i:l::':.;v:ll, no".tii caiiolina i'llH DlfLlN TIMES FRIDAY, JULY 8th, 1913 NOTICE OF ST'MMONS BY FUBUCATUW ;? ' In Tue Cnei al , County Court v.: I NORTH CAROUNA ' DUPUN COUNTY, NOTICE: f 'WILLIAM T. Dim - vs. . fc;EUZAB15TH SALUE DUFF , , jii. .:r Trie defendant, Rlizaheth SjUle -n..ff, will take notice that an action M. nt.tleU as abov: bus een .con Hiaienced In. the General, County sikluurt ' oi Duplin, County. North 'Wf :Or .lina. by.f the plaintiff above l,!7 nailed aaainst the. defendant for an i-.iwo yeara, separation, and in which r :IM7 uviiittuaui. .. iiiiviuwu .aim j. -v.hlch cause of action i set forth I- in the co upia'ut filed in thin cause, I and that the defendant la a necew- : ary party to. this action; and jthat Mhe defendant will lurthcr. fake.no- txe that she is required to appear ft the office of the Clerk pf . the f. County in Kenansville, N. C. on the I 18th day ef July, 1949, and answer i or demur to the complaint tiled In i mix . itson, wnvn ui neen iuiy ?J in miifi nfFfpp ' nr An nr hfffnm i the 5th dav of August." 1040. or the plaintiff will apply to the. court Pfar rte relief demanded in the"coni f plaint. J - " L .This lflth day of June, 1049. 1,1 R. V. Wells, Clerk of 3: General Jounty Court. tiGrudy Mercer for nlalntlff 7-8-4t. OM and petitions meet the require ments of law, as provided in Chap ter 18-61. General Statutes and that said petitions and request should be allowed jndSald elecuon grant ed, '.r: ! NOW" THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that a Special Election is hereby called and win be held on Tuesday, August ID. 1949, in Duplin County in which shall be presented the following questions: .-, FIRST: For County liquor con trol, stores.. I Second: Against County liquor control stores. You are further notified that. alt registration books in the' various precincts in Duplin County, shall and will be open for the purpr.se of registration, of voters, not here tofore registered, on SitunJay,1 July 23rd and will remain 6pehMin- til and including Saturday, August 0,1 940. The registration books will beat your polling placet on Satur day, July 23rd and Ju30th ai.d On AuguKt 6th and August 13, 1P49. Saturday, August 13, 1949. will be ChaKengo Day. The registration and eler tim will be neld under the General Election Laws nf -NortH Carolina, and a prescribed in Section 18-61 of the General Statutes, and under the ;ame rules .and regulation for tLa election of mcnf'iprs of the General Assembly, except that no a"ntee balloU shall be voted in said elec tion to be so held. This the 2nd day of Jurre, 1&49 BOARD OF F.LFtTI N3 (V DUPLIN COUNTY By E. WALKER STEVKNS Clinirman 7-22-4L Si?.:ll km V y : Mr. M. C. lloliani, County Sapsav, visor for the FHA and Mm. Grice McNeill, County. Office C erk, nave re tunica Jrcm a meeting r. FHV employees held: in Raleigi, last week. They state that. Cong ress has now made availably ruuney to farmers operating, f amv-tyne farms' to m?k permanent, Jmpro-, vcJiei.t-.,, their fatms- ri '! This type oi servic through the production loan program, and the farmer Is given up to five years to repay. Holland la of the opinion that this service will be ol valut to the county and he suggests that those interested, ahotld contact bun immediately.-: . - .1- nil' ' . ; tetter t amp I y-a m r-1 " - , . . , -Urn I W . j Time and motkra studios art not tool of, Industry alone. In Norh Carolina noarl 900 farms have come;ppevlni greunds where boys end glrla emvUad In the 194 N tona) 4V4I Better Mthods Electric awards program are finding easier and heUw jwayt, of doing a job. Bverytbansr.iroin, unloading grain j, io wasning nrenea is anaiyzea xo save time and energy. The family DupHn County. and community alike benefit from more efficient prasticea developed through this activity. And on farms where electricity is not available,, better methods of doing everyday chores are worked out and practiced. ate College Answers Timely Farm Questions i Q. Pleas give information on Christmas trees as a cash crop in Hew, Fast Czsccit Recipe Wins Home Maker's Approval NOTION O' ELiXTiO I TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of is request by the Bourd of Comrris sioners of Duplin County and pe- -titionA to th Ftnnril nf F.lnolmna nf IjDuplin County, agprescribed by Section 18-61, General Statutes of Tortn uaroiina, uuiy executed by Av D. Wood and sixteen hundred 4 khu iivd ui'ier persons requesting, and demanding that a Special El- VnU the Board of Elections having ilaterminati thaf tR iiil - V. U.t . k, AV4UVO important cash crop in the Sand hills of N. C. LAVTOD BAKER AT Warsaw Furnlture.Co. WAR8AW, N. c7 Or. H. W. Colwell V OPTllMRTRIHT Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Next Door To Cavenaugh Chevrolet Company Permanent Office In WALLACE. N. C. QUU1HVH0IESALE CO. r'i OF WARSAW: IN DUPLIN Distributors Of POLAR BEAR FLOUR , GROCERIES, FEEDS, SEEDS Is ' MILFORD QUINN, Mgr. M. F. ALLEN JR. General Insurance . Kenansville, II. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency N. C CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC. Foot of Waynesborough Avenue Former Weil's Brickyard - GOLDSBORO. NTC. PHONE 1532 OR 2330 COLLECT . IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY WE WILL PICK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND HOGS FREE OF CHARGE ft Warsaw Fish Market : CBEATOB8 AND JAAINTAINERS! OP LOWER FBICES ON QUALITY SEA POODS ' (Next Door to A&P) Both Wholeaalo and BUU Know Your Fish or Know Your Fishman . WILLIS BARTLETT ' nUQB Phono MO-I . WE OBXSSINQ WARSAW. N. C DELIVER THE DUPLIN TIMES : PublUhed each Friday in Kenansville, N. C, County Seat of ' ' vv ,?, DUPLIN COUNTY ;; ?:iv-' ..a, ;. ! Editorial business and printing plant. Kenansville, N. C. - s ' J. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR OWNEE , 1,';J Entered at the Post Office, Kenansville, N. C. as aecond class matter; I" , '.t H . TELP BONES . . - '.V.v;,,i.'' KeuuurUle, 255-6 ; Warsaw, 49-8 J I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 per year In Duplin County; ! 3.50' per. year outside Duplin County, in North Carolina; $4.00 per year outside the State of North Carolina. - Advertisinf rates famished on request. i Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, 'educational. sconomlc and agricultural Interests of Duplin County.; - 1 Virii CaroliM WARSAW : AP k AM LODGE Nn. tlf AT 1:10. ALL MAMtKR -MASON a RE INVITED TO ATTNEn. MEETS EVRRY 815COND AND POUFT TVR0Ym WT ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS , Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Hattie Guy, decea sed, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beula- vllle, N. C. on or before the 19th day of June, 1950, or this notice will be. pleaded in bar of their i covery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 15th day of June, 1949. Winfred Guy Admlnlstra tor of Hattie Guy, Grady Mercer, Attorney at Law. t-22-6t GM t NOTICE OF EXECUTOR,! The undersigned, having quali fied as Executor of the estate o! Cyrus Dobson deceased, late- of Duplin County, this It to notify' all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned oft or before the 10th day of June, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of helr re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment to the undersigned, . This the JOtti day of June, 1949. L. L. Dob son, Executor. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C 7-22-6L HEP NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day Qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Lenard Branch, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said .estate to present them to the undersigned Administratrix on or before the 16th day of June, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate, will please make immediate payment. This the lflth day of June, 1949. s Lillie Branch. Administratrix of Lenard Branch estate. Warsaw, N. C. Ro ite 2. 7-Z9-8t. VBG Special to the Duplin TUpe. Fri day, JUly 1, 1949 "Need Wscuit a hurry? Who doesn't, from time time!" That's the comment of in, Kathleen Snyder of Waraiw. who was chosen recently a a rep- - i rtatntatlve Carolina housewife to tost Robin Hood Self-Rising Flour for International Milling Company, Atlauta, Ga. 'Well, here's a new recipe tha. I ve tried that anawera the problem of a fast batch of golden brown uiscuhs (or any fam.ly " continues Mrs. Ingram "and I am happy to recommend it to my friends and neighbosp who really want a short-1 Lilt to easier, urer blscult-maklng." , Mrs. Snyder's report oe aa, fol lows: "To begin with, I was highly Im pressed when the young men who called on me explained that the new and improved Robin Hood Seif-Rlking Flour has the baking powder ingredients already added bt-forc the (lour leave the null. In addition, the correct amount ni salt for seasoning is added - all icientiilcally measured and mixed to insure uniformly good results. Eric Long ReEnlisIs Eric Long, of Kenansville. was accepted for reenliatment in t'.ie Regular Army , for three year period on June 27. 1949 at the U. S. Arn y and Air Force Recruiting Station, Goldeboro. Long, who was accepted in tha grade of sergeant due to hia previous experience and he elected the Medical Department as hia basic arm of service. A. Red cedar is suitable for plan ting In your section and seedling: of this species may be ohtained ( reasonable prices from Sta nur series. Arrange to plant seedlings during January or February. Pre pare the area to be planted just a-, 'if you. were getting ready to plan: an annual. crop. Plant trees in rows seven 2r4.t wid.i at six-foot intervals withiKthe row. With this spacing, 1,000 trees win plant an acre. The seedlings should be cultiva ted, and this can be dune by phn tlng a row of soybeans between the rows' and then fertilizing iht soybeanv Do NOT fertilize Uic :rcea. Cultivation may be diFcon in- ued ffter fk second or third grow ing aejNtet,:' Card Of Thanks The family of Street Kornegay acknowledge with deep gratitude your kind expression of sympathy. ROBIN HOOD QUICK SOUTHERN BISCUITS 2 cups Robin Hood Self-Rising Flour V cu milk VI cup shertenlng PLACE - flour In mixing bowl cut in 'hortonlnj until the con llstency of meal DD - miik and stir with a rk until milk is absorbed rUAN - onto a lightly flourc, toard, knead lightly for about 20 seconds l:OLL - to about Vi inch in ihlck-ess tnd cut with lightly floored biscuit cutter PLACE - on ungi eased biking iheet and bake in very hot wen (450 F.) for about 12 mln-ites YILLD - 1 dozen average .ilzed biscuits Note: If very crusty biscuits are desired, roll dough quite thini AVAILABLE FOODS July, choppers will find a wide selection of plentiful foods on the markets, for July. Poultry; producers are culling and sending many heavy birds tomarkut In addition to broilers and f ryerj. Commercial' ; t lahlng . la "sually MRS. DANIEL CRAWFORD WISE of Raleigh, who before her marriage on June 1), w" Miss Rose Marie Rackley. dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. ttacHey of Falson. Mr. Wise li the son of the late Mr. and Mrs Daniel Wise of Goldsboro. heavy in July with plentiful sup plies of either trottn or fresh rssh. Beans, peaa, corn and eggs) are also reported plentiful aa well au Irish potatoea. c OOO0OOQQOOQC WHEN YOU NISD SE2VICE3 OF AN AUCT(0!!EER CA1L . . ... y ! j eiuic EXECUTOR'S NOTK; Having thU day qualified a cutor of. the estate, of Herberti nrancn, deceased, uuo of. Dupliw County, North Carolina; thin i to notuy ail person having claims against said estate to preoauy ttWisa to the undersignedt. dui varifiad. on or before one year from tint publication date of this notice or uus notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed 40 sua estate will please nuJn immeaiaie settlement. : This the 9th day ot June. 1949. Amos Branch. Executor - Herbert Branch estate, t a, Jr-ink .Hill N. G . o. coney Attorney 7-22-49-6L NBB h NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX ' TkcunderslanmL. hino ,..h f id as Executrix of the eetato of John J. Howard, deceaseds lata, of Duplin County,.thla is to notify an persona having claims against aaid estate to present thqm to, tbo ondtr eujnea on or beabro the 10th. day - or mia noxice wtl be pleaded la bar of. thontweiry: All persons Indebted to aaid estate men to tho underaignedt 4 inis uie lum aay tf Juns, 1349. Besiie O. lTowanli ?r,,iri.' H. E. PhlUipg, Attorney ' ' ' enahsviUn, N. C. - SASa.DCOZ3 SHEET koct- toca LATU, B0C3 T7CCULASTE3. uaiE, cr:rr, dsick, SHmGI&S, ALL KINDS a? xcll coh:;g -v i . , "If I had any doubts,' they were dispelled when I saw my Robin Hoed Self-Rising Flour " bircrltt rise beautifully and oui"Hy, using their own ingredients without my having to mix and sift a single bit of baking powder. "But remember for best results these biscuits should be baked. "Robin Hood Self Rising Flour certa.nly aves a lot of timr. and not having to use baking powder, I'll bet saves a lot of money, too, in the long run. I'd like for all my friends to discover this fine now baking development!" . (adv 0 0 wlro Myers Barrel Spray Pump Dobbins Horse-Drawn Duster Arsenate Of Lead Cryolite Paris Green Seven Springs Supply Co. SEVEN SPRINGS, N. C. - r . wm 1 t I 7 Carefully looking fat both directions be fore you do it putour tar close to a railroad rail sometime. Ofton, many minute beft)e you can otberwiae tea or hear it, tha rails will whisper to you of, agpproaching rain. "Business, plenty business, business by the tonl" Tb the imaginative, that is the story of the wluspertagi -rails, tolling of goods goifig to market,', money in the pocket of the folks who make them. Carloading statistic for southeastern, country is taking its piece to the countr industrial sun. Tide Water is proud that many of th industries whose payrolls are now swelling,; the pockets of folks in this pert of the coun try have been attracted h part because of the service rendered by Tide Water. Aad the fact that Tide Water always tries tp give the best possible service at the lowest possible cost Tide Water rates, if you car to investigate, are as low or lower than the forth Carolina showr how this part of the average for the entire Atlantic seaboard I ; w.,iil -: 7 I - ... . ... - tf , f, i TIDE WA?It1fE R p o w e r ; C O M PA NY 4 la i i i 8 ' rt. r v

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