n Mounce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jernigan of Rt 1, Kenansville, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Clyde on May 4th at Memorial General Hos pital, Kinston. Mrs. Jernigan Is the former Miss Inez Quinn. Eastern Star be regular meeting of the Ke nansville Chapter uruer 01 eastern Star. No. 215. was held Tuesdav night at 8 p.m. at the lodge buiid ina. Snecial Mother's Day Music was rendered by Mesdames Eula Lee Britt, Clco Ifobbs and Marga ret Strickland. After the meeting closed a delightful social hour was enjoyed and punch, cookies and cheezies were served. Miss Mary Cooper and Mrs. Davis Farrior are spending the week at Carolina Beach. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as Exe cutor under the last will and testa' ment of I. J. Sandlin, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Caro line, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said es tate to present them to the under signed Executor on or before the 28th day of April, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate,; will please make immediate payment. This April 28, 1949. ; I. J. Sandlin, Jr. Executor of the WiU of I. J. Sandlin 6-3-6t. VBG tooooooooooot " WHEN YOU NEED " SERVICES OF AN AUCTIONEER CALL BILL HIIIES. JR. Phone 270-1 262-6 WARSAW, N, C oooooooooooo PIIIE LUMBER FOR SALE 4" TONGUE & GROOVED " SHEATHING & ROOFERS $45.00 5" " $52.80 2 X X " DRESSED $52.00 SoulhiTicntMfg.Co. PHONE sn V ROSE IIILL, N. C. Or. H. V. Cornell H? ' OPTOMETRIST , Ees Examined. Glasses Fitted. , . ' Next Deor To Cavenaiun I . Chevrolet Company f '- Permanent Office la - WALLACE, n. c. ,i zzzz: -n.tr- Antnmatio Electric Rancr ' Souiherland Electric Co Warsaw. N. C. Phone 301-1 Your (Ge E.) Pnaler " Girl Scouts The Kenansville Girl Scouts held their regular meeting Tuesday af ternoon in the club rooms. Games, stressing the compass points, and songs were enjoyed. V. M.S. Meets The Missionary Society of the Kenansville Baptist Church met on Monday afternoon in the church '.vHh the president Mrs. C.JJ. Sit terson presiding. Mrs. P. J. Dobson had charge of the program, the top ic being "Christ, The Answer In The Home. ' o Personals Mr. Hallie Daughtry is a patient at Duke Hospital. Mrs. J. B. Wallace Is visiting her brother in Richmond, Va., who is an operative patient at a hospital there. Mrs. Nan Burt of Spartanburg, 5. C, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wallace. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Grady of Elm City were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady. Mrs. Grady snd young daughter spent several days here. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Weeks and Jean spent Monday In Raleigh. . . Mrs. N. B. Boi ey visited her mother and sisters in Goldsboro i n Saturday afternoon. Little Judy Mercer of Goldsboro visiting her grandmother, Mm. S. W. Newton. Miss Hilda Clontr sprit the week end in Durham. Miss Cornelia Quinn of VICUNC was home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Brlnson entertained Dr. and Mrs. Messick, the Commencement speaker, and Principal I. W. Frazelle oh Friday r ight. . Mrs. E V. Vestal made a business trip to Kinston on. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Carlton and IONA No. 2 cans TOMATOES ALL BRANDS 5c CANDY, ALL BRANDS GRAPE JUICE MILD AMERICAN CHEESE CHEESE FOOD SPREAD CHED-O-BIT PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE RICH-SMOOTH SALAD DRESSING ANN PAGE STRAWBERRY PRESERVES ANN PAGE SYRUP KITCHEN CHARM WAX PAPER FINE GRANULATED SUGAR SUNNYFIELD S. R. NECTAR - TEA :, IONA ' PEAS ANN PAGE a f,"""TI 4 - . Ill Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Storey of Suf folk spent the week end with Mr. nd Mrs. O. P. Johnson. I ?-;.- Guests of Mr. and MriC. S. Wil liamson during last week were Mrs. Ton! Marsh of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Chailiy lee Wlliumson and daughter of Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Williamsons Of YadJdnville, Mr. and Mrs. Row Fearsall and children of Mt. OUvey Kre. W. C. Caulder of St, Paul. Mn and Mrs. Bill Williamson were also Sunday dinner -guests, ; -Miss Pattie William' on accom panied her sister Mrs. Marsh to Chicago on Thursday, where she will make her home. Mrs. Arnold Dobson and children of Wilmington spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Dobso.i. Mr and Mrs. P. J. Dobson attend ed the funeral of Mr. Cuddingtou in Goldsboro on Monday afternoon. Mr. Cuddington was the cashier of the first bank in Kenansville. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Kornegay and daughter Pearl of Greensboro visited bis sister Mrs. Myrtle Quinn, and other relatives here at the week end. Miss Come! it Quinn accompanied them home. llegro Extension Office Is -Nearly Done The Negro Extension Staff wish es to express1 extreme gratificat-on 'or the wholehearted cooperation in erection of a Negro Extension Office, which is nearing completion on the colored school campus in Kenansville. The plan was initiated by an ap propriation of $250. by the County Commissioners. The neighborhood leaders, Home Demonstration mem' bers, principals and teachers ail ral lied to the effort with banquets, picnics, programs, personal dona' tions, material and labor. A total of $370. was raised in this manner, with an additional $90. by a second appropriation by the County Com missioners, brought about by trans- .erring part of the operation co.t ntti a building Item. Interested farmers and veterans gave Of their labor in erecting the building. The total cost to this date is $710. We would like to acquaint every Negro farmer with 'our new location and the type of Agriculture urogram under way. Outstanding Food Values A&P's Own Vegetable Shortening DEXO 3 Lb. can 85c 2 for 27c 6 for 25c 3 for 10c 19c pt. hot. lb 42 c 2 lb loaf 79c 17c 3 oi. pkg. qt jar 45c lib jar 33c 12 oz. glass " 23c 125 ft. roll 21c lb bag 45c 10 1b bag 79c Vi lb pkg. 27c No. 2 can 1C; 2 cans 27- V 1 ft 1 5 at liUU.-li.LL Ilat'l Guard Unit The first meeting of the Beul i- vllle National Guard Unit was held Thursday night at the lodge build ing. A barbecue supper was served to the 53 members. Several Army nspectors attended the meeting and Mayor S. P. Bostic, and the town aldermen were special guests Honored At Party Mrs. W. F. Miller honored her daughter Nora Ellen on her fifth birthday, May 7, at 3 o'clock at their home. Many outdoor gan es wore enjoyci by the 48 young guests after which cake, ice cream and coca colas were served. Nora Ellen received an assortment of gifts. arty Mrs. Matti! Bradshaw emertain- ed Saturday night, May 7, at 7:30 honoring her granddaughter. Miss Evelyn Penney on her 13th hlrth day. A recreation and social hour was enjoyed. Guests gathered in the dining room where cake, ice cream sand' wiches and cokes were served to the 20 guests. Evelyn received many lovely gifts. Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Thigpen of Beulaville celebrated their sil ver wedding anniversary at their home Saturday evening. Gifts were presented and refresh ments were served to the following guests: Their children, Misses Gwen dolyn and Dorothy Thigpen of the Pome, and Mrs. Almena Mercer, wife of Norman E. Mercer and their family; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thigpen, Mi, and Mrs. Bryson Thigpen ard their families, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lahier.and son Virgil Lanier, Mrs. Annie Raye Lanier, Mrs. Dora Thigpen and daughter Miss Letha Thigpen, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Thigpen. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Quinn of Chapel Hill spent the week end with relatives here. Mrs. Ada Williams and Miss Dot Bostic were in' Norfolk last week end. . Mr. and Mrs. Dyne Brown visi'ed relatives in Mt. Olive Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Whaley and Mr. and Mrs. Hampton. Baker at tended the dedication of the Oak Dale Church, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Rhodes were diqner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Sumner. Misses Sue Lan'er, Ramono Pat- chelor, Lou Ann Ncthercutt and Mr. Eldridge Thigpen spent Sunday at Carolina Beach. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Bolin have as guest this week his mother of Orangeburg, S. C. Mrs. Homer Howard and family of Rlchlands were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Nethercutt. Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Thigpen and family of Bethel were week end guests pf Mr. and Mm Murphy Thigpen. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stroud and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stroud of Kenansville visited Mr. and Mrs. Stokley Bostic Sundav. Mrs. J. D. Sandlin, Jr. and Mrs. Ray Humphrey shopped in Kinston Tuesday. - : , .... ''Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin, Sr.) visited Mr. and Mrs Jones Smith in Pink, Hill Sunday. : Mrs. Aubrey Turner of Pink Hilll visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. JD. Sandlin Tuesday. . ; Mrs. Gordon Muldrow and dau ghter were in Kinston Tuesday. Mr. Betty Brown is visiting her sister Mrs. Jones. Smith in Pink Hilt : .. . ,'-..; .Mr. James Brown of Rose Hill visited his mother here Friday. iMr. and Mrs. Howard Hocutt of uiayton visited her mother Mrs. I, J. Sandlin, Sr. last week end. iegt, wiiue Fedora landed at Morehead Beach Sunday on the uts Bayfield after spending sever al months overseas. ' i A. J. CAVENAUGH i ' 1 JEWELER - " DIAMONDS WATCtttS K WATCH AND JEWELRY REP ALBINO ENGRAVIM WalUc V. c. I v. 4r; it .4 V lit ' Mrs. Mamie Boggs and daughter were" Kinston shoppers Monday. ; 7oda?s Pattern Pattera 9MJ (l!cca;er indud-; eat sites i, s, 10. cue 6 areas, 2 yiu. J6-)i.; Ijloomcn yd. i Gmd TWENTV'-FIV.-: CENTS in coin for this p:.:;-:rn to IT) News paper Paiteri. 32 T.'cot iSth St.. Nv York il, U. Y. Print riniy SIZC, NAM:, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Nowr A .VKV.' Mariftn Martin Fashion Book i.i soady! On lt page.-, arf th beautiful sum jnor 3lyle, desiened to sew easily, to tr.ske yw: fnsfclon dollars go furthei' than ever! P!f. a rj;L'13 jinttarB prtr.!'. in tne boc., n child' cfc re?.; .rsio ci ir.v: is. Bent! A'.ia rr.-.ti :-.cr f'.1:-- tiiis .o'-'.: ot .r..r.c- 1!'J fashions! NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix of the Estate of C. W. Hines, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said Estate to present them to the undersigned Admini stratrix on or before the 17th day of May, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment. This 17th day of May',-1949. -Minnie Hines lAndersoit, FRIDAY nd O 'O 2 Loaves Bread All 50c Bakery Cakes ... ,..:.., 39 c Brookfield Cheese, lb A .39'c 5 Lb. Bag Sugar, Nice and Lean Pork Chops, Lb! 49 c lib. Pure Lard.: ,:............ 59 c Fat Back, Lb. .I2c Fleck Bones, Lb. j7"c Bananas, Lb.-.. 12c ' ; - . . . ' Fresh Green Duller Beans, Lb. 16 c ' Fresh Fish Daily We Dress 'em. Free Delivery Service 4 10:00 & 4:00 Good Parking And Plenty Of It , 0 0 0 0 " ' ELLIS' PHONE 34T FOR A SQUARE DEAL Give Us A Trial And Make Your Euet GO FARTIIEn Aw i. tf C. V Kines, Deceased.' ,:..r ' 6-24-6t. VBG UnivcriilyOIII. C. . FCmimJwJ In Ilatlt3:gazine The University of North Caro linals featured in the June issue of HOLIDAY as the institution which has earned Chapel Hill the label "Capital of tha Southern Mind." 1 -A 4800-word article, written by Jonathan .. Daniels, descrlbeg the University as "a place with an ardor for romance and for reform." Even during Civil War days, says Holi day, the University's combination of high ideas and hilarity" braught It Itiext-to-largest 'student enroll ment in-the country. ,? , v The article points out that the University's purpose is people and not merely students. , . Of Chapel Hill, the article says: "It is Indeed, almost the perfect college village' in the sentimental tradition of alumni memory In Am erica. College villages, outside of novels and nlavs. have a way of K ting bigger and digger as education gets higher and higher. Yet to a remarkable degree, Chapel Hill has escaped the surface damages to the returrang old grad's nostalgic ex pectations." The estimated production of cat tle and calves in N. C. in 1948 was 108 million pounds. Parking meters were first used in American cities in 1935, when municipalities put them in. MRS. M. M. THIGPEN Beulaville, N. C Representative Far CLINTON FLORAL COMPANY WARSAW, N. C. 1 SA1URDAY O 25 c : 45 c 1 I Ad CLARSirncD rates Twe cents per worn, BnnUnaa eharr at Ste. Unless jroa have aa aeeaut with as IeaM aawl neaey, atanipa, saoaey roar ar check, with ada. Farmers: aa the Time Claaslfled adaj tf fan have auythlac to aall ar archanie. or waat to hy. wa will aeeapt prod oca far pajriaea :, ,:".. y'-y FOR TOBACCO FLUES, SEE J. C. BELL, Summerlhi . Craaaroada, Mt. Olive, R. F. D. i-1-i-ll-6t pd. i FOR SALE: Black Poland Cbita Pits; age 8 week. Will hold until i :- LOUIS WILLIAMS . 1: St. t, rink H1U, N. C S-26-lt Pd. FOR SALE or BENT: Nice cement Mock home In Warsaw; located an Cemetery Road. Has living room, dlnnette, kitchen, two bed rooms, bath, and hot water. Alio IS by. 24 brooder house. acre land. Mr. Francis Taylor, Warsaw. -20-3t; pd. ' CEMErr; MORTARMTX, PLAS TER, FINISH LIME, ROCKLATU, KHEETROCK. ROOFING, DOORS, WINDOWS, FLUE EYES, GRATE EARS, TOBACCO FLUES. J. C. RUSS, Warsaw, N. C. WANTED TO BUY PINE LOGS. PNNEkS BUILDING SUPPLY Rt. No. , WALLACE, N. C. 3-20-31. pd. - ' - - to BETTER PROTECTION INSURE imu I 'BUREAU MUTUAL - Write or See SEE ME and make aDDOintinent to do your auto body and fen der repairs, also replace your broken classes with new Shatter Proof glass. A. C HOLLAND, .t KENANSVIIXE. , "A drfllad weO Is taw aattateetoay water aspply. . ! JMU tor fawtattoa, gtic dtatasjoa aad dtreettoa trmm ;yonr Faas OMoa. ' WHAT WELL COMPANY KAI.PQH. NORTH OABOIJNA First Class Plumbing and j v HEA13NG; All Work GuRraateed GEORGE P. PBLDGEN. JH Phone 226-1 Warsaw, N.C U. S. FIRE LOSSES 1948 SEVEN HUNDRED -AND TWELVE MIL LION DOLLARS MORE THAN ANY YEAR IN HISTORY. PRO TECT YOUR PROPERTY WITH - R. W. BLACKMORE , Reliable Insurance Senrioe Since ; -r '. September, 1902. .. . : f WARSAW, N. C. . TYNDALL ru?:r?ju. home 1 or bzoixnt ouvi , Baamo of Wara-rniia ' Burial AaaacURw : Pkaa W Dlnntan. t.jihalnwr AneboJaiica Srvk. or aJrt FOR SALE: Cafe eanlDtnent. . plete, inoladlnt all kitchen nten- sils, tas cook stove, electric re- frla-erator, Ice box, office desk and equipment, tables and ehaint eMna. silver, oU heater. WiU sen in lump or tajpart Reason: personal prc4 lams'forcinf as to eloae. A rood location - for nrnfltaM kid.M. WiU rent all equipment Intact ...... THELMA'S TEA ROOM Mrs. Thclma Siroud. Hn Thntaia Murphy, Gooding Bid. Kenansville " xs,i pa. NOTICE OF SERVING SUMMONS ; t ; BY PUBLICATION In The General County Court NORTH CAROLINA, . DUPLIN COUNTY. MARGARET WILLIAMS ROPER VS - " THOMAS DOW ROPER ' The defendant Thomas Dnw rtL'- per, will take notice that an action entitled as above hag been com menced in ' the General County Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtain ing an absolute divorce on th SrOUndS Of two VMV' uranfl.. and the said defendant wiU further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of Out nv of the General County Court of saia uounty in the Courthouse In KenansvMIe. North Carolina, wtth. in twenty (20) davs after the ltth day of June, 1949, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief dem in said complaint 1 This the 10th day of May, 18 i " 1 R. V. V'oVg, C""' r"R-( i r- " t. tt 1

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