' v '".,::V.!' j:: .'.fj.'ifi.ni.Vi. ( ' A I s, Hi n mJM 'v '" -'"l '' -t '-''(-: VOLUME NUMBER McCoven Thinks VqfersWillfiM ; jloadr Schqol Bonds Proposal i. By F. W. McGowen t.i On June 4th, North Carolina will ga to the polU t& voUF for Better Schools arid Road. Many promin ent North Carolinians have already endorsed this forward Jooklnfi pro: gram, .The leaders .of , our county- are supporting this program. Looking back autosa the years, 1 find that .North Carolinians have responded with a keen understand ing to 'those programs which seek to lift them up out of poverty and ignorance. That is why I think they will support, the road and school Improvement program plaefcd Je- lore. ineiir on xne oaitoi junc . Sometimes it Is easy to say "We cannot do this" or "We. cannot do that" simply beeause we have never done them before. I van recall how many farreaching programs in thU State were opposed by manv people wh l.-ter realized how beneficial tbey'becarte to North Carolina's progre-is. r Many . people opposed -Governor Morrison's bond issue for roads in the 1920's but there are few today who will tell you that North Caro lina did not reap golden dividends from the campaign which paved her county seat to county seat rads. Governor Charles B. Ay cock aroused a storm of protests earlier in this century when he made the simple proposal thst all North Carolina'6 children deserve an opportunity for education. That was revolutionary in its day, but V:t lived to see It accepted as iiftsic pattern of our culture, ' All worthwhile programs have 'been opposed by somebody, but have found that. North Carolinians ' b'e uerally knowv ho w to separate the wheat from the chaff. They know who their champions ar. L Today, as f see it, we stand on I the threskld( uaotivar-rat.ri ' of Advancement The people of North Carolina ire clamoring for I Improved ervJces fbe themselves laud their chilaren, Their, legwla- I ture has authorized a program of : tscnool na roaa improvement uure will set us on the way toward pros- j perfty and new economic and pa- i itual well-being. 1 To vote against this program Is ; to veto the spark within, us that i makes us constantly seek improved ' wcyaof ioin? things. To vote for i better schools and better roads Is ! ta recogrlze that the spirit of ploh- t eering id still not dead among us. We are "till ever striving onward and upward, and we cannot allow that forward march' to cease. We must never be content with the H status quo, for then we begin to -T deteriorate and lose our vitality. ...'.The referendum on schools and roads June 4 is another milestone in -the making of a" better North Carolina. Surely the needs of these times arc not losing on the en lightened citizenship of this grand old State! We cannct d tha many good things that ought to be done unless our citizenry' is willing to shoulder the responsibility . for . them. This -is. such an opportunity. . The great outlying regions of our State Avhich are bogged down in dust ani mud need to be opel ed to jhe trafficking nf commerce and commerce and industry- Te t antiquated school houses of North I Carolina - - many poorly ventilated, , poorly lit and crowded classrooms - need. our urgent attention. We l cannot build a better North Carol! ' ita unless we release the full agrl- cultural and Industrial potential of ; 1 our State, We cannot move forward f unless we see that .the rising gen f , erations are educated to cope with the-t enlarged:' responsibilities of ! ',iheir Jwe.:..:-N"::;.-'..v,,-..a-.. ' I urge you to vote for better North Carolina on June 4. I urge you to make this election a shining ' emblem of North Carolina's faith In in her future. I urge you to vote for . Better Schools and Better Roads In a Better North Carolina. '.,'.. : ., .. t -. Thank you. r , . - , UDCfariaF Service Be Held ThA James Kenan Chapter, UDC, will hold their annual Memorial Service Sunday, May 29 at 3 pan. In the Warsaw Methodist church with t : e president, Mrs. R. L. West pre y ling; Rev. R. 1 Crossno will give i invocation and the principal ker will be Judge R. L. West re will be special music by a i's quartet, followed or roll r f deceased -veterans of all ; ; ;i (? .,-r ...nfl memhsrs. The ' 'II ; ' i 1 "?np-rt SEVENTEEN I Good Roads Good Schools Meetings In County HextYeek A Good. Roads, Good Schools Meeting will be held at McNeal Sholar's Store in Cypress Creek Township on Tuesday night, May 24, at 8:00 o'clock. All citizens are urged to attend " ' The Issuance of $200,000,000 of State Bonds for rural roads and the issuance of $25,000,000 of State Bonds for public school buildings will be discussed at this meetin.. A Good Schools, Good Roads Program meeting will be held at the Chinquapin : High School in Chinquapin on Friday night, May 27, at 8:00 o'clock. State Highway Commissioner Wilbur Clark of Fayettevllle is ex pected to be at the meeting, along with several other persons, who will discuss the $200,000,000 Road Bands and $29,000,000 School Bends Issues. Both of these bond issues will be obligations of the State, and will not Increase our county taxes. . ' A Better Roads and Schools Meeting will be held at the Wal lace High School Auditorium on Wednesday evening. May 23, at 8:00 o'clock. -".-s " State 'Commissioner of- Banks, Gurney P. Hood, will be 'the prin cipal speaker. : - f v The public Is cordially Invited Attend this important meeting. irr BeYciirAge'f BE YOUR AGE is a motion pic ture, which everyone over 30 years of age should see, according to Dr, J. W. Roy Norton, State Health Officer, North Carolina Board of Health. This Is a publls service flint which wiH be. shown at the MOTOR PARK Theatre on Thursday, Fri day, and Saturday, May 26-27-28. ' "Many of the 8.202 North Caro linians who died of heart disease last year," - Or. 'Norton stated, "would still be alive if they had giverrtheir hearts the consideration that' nature' nequires." Heart dis ease v the number one. killer in the State and nation. "Be Your Age", continued Xr. Norton, "Is :ecommended by, the North Caro lina Board of Health. It is a film which encourages caution, but also changes fear- to confidence and hope.. It will broaden everyone" s understanding of the human heart and how to protect it" Be Your Age is a film co-spon sored by the American Heart Asso ciation and the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. The film had its; premier In Radio City Music Ha" yrk- h" in many other states. Be Your Age will be shown as i publls lerWce on regui.ir program according to Mr. C. B. Hayworth, Manager of the Motor Park The atre. . ("..'.;, . I; Have Youi Bought Your Tickets Yet? Reserved seat Uckets.for the "Du plin Pageant are still on sale thru out the county; This week tickets were placed on tale in Lewis' and Glenn Martin Drug stores In Mt. Olive and la drug stores in Clinton. Reserved seat tickets will be sold through May 28th. After that date no more reserves will be cold. Prices are $2.90 for adults and $1.25 for children. ''r ;,"":7":: ' '". . s Plans are rapidly shaping for the construction of the amphttfeeatre which should get under .way in a few weeks, manager Gilbert Alphin said, It is expected that Sam Byrd will move to Kenansville soon after, the first of June and, your county seat will be buzzing from then on until pageant time. TO CELEDSATE f 1 U SMh EISTIIDAYX Mrs. Julia Miller of Mlllertown will celebrate her 86th birthday Sunday when her children and grandchildren, 'and other relatives and friends will gather wt',h rr' t'e J me of L. C. J""" r f - . ' -v 'Y-nnt - . X" r i ' i . KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA lilfe. - ..." Ills : WARSAW'S NEW Warsaw Dedicates Senator Urnsfead Is Speaker With appropriate ceremony, the new $35,000 Town Hall building in Warsaw was dedicated Wednesday evening, May 18. W. B. Umstead former United States Senator, was the principal speaker. Local, county ana otner dignitaries were on hand. The program began at 7 o'clock with open house at the new Town Hall. The Girl Scouts and Javcettss wives of the members of the War saw Junior Chamber of Commerce, served refreshments. The formal ceremony began at 8 o'clock with invocation by Rev. Jerry Newbold, pastor of the War saw Presbyterian church. Mayor A. J. Jenkins, chairman of the Dedication program, publicly recognized the retiring officers of the local government durirg whose administration the structure of the Town Hall was built. The innnm. ing officers, elected Mny 3. recei Here is your truck and tractor fire-fighting outfit. The truck htu's th- tractor to the scene of .orest fire fighting and the. tractor' plows fire lanes around the fire, resulting in quenching the fire at Duplin's Share Of Roads Ouplin County will receive 455?.. 267 for school buildlne and S2.A73 . 000 for road building if voters on June 4 authorize the issuance of school and road hnmfe, according to a letter received by county com miioners from Governor W. Kerr scott. by the' 1949 General Assemhiv j,i locate those amounts to be spent in, the county, provided that the people authorize the issuance of the bonds when thev vni in th June 4 election. For choo! buildina: Dunlin f'nnn- ty .would get $250,000 as It. Share Of a $23,000,000 snnrnnrl.. Il.the General Assembly plus $3P8,2J7 as its per-pupil share of the proceeds from ' the School bonds. The per-pupil share estab- Meet In County Superintendent of Schools O. P. Johnson, County Commiss ioner L. P, Wells and County Ac countant F. W. McGowen dLcuss ed the $200,000,000 of State Road Bonds for rural roads and the $25, 000,000 of State School Bonds for public school buildings at the Beu laville school last Thursday even ing. BOO to 1,000 people were pres ent. The crowd was very enthusi attic.' '-i'li'i..! ?,.(; r -t, Johnson discussed these ' " at the ensnsvllle t 1 -t l'H.''v CITL HALL - DEDICATED New Town Hall; ved recognition by the program chairman. Aubrey . L. Cavenau,?!!, member of the board of town commissioners gave a report on the condition of municipal finances. Mayor Jenkins introduced Mr. Umstead who made the principal dedicatory address. The new Town Hall is a modern ly designed Atruture which houses attractive quarters of all local gov ernment activities. It was first oc cupied about the first of March In it are offices of the Town Clerk, Mayor, Police, the local library, the up-to-date four cell jail, an as sembly room and the fire depart ment. The present building now occu pies the site of the old Town Hall which was nothing more than an improvised office space in ir. old Warehouse. the earliest possible minute. The tractor has been in the county for nearly two years now. With the new radio hook-up the tractor will be carried to fire scenes much quicker. Bonds Issue lishej by the General As embly is determined on the basis oftnc 1047 48 average daily membership. .The amount that would be,spent in the county for road building, if issuance of the bonds Is favored Ly wo vuiere, is set forth aviwllv in I the rnmi hul . . . to be "a fair and eoiiifoM hic-i bution based upon the formula in us by the State Highway and Pub lic Works Commission. , The county's share qf proceeds from the road bonds would be in uumon to its . regular share highway funds. roads mil be pav. d in addition to u.c uncs we now have. K The 5rhonI bondi will permit ad v TOioreq schools Beulaville On last Friday , Ntizens of the coun.H " District Better Road- K an1 t At-A C. . - -UKTI UCl :T"uof meeting m Clinton ' State Commissioner of Bankf . Gurney ? Hood made a strong plea for the passage of these bond issues He pointed out that the wealth of the oww was si?t tunes aa great today as It was yhen thf first Road Bonds were issued In the twenties. Monday evening of this week a Good Roads, Good r ' meet in? was held at the 1 v IT'rh . A FRIDAY, If WEDNESDAY EVE Ralph Miller in his forest fire fighting pick-up truck. Mr. Miller is a busy man during fire seat on, in fact, he says he is busy every weekxveek intlie year. To aid him and his assistants the State, this week, installed a two-way radio broadcasting outfit with receiving aud sending units in the truck and at the fire tower in Rose" Hill. The Uose I till tower broadcast will car ry about two hundred miles. Mr. Miller will virtually live in his truck and the result will be imme diate notification! of fires at any place in the county. The other to lowers, at Chinquapin and Smith Township are connected with the Hose Hill tower and Mr. Milkr's home by telephone. Duplin is the 7th county in the State to have such a radio connection. Want To Fiddle? WinSomeMoney? Be in Clinton Saturday afternoon, at the courthouse, at 2 o'clock if you. can handle a fiddle, banjo, guitar, or what have you in the way of stxing?d instruments. The fo'ks there arc Cning to put on an old lashioncd fiddler's convention frrm 2 to 4 o'clock. Radio station WKRZ wilt broadcast it, 880 on your dial. Listen in if you can't attend. Be lieve it or not, you may hear Les Williams, our local amiable post-inate- or maybe Lury Ljiry and his fiddle, his brother James with his steel guitar or Tyson Bostic with his Spanish guitar. You re member'am folks, they played at the street dance in Kenansville. There probably will be others from Duplin taking part in the contest Prises will be awarded in the am ount of $25 first prize, $15 second and $10 third prize. Ask New P. O. Bus Service For Pink ill, Kenansville Patrons of Pink Hill and other post offices along the proposed route are working towards secur ing a bus mail line from Rocky Mount to Warsaw via Pin Hops, Farmville, Greenville Ktnston, Deep Run, Pink Hill and Kennns ville. Jap Smith, postmaster at Pink Hill says prospects for se curing tbe bus are good. WOMEN OF CHURCH TO MEET HALLS VILLE The women of the Hallsvllle Pres byterian Church will meet Situr day evening at the church In cele bration of the birthday of the orga nization. K picnic aupper will be spread at 4:30 and tbe meeting to follow. Everyone is invited to attend and bring a basket. This meeting U not confined to the" women but v r'- of t!B fcwnl!y-lJ- w MAY 20th., 1949 Wallace Strawberry Jamboree Closes Successful Program Wallace Junior Dairy Show A Junior Dairy Cattle Show wa held in Hussi'y's Warehouse in Wal lace in connection with the Straw berry Jamboree on Friday, May 13. There were 17 entries from Onslow. Pender, .S impson :ind Dupl n Counties. Professor U. II. Unl'fner or Sl.i College judged the cat lie using the Danish System. All cows ,im1 heif ers won nine or ml ribKnis. Duplii. 4-ll members vinninjS blue rilii.'ips and $" r-ash were: GenLi!o!':i".il. Warsaw: Dick Cord nf;, Je"ry Cmuin:;. Wallace; and J. I). Carter, of li.'ii! iville. Jimmy Svkes of Wallace received a red ribbon and S4 cash. In I'lttie.;; and Showmanship Ccne Holland of Warsaw won first p v,:e of Si2 aed l);k Cording if W.iD.ce won t :rd prize of $8. In idu.lion to cavi Lers cnleriiu co. tcivid "SI r.i a Ii. they e.sed t.i prizes all mem - ,11(1 heifers re- m-w.v" which nr rchandisc do na. id bv i iereiiaaX of Wallace. Strawberiy prices held steady throughout the week with receipt; moderate lo light. 24-quart crates sold from $(i..r() to Sii.50. Fryer unl broiler pricct, moved around two cents per pound wea'; cr at Ce.Urai N. C. points with si;p ,lies heavy. Heavy hens were steafy lo yenkei- to close at lo er.!s. Top hogs closed the v.eek at 17.2.) per hundred, a 25 cent increase jver the previous week's e4. .. . Oll'cr.nfs rf rrtlle were liciil wi'.h iriccs steady. Cotton prices core ii i cgiilai dur ing the week and closed u-it hanged wlien compared -with la-! w.-k'.s close. Crop conditions are now I -Hiking very much more f.tvoral.-le ihan during out recent heavy -ains. . Hattie Gavin Abortion Trial Began Wednesday; Judge Frazelle Presides By: ICMOIIY SADI.KK llattin Gavin. Negro, of Warsaw . C. vent on trial lu re Wednes day morning charged viih pei-for-itinR an abortion on !Cunice Vane Sucker. 24 year old negro of Mag nolia, N. C. last February Dili. Tilt .'ae was called for trial at 11 a.m. : nd Mr. Walker Stevens, of War- ;a . attorney for Hattii- flavin i.n' nediately made a motion lo have the case? continued, lb' reut his motion and affidavit-, from iv.o doctirs sl.il m.4 loaf Mr. Uivers I). Juhiisou. eluiu' coiinc'l for " ll.dtie Gavin, was confined to 'hi; home under doctor's can- as the result af an operation on May 5tii. The inolion was denied by Judge J. I'.ml I'"r..z. He. presiding. Jude Krazelle had previously ruled that the tuy.it be tried this special term of court as it was called prim.n.-ilj Cor the pirpose of liyin: ih's par ticulni c.-se. the case having been .ontinucd fron Hie last regular term or court. Mr. Stevens then naoe a motion to quash the ir. Iic i:i ..i ai.d !n.-; Motion wa also It i . l y the i oui t. i ' ' ! ; : o t.'avin iios baea free un-i- r bond lor . cver.il years oil an jther indictment chuigiiij.; al.or'.ion .vhere the patient died and there has been feeling generally in the section of the county' where her reputation is known for the present tft.-e to bs tried at once. Her activi ties in the field of abortion are al leged to have continued over a number of years. Eunice Vann Kuckcr. upon wl.cm (he abortion is allecv-d lo have been performed - was the first wit ness called. She testified that she went to the home of Hattie Oavin between seven thirty and eight o' clock on Wednesday evening. Feb ruaiy i'lh, and that she paid Hattie fiavin $25.00 and promised to Gend her $25.00 more as soon as she re turned to Washington, D. C. where she is emi.lovel. That Il.itt.e Gavin then had her lie down on the floor of an upstairs room and thai Hatt'e Gavin inserted an instrument into the cervix of her uterus for the purpose of causing lh$ premature birth of her child.; That Dr. V. Gooding!, County Health, Officer, removed the tube from her vagina at about 11:00 o'clock on the eaine nlut with Dr. C. F. -Ilawes, of No. 21 Wallace - - The annual Straw berry Festival held here drew to a successful close with a gala Ball featuring Herbert Gupton's orch estra. The opening officially with a pa rade led by the crack Camp Lejeune Band and the 87 piece Drum and iUigle Corps, was one of the most successful ever undertaken. Attracting wide attention from a booth sponsored by the atate ex tension department in cooperation with the Coastal Plain Station and he county extension service, dis played various new and old straw berry plants, methods of' cultiva tion, grading and disease control. I'.irm eipiipn.jiit dealers, merchants and everyone from "baker to ean-.ia-st.ck maker" set up in the aaily decorated booths giving the ostlval a gigantic fail appearance. Children a ; well as older people, fell into the festival spirit and snowballs of pop cum. and peanut stands did a Having business. The second day opened with judging of prize h a". bei r crates exhibited by var ious growers, f irst prize crate with it- S.V) premium was won by Cecil K.ikins of Ivanhoe. second prize. $4J to W. H. Hatcher. Chinquapin; .M,i-I. S.:i0 to Mrs. Henry Dixon, Waliai e: and fourth prize. Mrs. ii. Hall of Watha. Follow i tip the auction in which !';. prize crate was sold for $50, tbe f ist di.-t. ict junior dairy show was a: I I. lilnc rib'.ion winners in tbe oin ni -ev class were Jamas Jackson and Thomas Draughon of Clinton. Uine Iiibbon winners in the Jersey cla.-s, Dick Cording and Terry Can-ding oi Wallace; Gene Holland of V a i -aw; Bobby Cox and Peggy Ann Co:; of Kichlands; and W. V. Hsuee of Watha. In the llolstein class blue ribban winners were Maurice Letter, Jai..es II. ,11, WiUard aod William Persf a. Pref . a. ii. Kiii i -as judge and was pi incipal boree Suj))',! of eereinoi. r' at the "Jam .siding as jnas'er was AgriruMural Chair nan I-' -lvn Cnr'hrg. Mill: production per cow in N. C. last year amounted to 4,330 pounds. ito-o JP11. and County Health v'urse Mary I.ce Sykes being pres ent. Sae also testified that this id'T: ; ; i u ..t i n wji mai'e at Eunice Vai.n Itiuker's home where Hatcia Cavin was Umunht h., Sheriffs deputies for the purpose of identi 1 it at inn alter her arrc.it Sheriff Ralph J. Jones testified to lieiii pres n! when tile identi fitatiun was made and lo what wa? said by F.unk-c Vann Pucker .n the pia .-"lice of Hattie fiavin. Mi- Mary Lee Syke.;, Couhty Health Nurse. KtstifieJ to being present a".d nssisling Dr. Gooding in his csainin.'tinn anil to having scon the tube in the uterus of Eu nice Vann It ick 'r and wiwening its removal. Dr. Goodinc testified that he made an exam:natiun nf Kunire Vann Kutkci and found the tube in her uterus. That he had the sheriff send for Dr C. F. Hau-as anil remced the lube in hiG pree-cni.-? alter Dr llawcs hart eNanj ined the patient. Dr. Gooding sta ted that the child was alive when he rcmvvvd the tub". He aiso soa firnicd testimony as to the identi fier ion of Hattie Onvin by Eunifcc Vai n Hucker. Dr. C. F. Hawes testified that he was present and examined the patient and that the tube was In her iilerus and was removed by Dr. Gooding. That the child was alive when the tube was removed and lhat fiom his examination of the patient there wis no reason to per form the abo'tion to tave eftliar .ne life of the child or the mother. Dr. Hawes also testified that be was present when Hattie Gavla was brought into ti'o room and that he heard Eunice Vann Hucker Identify her as the woman who placed the tube in her uterus. The State rested Us ease at 5 13 p.m. and Judge Frazelle adjourned court until 10:00 o'clock Tmirsaay moinin. Mr. E. Walker Steveas, rep re senting the defense, crjss McaWa cd the witnesses closely and aetad many exceptions to tet.timy al lowed to go to the jury. He ue tloi ed Dr Hawes ?articula1y about two Seconal tablets prescribed far the patient and sought to ahow . that they could have relaxed muc- . Continued Ok back P'

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