs. George Hopkins entertain ed her club Thursday night "with I two tables in play. Spring flowers I decorated the living room and high score ward, a crystal bud vase, went to Mrs. Belton Minshew, sec ond high, wall plaques, to Mrs. Bill Boyette and visitors high, note sheets to Mrs. Herman Hollings Iworth. Mrs. Carl Windens held candy for traveling award. During progressions cokes and nuts were served and at the conclusion a p ;ar salad course with lemonade was served. 'OOOOOOOOOOOf WHEN -YOU NEED SERVICES QF, "AN ' t AUCTiGiicER J CAlL ! BILL HINES, JR. Phone 270-1 262-6 warsaw, x: c : oooooooooooo HAVE TOO BOUGHT YOUR TICKETS M 7. Mr. Frank McGowan, who has been a paUent at James Walker Hospital, is now recuperating , in the home of his sister' Mrs. O. H. Best. - - . ' Mrs. Allen Draughon underwent a major operation Thursday after noon in James Walker Hospital, and is getting along as well as can be expected. u J.. P,' Johnson, who underwent a tonsllectomy last week is back at work In Gamer's Self Service. Entertains Club Mrs. N. A. Mitchell entertained her club . Thursday afternoon at her attractively decorated home, When scores were tail! ed Mrs. Paul Potter held, club high and Mrs. J. P. Harmon, visitors high. Each received a novelty dish gard en. The hostess served strawberry shortcake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Boyd, of 17 Summit Walk, Lake Forest, Wil mington, announce the birth of a daughter Cherlene Annette, on Su.ulav, April 24, 1949, James Wal ker Hospital, Wilmington. Mrs. Boyd is the former Miss Mary Alice Reaves, daughter of Mrs. Charlie Reaves of Warsaw and Wilmington. Entertains Club Mrs. Ralph lies', Jr., was hos tess Tuesday evening when she en tertained her club and additional quests wilh four tables of bridge among a ( pretty setting of glads and potted plants. Club high went to Miss Hannah Pridgen and visit ors high to Mrs. E.d Sheffield. Both reteived aprons. Mr.. Paul Berry received napkins for traveling and Miss Ann Nell Parker, bride-elect, was remembered with a shoe bag. During play coca colas and cheesles were served and at the conclusion ce cream, mints and nuts. Junior 6. As The Junior Girls Auxiliary of the Baptist' WMU honored their ,inof hers With '& banquet Friday evening In the church which was attractively decorated, and covers were laid for 45 guests, who found their" places by means of novel hand made place cards. Miss Peggy Thomas, president, I graciously welcomed the Mothers; Miss Ross Garner sang a solo, "Baby Your Mother"; and Miss Barbara Jones recited a poem, "Somebody's Mother". Mrs. V. A. Stancil, a mother, re turned thanks and a tempting menu of tomato juice cocktail, ham. po tato salad, string beans, radishes, hot rolls, iced tea and jello was en joyed. Assisting the girls in enter. taining were counselors Mesdames Wilbur Garner, L. S. Whittle, and N. A. Mitchell. Club Hostess .; Mrs. Jack Jones entertained ner club at her home in Ft. Bragg on Wednesday afternoon. The home, ensuite for the occasion, was at tractively; decorated and a tempt ing luncheon course was served .t one o'clock. Bridge was then en joyed with Mrs. Hector McNeil cceiving a strand of beads for high, Mrs. Maurice Jordan recei ved plaques for low and Mrs. Rob ert Frederick held a kitchen what not for. traveling. Those enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Jones were Mesdames McNeil, Jordan, 'Frede rick, Joyce Burton, Mitchell Britt, Ed Hines, Daulton West, of War saw and Mrs. Jimmy McColman of Johns, formerly a member of thj Warsaw Club. Mrs. Jones formerly lived in Warsaw. ; ' B & P 7 To Meet The Duplin Chapter- Business and Professional Women will hold their monthly meeting - Monday, May' 16 at 7:00 p. m: at Mitcbiners Restaurant. Please notify Mrs. R. L. West if you plan to attend. Lodge To Allcnd Services The members of Warsaw Lodge No. 677 AF&AM are urged to meet it the lodge hall Sunday, May 19 at 10.-40 a.m. at which time they will attend services at the Warsaw Presbyterian Church in body. All Master Masons, are cordially invited and a special invitation to ail mem bers "of neighboring lodges is ex tended. Mr. and Mrs, Graham Quinn and son of Balolfrh were home for the Uvtr't i 1 v"'i their parents li r Cell Those making the "A" Honor Roll for the 8th month in the War taw Schools are as follows: - Crade 1: Martha Anne Birr, Ca rol Bradshaw, Ruth Ellen Knowles, Mary Ina Rouse, Gloria Ann Smitn, Sue Whittle, Shelby Jean Zachary, Fred Baars, Bill Straughan, Jr., Betty Britt, Gcrline Brown, Helen Cooke, Yvonne Davis Elaine Frede rick, Judy Pearsall, Lois Peterson, Peggy Westbrook, Jewell Williams. Gradg 2: Brooks Boyette, Shel ton Justice, Cary Penny, Daisy Brock, Drew Grlee, Austin Rldcc, Margaret Brown Frances Grady, Emily Henderson, Annette Holmes, Kathryn Oakes, Joyce Potter, Anne Straughan, Doris Whaley. . Grade 3: Paul Blackburn, W. C. English, Charles ..Powell, Jimmy West, Elizabeth Armstrong Marci -Hipp, Thelma Jenkins, Lynn Veach, I Janet Wood, Dallas Hollingsworth, Litcb Huie, James Sanders, Walk er Stephens, Carole Baars,' Judy Rollins, Judy Stancil, Grade 4: J. B. Stancil, Lenelte Bos tic, Sarah Alice Fussell, Lib West, Janice Williams, Jerry Join er, Charlie Armstrong, Henry Carl ton, H. C. Phillips, Catherine Bla lock, Frances Mathls, Lillle Mae PhilUps. Grade 5: Betty Ruth Byrd, Anne Lee, Billy Cooke, Ann Blanchard, Lucy Dunn, Barbara Stancil, Shir ley Shine. Grade 6: Elolse Lanier, Joyce Whittle., Grade 7: Molly Hipp, Nancy Houston, Margaret Frederick. Peg gy Thomas, Angeline Gore, John Steed, Annette Boyette. Grade 8: Jo Anne Britt, Juliana Jenkins, Peggy Mitchell, Thomas Rogers, Ihclma Swinson, Janice Bostic Mamie Bostic. Grade 9; Joyce Ann Jones, Mary Elizabeth Packer, Lois Phillips, Polly Thomas, Nancy Bunday.. Grade 10: Carol Carlton, Mary Gray Davis, Anne Huie. - Grade 11: George Best, Hugh Carlton, Ernest Monzingo, Kather ine Steed. Grade 12: Mary Lee Jones. Personals Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Whittle had as week end guests at Carolina Beach Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Whittle, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whittle nad son of MoLeansville and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Todd and son of Myr tle Beach, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Oakes had as week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dall of Raleigh and Mr and Mrs. Earl Lewis of Richlands visited them Sunday afternoon. Mesdames Fred Revelle, it. L. Pridgen, S. E. Godwin and Mies Hannah Pridgen visited their sis ter and daughter, Mrs. K. C. Sid bury in Wilmington at the week end. Mrs. W. B. Hawes and son of Ocilla, Ga. are visiting her niev Mrs. Walter Bostic. , Mr. and Mfs. B. D. i Minshew and sons were recent guents ot Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Minshew in Fremont Mrs. Minshew visited her mother. Mrs. A. J. Strickland at Carolina Beach, last week. Mrs. Carl Winders was called to Greenville Friday on account of the illness of her father, Mr. Elier. - Mrs. Jimmy Kitchin and daugh ter of Virginia Beach, Va.i were guests last week of her parents Mr. and Mrs., A. L. Cavenaugh. Mrs. Emily Tice of Wadesboro is visiting her sister Mrs. .N. Av Mitchell. Hp and Mrs W. R Blackmore had as week end" guests Mr. and Me f. ALLEIlr JR. . General Kenansville, N. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency QUI II II WHOLESALE CO. OF WARSAW IN DUPLIN - , Distributors Of t. . POLAR DEAR FLOUR ill GROCERIES, FEEDS, SEEDS MILFORD QUINN, Mgr. Z tit Mrs. Frank Blackmore and daugh ters of Winston-Salom and Rev, and Mrs. James Blackmore of Ma sonboro Sound. Rev. Blackmore and Dr. W. R. Cullom of Wake Forest College were again here on Tuesday afternoon. . Mrs. tacy Britt and - daughters spent the week end In Concord with' her mother, Mrs. Annie Green. . Mr. and Mrs. - Thomas Rogers and son visited her mother Mrs. C. L. Bostic Sunday in the home of her sister. Mrs. Annie Raynor near Wilmington. Mr. and Mrsc Graham Phillips and children were Sunday guests o& Mr. and Mrs. L. R. George in Klnston. - ..; Mr. and Mrs. Alvas Powell, Jr. of Goldsboro visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Powell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Thorn? and Son of Thomasvllle and Miss Margery Thomas of Goldsboro were week end guests of their- parents. Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Thomas Mrs. DeLeon Best of Goldsboro were down Sunday. ..,.", Mrs. W. A. Carter had as her guests for the week end Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barker and son of Oxford and Mr. and Mrs. James Carter of : Brunswick, Ga., Mrs. Barker remained fdr the week. Mrs. Charles Howell of Goldsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Lonnle Black burn Sunday. 7; . ' The lazy Hyena Went to Helena Hoping attractions to see.. v ; ' While back in Duplin Folks were roarin' and wnoopin' At things that wern't to be . ...i, : ;. - i . , . - See "The Dupllm Story" Buy your ticket now, , WARSAW ; LODGE ' Na.677 ' AT 7:30. ALL MASTER MASONS ARE INVITED 'TO ATTNED MEETS EVERY SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY NIGHTS But Wfc've Been Filling Prescriptions For Many Years AND OUR REPUTATION FOR ACCURACY AND PURITY IS TOPS." 1 , CtAIOGCO. - WARSAW, N. C. Insurance M 237-1 275-1 325-1 Brag? NO! . i m J ,-. .i Your f M 1 : Reliable l:p Neiehberhood ' . y . Druggist .V. . .1 S taai Ads. CLASS OTKD RATES Two cents per wont aoiiUMsa. ekarre f fOe. maeaa roa have aa aeeoaat With aa pileaM send money, (tanipa, noaejr arder cheek with ada. lannan: . oae the Times Classified ada: tf yon fcav auythlaa ta aeli r emhaBte, or want to kay, we will aeeeat fradnoa far payneat. FOR SALE CAFE equipment, com plete, Including all kitchen Utensils, - ga cook stove, electric refrigerator, ice hot, office desk and equipment, tables and chairs, china, sliver, oil heater. Will sell in lump or In parts. Keason: personal problems forcing us to close. A good location for profitable business. Will rent all equipment Intact TIIELMA'S IE A ROOM, Mrs. Thelma Stroud, Mrs. Thel-oa Murphy, Gooding Bldg. Kenansville It C'v,,.:s-',,y.);:.,y;',i': - FOR TOBACCO FLUES, SEE J. C. BELL, Summerlin Crossroads, Mt Olive, R. F. D. 6-ll-6t pd. FOR SALE: Black Poland Chiia Figs; age 8 weeks. Will held until weened. LOUIS WILLIAMS Rt 2, Pink Hill, N. C. 5-20-2t Pd. - FOR SALE: 8 Cubic foot Deep Free Box. Also Coca Cola Dry . Box, in excellent condition. Cheap. Call! Warsaw 578. - ' 5-13-2t ELB ' FOR SALE or RENT: Nice cement block home ia Warsaw; located an CemetBrr Road.. Uaa living room,. dlnnette'Mtohent twa' bed rrcms, bath,n o water. Also 16 by M brooder house: Vs acre land.. Mr.. Francis Taylor, Warsaw. 5-20-St pd. r MAN WITH CAR WANTED for route work. 815 to S 20 In a day. No experience or . capital required Steady. Write today. Mr. McVev. Candler Bldg Baltimore 2, Md. 5-13-2t pd. . ' CEMENT, MORTARMIX, PLAS TER, finish lime; rocklath, SHEETROCK, ROOFING, D'OORS, WINDOWS, FLUE EYES, GRATE BARS, TOBACCO FLUES. J. C. RUSS, Warsaw, N. C. WANTED TO BUY PINE LOGS. PLNNEl'S BUILDING SUPPLY Rt No. 2, WALLACE, N. C. -20-3t pd. v FO" BETTER PROTECTION INSURE Wri H I BUREAU MUTUAL Write or See W. SPICER. KENANSVILLE. N. C SEE ME and make appointment to do your auto body and fen der repairs, also replace your broken glasses with new Shatter Proof glass. - A. C. HOLLAND, KENANSVILLE, (trim! wtl la Qa aMi mthrfu-Wy wittar aapply. Writ for (DotatlM. (Mat OJstea ,aa4 db-nrOnn from yomr Poat OfTkw. :. IIRATTR IVKIX COMPAHT -r lAl.rWH. NOBTI OAROf.rNA First Class Plumbing; and HEATING All Work Guaranteed Phone 226-1 Warsaw. N. d HAVE IN STOCK Gyplap, Siding, for tobacco barns, Sheet Rortc, RockLaths Plaster, Finishing Lime Windows, Doors. Now Booking r dess for TOBACCO FLUES. J. C. RUSS, Warsaw. N. C 0-B-K.C U. & FIRE LOSSES 1948 SEVEN HUNUKED AND TWELVE MIL LION DOLLARS MORI diu; ANY YEAR IN HISTORY. PRO TECT YOUR PROPERTY WITH R. W. BLACKMORE -Reliable Insurance Serrloa Slneo September, 1902. ' . WARSAW, N. C . TYNDAIL ' Beaaa at Waraa-CaaiOa Borlal AssortaOw , Pkaae W m"laaoa Service, day or alaiit A. J. CAVENAUGH Hl 1 ' ' "jeweler . PIAMONDS . wAtcnrs WATCH AND JEIXrY REPAIRING ENG2AV:r3 , ' I i i

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