nnv7 . an fill '.J J I OuwJLJUiJLl U.LLd t' Yr i iii sa D.F.GrcdyHDC IwiJs Meeting The:' June meeting of the BFG, ItbC was held at the home of Mrs. ;v J;K, Smith. Program leaders were :' Mesdames J. I. Smith and A. K. Dunn. Mrs. Lewis Williams gave a demonstration on "The Best, or Sunday Dress" to 24 members and - 4 visitors. The hostess served chick 1 v en salaO and pimento cheese sand wiches with iced tea. The July , : meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Stacy Chestnutt. : Clystia and Bobby Holt were hon ored by their parents Mr. and Mr3. ; Robert Holt at a birthday party at Maxwell's Mill Friday afternoon. Werners were roasted and the - young guests were served ice cream and baskets of candy. Assisting the hosts in entertain ing was Mrs. Duguid Richardson, aunt of the honored guests, of Stanhope. About 20 guests attend ed Including Mary Holt Richardson of Stanhope. -f;"- 1 i 1 - Holds Position In Raleigh Mr. A. Haywood Stroud, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Stroud, a re cent graduate of the University of N. C has accepted a position with the Wachovia Bank and Trust Co. of Raleigh and will take up tils duties there soon. On Vacation Miss Tliclma Dildy will spend the month of July on vacation from her duties'as Home Ec. teacher at B. F. Grady School. Her home is at Ahos- kle. ft;i!hnv-Parkfir Miss Frances Pearl Pardr, dau ghter f Mrs. Pearl Pasker1 of Pink Hill and Mr. Dewev Outlaw of Kln- ston were married at the first Bap tist Church at 8:30 a.itf Sunday. The Rev. Howard O. Dafkins, pas tor of the church officiated. Only immediate relative attended. The bride wore a cream wool wit with green and white accessories. She is a graduate of Pink Hill High School and was employed locally. The couple will be at home in Kinston where the groom is an em ployee of L. Harvey and.Son Co.; Mrs. Jasper Smith was hostess to a regular meeting of the Presbyter ian Women of the Church at her home Tuesday evening. She also had - charge of the program. The July meeting will be held with Mrs. Sallie Westbrook at her home and the program topic will be "99 of the Church". Personals Mr. and Mrs. David Grady and sons of Washington, D. C. are here spending two veeks with relatives. Mrs. W. S. Cunningham, Jr. has returned from Duke where she un derwent a major operation and is recuperating at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Adolph How ard. Mr. and Mr3. Lylton Maxwell Winston-Salem and Miss Kmileigh Maxwell of Norfolk spent.the week end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maxwell. Miss Marie Smith, recent gradu ate of the Watts Hospital School of Nursing in Durham is now em ployed in Greensboro and is home Long Apartments No. S. Prin. and Mrs. H. M. Wells and children have returned from a va cation spent near Charlotte. Their ton, Hunter, has accepted worn there for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Turner and Judy are vacationing in the moun tain of western N. C. Mrs. Aubrey Turner visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin Messrs G tnd Linvv riUck on TV . " jCy mS and ui Bvcrett son snent the "fteek.eSd'With rela tives in FarmvUle. Jerry remained to spend the week with' his grand parents. . . "a; I recreation center in Goldsboro. The Young Klrby Everett Is ylslttn'M picnic was in honor of the lnco n ishe Aubrev. Turner & Turner INSURANCE AGENCY "ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE L. C. TURNER, J, T. J. TURNER Pink, Ilin's Oldest Insurance Agency PINK HILL, N. C. relatives in Raleigh. In Warsaw Thursday atternocn attending the funeral of H. S. Kor- negay were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Smith, Mrs. J. F. May, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Hess Davis and Je m Smith, Mrs. J. D. SandSr., Mrs. Char Jton Sandlin amTN hter of Beu laville were guestsy and Mrs. Aubrey, Turner rece. -- Mr. and Mrs. Dugufu , Jiardson and daughter of Stannus spent the week end here and left Monday for Carolina B-.-ach to spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Inman and daughter spent the week end with relatives In Greensboro. Mrs. Bessie W. Williams returned to her home at Roxboro Friday af ter visiting her sister Mrs. Lela Pollock and other relatives. Capt. and Mrs. Elbert Maxwell of Metuchen, N. J. have returned af ter a visit with relatives here. Rev. N. P. Farrior has returned from Red Springs where he attend ed a Young People's Conference at Flora Macdon.ild College. Jimraie Lee Johnson attended as a dele gate from the Pink Hill church. Mrs. M. O. Alexander and Miss Ida Black of Lake View, S. C. have been visiting the N. P. Farriors. Young people of the Methodist Church attending a YPMA at Louis- burg last week were Bobby Hicks, I'eggy Jo Stroud, Nancy Howard, Betty Jean and Lou Ann Davis. Sanford Lee, Jr. is attendine bummer School at N. C. State J. F. Williamson and H. G. Tvn- aaii were Charlotte visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. May and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tyndall spent the we end at Carolina Beach. Misses Ramona Worley and Ann May were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nash in Kinston over the week end. Airs. i. a. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones attended the military unerai or unwood Jones in Green ville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dcmpsey Smith were hosts at a fish stew at their uome recently. and Mr Earl Smith Mr?. "najj"", u jnissvrioiet IT 'stent the weexVibfl wiih JVIrs.H. D.2xviVH- .lr ao. wawungion, d. C. Mrs. H. n r.f e-nrnea o spend the Wdek. we following attended the HDC meeting in Kenansville en Tuesday: Mesdame Lehman Williams, Sptt nerriug, jonn -U. Smith, J. . Smith, Earl Williams and Paul Wil liams. . lng ninth grade girls. ROSE HILL FOLKS HAVE GUESTS ' Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Ezzell of Rose Hill have as their guests this week Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heilman Buffalo, N. Y., and their grand daughter Sally Mills jof Newport News, Va. Mrs. Heilman is the for mer .Nettie Ezzell of Kenansville. FHA Picnic At Woodland Lake The B. F. Grady Future Hom makers enjoyed a delightful picnic at Woodlund Lake near Goldsboro on Wednesday, June 22. Before the picnic the entire group went swim ming. After the picnic supper most of the group went skating at the Mrs, J. J. Mirrray Dies Tin City Mrs. Nellie Gray Murray, age 34, Wife of J. J. Murray of the Tin City community died suddenly Sunday afternoon at Iter home. Funeral cervices were held at the home on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock con ducted by the Rev. W. W. Hasty, pastor , of ' the ' Wallace ' Baptist Church. Burial was in the .Price Cemetery near Wallace.' l : She- Is survived by-her nusband, her mother, Mrs. Lula Creech of Smithfiekfe .aix sisters, Mrs. .Ray B. Hardy ot Sn.ithf leld, Mrs. Zelda Carina- nf, RIohmnnH l:WM.r . H Howell Of Four Oalcsi Mr C. Evahs of Pine Level. Mrs. J. Tyner and Miss Mamie Creech,- both Goldsboro;1 twe ' brothers B. F; Creech of BeulavUlc, b'Sgt. D. E Crefch M Ft, Bragg; three half- brothers, L. Roy Creech of Smi'h- field, J. L. Taler of Faison, and Chif Petty Officer R. S. Toler of the Navy stationed in San Francis co, Calif. Vhila Oak Snike Bites Farmer Perry Davis of Holt's Store sec tion was bitten by white' oak snake last Friday morning.- He im mediately corded his arm above the bite on a finger and drove, to Tcdas Pattern In i4 - i AChangg is in Older. . 4 f On Mi 7 f ' - "ItCJ'-.m' I- anga to eeeeeeeee Better Coverage I . . .An extra shield of lubricant is fast- , ened to the working parts of your engine , whea ytt QiPlats with Conoco N Motor Oil. That means protection fsomwear smooth car perfonnance. OfflrP 6 umm Safety ( , . . OnPLATiNci dings to your engine somewhat pke grease clings to "seasoned" skillot. . tie 1949-1950 officers of Y. W. W. Club - a part of the Young Women's Christian Association weri installed in a candlelight cere mony 'held in the Blue Room of the Y.' W. C. A., Raleigh',. N. C. on Tues day? evening, June 21, 1949. Miss Mity?. Ruth Wallace was installed ns seeretary. Site is the daughter of Mb. iand Mrs.Jien Wlaoe of Sev en Springs; an RjjrnBlo.vd U the Carolna Power anWLigh t CompaSjr in Bleign. , - s , : , iM-r SariittJarieit Valley Forge In 1950 The Boy Seouts,of America hes selet-ted Vallc Fprsie. Pa.; fbr.1t .ecosid N.itionaf Scout .I.-niborfe )n 19.c0, according to word 'received by the Tusfcirtra Conn il, whose li('fi(iquarter're at G jldibi.ro. The selce'ion wai announcv! by Dr. Ar- Ihur A. Schuck. Chitf Scou'. Exe cutive or the oVganitation. -Valley Forge Pnrk is mvrpil. maintained and presei-vd by '.he Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. An Invitation to -J'ho!d thd .rainhorce there was received from Uoveinos James H. Duff by the Scouti and accepted by its National Executive Board. Th i Notional Jambo ec will be the climax of the Boy Seo'Us' two year crusade to "Strengthen the Arm of Liberty " Peasant view- . By: GASTON F. GRADY Mr. and . Mrs. Durham Grady were in Raleigh Tuesday. St : Misses Ruth Toachey and Edith Byrd, with other members of the FHA club of B. F. qrarfy went to Woodland Lake on a picnic and swimming -party recently. After the party they went skating at the recreation center In Goldsboro. SMr. and Mrs.; Ellis Royall and daughter left for Sterling, 111.' on Thursday to visit his brother there. $ t , (Gaston- F. Grady)-visited my xunrs. D. L.-Davis in Davis last weekaJseally did have a fine time It wdfevthe first time I had ever been' to the ooean. Bv the waw fpl- lows. If you run short of girls up here ( caja;. tellfyour where ito.'ftnd them! " ' ' ' r. and, Mrs. W, fi..mith and naugnter werd dinner guests of Mi? and Mrs..Robert, Grady, Suidayy," . Mr: and MrSHenry "Gradv vtf- 6dj Mrend Mrs. Leonard Grady on Sunday aftJrnodii. ' ; J 1 Mr,. Joe Herring, , of whom we spoke iof last week,' is 'nowbetter and;at, bomer frv Of T ff I ..I 11 mm m Kinston hospital where be received treatment. Reports said that he and a helper were feeding stock.' His neiper picked up. an arm fuU of corrt from the crib and dumped It into; a basket. Davis reached intj the basket for an' eamf corn when the tsnake struck him.. The helper was unaware the snake was in tre corn when he picked it up. Pattern -9319 comes In rirls sizes C. 8, 10, 12. 14.i Size 10 takes S yards 35-inch fabric. ., - - f;. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern to 170 News paper Pattern Dept., 233 West 18th St- New York 11, N. Y. Print, plainly 8IZE, NAME. ADDRESS, STVi r NIIMRCQ Tow4 A NEW Marian Martin FajJhjpn Book Is ready! On Its pages are the most beautiful sum met styles, designed to sew easily, to tnalss your fa8nlom dollar? o fltrther than ever! Plus a FREE pattern printed In the book, ar child's beach robe made of towels.'; Am4 tfM ' book of 8umwt I94 fashions, Is Reported Improved Leroy Simmons of Albertson reported to be recuperating nicely from a severe attack of ptomaine poisoning suffered one night last week. At fu-st it was, thought h suffered a heart attack 'and w, rushed to i Goldsboro hospital. For a while It was feared he might not live.) He is back home now and getting along welU . Don'IBeASvim Show-Off The fellow ' who "shows-off around viator Is likely to "snow-up" on the drowned or injured list. No good swimmer ever shows off, be cause a good swimmer has common sense which a show-off never dis-J plays. Pointing out the mistakes a 'show-off'; can make, the local Red' Cross worker explained that many average swimmers try to im press an audience by attempting to display endurance and skills which they do nothave. . ' A- young teen-age boy took his girl in' swimming at a lake. He Knew he-could swim across the lake one- time. But to 'show' his girl what an expert Swimmer he wa. 1 he tried to make it three times; he became exhausted in midstream). Luckily ' someone with a ' rowboat re u-hed him ; and nnlt d ' him to shore befori he sank., ' : There a'so urneceisary 'horse play' when a whole group of swim mers try to show off. Diving on top tif a sviramer, throwing people In to the water;, etc., can be dangerous. Go swimming for your own ejijoy ment and not to put on a show for someone else.. ' , It IT'S HOT 7 BE CAUTIOUS Precautions against over-heating and excessive sunburn were urged early this week by Dr. Northon N. C; State Health Officer. ."There are a few simple rules the obser vance of which might- spare us much discomfort, perhaps illness and, in some cases, even death," he continued. "At the first sign of be coming, overheated, we should stop, what we are doing and rest, and if certain symptoms manifest them selves, we should i-eek not only first aid, but medical assistance, as well. . It is even better to avoid reaching the point of feeling that overheat- . lng or over exposure to the. sun is being experienepd" , "It is also well to remember that the sun's rays may cause burns with serious effects. While bru nettes can stand more hot sunshine ' than blonds, it is well for both to - avoid the causes of severe skin, ' perhaps tissue burns.' , The vegetable garden should be given a prominent place - In the farm enterprise,'' as it served the . double purpose of providing health ins'irance and savings, account. DUPLIN SAND CO. MORTIMER MAXWELL ' Pink Hill, II. C. , Phones: 237G and ,2154' : S Security! ' There's another additive in Conoco N, tool It ' sguw vmaouBuon acias coni' bats carbon and sludge. 1 1 Bank the Difference! ... An On Plated engine means fewer repair bills . fewer cniorts between drains. Save ffSd be atui with ConoosNM ' i .lltenfitfrt-VAkHV; DedliReJuly25v:, 'eterans1 kdminisfrVtioipo'inted om that July 25 of this .year is the sadline for' " most' veterans -bf ' 'arid War II to-apply, for ?cad stment allowances under the pro long of the G. I. Bill. The dead e applies to all veterans of World '1f ' 1 'e ' ' '" ' be' re Ti&iWiCHES.-:' .-jK''' .; t j -i i i C -' , " II 1 A natural outgrowth of conditions in , ' southeastern North Carolina is its increas ing industrial development' This sewing : machine at work in one of the local factories is evidence. L r . I. Industry LIKES this part of the country." ' The pleasant people who live here make ideal employees intelligent, quick to Jearn.. Transportation by sea and rail and " highway and air aresall available to "bring ' . in raw materials, take out finished goods, '' - New industry is important to us Who live , here. It means more, jobs add bigger pay " , rolls. It means greaterprosperity for mer t : v . chants ana larmers tor everybody. ; ' Sfid Water is proud that its reputation for service has helped in this uv :,, dustriai growtnu for i ide water believes, as you know, that its main job is ! f to provide good service at the lowest possible cost If you care to look into it 00(1 that Tide. Water rates are as low or lower than the average for the j -1 i T' ..'!i;?u''tv(i 'Uf IE m P O W E R " C O M p A N Y 4 1

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