r:r.rjAi:3ViLLE, nqiith Carolina i , if: 11 : K U: i I1 fit w f 7 t if .. t 1 i :i T ! I 1 t i i i Classified !ii Ads. CL.A8SDTBD RATES Tw. centi per wora. rami mum barge of . Unless yon have aa Mount with u please send 'money, itampi. money order r check with ids. Farmen: e the Time Classified ada; If yon have anything to sell or taehuge, or want to boy, we will accept produce for payment . FOR BETTER PROTECTION . ' INSURE WITH FARM BUREAU MUTUAL t Write or See W. SPICER, KENANSVILLE, N. C, iinrl tar rrnt. Jnna 1st: One (our room apartment; private bath. Call or see MrsR. C Prldgen, Box S4, Warsaw, N. C. rnone . -3-2t FOR TOBACCO FLUES, Sw JESSE BELL, Summerlln Cross roads, Mt Olive, R.FJ). . 0-ll-6t. pd. ?.1RS. M. M. THIGPEN BeulavUle, N. C. . Representative For CLINTON FLORAL COIMTPAW WARSAW, N. C SEE ME and make aDDOintment to do your auto body and fen. aer. repairs, also replace your broken glasses with new Shatter Proof glass. A. C. HOLLAND, ' - KENANSVILLE. , "A drilled well is the most satisfactory water supply, t -Write for quotation, giving distance and direction from your Post Office. 23J&1ATER WELL COMPANY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA First Class Plumbing and j HEATING All Work Guaraateed GEORGE P. PRinr.FM th Phone 226-1 Warsaw. N.C. Ct-8. FIRE I.OSSVS lOll coirnu HUNDRED AND TWELVE MIL LION DOLLARS MORE THAN ANY YEAR IN HISTORY. PRO- 41.-1 xuuk PROPERTY WITH R. W. BLACKMORE Reliable Insurance Service Since September, 1902. WARSAW, N. C. LAWTOM 8AKER Jeweler AT Warsaw Furniture Co. WARSAW. N. C. TYNDALL FUNERAL HOME nr Mocmr ouv Haana of Warsa-DqUa Burial Association PhasM n Funeral Durentors, Etabatmem Ambnl ce Bfirvtee. day or nkrhl FARMERS: FOR BEST PRICES ON HAY, COTTON SEED HULLS AND HOG RATIONS SEE W. E. BELANGA. 'i'"l KENANSVILLE. N. C, 6-17-4t. C For Best Prices and Com plete Job on Monuments, See or Write Rev. H. J. Vhaley BEULAVILLE Dr. H. W. Colwell OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugh Chevrolet Company Permanent Office In WALLACE, N. C. ooooooooooo WHEN YOU NEED SERVICES OF AN AUCTIONEER BILL HIKES. JR. Phone 270-1 262-6 WARSAW, N. C. ooooooooooeo Remember folks, two wrongs never made a right. You may excuse yourself to others, but can you truly excuse yourself? If a task isn't worth doing right, it is not worth doing at all. TOBACCO FLUE S and FLUE SHEETS Stoker Curers (COAL BURNERS) T.R.QUINII Beulaville, N. C. J JOE BEAVER" h' ' ByEdNotr roreat Servloe, U. 8. Departmemt of AirloaHar I'd likt to make H hot for the 8uy m ' and ' home buildmm WARSAW FINANCIAL REPORT The following was delivered at the dedication of the new city hall in Warsaw by the retiring commis sioner, A. L. Cavenaugh. "As retiring finance commission er of our town, it is my pleasure and privilege to submit to you the following report as to the high spots of what has happened finan cially in Warsaw during the last six years or since the present mayor and most of the commissioners have served you: In 1943 the current bills of the c 3 PINE LUMBER FOR SALE 4" TONGUE & GROOVED SHEATHING & ROOFERS $45.00 5" " - " $52.00 2X4 DRESSED $52.00 SoulhmonlMfg.Co. PHONE S17 ROSE HILL, N. C. j L.,v.vJ,-.-;. i mi, .um Tb newly lormea nuj'. w i..TX .MMMt of Time Liter jsm r. omwui, ' V, . , Prominent Laymen Form Commission To Help l udiic dciioui naia Aroused by the continuing nation w.de crisis in the public schools, a roup of prominent men and women have formed National Citizens Commission for the Public Schools nhich will work for concerted ac :ion by cittiens in their local com munities, It was announced May W The Commission has received f'tlal financial uort from the megle Corporation and the Gen ual ttUUCUMUIl suiu. tr. James B. Conant, President it ..4 TYnlwAvattV hftllfid it SS U Lltxi v ai u wuiTv.B... icntlally the most Important . .k. .ii..n.amont nt nubile . . nation Uken in the last fifty i .nnoned ex- ........I.. i.uman nmitv of tnem outstanding In busli. . ialor. law and publisnins. us initial membor are convinced that because of tbe problems of the times, public schools have never before been so imp'"-. w MiJ u ,h. -firai or- ganUatiuii of its 1.1 eatablished In this century tu " the public schools. It plans to act as cit;riiis "uu"u - - public school problems for local croups, and to elte outstanding ex amples of community action for the Improvement oi pumw v- Dfoooinnol Aducalors. man -onsclentlous . school boards the Paient-Teacner assocwho. ...i... wnrkinE hard tor belter public schools." Roy E. Lar . . n.i - A. T t FA anil sen, presiaeni oi nm "V". " " chairman of the group, said But the prooiems oi iuuu .r. hrnarl that they concern all of as. and it 'it time tor all of us to understand and do someining about them." ' Headquarters oi tne commission will be at S West 46th Street, New York City. When the group Is fully expanded it will have sixty mem. hers. ''-" .TTn aiiootER CCnxury TmSSm firms Crindividuals rrsten Korth Ccrol.no. H I 237-1 275-1 325-1 F0nSAL SASH, DOORS, SHEET ROC ROCK LATH, ROCK WOOL, PLASTER, LIME, CEMENT, BRICK, MORTAR, PAINTS, TER- RA-COTTA PIPE, BRAIN IILE, WHITE ASBESTOS SIDING, ASPHALT SHIN F3, ALL KINDS OF ROLL ROOFING 5-V ROOFIN J, BRICK SIDING Z. J. Carter G Son Woilaco, N. C town were $3,114.98, with no money n General Fund, today they ars $421.61. In 1943 the bonded 'in debtedness of the town was $19, fOC today we have reduced that to $102,000.00 plus $25,000.00 bonds which were issued for the construction and completion of the S35.000.00 t' wn hall and which we are happy to have you Inspect this evening. During this administration we rc financed the water and sew- tr bonds in such a way that wc are now saving approximately $25' 00.00 per year in interest alone, Our tax rate of $1.40 has rems'a cd constant during all these years in our water department during this period over 130 new customers have been installed and now we have 325 paying water customers increasing oui' monthly income from $588.65 in 1943 to $1,054.45 in 1949. Our property values have increased from $932,990.00 in 1943 to $1,687,731.00 in 1948, causing our tax levy to jump from $13,286. 98 to $31,680.45 and, our gross re ceipts to jump from $24,135.10 to $37,612.58. i With this extra money that we rJiceiypH we h-extended our ttjnW"afta- sewer li t0 over 100 new customers, we hav increased the salary of our Chief oi .p0uce from $1680 to $2400; our night i. lie fnm $1200 to $1920; our town clerk from $900 to $1500; our Supt. of Maintenance, Johnnie Martin trom $960 to $1680. We have bought and paid for a new automatic water pump that cost $1560.79: we rebuilt the pump and storage house, mak ing it possible to have adequate storage space, at a cost of $1225.K9; we bought and paid for aTfew mo tor street grader at a cost of $4. 460; we have bought a new street truck, costing $1500; we built a concrete bridge over Stewarts Creek at a cost of $1500; we have repaired and put in first class con dition the water tank -at a cost of $945. We have paid $5,000 on the construction cost of our town hall, it cost $35,000; the bonds paid $25, 000; we paid $5,0o0 out of the Gen eral Fun.! that accumulated and we borrowed $5,000 on a tax anti cipation note for the balance which is now outstanding.' We have kept the administration of the town goiug, paving all bills as they have been received. We have had the books of the tows, audited by , a CPA each year ant he has been highly .complimentary ' - .... -...-I-. .i ln4 i Book-of tht-Month Club! f uWiT2ftJu. uu Iw. Co., PhiUdtlhU: Chirlw Allta ThomM, Exe. VP., as to the manner and. ways that the town has progressed. In 1943 War saw was under rigid control of the I.ocr.1 Government Commission in Raleigh, we had to report every thing we did, and frankly this corn mission said some things to us that were very embaras-ing about War saw's -jredit. Mayor Jenkins and T were in their office last year and they reversed themselves as to how they regardod Warsaw. The finances of yuur town are in excel lent shape. Your outgoing Mayor and Board Members point with pride at what has been done. 1 cannot close thl report without telling you by, I think, that much has been accomplished; The Board and Mayor saw a job to do and they set their hands to do it and worked without friction and dis ag'eements. The Town employees of each department took especial pride in the job they were doir.g, and consequently did a swell Job. Last and not least the citizenship of Warsaw were behind us in lcnd iMheir merai-iiiponit in seeing that w did not have any interfer ences froiiv the side lines; to all Ihis your retirhig Board and Mayor are deeply jgrateful,. ; Respectfully submitted. A. L. Cavenaugh, Flnano Commissioner" mm POLIO PRECAUTIONS RE USTED. FOR PAREH tWaaming that the 1949 polio sea-1 ion is "iiSt around the corner," the rtioeiH FouWation for Infantile liWlrrtir today issued a list of pre eaaeklnary msaeures to be observed by those in charge of children during the epidemic danger period wnicn usually runs from May through October, reaching its peak during the hot,' mid-summer, months, v The five easy-to-fol- j low health rule for , children are: l 1. Avoid crowds and contact with other persona is likely. K 2. Avoid over-fatigue caused by too active play or exercise,, or ir regular hour. I v V 3. Avoid 'swimming In polluted water. Useonly beaches or public pools declaMed safe by local health authorities.! , ir 4. AvoidHudden chilling. Remove wet shoesand clothing at once and keep extra blankets and heavier Nothing handy for sodden wentlicr changes. i , r ; : 5. Observe the golden ru!- of personalcleanliness. Keep .food i I III tightly covered ard safa r.".ns C or other insects. Garbage rwM t ; tightly covered and, i.' ot'.-r -posal facilities are I "J. -should be buried or buu:: '. The National Found&Uea c: : t listed the following sympLor.s .: infantile paralysis: headacl nav. sea or upset stomach, muse!? soil ness or stiffness, and unexrlr.ine 1 fever. Should polio strike in your family, call a doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and prompt trc ce ment by qualified, medical personnel often prevent serious crippling, the National Foundation pointed out. The organization emphasized that fear and anxiety should be held to a minimum. A calm, confi dent attitude is conducive to health and recovery. Parents, it said, should remember that of all those stri--":3P, 60 per cent or more re co. .. c.n-.pletely, while another 23 per ccn; t :e left with only slight after e.T-st3. ,- If rolio is actually diagnosed, cr-i!r.:: the chapter of the Nation r'. i'cv.inlation for Infantile Paraly se serving your community. The c':-. '.oi' will pay that part of. the cr:". cf care and treatment which r.";-i::.: or family cannot meet. "7: . CUT CJT AND XCEP rOr. ""FERENCE AGhange is in Order... L. P. TYIIDALL'S SONS ' ''''-'-;.. '-"','j-.-l'-" "-.Vi.'i'' -. ' Pink Hill, N. C. t For TOBACCO TOP DRESSING HAIL INSURANCE Hi- vi a . AND FARM NEEDS !'; IUC JiW x Aft f Change'to lkp 0 ; D, H. CARLTON i , INSURANCE AGENCY , WARSAW, ; . NORTn CAROLINA Life - Fire - Storm - Automobile, etc. Telephone 34S3 Vcn::;, II. C. y GoodBeginsingl ... For years of peak (. .1 performance in your new car, start now to -h use Conoco N Motor Oil. An added in- - W gredient in. Conoco N attaches a wear- . 4 resistant shield of Oil-Platino right to ji the metal. Coi 7 .ureek oa" 1 IIV pv- - W JUL- K&0lKo eio . pe 1 Oil-Plate today at your t , Conoco IJiles"9 Merchant's ! CorwTgli. 1949, Continental Oil Company ' ' m m m m s ar ji i ( litl